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12/7/16. THIS is the day that I too felt the wrath of 2016 when my own beloved mother died on this date. I was looking at EVERYTHING that was happening, was looking at where i was at that time and said to myself, “I cant think and act frivolously right now, i gotta seize this opportunity that’s happening right now and get things in order” followed by, “Please Lord just let me and Mom get through this year!  I’m working on it and getting close. I’m on the road now and i am going to do right by both of us. But i guess God said, “She’s suffered enough honey its time for her to be at peace and come home”. And i unselfishly let her go home.  It was her 3rd major---- and what turned out to be final--- stroke.  I’m 2 1/2 weeks in and without the help and support of my family and friends and beforehand discussion of her medical team that prepared me of her lifelong condition with heart disease and diabetes, i probably would be in an insane asylum instead of typing this out.
This damn year is FOUR  days from getting the fuck out of here and IT COULDN'T HELP ITSELF and went on and took these two with it as well. This is some bullshit. Now i don’t care anymore. I’m like “Come on and bring out some more fuck-shit so we can get to 2017 already!”  I have more to say, but my thoughts are getting jumbled up, so i just leave with this: Along with my Mother, I hope Carrie and George are finally at peace and know that their talents and crusades, as well as their actions , be it good or bad, were seen and appreciated and i hope their finally at peace.
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You know, I’ve been afraid of THIS since 2010. Before Yela met Fefe, he’s was about to be at this point in his life in this video. He was drinking a lot onstage and at first when i first got into him, i thought it was just apart of the show. He really didn't go this hard with the alcohol, i thought to myself.  Then he fully admitted three years ago he was one. And as the daughter and the niece of substance abusers, i should have known better.
At first people had to get use to the fact that he was spoken for just as people had to get use to the new direction he was taking in his image as well as his music. They called him a sellout. They screamo-ed to “bring the old Catfish Billy back”. If I had a quarter for every comment i came across about how he needs to get back to being the dirt bag from the dirt road, id be living great and wouldn’t have to stress about jack shit.
Back to the ranch. For the next couple of years it seem everything was Gucci! He had triumphantly returned after a near fatal fall promoting Radioactive. He was engaged. He was meeting anf connecting with artist whom he grew up and respected, including the man whose record label he’s signed to.  He met kindred spirits which would eventually make his crew/band. Hes was able to find his footing and his voice with “Love Story” as well as his many singles and releases. Hes was touring RELENTLESSLY. It seems by the time i wiped my ass, he announced another tour. He was a Monster. You couldn't fuck with Yela when it came to the road.
It seemed that he was maturing and growing up. Long gone were the Vans and the jeans that were held up with shoestrings, sk8terboy style. Here came the custom-made cowboy boots, the vintage pieces, the cowboy hats, the chrome, the designer clothing pieces,jewelry, more tattoos. Still struggling with his demons and drinking, but still getting it going. He was working on a new album,had finally pulled the trigger and made Slumerican not only a brand but now a label,  and even was planning to build a business of his own.
He and Fefe broke up. But he kept on trucking, seeing the business through. Seeing his kids run around. Seeing to make Slumerican Records solid and signing on talent. Gearing up on the upcoming album Trial By Fire. Working on a clothing line and upholstery line. Going on tour again. A dalliance here and there with some ladies, even a relationship--or two.  And the piece d’ resistance: he had announced not only did he have a residency at the House of Blues alongside the legendary T-Bone Burnett, but for the first time in YEARS he was coming off the road and taking 2017 off. Monumental. It seems times were a changing and that Catfish was going to take it easy with was he had on his plate already and going on to just stop and take a breath for once in his life and take in life.
As i write this, it is now coming into the final week of November 2016. He has lost one of his best friends, his A1 from Day 1, the beloved and talented Shawtty Fatt, who we were ALL blessed with his message as well as his art, and was fighter of life in his own life. And unfortunately for Yelawolf  he wasn't able to attend his funeral and once again had to keep it trucking. Girlfriend #375 left him. And lastly, the kick in the nuts(that shocked the shit outta me): DJ Klever and Bones Owens, have been kicked out of the crew. If what they say is true as the reason of their departure about not supporting him trying to kick alcohol once and for all, they’re dicks and Catfish had every right to kick them to the curb. 
 But at the same time i feel somethings not right because i just refuse to believe that these men who have been down the road literally and figurately with this man would just all of a sudden be like, “Nah dog, we ain’t here for you trying to get your shit together we want you die young like all the others have.”At the end of the day, its between Yela ,Bones ,and Klever to what really happened and who ever whats to say something, one of them will WHEN they’re good and ready.
Which brings us here to the video that you see at the very top. A man that is going through some shit. Broken. A man that even his own fans who claim to feel him and what he says in his music, when he tries to relay his feelings, they ain’t listening. They just want Catfish Billy to rage out. AND they got their wish. He raged out indeed. So fucking sad. I hear people in the comments in this video and on other social media say the same thing: 
“He’s human”
“He just lost his best friend. People grieve differently”
“Let him live. He just lost his best friend”
“Don’t judge him.”
“Anyone who thinks hes being a asshole, YOUR the asshole! Hes going through some things”
I got a question for all of you who are making these statements: Why did we have to wait until 2016 until his life was falling apart to say these things? WHY did we have to wait until someone that he loved the shit out out, the closest things to a brother to him, now be concerned about this man? WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS SHIT! WHY THE FUCK are we waiting for him to have a tradegy when the tragedies in his past  that still have had SEVERE  effects on him to this day that we’ve ALL have seen!??!!! Has no one been listening to Struggle and heeding ALL the real shit and lessons  HES been saying all this time ever since he was released??!!!!
See, i feel that when these things are said its a excuse for him to be a goddamn maniac and not get to the matter at hand , which is hes needs to STOP right the fuck now and fuck that tour, fuck the album, fuck all the other stuff, and go home, work on getting sober, and just be in the solace of his offspring and  people around him that  TRULY care for him. Easier said than done i know, but i gives zero fucks:  Let him take a hit paycheck wise! Let him get hurt in the pocketbook a bit. let him get shit from his manager or whatever, hell let Rosenberg and Shady get hot in the neck if it comes to that!  If it means him still being ALIVE  for the people that LOVE him im all for it! I was PISSED when i saw this video! HE NEEDS HELP not pacified speeches and words!
It might not sound like it in this post, but I LOVE Yelawolf! I love him as artist, the raw and real muman being that he is, and as a fellow Alabamian. Even though we were reared diffrently,  when i hear Yelawolf, i hear home. I feel everything hes says. Ive been riding with his music for almost 7 years now and his music came at a dark time in my life, much like the darkness that surrounds him. I worried that his darkness would soon capture him once and for all to the point he wouldnt escape and im witnessing this in this video and it scares me. I just want everyone, fan or foe, to take this seriosly and not preach to the choir! And if they or anyone they love is going through this, stay strong and kee going and also give Yelawolf that strength as well , if you really are a fan, like he says.
Yelawolf, M.W.A,. (Michael Wayne Atha) : FOCUS ON YOU, BRO! GET WELL! KEEP STAYING SOBER! GET HEALTHY AND FUCK EVERYTHING ELSE THAT DOESN'T MATTER----and that means anything and everything! If it means you never touring again or making music and you living for you and yours, i will be at peace with that.
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what i want when i look up depression: those jokey posts that are actually a thinly veiled cry for help that are highkey relatable and an easy way for me to show im currently upset without being too obvious/worrying
what i get: black and white movie gifs with quotes taken way out of context and people making depression seem like some beautiful profound thing like nah fam i haven’t showered in 4 days and i want to die
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by  traceyc1968
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How To Know If You Are An Energy Vampire
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Energy vampires are people who lower the vibration of others.  In other words, they’re an emotional drain, a buzz kill, and are usually avoided if possible.  What if you’re one and you don’t even know it?  That would suck.  So let’s run down the checklist and see where you land.  You might be an energy vampire if… You state your opinion like it’s fact An energy vampire can have very strong opinions.  They’re usually pretty proud of their opinions and treat them like facts.  Have you ever said something like this to someone, “Those shoes are so ugly. I can’t believe you’d even consider wearing them outside.  I can’t go out with you if you’re going to wear those.  Look, I’m just trying to protect you from embarrassment.”  How do you think the person to whom you were speaking felt about that statement?  Did you justify it by saying, “Hey it’s only my opinion but seriously, those shoes are fugly dude.”  You’re squashing someone’s energy when you state negative opinions as if they are facts. If you don’t like their shoes, or something else about them, keep it to yourself, gently suggest an alternative in a way that empowers them (“Hey I think you’d look smokin’ hot in those black pumps.”), or keep your opinion to yourself.  An opinion that does not empower someone is an energetic attack on that person. You complain endlessly about your problems When you manage to get someone on the phone to talk to you, or someone to dine with, what comes out of your mouth?  Do you share the good news and positive things going on in your life or do you drive right over to complaint city and pick up a six pack of grievances to share with your friend?  “Oh my god, my boss is a total schmuck. He asked me to stay late one day this week to finish something that I was supposed to have done earlier.  I mean, I’m a human being, I can’t do everything.  What does he expect?  And when I asked for a raise, do you know what he said?  He said I hadn’t earned it yet.  That’s ridiculous.  So what if I don’t stay late and finish my work, right?  They’re not paying me overtime so why should I do anything for them?”  And so on.  If your friend is nodding politely while desperately ordering a third martini, you might be an energy vampire.
Think back over your interactions with others and see if you use others as a complaint department.  If so, try to see the bright side of your life and only share that which is empowering to you.  It can turn your life around and save your friend from a life of alcoholism. You throw pity parties every day of the week Also known as “poor me” syndrome is the pity party.  Ever hear something like this coming out of your mouth?  “I broke the heel on my shoe crossing the street.  No one even stopped to help me.  I would ask my boss for a raise but I’m sure he’d just tell me no.  I can’t get my dates to call me back, and I don’t understand it.  I mean, I’m reasonably attractive and I don’t smell, so how come guys never call me after a date?  There’s no way I’m going  to have enough money in my retirement fund to get through the end of my life.  I’ll probably have to just kill myself in 10 years so I don’t go broke.”  Cue the violins, get the tissues, and let’s all say it together, “How sad for you.  This is terrible. I don’t know how you go on.” When you play the victim you’re asking other people to use their energy to uplift and hold you in a higher vibration.  How long do you think they can do that before they’re drained too?  How long do you think your friends will be willing to do that when you drain them so badly?  You can ask your friends for help, but you must accept their help.  If you don’t, you’re just out for a quick fix, and your life is still going to suck the next day. You wield guilt like a weapon of mass destruction A Jewish man calls his mother in Florida.  “Hi Mom, how are you?”  “Not too good,” says the mother.  “I’ve been very weak.”  The son says, “Why are you so weak?”  She replies, “Because I haven’t eaten in 38 days.”  “Mama,” the man says, “that’s terrible.  Why haven’t you eaten in 38 days?”  The mother answered, “Because I didn’t want my mouth to be filled with food if you should call.”
And that my friends is how you wield guilt like a weapon of mass destruction.  If you seek to lower someone to the vibration of shame or guilt, on purpose, you are engaging in energy vampirism.  If you need someone to feel guilty so that you can feel good or justified then you are using emotional manipulation to take energy from others.  If you want to make a point there are other ways.  Example, “Son, I love hearing about all the great things going on in your life, and I’d love it if we could talk on the phone at least once a week so I don’t miss anything.  What do you say?” You spread fear around like it’s going out of style Like a good conspiracy theory?  Is the government out to get us?  Is the economy going to hell in a hand basket?  Do you start your conversations like this, “Did you hear about how the dollar is failing and we’re all going to be standing in bread lines soon?  What do you think?  Should we start stockpiling gold?”  Do you carry fear around with you like a bag of treats, ready to share with anyone and everyone willing to listen?  “Carrie, did you hear that the company is downsizing and laying people off right and left?  Do you think we’re going to get fired?  I don’t know about you but if that happens I’m really screwed.  I don’t know what I would do.  I’m totally freaking out about it.  Should I just quit and try to find another job now or…” Don’t spread fear like it’s fact. Don’t give your power to things outside your control.  And definitely don’t bring others down with your fear.  It forces your friend to try to calm you down, and that wastes vital energy.  If you need others to hold your hand, mollify you, reassure you constantly that everything’s going to be okay, you’re drawing upon their strength to do it.  Find your inner strength.  You can prepare for the worst while still planning for the best.  If something hasn’t even happened yet, why give it any of your energy?  React to things as they happen instead.  And don’t use your friends as shields. You’re stubborn to the point of ridiculosity I had this friend in college who was the most stubborn, opinionated person I knew.  One Friday I was at the student store and saw that the schedule for next semester had already come out even though it was supposed to come out the following Monday.  Excited, I called my friend when I got home.  Here is how our conversation went. Me:  “Mark, the new schedule of classes is out.” Mark: “That’s impossible.  It doesn’t come out until Monday.” Me:  “No, yeah, I know that’s what they said, but I was just at the student store and it’s out.” Mark:  “No, that’s impossible.  You probably have last semester’s schedule.” Me: “Uh, no, this is definitely for the upcoming semester.” Mark:  “It probably just looks that way and was a big printing error.  You don’t have the new schedule.  It comes out on Monday.” Me:  “Look man, I’m holding next semester’s schedule in my hands right now.  I’m looking at it with my own eyes.  I’m picking classes right now with my own brain.” Mark:  “No you’re not.  You can’t be.  The schedule doesn’t come out until Monday.  You’re wrong.” Me:  “Uh, okay, whatever dude.  You go wait until Monday.  I’m going to start registering for classes.” Mark:  “Fine, you do that, but you’re picking old classes from last semester.” Me:  “Uh, yeah, sure.  Look, I’ll uh, talk to you next week.  How about that?” Seriously, that was a real conversation I had with a friend, who by the way is someone I now speak to about once every two years.  It’s just too frustrating to talk to him.  He’s a total drain on my energy.  Do you insist you’re right even when you know you’re wrong?  Do you refuse to bend in any direction other than your own?  Are you closed to hearing the valid opinions of others because you don’t want them to have power over you or you can’t stand to be wrong?  When you do this, you block the flow of energy between you and your friends.  Instead of a creative exchange you put up roadblocks.  This will kill any chance of energetic flow and will be a real drain on your friendship.  Stop it.  Be comfortable being wrong sometimes.  Happens to the best of us. You never get invited to parties, lunch, or other social occasions Lastly, you might be an energy vampire if you never get invited to spend time with others.  Clue in.  If people don’t want to be around you, there’s a reason.  You drain them, and people can only take so much before they cut you loose.
*Note* It’s okay to slip into these habits sometimes, but if they’re your constant way of doing business with your friends, relatives, and co-workers pretty soon you’re going to be all alone with no one to complain to.  Friends are a great resource.  Friends can lift you up when real tragedy strikes.  Friends can raise your self esteem and help you find creative solutions to your problems.  But if all you do is squash their energy or take their energy without giving any back, eventually they’re going to be so depleted they’ll have to dwell elsewhere.  Don’t be an energy vampire, be a battery instead.  Charge people up, ignite them to action, support them when the chips are down, encourage them to reach their potential.  If you are supportive, caring, and encouraging you’ll have friends. Who wouldn’t want that around?
By: Erin Pavlina
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The moment you start acting like life is a blessing.. —via (ThinkPozitive.com) http://ift.tt/2fHRa7i
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all boobs are good boobs
all stomachs are good stomachs
all thighs are good thighs 
all bodies are good bodies
yes yours, too, and don’t you forget it
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