audleyhxh · 1 year
A new chapter of HxH is out!
Oops it was a joke :’)
happy April fools 🐠
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audleyhxh · 1 year
happy 11 year anniversary of the last time killua appeared in the manga
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audleyhxh · 1 year
Happy New Year!🎊
Happy new year!
And happy lunar new year! 🐇
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audleyhxh · 2 years
Reading the latest hxh chapters got me so excited ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤What if Tsudonke met Safra and wanted an autograph. Set in the future on the black whale but no spoilers because nothing is set that far in stone. Purely fun what if 💙
…So she is a Spider. Short like Feitan, is she Machi? No, not her. Wait those gloves…that means...no way that's her? The Safra? Their bomber? I've gotta get a single board for her.
At the moment, she's standing at the wall, arms crossed, looking a little bored. She hadn't spoken to him and he only heard her voice once when she said something to Nobunaga, Feitan, and Phinks (a remark which made the latter groan).
Is now the right time? Should I lead into asking from talking to her casually?
Tsudonke bucks up the courage. He crosses the four paces to her. Bowing his head, he produces a white signboard in one hand and a thick permanent marker in the other.
“Can I get your autograph? I mean...not a big deal or anything but it would be cool. I want to ask all the Spiders," he says in one breath.
Safra processes the request, staring at him for a long time as if she's counting his freckles. She seems taken off guard by his request but at least not upset by it. She doesn't uncross her arms to receive the board.
“You probably don’t want to waste your limited signboards getting mine. I haven't been a Spider for a very long time. My time with them is ancient history. Besides, you probably know Spiders because of Yorknew, which I was not involved in.”
“But you were there for the East Gorteau heist. You stole from a head honcho Mob boss long before Yorknew and made him forget about it. You stole the Syr Darya. Can I say that again? You stole a river."
“Wallahae, wow," she says, slipping into Gortese and Tsudonke has to fight his facial muscles to keep his expression neutral. "You really know your stuff. You even know about East Gorteau. Many blacklist hunters have never heard of my first heist.”
He clears his throat, dignified in his manners. "Also," he says. "You were also the first refugee to escape by walking through the DMZ~"
“I wasn’t the first,” she says, cutting him off. “My father was. I had to spend a few years in a gulag before I could escape.”
That’s…so cool ❤
Safra uncrosses her arms. "Alright, fork it over. I'll sign."
With sweaty palms, Tsudonke hands her the board and marker.
"What was your name?"
"Tsudonke," he says.
"Just curious, which of the Spiders have you gotten an autograph from yet? Well, maybe don't mention it to them you got mine first."
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audleyhxh · 2 years
Awwwwww this is precious 💖
Chrollo! It’s almost Halloween! What will you wear?
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audleyhxh · 2 years
Been quiet but Ch 40 is in the works
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Never been to Seoul, so even though Zeoul=Seoul in the series, when I was thinking of the neighborhood the PT stay in, I'm picturing San Francisco
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audleyhxh · 2 years
GO WILD Ch 39 Old Draft
This is a draft I had been working on before I got sick last month. Figured maybe some people would be interested to see how a draft can change. I ended up deciding this setting, a Chernobyl-in-HxH would be too dark and too much for what I intended to be one chapter. Ch 39 is now on FF and Ao3
"We're going to Yaprit?"
"The group that is last gets the grunt work," says Franklin about our assignment from Chrollo.
Phinks had showered and it’s a naked sight to witness his hair not coiffed. The texture isn’t straight, but wavy and he likes to heat it straight into his favorite sleek style, judging by the dryer sounds I heard earlier. When I emerge his arms are square up, spine curved, still taming his hair with the tiny comb he keeps in his pocket. Such a simple thing that grips me so much I almost didn’t catch his question. "You heard of it?"
Yaprit, former island compatriot of the USSR in Azia to the East, location of a power plant that exploded before Huan was born. Amari and I weren't allowed to play outside or swim in the sea for my birthday (Ma said she’d know if we had disobeyed her because we’d “come back with webbed feet, three eyes and shark gills.”) Gorvacheb said in hindsight, the explosion was the beginning of the dissolution of the union. When they dissolved, their food aid to us did too.
Nearly twenty years ago, the thirty thousand residents were evacuated and their belongings were left behind because they believed they'd return. Today, no one lives there, except for wildlife. Since radiation levels have dropped, ferries full of tourists from Yorubia and Azia visit daily but when we arrive, the ferries and tourists are gone.
Well, except one tourist.
“Why is Uvo joining?” says Feitan after we land.
“He can’t let us steal all the fun,” says Shal.
The Spiders treat the diversion to still-radioactive Yaprit with the mundanity of visiting the dry cleaners. I don't easily forget their reluctant faces (inconvenienced in Feitan’s case) when Phinks decided we were staying in Heaven's City.
In this solid silence that I was once so used to, I hear over and over like buzzing tinnitus the zero yield _BOOM _from dinner with paba. His face obscured in smoke may be the last I ever see of him.
The Spiders were swaddled in the darkness and strangeness of Meteor City and even they are quick to switch on their lamps and remark on the bumpy ground. Were it not for the pinpricks of starlight and waning moon, moving in this darkness would be like swimming in squid ink.
“The fun couldn’t wait ‘til morning?” I say. We could actually explore with sunlight."
Phinks lights a cigarette, its bud a firefly. "Pft, sure, stick around, go for a swim and grow some shark gills." Phinks is a gem of irony but that's not why I laugh. His flustered voice is cut off by Shalnark's remark that radiation _doesn't _in fact make you mutate gills. "Whatever." He had been about to ask me what was so funny, but he doesn't try again.
"If we had arrived on time, it would still be daylight," says Franklin, aimed in my direction. "Danchou says there's an engraved poem inside the hospital. All we need is a copy. We get it and go."
In the windless air, the feather tight in my ponytail almost slides free as if plucked by fingers.
I check behind me, but there’s no one there, but I catch something else.
A whiff of air that tastes metallic, as if my throat, tongue, roof of my mouth and nose were shellacked in liquid metal.
“Any of you taste metal?”
They bob their heads, nostrils flaring in air.
“I know what metal tastes like,” says Franklin, ‘no’ in many words, his gun barrel fingers clink as a grim reminder.
In the limited light Shalnark’s arm fiddles with his phone. His dosimeter clicks…clicks…clicks. Shal shakes his head at me, like an amiable golden retriever. According to those sparse clicks, we’re not in a radiation hotspot. “We were exposed to more radiation flying here than where we’re standing!”
In the piazza, the grass that pokes through the broken flagstone is tall enough to brush Feitan’s thighs.
“Feels like we’re the last humans on Earth!” laughs Shalnark. “Time hasn’t ticked here since year 74. Saf, is EG like this?”
I’ll admit the utilitarian square apartment blocks, all uniform and indistinguishable from each other, painted in the same eggshell blue as my hometown awakens a wave of homesickness.
A breeze again along my nape but clammy as if blown through licked lips. A tug at the feather stem in my hair. I spin around, my knuckles ready to bloody a Spider’s nose—darkness there and nothing more. I shine my flashlight at trees, their leaves red but not from autumn.
“It’s not going to run away from you.” Feitan’s teasing voice on my shoulder.
“You felt that, right?”
He checks the silhouette of the trees, he looms and ghost shifts in the darkness. When he realizes by ‘that’ I also meant something that could be metaphysical and transparent, “Felt nothing. You really did taste metal.”
"They said a lot of people died here. That they didn't evacuate fast enough. Those who were transferred to hospitals on the continent were buried in steel coffins between six feet of concrete. But those who died here were left behind like dirty dishes." I shiver. "And those who died _years _later from thyroid cancer or blood cancer, a large number of which were children, weren't included in the official figures. They were forgotten and maybe it would bring them some peace if—"
"Dead don't care. Dead can't hear you."
"But they can haunt.” Even as a ghost-agnostic, I want to disagree even though despite the gloomy ghost eyes, I can’t say I’ve seen a ghost.
"Superstitious Gortese." He slinks ahead near Shalnark and Franklin.
"Pft, don't mind him," says Phinks. "He's not a _mourning _person."
My laugh sounds more like a sigh of relief and for a second I forget we're wandering in a radioactive graveyard. I want to ask what he senses here, but I don’t get the chance.
"Newbie!” Uvogin whoops so loud even from a distance I almost lose my footing. “You're late!"
Uvogin greets me in the most enthusiastic way he knows: he tries to slam his fist atop my head. A test or he meant to pound me flat, flay me then wear my skin like his pelts or both? I catch his wrist and we pose statue-still, imprisoned by our perfectly eclipsed Nen. Me a few weeks ago would have died for the look on his face. Franklin and Shalnark chide him for disobeying the rules and picking fights.
“Who’s picking fights?” says Uvo, his teeth wolfish in his grinning mouth. He kicks the crushed beer cans, like stones, at his bear paw boots. “Imagine if it had been me, but at least these guys kept you busy, newbie.”
I roll my mended shoulder, the injury still echoing in the socket. I would have been like Uvo’s beer cans had Phinks not massaged it yesterday. My neck heats when he speaks.
“If you had been the one to train her,” says Phinks. “You would have kept yourself busy.”
Uvo says it would have been a mutual exchange, but he doesn’t pretend to be innocent. “The bomb wants to become stronger and I want to become stronger than a bomb.”
The hospital is fenced with barbed wire and though I can’t read the language on the sign, large red letters, biohazard emblems, and exclamation points are universal for Stay the hell away.
“Even the tourists still can’t visit,” says Franklin.
Uvo rips the barbed wire like tissue paper. 
Through the threshold of the broken doors, Shalnark’s dosimeter sings. Uvo’s grizzled hair scraps the ceiling and dusts my hair and uwagi in contaminated paint chips. 
Uvo, hands on his hips, inhales, a vacuum suction in his throat. Phinks rips the flashlight from my grasp. What the hell was that for I’m about to bite his head off when he shields my ears with my hands before he cups his own—
“OOOOOOOOOOOOOI!” Uvo maims the corridor but it’s like the voice of God tearing through the building. The walls tremble, the whole Earth it seems, blanketing me with more dust. “Come out NOW, Nen Beasts! Come out before I find you!”
My bones turn to water. I don’t recall when I landed on the tile, curled up in the fetal position, but I come to when I hear Shalnark among the high ringing in my eardrums. 
“Danchou only said this hospital and the inscription had to do with the lore of Nen Beasts,” says Shalnark, his voice distant and muffled. “That once upon a time, mythological creatures roamed here.”
I wobble to my feet but my inner ear thinks down is up and I’d rather not lean on a contaminated wall until the world stops spinning. Even my tooth fillings had loosened. 
“What kind of mythological creatures?” asks Franklin.
“Nen Beasts, Nen Beasts!” I can’t tell if Uvo is answering or chanting. 
Shal shrugs. “Even if they were here, they’re long gone.”
“She dead?” asks Feitan and my head is filled with the awareness that I can recognize that it’s Phinks supporting me by the arm by knowing the familiar width and pressure of his hand.
“Yes,” I say and Fei snorts.
My flashlight finds its way back into my grasp and I thank Phinks, avoiding his eyes.
Broken glass and tile crunch under our feet.   
“Danchou say where the poem is located?” says Phinks.
“He didn’t.” Shalnark switches from his dosimeter to a map on his phone. “Now if I were a poem about mythological creatures where would I be?”
“Cafeteria looks big, maybe on the walls there?” says Franklin.
“The lobby?” says Phinks. 
“We're in the lobby and I don’t see anything” says Feitan.
“Nah, nah, maybe in the research halls? Like if they have a library?”
When Huan was in the hospital, there were dolphins, manatees, and a big orca painted on the walls, a submarine view as if we were spectators in a vessel under the sea. “The children’s ward. There, on the third floor,” I say with breathless certainty that makes them all peer at me.
In the stairway to the third floor, there’s a rusty smear on the wall in Cyrillic I can’t read.
“No dosimeter…no radiation.” Phinks reads aloud.
“You can read that?” I ask.
“You can read?” says Feitan. I throw a Feitan a look.
“One of mam’s languages, forgotten most of it though,” says Phinks. Feitan asks what he means and Phinks says, “Don’t worry about it.”
Shalnark’s dosimeter sings when we enter Pediatrics. His brows knit in the glow of his phone. “We should hurry,” he says.
I remove a glove to touch a wall and the others stare daggers at me like I’m pointing a gun. “That’s right, most of you have really seen this ability yet.”
This is my idea and still I think twice between posing my fingertips and palm near the paint-chipped wall. With Emission, my Nen licks the wall.
Tastes like twenty years, walls with ears that wish they could forget what they heard and mouths spilling for words. Once upon a time this same wall was licking clean. 
How could I not understand? Isn’t my own home country a land of 
“It’s this way,” I say. 
No submarine view, but remnants of the woodlands with rabbits, deer, raccoons and birds painted on the walls.
A rare cynical laugh from Shalnark, “Heh, a radiation machine. I appreciate the irony.” He switches off his dosimeter and its soprano screeches.
The plaque on the wall, pristine, ivory against the peeling umber wall, everything about it doesn’t seem like it’s been hung for twenty days, let alone twenty or more years. 
“Get your photo already,” says Franklin.
Shalnark’s phone flashes at the plaque. He tries again and again. 
���Is it the radiation?” asks Feitan.
I try mine. With my photo quality, I can count the life like hairs on Shalnark’s head, but no matter what setting I use, the plaque is overexposed, the Cyrillic text impossible to capture. 
“For the curious, here lies many daughters and sons,
Forgotten, but not gone.
Upon their eyes, may you be fair,
Lest your eyes never may lay,
On this creature of cockrell, rodent, and hare.” Phinks reads aloud and translates the entire thing, but I’m stuck on the first two lines.
Wallahae, this is a tombstone. 
Forgotten, but not gone. 
That’s why it’s so new. The beasts put it here. I shine my flashlight in the darkness. They are here.
“Heck kind of poem is that?” asks Feitan.
“It’s less clumsy in the original,” says Phinks.
They are here. Let us be as respectful as we can while we’re here. "Can we record Phinks reading it?" I shine my flashlight among the debris. “Or let me find some paper or something—”
I leap out of Uvogin’s bulldozing path. He grabs the plaque by its edges and heaves. At first the hanging nails barely budge, to the surprise of everyone, but the challenge thrills Uvogin.
“Stop Uvo! We can’t just take it!” My words are fodder for his spark and he won’t be humbled by me twice in one day.
“Try and stop me!” With one bearpaw boot against the wall, his arms striate with all his might. The walls whine. The structure quavers and I fear the whole hospital will crumble before the wall relents.
With a sharp crack like the break of bones, the plaque wrenches free. Uvo is beside me, thrusting his prize into the air, but my mind is as black as the corners of the ward. 
…movement in the endless murk. Then it hits us like hot waves: Nen that digs into the Earth’s crust and rises higher and higher as if to touch the stars that guided us here. The Spiders feel it and it’s been a long time since they’ve been humbled by such a leviathan of Nen power. 
This immensity I’ve felt before, but I’m no less ready for it than they are. In Turkei, the nebulous Nen was a warm hug, here it screams in condemnation, a relentless freight train and I could go mad from the guilt. Every ill thought, every wrong thing I’ve ever done in my life has led me to this point where I couldn’t stop their tombstone from being vandalized. 
Uvo will get his wish, I don’t say aloud, as the shadows move. My warning to the Spiders is in my throat when my feet lose the floor and flung like a rag doll, my side hits the wall.
I know I’m flung like a ragdoll only when I feel the pain of my back hitting the wall. I don’t see what hits me but it's slimy and stretchy like wet chewing gum. With all my strength I can’t wiggle an inch. 
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audleyhxh · 2 years
Chrollo tell us the truth,
Are you secretly a platypus in disguise
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audleyhxh · 2 years
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it’s okay to let things overlap!! 
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audleyhxh · 3 years
TFW you lose track of the calendar of your story and suddenly every night is a moonlit night
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audleyhxh · 3 years
GO WILD Cut Scenes
Context: So these little scenes I have to cut from chapter 39 because while fun, I found it better to start at the location of the rendezvous. Warning: Only lightly edited. First, Safra and co are wondering through town and pass through the red light district. Second, just Uvo being drunk, nosy, and kissy.
We follow the crowd near the harbor, and soon the street is illuminated in red neon.
The windows beckon my attention with dark silhouettes, supple limbs and voluptuous curves, bare skin bathed in red.
“Oh wow,” I say. “This place looks so different at night without the school children and nuns.”
The ladies weren’t winking coyly long lashes at me but the four men behind me.
“Don’t mind me," I say. "I’m fine with going back by myself if you’re looking to buy some entertainment.”
A snake hiss from behind Feitan’s high collar.
“We are thieves. We never buy.”
“There are some things you can’t steal, Feitan.”
“If it can’t be stolen we don’t need it.”
I pass a redhead with the most pellucid skin and legs like a giraffe and stare a little green-eyed. ---------------
Uvo burps and gassy Heineken sours the air. “Had a few,” he says, patting his washboard abdomen. “Enough to fill the tank.”
Meaning he's downed enough to drown a whale.
“It explains why you’re in such a giddy mood,” I say.
Again he flashes that feral smile. “The boss gave us a job and I'm excited to go to the temple.” He brandishes a six pack and I shake my head when he offers. He downs another whole can and crushes the aluminum to the size of a 500 jenni coin. “Easy job, but at least it’s something to do. You sure you don’t want any beer?”
Hansel and Gretel would be proud of the path of can-crumbs Uvo drops as we head towards the temple. The higher we go, the more cans he drops, the more his gait wobbles.
“Oh neeewbie! Doooon’t fuss! I can’t get drunk!” he says when I suggest he slow his pace. The rose red of his cheeks and neck betrays his words. Again, even as a 3 meter tall Beef Mountain, Uvo has his limits.
“Saffraaaa!” He pats my head, more like drags his broad palm up and down my crown like I’m his beloved labrador, shifting my high ponytail down to the base of my neck. “Your so purdy u no dat? U no dat? Jus wanna let u no dat.”
Strangers are staring now and the sight of me hauling his 3m frame is odd enough that they would anyway even if Uvo wasn’t so loud.
He expects an answer. “I think you’re pretty too, Uvo.”
“Was ur type?”
“Type of what?”
“U no, TYPE. Brunets, gingers, blonds?”
I thumbs-down blonds and Uvo tuts.
“I like my blonds. Lemme me guess? Danchou! Danchou is ur type.”
“Danchou is everyone’s type.”
That earns me a gutteral laugh and I don't think I've made Uvo laugh before. As I’m trying to guide him up a steep incline—why does he have to join us at the temple again?—he glances down and surprise shows on his malleable features, like he’s just now realized the reason he hasn’t face-surfed the ground is because I’m doing the heavy lifting. “I’m dyin ta no. Wat happened wit Odara? He hada soft spot for dangerous ones. Dat was his downfall. How u do him? Kaboom? Kablawie?”
“He’s...not...dead,” I say, struggling to maneuver with him around a large stalk of prickly pears.
“Ooooo! U rite. Anybody could kill a man. U’ve come so far, u no dat?” He puckers his lips and smooches a sloppy one atop my crown.
“Uvo—” I choke, when he bends to kiss me, his arm, his whole muscle dense torso weighs on my neck and spinal column and those prickly pears are gonna skewer my eyeballs —
“Yare, yare!” My savior arrives and takes the weight off me. “Sorry, Saf,” says Shalnark with an exasperated sigh. “He’s kissed everyone in the troupe. When he’s drunk.”
Uvo blows raspberries, swearing we’re being ridiculous and that he’s “not even that drunk.”
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audleyhxh · 3 years
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★✰Winter Date✰★
I have 10 extra 5x7″ prints of this design available at my storenvy..!
((Estimated shipping date Dec. 21st!))
Happy Holiday x Hunter :-)
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audleyhxh · 3 years
Chrollo x zoldyck!Reader
For @audleyhxh
⚠️not proofread⚠️
Recommended Song while Listening: I’ll Keep You Safe - Sleeping at Last
The minute Chrollo first found out that you were a Zoldyck, he wanted to marry you on the spot. Just to spite Silva. One month later, you and the Phantom Troupe leader eloped.
Days after, you returned to the Zoldyck household only to be stopped at one of the gates. It turns out that your older brother, Illumi, had spied on you and your now-husband.
“You married our family’s biggest enemy? You know father won’t be happy.” He said, escorting you to the house.
You sighed, “I know. I really do love Chrollo though. Besides, I have dad wrapped around my finger. I just have to tell him how good Chrollo’s been to me and how happy he makes me. Shouldn’t be too hard.”
Well, Silva was seething with rage.
“Do you know how long I’ve been trying to kill him?! And now one of my own children went off and married him.” He exclaimed, sitting down next to you on the couch, “Why are all of you kids getting close to the strangest of people?”
He cradled his head in his hand before you gently laid your hand on his shoulder.
“I know, dad,” You tried to console him, “But Chrollo has made me really happy. Sorry I didn’t tell you about us getting married, but I promise you, I love him so much and he love me. He treats me well. You’d be proud if you gave him the time of day.”
Silva looked up to see the love in your eyes. His little buddy, all grown up, found someone to love for the rest of their life.
That realization pulled at his heartstrings a little.
However, Silva still had some worries about your relationship.
“What if it gets out that a Zoldyck married the leader of the Phantom Troupe? It’d be bad for business and neither of you would be able to live in peace.”
Your hand moved to rest on top of his before you responded.
“Good thing Chrollo has no interest in letting the news slip. So far, only this family and the Troupe know we’re together. He doesn’t want the publicity that would entail either, dad.”
Silva let out a sigh as all of the information sunk in. You were safe, you were happy, Chrollo might be a bastard still, but even your dad knew that his target would look after you.
The older man smiled then pulled you into a gentle hug.
“Alright, go be happy with him. But if he hurts you, let him know I’ll be there to rip him to shreds.”
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audleyhxh · 3 years
That feeling when you read an awesome book and it makes you rethink your story. Things you could have done differently that would have been satisfying in different ways, especially the romance subplot. Maybe someday I will list the things I wish I could go back and do differently (my earlier chapters were long-winded...^_^; don't get me wrong, I love those chapters but they could definitely be shorter)
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audleyhxh · 3 years
(p2) or shorts with the whole phantom troupe? i love the way you characterize them!! and dont even get me started on world building!!! i stg im in love with your writing♡!! im constantly checking for updates on ao3 and here for anything♡ it kinda upsets me how underrated you are!! honestly i wish more people knew about go wild and your other short stories :(( anyways i hope i didnt ramble too much,,, remember to take care of yourself and i cant wait for more amazing content from you!! <3
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Sorry not sorry for cheesy gif choice. Of course you didn't ramble too much I love reading asks. I'm the one who overwrites like omg I realized my slowburn romance is at 160k words and you'd have to squint to see romance but that's changing as soon as the next chapter because at this point it's not slowburn it's uranium decay 😅 You're too sweet! I've been told my work is underrated before, that's a compliment in itself, and still I feel good about the response my stories have received. I'm grateful for each comment/review (even the negative ones), and for the generous and talented artists who have done fanart for GO WILD (see GIF above again). November is nanowrimo and it recharges my writer batteries and inspiration so I hope to have more content out soon :)
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audleyhxh · 3 years
hi hii i came here from ur story go wild on ao3! i have some questions (if you dont mind) first off: how have you been? have you been taking care of yourself?! you better be!! though i know sometimes its easier said then done,, what have you been up to?? (if you dont feel comfortable sharing dont worry about it!) oh! and before i forget!! i love safra's dynamic with the troupe! specifically saf and phinks! are they gonna have more moments together? or maybe a collection of shorts with them? (p1)
Hi hi! I always welcome questions :) I'm doing much better! I have a new job and I'm sincerely enjoying it. The first half of this year was so stressful. When that job came to an abrupt end, I felt lost, but life has taken a brighter turn. I feel lucky that it's better now and that people care :) Though I put so much of myself into getting that other job (2 years!) it would have been a lucrative but stressful career, dependent on things like my health staying good, swinging from day to night shift, and I'd be restricted on where I can live. My current job is low stress, I'm moving to a city I love, my hours are normal, and I feel good! I hope I never fear new endeavors. The experience pushed me beyond what I knew was possible for myself and though I was wrecked by the disappointment, I didn't walk away empty handed. "i love safra's dynamic with the troupe!" I'm excited to have her interact with members we haven't seen in a while like Machi and Uvo. Though I love that she was stuck with the trouble-trio (+Franklin) for a good while lol "are they gonna have more moments together? or maybe a collection of shorts with them?" Oh they will have more. On a bit on my writing style, I tend to write scenes and most of my editing is trying to connect those scenes. Of course as the story develops some scenes I have to set aside because they no longer make sense in the story :( Sometimes they can 'mutate' for example, the scene when Phinks was tending to her shoulder, it was initially her leg and I first imagined it happening on a street in Zeoul (lol). Fragments like that I can definitely publish either here or Ao3 in a mini collection. Like Safra was supposed to fight Hisoka in Heaven's Arena. The idea came to me, I wrote a lot of it, but couldn't justify keeping it in the story. There was also an alternative ending for Odara that I wrote before her father interfered and said 'No I'm dealing with this now.' Also there was an arm wrestling scene... Hmmm maybe I ought to compile them and post them 🤔
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audleyhxh · 3 years
"Kaya." Kaya lost her train of thought and turned to her elder brother in her doorway. Illumi, or Ni-san. Once upon a time they were inseparable, and long gone were those days. "Rare for you to pay me a visit," she said. "You've been preoccupied lately. Secretive," he said, less concerned and more accusatory, his eyes—their mother's fish eyes—fixed on her. "High strung and dare I say? Skittish." "Skittish?" she said. "Almost as if you were up to something the family wouldn't approve of."
Could you imagine chrollo having a zoldyck s/o? Like Killua, Alluka and Kalluto’s big sister is the s/o and Silva finding out? Oop, that’d be some crazy tea 👀☕️
- *scoffs* Chrollo doesn’t give a shit. Hell, the second he finds out you’re a Zoldyck, he’d probably marry you right then and there. Just to spite Silva and use it as blackmail.
- “Imagine all of the negative attention your family would get once the public find out one of yours married a Spider, dear father-in-law.”
- Romeo and Juliet except instead of royalty, Romeo’s in a murderous troupe and Juliet is an assassin.
- If there’s any way Silva can rip Chrollo apart he will, BUT he will be hesitant if his little princess is truly happy being with the spider.
- Silva’s got a soft spot for his kids, so as long as he knows you’re happy and in love (and your relationship stays only known by the Zoldycks and the troupe), he’ll allow it. But he’ll still be Chrollo’s enemy.
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