audrina-p-blog · 13 years
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
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Rules | Application | Open Female Characters | Open Male Characters
This is a brand new role play group based off of MTV’s hit reality series The Hills.
Join as your favorite character, make relationships, cause drama, have fun! We just opened so there’s loads of characters still open. OC’s are also welcomed.
We hope to hear from you soon!
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
Audrina chuckled taking another strawberry. "I got some new horror movies. You should stay so if you get scared you can hide behind me." Audrina chuckled while she waited for Brody's response.
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
After 5 minutes in the shower, Audrina comes out to see Brody on the couch. Audrina is wearing PJ pants and a short singlet. She brings out a bowl of strawberries with chocolate tips. "Help yourself." Audrina insisted. "I made them today. They're fresh." Audrina said smiling. "Soo.. whats up with you and Kristen? She looks like she's really into you."
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
Audrina went inside, opening the door to her condo with Brody close by following her. "Welcome to my humble abode." Audrina said chuckling. "Make yourself at home, do you want anything to drink? I might jump in the shower quickly and get this alcohol smell off of me." Audrina smiled and left to have a shower. 
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
Audrina smiled and looked into Brody's eyes. "Well I don't look my best when a crazy bitch throws alcohol all over me." Audrina laughed. "You're a good guy Brody. Did you want to come inside?"
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
@Brody @Kristen
After Brody turned off the engine, the two sat there in silence for a little bit. "Thanks for driving me home Brody. You're a very nice guy. You deserve a lot in this world. I didn't mean to be mean and awkward tonight. I guess I couldn't help my feelings toward you." Audrina apologized, Audrina spoke up again "You deserve someone beautiful like Kristen. You two look good together." Audrina smiled and got out of the car thanking Brody once more. She waved good bye once more to the car and continued to head inside. Audrina grabbed her phone and started texting. "I'm sorry..." she texted Kristen. 
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
@Kristen @Brody
Audrina was trying her best to get the alcohol stains out of her shirt and skirt by using cloths, it wasn't working. Once Brody took Audrina outside she explained to him "I didn't even know the girl, she just came up to me, yelling and going crazy." Audrina got into Brody's car, as he started driving Audrina started crying with eyeliner tears rolling down her face. "I've ruined everything." she said as she wiped her black tears away. 
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
@Brody @Kristen
Audrina was by herself, watching Kristen and Brody having a good time dancing. She had her hand on her chin looking at her blackberry from time to time. A very obnoxious drunk man walked up to Audrina and started talking to her. "Hey baby, whats your name?" said with a drunken slur. "Audrina..." they exchanged a shake of the hand and nervous smile. All of a sudden Audrina sees a girl coming toward her like an eagle. Standing over Audrina, she starts cursing at her saying "How dare you talk to my boyfriend you sl**" Audrina tried her best to defend herself by standing up and yelling "You need to step back." next thing Audrina knows, the drunken girl pushes Audrina, throwing her alcohol drink at Audrina. Audrina looks over to Kristen and Brody to help her out as she stood in the Les Deux, drenched in alcohol, in an argument with a woman who she doesn't even know.
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
@Kristen @Brody
Audrina saw Brody coming so she straightened up her posture, pushed her hair up and tried to look her best for him. "Hey Brody, yeah, me and Kristen just had a great talk." Audrina winked at Kristen. "Do you wanna get out of here once we have a drink Brody?" Audrina asked, looking directly at Kristen smirking, making eye contact with Brody once again with a flirtatious smile on her face.  
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
@Kristen & @Brody
As Brody left to get Kristen & Audrina a drink, Kristen took Brody's seat and smiled. "So how are you babe?" Kristen said calmly. Audrina took a sigh and replied "Yeah I'm great, it's good to catch up with people I've missed. Especially Brody." Audrina emphasized "Brody" to tease Kristen. "That's good then.." Kristen replied as she looked away to try and get out of the conversation.
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
@Kristen @Brody
Kristen stood above Brody and Audrina with her hands on her hips smiling. She was just smiling at Brody and not Audrina. After a few seconds passed, Audrina and Brody never answered her question. "So... how are you?" Kristen repeated again with that same cackle of a laugh she had. Brody spoke up "We're good, just chillin." Kristen replied with a "Ahhh.." sighing big. The awkward tension between the three was very weird. Audrina was looking away from Kristen, Brody was trying not to engage with conversation and Kristen stood with her hands folded with her eyebrows narrowed confused as to why everyone was so quiet at this table. 
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
@Brody & @Kristen
Audrina was excited to see Brody again, he told her he was off to Les Deux, she told him she'd meet him there in about half an hour. As soon as they hung up, she whisked off to the bathroom to get ready. Slipping in a sexy fluro orange skirt with a grey-t, she was ready. She left immediately and pulled up to Les Deux, Brody was standing there, waiting for her. She started getting butterflies as he opened up the door for her. "Hey Brody" Audrina said as they exchanged hugs. "Hey!" Brody replied, coming back from the hug. "Lets head inside" Brody referred. The two walked into Les Deux, close together with smiles of both of their faces. Audrina hoped it was going to be a good night until she spotted Kristen over the crowd. She knew Kristen liked Brody but Audrina liked him too. Audrina panicked and pretended not to notice her, hopefully Brody didn't see her either. 
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
After feeling like she hadn't seen Justin Bobby for weeks, Audrina believed that they were over for good. He hadn't replied to her texts or phone calls so Audrina had been stuck at her condo -  she thought she deserved to go hang out with someone. She wanted to have some romance in her life so she thought it'd be fun to hang out with Brody. She grabbed her blackberry with a smile and starting typing away. "Hey Brody, it's Drina. What are you up to tonight? We need to hang."
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
:( The good times...
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audrina-p-blog · 13 years
Could we be any sexier ;) 
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