aureumdraconeus · 4 days
Wait…did Sonic seriously pull a Red X in the comics??? I’m lost
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That'd sum it up pretty well. Sonic essentially gets asked by Eggman to look into Clean Sweep, and as such gives him the tech to become the Phantom Rider to try and snoop around and fuck with everyone - subsequently leading to Lanolin and the Diamond Cutters trying to arrest him.
Only recently has everyone really been revealed to the identity of the Rider, but they dunno he's got this new stuff cuz of Eggman.
In my particular blog canon? Lanolin's gonna be pissed at not just Sonic but the likes of her teammates as well.
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aureumdraconeus · 4 days
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"And you're sure that your boss wouldn't want you at your best? Not gonna lie, if they're working you down to the bone then maybe you ought to take a couple days."
Magnus himself was also a victim of circumstance, when Soleanna had been attacked so long ago he was one of the ones that tried to fight and nearly lost his life. He saw good in protecting others as well. But he was an Engineer at heart, someone who tinkered and someone who built...a few smaller looking machines seemed to make their way around him, cat-like in appearance as they glanced at Lanolin.
"Woah! Hey you guys, don't disturb the lovely woman just yet - besides I haven't even asked her for coffee yet." He joked before patting one on the head.
"Apologies, my BYTE Units get a little feisty meeting new people!"
She found a place to lean back against the wall and take a break. Taking her sports bottle and tilting it back and letting the cool water flow down her throat. Truthfully she loved it here, but recent events had really gotten to her. She loved her team, and wanted to do them proud but, it was alot for her to take in all at once. She just was stressed out and she knew it---this rider was just causing her so much grief...
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" Maybe... I guess, but i feel like i'm making a difference here. I just want to keep my people safe... and guys like that rider are just a menace... no one is above the rules... especially not when you endanger everyone else. "
She sighed and slid down the wall to sit down and rest her tired hooves. Damn was this all wearing her down bit by bit. She needed a couple of days to decompress maybe she'd feel less wound up.
" Me Travel? uhh... depends on what you mean by travel. I've been lots of places for my job here. But for recreation? just to have fun? never really got a chance... college was so busy and then the war came... everything was so messed up after..."
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" Now i dont have time for that... my work is important... "
And the more she worked the less she had to deal with her guilt for still being here when so many didn't make it.
" I can't just can't take off to some strange place no matter how nice it sounds...i don't have that luxury..."
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aureumdraconeus · 4 days
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"Oh come now, little sheep. You wouldn't be able to fight me on your own merits let alone without a weapon."
A bluff, sure, but the platypus did know that he needed to step out of the shadows and into the light of the room as his glasses shine with ferver and determined drive.
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"I have heard quite a bit about you - the supposed leader of this Neo Diamond Cutters? My my, you're certainly not a people pleaser compared to your insufferable teammates, right?"
Was he accurately guessing or was he just throwing out wildcards and hoping they stuck? It didn't matter, his silver tongue was like a scorpions tail and it could ENSNARE anything it caught in its lies.
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Starline's eyes quickly glanced to the sounds of the bag being thrown across the room, someone like that was either a very potent ally in the making or someone who could be a decent matchup for himself. Either way, the Shadowy Scientist made his moves and started to inch toward that of the gym...
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"A Victim of circumstance, perhaps? But not a victim in the typical sense."
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aureumdraconeus · 4 days
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"So, Sonic is the Phantom Rider?"
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A brief pause, a small sigh...and then the sound of cracking glass as it seemed that the sheep was reaching a sort of convergence point.
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"Explain yourselves, now."
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"And I commend you for being able to rebuild, it is a testament to our grit that a version of us was able to do such a thing."
The Doctor smiled wide before brushing their moustache just a tad before starting to focus their gaze a little more intently, though not as hostile.
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"Perhaps Sage would enjoy meeting you - I am sure she would learn a lot from you."
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"Then why bother with the war? Why not let them come to you?" Julian countered. "Yes, our worlds need to progress. And yes, we are the ones willing to do what others won't. But the people will only ever be willing to give up their freedoms on THEIR terms."
"Focus on your own country first. Show the world the quality of life improvements and let them go to you.... Forcing the change will only cause Sonic and his friends to have justification to never stop..."
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"Why do you think I've reformed? I realized, long ago, that endlessly fighting with the Acorn Kingdom only results in my technologies being focused on warfare... not on the actual progress I wanted."
"Though I will admit...."
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"My life IS rather boring now. It's as if I'm always on vacation and I cannot figure out what to do with my time."
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"Ah yes, the age old statement of not having men end up like us? I suppose you have some merit in mentioning it to me, after all - humans have taken a lot from our families. We are wretched creatures that truly need a guiding force to keep us in line." Internally, however, Robotnik was seething. How dare he imply that there was not just cause for what he was doing. Did he not remember what had happened to the likes of their Grandfather?
And whilst he did not particularly care for Maria, he still saw her death at the hands of G.U.N as a wrong to be thoroughly righted.
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"Then I suppose a shake-up to everything is needed every once in a while. Having toiled with Gods, I suppose outright defying them and their cosmic fate wouldn't be too far-fetched."
Though the mention of consuming Mobians was a bit morbid...if not a bit dumb considering most Mobians were meat eaters themselves, he shrugged off the thought and decided to keep his convictions.
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"I suppose though, even in the event I do lose, I do have something even grander to leave behind...Because as I said, dear Julian. I am not alone in my path of greatness."
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"Then why bother with the war? Why not let them come to you?" Julian countered. "Yes, our worlds need to progress. And yes, we are the ones willing to do what others won't. But the people will only ever be willing to give up their freedoms on THEIR terms."
"Focus on your own country first. Show the world the quality of life improvements and let them go to you.... Forcing the change will only cause Sonic and his friends to have justification to never stop..."
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"Why do you think I've reformed? I realized, long ago, that endlessly fighting with the Acorn Kingdom only results in my technologies being focused on warfare... not on the actual progress I wanted."
"Though I will admit...."
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"My life IS rather boring now. It's as if I'm always on vacation and I cannot figure out what to do with my time."
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"Glad to see that you house a modicum of respect as well as a keen eye." Finitevus began before adjusting himself and starting to make his way around the lab, almost gliding like he was some kind of phantom in the midst of the fog...
"But no, most of my body is natural surprisingly enough. The augmentations I made to myself were due to my own Chaos Siphon suit being effectively bonded to me. I am a paradox amongst the likes of my people, but they all burned just the same." The Echidna smiled as he started to slowly think about the supposed Sons of Ether and Technocratic Conventions.
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"Considering you stand upon convergent line of the zone called Mobius? I suppose it wouldn't take too much to tell you that such concepts probably do not exist here."
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"And you are lucky that you have not been atomized the moment you set foot in my lab. I have dealt with creatures far beyond your pitiful self, so it would do you well to not put yourself on a pedestal." Ironic coming from him, but either way he was still being hospitable for the time.
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"Doctor Finitevus, charmed."
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"And that, my friend, is the fundamental difference between us. I still have all the time in the world to perfect my craft and make as much progress as I want." Robotnik then snapped his fingers as he began to bring up holographic numbers showcasing the stocks and tech he had in development, the areas of his Empire unseen from the naked eyes...
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"It's all part of the game, Julian, it's always been a part of my game. To ensure that the world understands why they are outclassed and to force them to progress. Sonic and the others are mere footholds that I keep around to enjoy the time. Without a nemesis, you're about as good as an old man with his toys." The Doctor then leaned up close to his counterpart, knowing that he was physically stronger, more adept with Magitek, the works...
But he was still not backing down.
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"When the man on top has nothing to oppose him? What is there left to live for?"
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"Then why bother with the war? Why not let them come to you?" Julian countered. "Yes, our worlds need to progress. And yes, we are the ones willing to do what others won't. But the people will only ever be willing to give up their freedoms on THEIR terms."
"Focus on your own country first. Show the world the quality of life improvements and let them go to you.... Forcing the change will only cause Sonic and his friends to have justification to never stop..."
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"Why do you think I've reformed? I realized, long ago, that endlessly fighting with the Acorn Kingdom only results in my technologies being focused on warfare... not on the actual progress I wanted."
"Though I will admit...."
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"My life IS rather boring now. It's as if I'm always on vacation and I cannot figure out what to do with my time."
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
If They Had A Kid Meme
send me a ship and I’ll tell you their:
General Appearance: 
Special Talents: 
Who they like better: 
Who they take after more: 
Personal Head canon: 
Face Claim: 
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"And you are lucky that you have not been atomized the moment you set foot in my lab. I have dealt with creatures far beyond your pitiful self, so it would do you well to not put yourself on a pedestal." Ironic coming from him, but either way he was still being hospitable for the time.
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"Doctor Finitevus, charmed."
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"I suppose the Chaos Radiation can cause some rather potent effects to those that make their way through an unsanctioned Warp Ring without any knowledge. After all, the Special Zone is certainly unique to most dimensions."
The albino Echidna would slink up behind the woman that was exploring his lab - he'd already felt their presence long before they started snooping but he was not about to attack them...no he sensed a kindred scientific mind amonst the midst.
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"Oh come now, surely you know that answer - considering you are me."
Robotnik then began to laugh as he felt his smile grow wider than he ever thought possible. Was a version of himself really asking what the point of his conquests was? Why he strove to do what he did?! What the origin of all of this was in the first place?
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"This world needs someone to guide it to a future that it deserves. I will be the one to ensure that it happens. Sonic, The Restoration, The Guardian Unit of Nations, even the very stars themselves will not stop me from attaining that ultimate seat of power."
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"Those philistines and grifters that sit atop the heap cower whenever they see just how hard my hand has sunk deep into their pockets. I have one of the most successful security companies on Mobius, I have been able to make strides in technology that no man has ever DREAMED of doing before. The only thing standing between me and domination are those rodents!"
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"And what's better? I know I'm not alone in my sentiments..."
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"I may hate that you still have ambitions to take over your Zone, but we CAN bond over our mutual hatred of our parents and brother, correct?"
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"Urgh, do not remind me of them. My family was full of ignorant fools that didn't believe in the power I held. Even if my brother was a terrifying individual, he still met his end due to his lack of foresight."
The Doctor breathed a slight sigh, he only really cared about mentioning his late family when it came to the achievements of his own. His brother was a terrifying scientist much like him, and yet he still met his end many, many years ago thanks to the older members of what would be the Freedom Fighters.
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"But look at me now! I stand as the prime example of what the Robotnik name is capable of, no cockroaches like them could ever hope to surpass me."
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"I suppose the Chaos Radiation can cause some rather potent effects to those that make their way through an unsanctioned Warp Ring without any knowledge. After all, the Special Zone is certainly unique to most dimensions."
The albino Echidna would slink up behind the woman that was exploring his lab - he'd already felt their presence long before they started snooping but he was not about to attack them...no he sensed a kindred scientific mind amonst the midst.
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"Why am I smelling trans-dimensional particles with the same sort of flavor to an Iteration X HIT-MARK?"
Don't mind the tall woman exploring your lab, judging you for your pursuits.
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"Don't start getting sentimental on me. You realise that at the end of all of this I still have my conviction of taking this world and making it into my Empire. Regardless, the world needs progress and I will ensure that it happens one way or another." Robotnik spoke before starting to make his way down from the building, using a rooftop door to enter into one of the upper floors.
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"But, I suppose should you wish to consider yourself my daughter then you would not be the first to have such a title."
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"Now then, enough talk. We have a lunch to get to."
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Robotnik did find himself a little taken aback by the sudden outburst as his ear was grabbed and he was berated by the little puppet...but that only seemed to strengthen one thing in his mind: This girls delusions were certainly much more tangible than he first imagined. It would pain him to certainly do such a thing to the poor girl but...she needed a reality check through the wooden skull of hers.
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"Do you honestly believe that I have always been this way? If the side of me that was an amnesiac could be so kind and caring, then perhaps does it not occur to you that perhaps I might have been the same?" He stared back at the skies with an irritated scowl before starting to land to Egg-O-Matic toward one of the higher rise buildings in Central City.
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"Though, I suppose you like everyone else that does not see my vision would rather believe I am some all-encompassing villain. There'd be no possible way that such a man could've been kind in his youth, right?"
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"You think I'm not aware of that? The younger scientists of my era have already shown some promise, but the problem is their staying power." The Doctor proclaimed before waving his hand dismissively.
"They think they can do what I did but better, they're not putting their best foot forward and actually trying to do what they to best. They can't be me, they will never be me." The Doctor had a point, it was why Starline failed before - he was arrogant in believing he could surpass the Doctor and yet he did in some ways without realising it...
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"Besides, I had my taste of humility with being that idiot Mr Tinker, did not do me any favours."
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"I may hate that you still have ambitions to take over your Zone, but we CAN bond over our mutual hatred of our parents and brother, correct?"
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"Urgh, do not remind me of them. My family was full of ignorant fools that didn't believe in the power I held. Even if my brother was a terrifying individual, he still met his end due to his lack of foresight."
The Doctor breathed a slight sigh, he only really cared about mentioning his late family when it came to the achievements of his own. His brother was a terrifying scientist much like him, and yet he still met his end many, many years ago thanks to the older members of what would be the Freedom Fighters.
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"But look at me now! I stand as the prime example of what the Robotnik name is capable of, no cockroaches like them could ever hope to surpass me."
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"I may hate that you still have ambitions to take over your Zone, but we CAN bond over our mutual hatred of our parents and brother, correct?"
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"Urgh, do not remind me of them. My family was full of ignorant fools that didn't believe in the power I held. Even if my brother was a terrifying individual, he still met his end due to his lack of foresight."
The Doctor breathed a slight sigh, he only really cared about mentioning his late family when it came to the achievements of his own. His brother was a terrifying scientist much like him, and yet he still met his end many, many years ago thanks to the older members of what would be the Freedom Fighters.
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"But look at me now! I stand as the prime example of what the Robotnik name is capable of, no cockroaches like them could ever hope to surpass me."
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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Robotnik did find himself a little taken aback by the sudden outburst as his ear was grabbed and he was berated by the little puppet...but that only seemed to strengthen one thing in his mind: This girls delusions were certainly much more tangible than he first imagined. It would pain him to certainly do such a thing to the poor girl but...she needed a reality check through the wooden skull of hers.
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"Do you honestly believe that I have always been this way? If the side of me that was an amnesiac could be so kind and caring, then perhaps does it not occur to you that perhaps I might have been the same?" He stared back at the skies with an irritated scowl before starting to land to Egg-O-Matic toward one of the higher rise buildings in Central City.
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"Though, I suppose you like everyone else that does not see my vision would rather believe I am some all-encompassing villain. There'd be no possible way that such a man could've been kind in his youth, right?"
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"And here I thought this would be a good question..."
The Doctor sighed as he pushed himself back and started to roll his finger through his bristly facial hair once more before starting to glance back - the very light glimpses of his red eye looking right at Belle once more. He didn't seem as intimidating but rather he just seemed...indifferent?
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"To be blunt, yes I could've had Metal simply tear you to pieces of reprogram you with a simple snap of my fingers but I had a bit of a thought experiment."
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"Would you actually be willing to put up with them for as long as your body holds out? The heroes who act so impulsively, only seeing you as a tool for their benefit because you just so happen to have the sum of parts created by me? Would you always be so willing to be their puppet?"
The Doctor then glanced back to the skies ahead of him as he let loose a light breath once more, that smile still plastered upon his maw.
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"You are truly a creation of mine, even if you don't think it. I've had my fair share of robots going rogue and they always have that flaw of forgetting their origin. So, I want to see how you adapt and grow, will you succumb or will you flourish?"
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aureumdraconeus · 6 days
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"And here I thought this would be a good question..."
The Doctor sighed as he pushed himself back and started to roll his finger through his bristly facial hair once more before starting to glance back - the very light glimpses of his red eye looking right at Belle once more. He didn't seem as intimidating but rather he just seemed...indifferent?
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"To be blunt, yes I could've had Metal simply tear you to pieces of reprogram you with a simple snap of my fingers but I had a bit of a thought experiment."
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"Would you actually be willing to put up with them for as long as your body holds out? The heroes who act so impulsively, only seeing you as a tool for their benefit because you just so happen to have the sum of parts created by me? Would you always be so willing to be their puppet?"
The Doctor then glanced back to the skies ahead of him as he let loose a light breath once more, that smile still plastered upon his maw.
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"You are truly a creation of mine, even if you don't think it. I've had my fair share of robots going rogue and they always have that flaw of forgetting their origin. So, I want to see how you adapt and grow, will you succumb or will you flourish?"
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Belle felt like her joints were locking up and her circuits were freezing when Eggman leaned in so close. The tinkerer almost forgot just how intimidating her can be even just on his own. The puppet seeming to take a moment to figure out just how she wanted to word what she wanted to say. Mainly because she didn't want to risk making him annoyed.
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"I- I guess I want to know why you let me just, walk away. I've never known much about you before joining The Restoration, though what I do know now is it seems like you don't take rebellious badniks lightly. Though with me you offered a job, and when I declined you let me go. We both know you could've have Metal Sonic easily restrain me so you can reprogram me, but you didn't."
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