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“Slightly. What kind of coffee did you order? A different kind than you’re used to, perhaps?”
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“Does this coffee smell weird to you? Here– smell it. Weird? Or is it me?”
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     She can’t help that she’s so nosey, thats just how she is. Which is, perhaps, why she’s blurting out the words she is thinking on repeat before she can stop herself. “Why are you here?” she asks, and since this blurting phenomena of hers isn’t rare, she doesn’t even shock herself. Arching a brow at the other, she leans forward in her big comfy chair, eyes only leaving them for a moment to look around the parlor, before landing back on them. “I mean, everyone’s here for a reason. Right?”
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Aurelia blinked a few times - clearly surprised by the rather blatant and unexpected question that was tossed her way by a young looking individual that was sitting nearby. “Pardon?” She shot back, only to settle back in her seat once the girl’s question actually seemed to be something innocent. “Qui n’avance pas, recule. It.. ehm, it means..” She trailed off, pursing her lips in thought. “...Who does not move forward, recedes.” Facing the girl, she offered a slight smile. “I think some people come for an escape. To move forward - or else they only take a step backward or stay unhappy. I came here to become happy.” Clearing her throat almost nervously, she shifted in her position and observed the girl closely. “And you, darling? Why are you here?”
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He raised a brow at her use of the name ‘sweetheart’ and the tone of it.  He was expecting something more condescending but was pleasantly surprised when it wasn’t.  He got a lot of that around here.  Sometimes it was ‘hon’ or ‘honey or ‘sweetheart’ while other times it was ‘kid’, ‘buddy’, or a nastily thrown ‘sir’.  “Sangria.  Right.” Of course, as soon as she said her order, it came back to him and found himself getting increasingly frustrated with himself.  He chuckled at her joke, or at least, what he thought had been a joke. “Ah, that’s a funny one.” he replied with an exaggerated roll of his eyes.
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“Thank you.” Aurelia hummed, tapping her manicured nails against the bar counter gently as she waited for her drink to be made. Noting the bartender’s exaggerated gesture; she couldn’t help but crack somewhat of a teasing smile. “A funny one? Is a hard working man not allowed to have a break every once in a while with a customer?” She chuckled, shaking her head and waving her head dismissively - not exactly willing to pester nor force a man into drinking with her “Just an invitation, is all.”
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“Who the fuck are you?”
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“Aurélie Delacour, sweetheart. I would tell you it’s a pleasure to meet you - but I was raised with the manners and decency to not lie to someone - especially someone with the mindset of an adolescent. Adieu.” With that, she rolled her eyes and turned to exit from the room; even if something else was said.
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He looked at the unknown girl as she repositioned himself, and she took a seat next to him - tucking her chestnut hair behind her ear. “…Huh?” he said when she pointed out the fact that he looked tired, sick even, and he swallowed the lump in his throat nervously as he rubbed his hands together. “Yeah,no. I’m fine. Just jetlagged, that’s all. Nothing to worry about,” he said and looked at her. “I’m Michael, by the way. Michael Thompson, newly-arrived from New York.”
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“Jet lag is awful. I have been on so many planes to the point where I have gotten used to them in one way or another.” Aurelia replied, looking out towards the other people whom sat around in the waiting room before returning her sole attention to Michael. “The Big Apple. Very cool. I have arrived a few days ago from Paris. I’m.. Aurélie Delacour. I like to be called Aurelia, though. It’s easier..” She trailed off. “...How are you enjoying the resort so far?”  
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William smirked and laughed as he looked at the girl, who seemingly didn’t seem to like being told what she was doing wrong. A chuckle left his lips as she murmbled a quick and quiet thank you for the tip and William decided to pull the chair in front of him out and join her, although she hadn’t exactly offered and asked him to do so. “So, where are you from, huh?” he asked curiously. Looking at the brunette, he smirked and leaned against the counter, licking his lips as he looked at the drink in her hand and he culd feel hid blood almost pulsate after the alcohol.
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Aurelia swished the liquid in her glass before bringing it to her lips and taking a lengthy swig. She had already turned her head away from the man - up until he took a seat next to her and started up another conversation. “Je viens de Paris.” She shot back, flaunting her pearly whites in a slight hint of a smile whilst noting his smirk. “And yourself?”
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William had been exploring the lodge, and the first thing he had noticed, was of course the bar. He decided to try and see if he would be able to order something or if they had already managed to tell everyone on the staff why he was here and that he was to not be served alcohol. As he entered the bar, he noticed a brunette sitting by the counter and he couldn’t help but chuckle a little as it was obvious she was either too young to drink or she didn’t drink too often because of the way she asked for her drink. “You know,” he said as he walked up to her, his forearms leaning against the top of the counter, “if you acted more with confidence when you order somthing, they won’t ask you for ID. Act like you’re old enough. Don’t stutter.” He shrugged and licked his lips as he saw the bottles of beer behind the counter. “Just a friendly tip.”
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Aurelia’s gaze focused on the unknown man whom spoke to her - one she had most definitely would have not expected to make his way over to her in the first place; judging by his looks. Listening to what he had to say, she couldn’t help but sigh and let out a small chuckle, tilting her head to the side and staring at him in amusement once he had finished. It was always a bit humorous to her when people attempted to give her advice she hadn’t particularly asked for in the first place - especially when she didn’t need it. “I have confidence - very much of it. I am old enough. Stutter? English is far from being my mother language. I have only really began speaking it regularly once I arrived.” Reaching over for her sangria once it arrived, she nodded her head politely and murmured a quick “Thank you,” before looking back towards the ‘friendly tipper’. “Mm, okay. Thank you for the friendly tip.”
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It had been a busy day to say the least, it seemed as if they had twice the amount of intake as they usually did and along with serving workers who had finally ended their own busy shift along with a surplus of lodgers, Kiernan found him wishing for a fellow bartender.  It was a rare wish, as generally he liked working alone not only due to his more reserved nature, but less people to split the tips between as well.  On top of being abnormally busy for a Thursday night, it was also one of the nights that Kiernan just found himself immensely distracted, in his own headspace, invasive memories barreling past his defenses.  So as soon as he took the woman’s order, turning around to being to prepare it, it was as if she had never ordered at all, his mind completely blank.  Not being much of a socialite, he dreaded turning back around to ask her again, but he knew it’d be even worse to bring her the wrong drink.  He slowly turned on his heel and attempted to get her attention by clearing his throat, but his actions had no response and he found himself speaking up.  “Miss?—-Miss?”  He cringed, always hating the honorific and how it sounded.  He was relieved that he had finally captured her attention, though.  “Sorry, but—…” he paused, forcing the words out of his lips.  “What was your order again?–I’m so sorry.” he apologized once more.
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Aurelia’s dark orbs swept over the bartender’s face as he apologized, questioning her on her order once more. “No apologies - it’s fine, sweetheart. I am sure you’re a very busy man behind that counter.” She replied; a smile tugging at her lips. “I asked for a sangria.” She soon said, shifting in her spot on the bar stool before speaking again. “Perhaps you could join me with a drink of your own? It looks as if you may need a break.”
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“How foolish of me, you probably refer to them as the prostate and hold a pinky in the air when you give handjobs.”
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“I have no clue as to why you are trying so hard to be insulting. Did your mama and papa drop you on your head as a child? Is that why you are so negative? Although, I cannot think of a reason behind why what you think a stranger does sexually is the main thing on your mind right now.”
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Slowly opening his eyes, he felt someone repeatedly poke his shoulder and it was starting to get annoying. Whenever Michael fell asleep, it was literally impossible to wake him up. Somethign his parents hated because after he had been diagnosed with leukemia, whenever they didn’t manage to wake him up, they always thought the worse. “You know, poking strangers isn’t very nice,” he mumbled tiredly and yawned as he noticed how far down the chair he had slipped. He didn’t have much strength left in his body after the long trip from New York, and he hadn’t had anything to eat or drink for a few hours, which in his position, was not a good thing. Looking at the brunette, he pushed himself back up and rested the back of his head against the wall. “Sorry, please, sit down. Didn’t mean to hog all the chairs,” he said and laughed awkwardly. 
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Aurelia couldn’t help but chuckle softly as the male spoke - mumbling tiredly of how it was unkind to poke a stranger. That was something she knew very well, but she couldn’t help but think he looked almost a bit.. dead, per se, as he noticeably slipped from his chair. Shaking her head as he repositioned himself, she took a seat next to him and tucked some of her chestnut locks behind her ear. “Thank you, and no need to apologize. You look tired - sick, maybe. Are you feeling okay?” 
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“We try to be fast.”
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“As I can see. You work here, yes? How is it?”
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Aurelia furrowed her perfectly sculpted brows upon hearing how familiar the brunette actually sounded. Handing over the rest of the girl’s items; she paused in her movements as she locked dark orbs with the other. “Scarlett Hill, no?” She mused, not expecting a reply nor confirmation. She remembered faces distinctly - and though she didn’t particularly want to see anyone from France at the moment - it was nice to at least have one friend. She only hoped the girl would recognize her in return - especially since her former shimmery blonde locks were now a darker chestnut hue. “I would have never guessed you’d be here. How are you, darling?”
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Scarlett smiled up at the kind voice, her hands collecting the spilled paintbrushes in front of her. “I’m fine, just a klutz is all.” She said with a small laugh bursting past her lips. Taking her things from the helpful girl and placing them in her bag. “I’m Scarlett.” She said whilst rising up from the ground and lifting her eyes to meet the girls.
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For some reason, Aurelia found herself in the pub during the evening rather than following her usual desire to explore. Nipping at her lower lip out of pure habit, she leaned her chin atop of her propped up, open palm - her dark orbs lingering on the menu and all the selections she could choose from. She was unsure whether or not she’d be questioned on her age when ordering; especially since the legal age had always been sixteen back at home. Or, well, what used to be her home. “Excuse me,” She began, raising a finger in order to gain a server’s attention. “Could I.. ehm..” Trailing off, she pursed her maroon colored lips just slightly. “... A sangria would be fine.” She finished, her heavy French accent enlaced with every syllable. Looking up towards the bartender for a few brief moments, she soon turned her head and looked around as she waited. That was, until she heard someone speak in her direction - her attention swiveling to the source. “Hm?” Clearly, she hadn’t been paying much attention.
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“Don’t you have a cock to choke on?”
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“Such foul words for no reason, silly girl. No, I do not. Run along now, little one. This is a place for relaxation, not childish antics.”
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Michael was exhausted. It had been a long day and he wasn’t feeling too good to start with so when he had finally arrived at Ridgewood Lodge, he passed out in one of the chairs in the waiting room as he waited to be assigned to a room. 
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Aurelia had finally managed to... well, somewhat map out the Ridgewood Lodge with her own wandering. Granted, she had somehow led herself into the waiting room, but that didn’t necessarily mean she was doing a bad job at all. She’d get used to this place soon enough. Pushing her long chestnut locks over her shoulder, she glanced over each new addition that lingered in the waiting room. Particularly, a boy - no, maybe a man - whom seemed to think it was a good idea to pass out on a chair. “You are going to fall, you know,” She began, holding a novel of hers closer to her bust as she lightly placed her fingertips atop of the strangers shoulder after edging closer to him; noting the way he seemed to be slipping off of the side. “Hello?”
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Aurelia crossed her arms under her shapely bust as she wandered the outside of the resort; her dark orbs darting constantly in order to take in the foreign scenery she had yet to get used to. Alaska was still so brand new to her. With a sigh, she held her head high until the audible sound of someone falling flat nearby caught her attention. A brunette with what she presumed to be art supplies laying out all around her. “Oh, honey,” She cracked a somehwat reassuring smile, gracefully kneeling down to help the girl pick up her things. A pen outstretched in one delicate hand, and the other supplies within her free arm. “Are you alright?”
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“Thank you.” Scarlett murmured to the cab driver as she shuffled out the door, carrying her new art supplies in hand. As she lifted her foot to go up the steps to the lodge her heel got caught on the step and she fell. Landing on her hands with an irritable sigh she began to pick up the items that she had lost. An outreached hand with a pen came into her view and she looked up. 
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Did you ask for hot chocolate?
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“Ah - I did, yes. I was just speaking of it - but I did not exactly expect someone to come with one so quickly. Thank you, sweetheart.”
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