attitudinalpsyche · 3 years
Introduction to APTI- Function Hierarchy
Attitudinal Psyche is a personality system that seeks to explain the fundamental attitudes of each of the types. Each of the 24 types has four distinct attitudes. It is similar to the system of myers briggs in that there is a hierarchy to each of these functions. Each function is notated by the number of its position in the hierarchy and the letter that stands for it- i.e. 1L, 2E, 3V, 4F. The first function is in the Confident position. The first function is your dominant function, your dominant subconscious attitude that governs your behavior and the way you see the world. The second function impacts your behavior quite a bit as well, but a function in the Flexible position is just that- flexible. It’s not as frequently utilized as the dominant function, but still greatly affects how you see the world. The attitude in the third position is the Insecure function. This is a function that you struggle to use, but are still conscious enough to feel insecure about using. You may subconsciously overdo it, or avoid it entirely. Finally, the fourth function is in the Unbothered position. This function is so weak that you don’t even notice it or pay attention to it. You’re simply unconcerned about it and it doesn’t really impact your day to day life.
The four functions that make up every APTI type are Logic, Volition, Physics and Emotion. These four functions also make up sixteen attitudes- 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V, 1E, 2E, 3E, 4E, 1F, 2F, 3F, and 4F. The different combinations of these attidues make up 24 different types.
Those with a strong attitude of Logic are analytical and rational. They tend to be very academic and precise, enjoying discussions of the theoretical. They are very logical and value reason, especially those with Logic in the Confident position. They become frustrated with those who do not adhere to reason.
Those with a strong attitude of Volition have strong willpower and know what they want out of life. They are driven and determined to achieve their goals, and are very efficient. They are confident in their ability to make decisions and will not question themselves, especially if Volition is in the Confident position. They become frustrated with inefficiency and those who do not see the logic behind their decisions.
Those with Physics in the Confident or Flexible position are very focused on their own health and their physical environment. They put a lot of effort into their aesthetic and prefer to experience the raw experiences their environment has to offer. They are interested in material objects and put a lot of effort into having their environment aesthetically appealing.
Those with Emotion in the Confident or Flexible position are fixated on their feelings and the feelings of others. They are not ashamed of their emotions and won’t apologize for them. They accept others for who they are and don’t expect others to apologize for what they feel either. They have a strong sense of culture and empathy for other people. They enjoy being social and types with lower Logic can become annoyed at others trying to apply reason to human emotions.
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