aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“we could try, but we always run the risk of whacking someone in the head with a book. actually, this shop might have a rule against it. a lot of them do.” she said, looking around for any sort of posted sign that might indicate yes or no. “I’m not either, obviously, or I wouldn’t need your help to begin with.”
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“mark that down as something i did not know,” aurelia chuckled, before procuring her wand, “well, i haven’t seen anything to indicate it, accio-.” she paused, tilting her head at the girl, “do you think i should try and magic it over?” 
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
Waiting for Aurelia to finish with the customer, Fleur took a moment to observe the girl. It was clear that she enjoyed what she did. And just as importantly, she seemed good at it. It was nice to see the girl in her element, especially considering she barely knew the girl in any personal capacity. Anything that she did know was from the girl’s mother. A biased source, though a lovely one, too. Maybe helping a customer or two would help her distance herself from Fleur’s words themselves and make it easier to understand her intentions. Fleur could only hope that would be the case, anyway. “I don’t believe that was what I asked of you,” she contended. “I hope you can find a way to check in with her more frequently without having her move in with you. I can only assume that she would not want to be a burden on you any more than you to her.”
She raised an eyebrow at the girl’s next words. “Where have you heard these rumors?” she asked, almost too transparent with her frustration. If there was ever a time for the Ministry to keep itself tight-lipped, it would be now. “I know it can be difficult. Doing the right thing – loving the people you love – it is never easy. I hope you do not think I would say so.”
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“I will have to look into my options, even if it’s just sending an owl every once in awhile,” Aurelia could agree to at least that much. She was trying her best to balance her own life and still be there for her family, “I will try and go visit her this weekend, but maybe perhaps you might suggest to her to come visit me once in awhile. She sits up there and works on her books, she needs to visit the city every once in awhile.” Aurelia hummed as she poured herself another cup of tea, “And what of your family? Do they still live with you? Do they check in often?” 
Aurelia sat back, thinking of where she had heard them, “A Rabnott, I believe, they came into the store talking to their child. People say that bars are the best places to learn information, but I disagree. It’s right here.” She had a wicked little grin on her face, as if all the secrets of those who passed through her store were running through her mind. 
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“Those people are stupid then,” she said with a bright smile. “If they don’t see the honor in your helping them, they don’t deserve it.” Sure, it was a bit dramatic but it all was the same. The fact that some people seemed to be upset that she was taking her time should check themselves. “I will get you to take however long you need when mine needs servicing. It would be an honor.” 
She nodded her head as she took another sip of her drink. “He is. I just…I don’t want everyone to think I got my daddy to give me a chance. I want to prove that I’ve earned my spot on his team. I do want to play for him. The Harpies have always been my dream and I’d love to stay but playing for him would be amazing, too.” 
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“Well, I certainly appreciate your sympathy. I wish I could just tell them off..but then again, it would be bad for business, and we certainly do not want that,” Aurelia smiled at her friend before grasping her hands together, “I’m not sure how honorable a wandmaker is, but I appreciate the words nonetheless.”
“You earned your spot on the team the day you started playing back in school, recruiters were practically begging you to join their teams after you finished Hogwarts - how many teams were you offered to join?” Aurelia laughed lightly, “I understand your reservations, go with your gut instinct, it won’t lead you down the wrong path.” 
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
dominique kept reading titles as she was more or less dragged through the shelves. her eyes looked over the book by newt scamander. “no that’s not it.” she laughed. “it’s called the mystical menagerie, I believe.”
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“hmm,” aurelia let go of the girl’s hand, “i wonder if we could accio it, it’s got to be around here somewhere,” there was a moment of silence as she pondered the idea before shaking her head, “i wish i could help more but apparently i’m just not very good at finding books.”
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
It seemed as if Aurelia was put off by Fleur’s words. She couldn’t understand why. It was the same advice that she would’ve given her own children. Her own nieces and nephews. Family was the most important thing, during times of war or otherwise, and for Aurelia to not have kept up with her mother… offering the advice only felt like the proper thing to do. “Please – I am sure that she worries for you. I worry for my own children – and they’re here, in London.” Perhaps being vulnerable and offering even the slightest bit of her own perspective would help the young girl see where Fleur was coming from. She frowned as Aurelia continued, though. “I wouldn’t expect you to stop working. Your work is important – and I’ve been told that you’re quite good at it,” Fleur countered. And it was true. She’d never heard a complaint from anyone who came through Ollivander’s, even when Aurelia was now in charge. “It might not be your responsibility. But that would make such a gesture that much more genuine, would it not? When she is missing everyone she knows and loves, making the time to show her that you miss her the same…”
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“Yes, yes, I will make sure to see her,” Aurelia hopped down from the counter walking behind the counter again to collect an item as a customer walked through the store. Anyone who saw her could tell she was angry, visibly so. And maybe that had to do not with Fleur’s words, but feeling like she was a burden on her family and she had tried so hard to rid herself of that image once she moved out of the house. And now, perhaps, as an only child, it was her cross to bear in regards to how she should interact with her mother. The door chimed. Within an instant, she was smiling brightly, regardless of how she might have felt and greeted the customer with the warmth of an old friend, handing her a repaired wand in an Ollivander’s case. There was an interaction, the doorbell chimed again and she dropped her act, “Genuine gestures or not, I cannot exactly have my mom come and stay with me, my studio flat isn’t exactly equipped for multiple guests,” 
“In any case, I’ve heard rumors the ministry’s going to start cracking down on apparations and floo powder networks,” She made herself busy by performing a simple cleaning charm, her wand sending a rag to dust the upper shelves of the shop, “I don’t know how true that is, but I can’t get stuck at home when I have this place to look after. You see why I haven’t seen her as of late...the struggle between doing my duty as a community member and being a daughter is a tough one.”
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“uh.” it dawned on her that perhaps she should have been a little more prepared before coming into the shop. “no, no, and no….” dominique looked down nervously at her hands. “I was looking just based alphabetically so I started at that shelf over there.” she pointed to the far left of the room. “I think the book might be blue, but I don’t really remember what it looks like.”
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“no worries, i’m sure we’ll find it somewhere! come on!” aurelia grabbed the girl’s hand, weaving her way through the shop, looking for the book. the book she picked up was a scamander, but it was a bright yellow cover and looked about ten years old with dust on the cover, “this isn’t it, i presume? what’s the title again?” 
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
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   “I’m not as think as you drunk I am.” Luxio let out a loud laugh. He had been drinking and he knew he shouldn’t especially considering how his emotional state had been as of late. 
Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At the Disco // @aurelia-ollivander​
“I think you are quite inebriated,” Aurelia laughed as well. She hadn’t been drinking the night before, but preferred the bar for company over her lonely apartment, “Why get so drunk on a week night?”
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“I love my sisters more than anything in this life.” — @aurelia-ollivander​
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(Congratulations // Dessa [The Hamilton Mixtape])
“I never said you didn’t love them, I was only commenting on the fact that I have no sisters to love.”
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
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     “I’ll drink to that!” Roxanne said with a laugh after she swallowed down her food. She always appreciated spending time with friends. Sometimes that was all someone needed. 
“Cheers!” Aurelia lifted her glass again, every intention of blowing off some steam from work, “How has your life been? Has it been carefree and exciting?” She knew the real answer could not have been that, with all that was going on, but Aurelia was intrigued to learn more nonetheless. 
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“Are people really complaining that you’re taking your time? Would they rather you not and have something go wrong? People don’t make sense sometimes.” She couldn’t believe her friend was getting that kind of response. It made no sense. If anything, her taking some time would be a comfort to Eliza. “Nothing exciting right now. Other than my father still upset about the match and trying to get me to play for him. He seems to forget not only do I have three years left on my contract but that I don’t want to play for him until I know it’s not just because of my last name.” 
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“People have been complaining since the day I stepped foot onto Diagon Alley. You would think having a younger Ollivander in the shop would be better for business. But no, Mr. Ollivander always had it done at this time, my child needs there’s sent to the Hogsmeade location,” Aurelia mimicked one particularly rude witch who had visited early that week. 
“Your father,” Aurelia chuckled, “Always did want you to play for his team. Not that I can blame him, you’re a star on the Harpies. Surely he’s seen how phenomenal you are on the pitch!”
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“Feels me, feels my softened and uplifted soul. And my newly melted heart, now blossoming into a new life,” She was gazing at the lines of a book, reading them aloud, pondering every word. 
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the great comet of 1812 - obc recording // @isntitjamie​
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“And there's no remedy for memory, your face is like a melody. It won't leave my head,” Aurelia spoke low to Nessie outside the bar, the moon casting dark shadows on the side of your face. 
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 dark paradise - lana del rey // @lvmosmaxima
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“Oh don't you wonder when the light begins to fade? And the clock just makes the colors turn to grey?” Aurelia pondered, looking towards the evening sunset.
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golden days - panic! at the disco // @masondurslcy​
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“You deserve to have so much more, I can feel your heart and I sympathize,” Aurelia looked sadly towards Victoire. 
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goodbye - air supply // @xfthestvrs​
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“Here's to us, one more toast, and then we'll pay the bills,” Aurelia had maybe had one too many firewhiskys at the local pub, but none of that mattered in the moment.  
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when all is said and done - abba // @roxiewcasley​
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
“I may not be wise and I won't save the day,” Aurelia looked around the seemingly empty shop, looking at the insurmountable amount of work she had to do.
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run away - ben platt // @unfcrgiiven​
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aurelia-ollivander · 4 years
Aurelia looked up to the night sky, “ What's so amazing, that keeps us star gazing and what so we think we might see?” 
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rainbow connection - sleeping at last // @xanderthcmas​
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