audaciouslex · 10 years
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audaciouslex · 10 years
Sunday Funday/Maturity wake up call
Aug 3rd. 3pm. Phillips Arena. New York Liberty vs ATL Dream. 
The game was AMAZING. 
For starters, I HATE the Dream! We beat that flopping team in their own house! My best friend & I were acting like arrogant fools all damn game by taunting the Dream fans/players. 
That right there is "my" scene. Simply enjoying a rowdy atmosphere such as that. 
The best part about Sunday happened after the game had ended. 
As I sat in the "Liberty section" freezing my ass off and trying so hard to hold my bladder, finally, out walked Cappie Pondexter. 
The player that I had idolized since middle school. The player that made me love the league. The player that I even created a fan page for years back----- actually knows "me." 
As we embraced and caught up, I thought to myself how lucky I was to be surrounded by players that thousands of fans would die to meet.
For the longest, I was always this annoying little kid that i'm sure she forced herself to give a hug to after games. But now, she actually looks at me as simply "Lex." 
I've grown up. I have realized the difference between looking up to vs idolizing & obsessing.
The best part about growing up is when others notice your maturity as well. Cap didn't seem to look at me like she used to.
The best part was I got to learn something about myself also. I hadn't actually physically seen her in over 3 years. 3 years ago I would have remembered every single thing she said to me Sunday. And right now I can't remember anything but her telling me to "stay out of trouble" as she playful pushed me. (And I only remember that because she hit my hat, which is one of my biggest pet peeves lol.) 
What's my point of writing this blog? 
Mainly just to show off that my mentor is famous lol. No but seriously, you never truly know how far you've actually grown as a person until you have it pointed out to you. 
I'm blessed to have amazing mentors in my life. Although i'm not a crazed fan anymore, Cappie Pondexter will always be my "big homie." 
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audaciouslex · 10 years
Nicki Minaj is at it again....Sadly
Like many of you, I was ecstatic when I found out about the release of the "Flawless Remix." Beyonce' & Nicki Minaj, two of my favorite artists, on the same track?? What?!?
I rushed to download the track and began blasting it through my Mazda's speakers. 
Bey absolutely killed her verse, and Nicki slayed as well; at least that's what I thought. 
Nicki rapped incredibly fast on this track, which is the reason why I did not catch one of her questionable lines upon first hearing the song. 
"Like MJ's doctor they killing me; Propofol, I know they hope I fall." - Nicki Minaj 
Appalled is definitely a word that comes to mind. 
I can not fathom why Nicki would a) think this is appropriate to say b) not think that she'd offend people c) EVEN THINK OF THIS LINE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! 
Take away who Michael Jackson was for a second........You are still going to have a human being left. This is a persons LIFE. A life that ended ever so drastically. 
Who on earth thinks that it is okay to use someones tragic death as.....a punchline. 
Nicki is seriously comparing Michael Jackson's death to her haters trying to bring her down.......... 
I do not comprehend where this woman's mind is it. 
For all of my readers that actually know me, you know that Michael Jackson holds an extremely special place in my heart. (For those that don't know, I even have a tattoo on my ankle to honor the King of Pop.) 
Hearing one of your favorite artists be so ignorant and emotionless............Is very upsetting. However it's more upsetting that this isn't Nicki's first careless act (in my book.)
Strike 1: "I'm a Republican voting for Mitt Romney; you lazy bitches is fucking up the economy." 
She seriously thought it was acceptable to drop this verse RIGHT before elections. Her argument was 1) She's not even a republican 2) It was just something to say 3) She didn't know her impact in politics 
Strike 2: "Looking Ass Nigga" - Nicki Minaj 
She decided that she should use the notorious picture of Malcolm X looking outside of his window with a gun as white supremacist circle his house. 
& now Strike 3: Disrespecting the most loved man to ever grab a microphone. 
I honestly do not know if I will ever look at Nicki Minaj the same. As of now, I do still like her as an artist, however I certainly do not respect her as the intelligent woman I thought she once was. 
I won't be too hard on her though; after all, she certainly isn't the first artist to say something ignorant. 
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audaciouslex · 10 years
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audaciouslex · 10 years
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audaciouslex · 10 years
Final Weeks of Summer....
It's been years since I've posted a poem for you guys. Sad to say that I can't for the life of me force words to flow beautifully right now. In fact, I haven't been able to do so all summer. This summer I had one goal: 
To finish the book I've been writing since 7th grade. 
But of course life happens. This has been the absolute most uneventful summer of my life. 
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. 
If only all that work entailed me running around CNN headquarters; being Don Lemon's understudy. 
Instead work means spending my days & nights at Taco Bell. Enjoying the company of 10 high school girls that are nothing but drama. Dealing with the world's dumbest customers. Not to mention a nagging manager. 
 My happiness now comes from hiding out in a below freezing freezer just to escape the madness I am subjected to. 
Is this what life has become?
3 more weeks until school starts.....Just 3 more weeks until i'm back to doing what I semi-love. There's nothing better than being an upperclassman & gaining experience in your field. 
So proud to be a #KSU #Owl
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audaciouslex · 10 years
Keep your parents smiling. They spent their days, and nights keeping you from crying.”
(via moeyhashy)
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audaciouslex · 11 years
Say what you mean 
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audaciouslex · 11 years
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audaciouslex · 11 years
a new sex position called 11. two people lying in a bed together. fully clothed and chilling. bonding is more important than sex
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audaciouslex · 11 years
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audaciouslex · 11 years
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audaciouslex · 11 years
I want to go to Ihop so bad!!
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audaciouslex · 12 years
my white wife!
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audaciouslex · 12 years
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audaciouslex · 12 years
I can't eat Papa Johns nor Chick Fil A! Damn!
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audaciouslex · 12 years
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