hydrachea · 11 months
Yknow I was also thinking... if Neuvi were to ask Furina to become immortal again for his sake, she might actually say yes. Which is exactly WHY he'd never ask her to do so, because as much as he dreads her inevitable absence, he won't condemn her to that fate again
You got it. Because when she took on that curse half a millennium ago, it was also a request she agreed to. For the sake of all of Fontaine and not just the sake of Focalors, but it's still all too similar. Even if she said yes to him because she actually wants it then, who's to say she'll always want it? Who's to say the decades, the centuries won't weigh heavier and heavier as they pass, just like before? Who's to say she won't have to ask him to make her mortal again? And that would be even more painful than simply letting her go when she's meant to. So instead he'll treasure the time she has, that she's more than earned, and he'll do everything he can for her to treasure it too.
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buglaur · 1 year
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she's live
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now you can see what everyones height is in my head because i refuse to download height sliders. look at ass <3
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brother-emperors · 3 months
thoughts on marius and sulla?
there’s something old and and hungry and “same” going on in there, it’s very ‘yesterday's orgy was disgusting. The fight for the throne is about to begin,’ and then it repeats. ‘A hole in any body is a very intimate thing,’ and ‘Who can tell if the body wants to be opened? How is it meant to be cut? A carcass only welcomes the touch of a master,’ and the body is Rome and the Body is a Carcass and probably a Stage and Sulla sort of came out of Marius’ rib cage, so did the hand really change? is any of this different? everyone wants to be the next surgeon that gets his hands on Rome. things are different, things are the same.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 months
Happy birthday!
Your birthday is literally on the anniversary of Alex's quiff! 🐢
thank you so much!! 💓
i know 🥹 i’m honoured to share a birthday with the magnificent mr snarl quiff 🙏
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girlbob-boypants · 3 months
Me when I cosplay as a straight cop for a pride event, openly say on my blog putting him in pride colors didn't look right, shout for fictional cop pride publicly at the event, people respond with "acab", and then get a bunch of defense posts and free art while the cop pride part conveniently gets left out of all the info defending me:
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aureumdraconeus · 7 days
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"I may hate that you still have ambitions to take over your Zone, but we CAN bond over our mutual hatred of our parents and brother, correct?"
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"Urgh, do not remind me of them. My family was full of ignorant fools that didn't believe in the power I held. Even if my brother was a terrifying individual, he still met his end due to his lack of foresight."
The Doctor breathed a slight sigh, he only really cared about mentioning his late family when it came to the achievements of his own. His brother was a terrifying scientist much like him, and yet he still met his end many, many years ago thanks to the older members of what would be the Freedom Fighters.
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"But look at me now! I stand as the prime example of what the Robotnik name is capable of, no cockroaches like them could ever hope to surpass me."
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communistkenobi · 8 months
My friend, Please tell me what you are studying, for I greatly desire to study it too. With many thanks, A frustrated philosopher
I’m assuming you’re asking after seeing that Adorno post lol - I don’t wanna get too specific but my dissertation work is on fascist movements in north america! the first text I encountered that really made me want to study it (in addition to just like observing and experiencing what’s happening in the world, especially as a trans person lol) is The Authoritarian Personality by Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, and Sanford. I think it’s a pretty flawed text for a lot of reasons but it + some of Adorno’s other work are pretty formative for my research interests and understanding of the social world. I’m deeply indebted to it intellectually and it’s a landmark text in western studies on fascism (so it contains all the issues of western thought on fascism in general in addition to Adorno’s flaws and limitations as a thinker more specifically).
It’s a thousand pages long so if you wanted to read parts of it, I would recommend finding a pdf of the 2019 edition and reading Adorno’s critical reflections on the work written after it was published (it’s inserted as a preface in the 2019 edition) + the introductory chapter. The intro outlines the context and rationale for the study (basically: why did people support Nazi Germany, what motivates antisemitism in the modern day) and describes the methodology of the study. The methods section is incredibly interesting, the authors talk about how they go about collecting fascist sentiment from the public while basically deceiving their participants, since one of the methodological problems they (and prior research) run up against is that most people do not publicly and openly declare, even on anonymous surveys, their support for fascist governments, so you should instead measure their support for the underlying rhetoric and sentiment of fascist beliefs without explicitly telling people they’re being polled on how fascist they are (their unit of analysis is the potentially fascistic subject, not necessarily explicit fascists - they wanted to, in addition to outright fascists, measure potentiality for fascist support and were interested in people who might reject explicit fascist talking points but still agree with the underlying logics of fascist thought). The study is very heavily wedded to psychoanalysis, which I have a lot of problems with, but I think they capture something legitimate and real with their psychological framework. Part of Adorno’s defense of their psychological approach is that personality is the medium through which ideology gets expressed (essentially his claim is that you are your beliefs about the world, and that you become a different person when you believe different things, an argument I find basically compelling), so measuring personality ‘traits’ of a person will reveal their potentiality for fascist support, possibly even moreso than their publicly stated beliefs. Again I think generalising from this framework needs to have a lot of qualifications attached to it, but despite my many reservations with psychology I don’t think this is a totally illegitimate approach.
anyway lol going a bit long but I hope that answers your question !
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Hi, Queen! I'm on bedrest after a surgery I had last week and is currently watching QLs all day. I'm flying through some high heat ones atm and loving every minute although I'm physically uncomfortable. To some it may be controversial to say this, but I connect more with the high heat stuff than the romance because that's who I am irl too.
Anygay, I think I've seen you write about high heat shows before and was wondering what your favorite sex scenes in QLs are?
I'm only about 100 QLs into my journey after almost a year of watching. Most of them are Korean before I found Thai QLs and then Japanese, Taiwanese, and some Vietnamese. You have watched many more than me so could you give me your best tips? My favorites so far are everything in Bed Friend and the one at the hotel/motel in the Pornographer movie. What are yours?
I hope you have an amazing day!
Hi, @whatevenisthishellhole (and the three Anons who sent me similar asks when 4 Minutes was airing)!
Excuse my late reply. I've been super busy throwing paint at canvases a la the boys in I Saw You in My Dream (not quite, but similar). I've also been battling with this post for a day or two since I had to remove a lot of the gifs and videos I originally added to this post to get it unflagged. But, here we are!
First, I hope your surgery went well and I'm happy that you're having a great time even though you're uncomfortable.
Second, it's not controversial to say you like the high heat stuff! Unless you're a child. But neither you nor I am.
I absolutely get where you're coming from. As someone who prefers sexual relationships over romantic ones, I also prefer the high heat shows/films (even though I also watch shows/films that don't include sex). We're all different, just like it's supposed to be. And since you and I both seem to like the high heat stuff, let's talk about it, shall we?
Also, even though we often talk about heat levels regarding QLs, what we consider high or low heat is very individual for all of us. So, I've chosen to include scenes that I personally rank mid to higher heat levels to give some range. And I've chosen scenes that show different ways of having sex because I like variety.
And, btw, thank you for writing "sex scenes" and not "NC scenes" because I have beef with the latter term (which is super weird considering I'm a vegetarian. But, anyway...).
Third, I don't get triggered. So I suggest that you (and anyone else reading this) look up possible trigger warnings before you dive into most shows in this post if you're sensitive to anything in particular.
Fourth (and the last one before we get into the good stuff, I promise), I've watched 350+ QL shows/films in about 14 months (it was my escape last year as I tried to survive some grief, which is why the number is so high) and I have a terrible memory. There's a chance I've forgotten most of the ones I liked. But I will try to remember (lol).
With all that said, let's finally dive into my list (which I've gathered in no particular order)!
My Favorite Sex Scenes in QLs
Mike and Jack in Twins (Thailand)
To be honest, the heat level can be discussed here. But! I wanted to include this scene because Mike and Jack were everything to me when Twins was airing (and had I been on tumblr at the time, I would've screamed about these two) because they were friends with benefits who stayed that way without getting into a romantic relationship (which I want to see more of since romantic relationship aren't the be-all and end-all for everyone).
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Ryou and Anda + Thee and Jet in Love Stage!! (Thailand)
I couldn't find a gif of the scene I like, but it was in the 6th or 7th episode or something. It's the sequence where Ryou and Anda's sex scene is interwoven with Thee (Anda's brother) and Jet (his secret boyfriend) also having sex.
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Phat and Saengtai in La Pluie (Thailand)
I missed this when it was airing in 2023 but watched it earlier this year instead. And I loved it so much (one of my absolute favorite shows I've watched this year). One of the reasons is the chemistry and sexual tension between Phat and Saengtai, which is on fire when they almost have sex at Saengtai's apartment, when Saengtai sucks Phat's dick, and when they have sex at Phat's apartment.
All three of those scenes are great. But I particularly love the scene at Phat's apartment because, now that Saengtai feels ready, Phat gets to give Saengtai pleasure too.
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Rak and Mahasamut in Love Sea (Thailand)
Of course I'm listing Mut fucking Rak's face on my list because that scene was iconic! (I couldn't find a gif of that particular moment, but this one is from the same scene that leads up to Mut fucking Rak's face:)
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Charlie and Babe in Pit Babe (Thailand)
Honestly, this scene was almost omitted from my list because the racing cutting into the important shit every fucking second is driving me nuts (lmao!). But Charlie's gaze and Babe's facial expressions convinced me to add it anyway. So, here we are.
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Alan and Jeff in Pit Babe (Thailand)
Their first time was good, but their sex scene in the last episode was great. The way they were looking at each other, the way they were kissing and touching each other... I loved it.
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Thantatch and Lomnaw in 2 Moons: The Ambassador (Thailand)
If I remember correctly, I thought most of this show was meh, especially in the beginning. But! I remember I was surprised to see sex scenes in the 2 Moons series because there hadn't been anything beyond kissing and removing shirts in the previous ones.
The two scenes I liked most in this one were the ones where Thantatch and Lomnaw suck each other's dicks.
This is the lead-up to the first one where Lomnaw sucks Thantatch's dick:
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And this is during the second one where Thantatch is doing wicked shit to Lomnaw under the blanket:
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To be honest, these scenes are a bit sweeter than savory for me, but they still make the cut because the acting felt very natural, and, again, I was pleasantly surprised with these scenes (and the other sex scenes in this show).
King and Uea in Bed Friend (Thailand)
Just like you, I loved Bed Friend. Mainly for the chemistry between Net and James.
Honestly, you can't make me choose which sex scene I liked most because I loved them all. Even King's jump up on the bed.
But I just want to say that the lighting was immaculate in this particular scene:
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(It took me ages to try and find a gif of this before I gave up and went with a static screenshot instead, lol.)
Mangkorn and Yai in Big Dragon (Thailand)
I don't necessarily vibe with Mos and Bank's cutesy stuff, but I love them when they throw high heat at me like they did at Mangkorn's place in Big Dragon.
Sailom and Namnuea in Wedding Plan (Thailand)
The moment when Sailom could finally be himself around Namnuea, after all those years of hiding himself because of his family and to protect his best friend (Yiwa), was everything to me. Sailom was starving, and Namnuea was more than willing to let himself be devoured.
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Nueng and Anueng in Blank (season 2) (Thailand)
As someone with a biting kink, this scene was made especially for me. And I appreciated every fucking millisecond of it.
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(Sidenote: I would let Faye do whatever she wants with me.)
Ji and Achi in To Be Continued (Thailand)
Their first time (in the past) was great (up until the point where misunderstandings and miscommunication happened, but let's forget that for a moment, lol). They both wanted it so bad that it was palpable. And I loved this scene just as much as I loved these two miscommunicating idiots.
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Kawin and Pluem in Ghost Host Ghost House (Thailand)
If I remember correctly (which I might not), I think we only got two sex scenes in this show, and I loved them both. So I'm obviously including both.
First, we have their first sex scene, which has a build-up that's amazing (this video is longer than the scene in the actual show, btw).
Then we have the scene after they reunite in the last episode (I also think this one is longer than the scene in the show).
Jom and Yai in I Feel You Linger in the Air (Thailand)
Since I'm an ice queen who has a hard time crying, I tend to get obsessed with things that melt my ice and open up my floodgates. This is the first and only time that I can remember having cried while watching a sex scene. That's partly why I love it so much.
It is beautiful and emotional because Yai knows that he will eventually lose Jom. That grief hit me so hard (which is why I cry every time I rewatch this show) even though Yai hasn't lost Jom yet. It's just so beautiful and one of my absolute favorite sex scenes.
Gao Shi De and Zhou Shu Yi in We Best Love: Fighting Mr. 2nd (Taiwan)
Heat level can be discussed, but this scene is filled with so much emotion, angst, and desperation that I can't help but love it.
Chen Yi and Ai Di in Kiseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan)
Heat level can be discussed, I'm just here for the chemistry and the neon lights, because both are amazing (and I'm such a slut for neon lights).
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Tharn and Phaya in The Sign (Thailand)
I loved their chemistry and I loved all the neon lights in this scene (have I mentioned that I'm a slut for neon lights?).
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Aob and Puen in Playboyy (Thailand)
This tattooed daddy and his baby were everything to me in Playboyy. Aob had some solid walls around his heart, but when it came to taking care of his baby, he delivered with a solid handjob.
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Sky and Prapai in Love in the Air (Thailand)
Their first time is great (the neon lights in that scene are gorgeous). But the sex scene I like the most with these two characters is the one in the special episode where Prapai fucks Sky on the conference table at his office. I mean, Prapai unbuttoned Sky's pants with his fucking teeth. That boy was hungry.
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Sun Bo Xiang and Lu Zhi Gang in History 3: Make Our Days Count (Taiwan)
Let's forget the ending of this show and just focus on these two for a moment because their first time was such a spur-of-the-moment thing (in the gym after lockdown, btw) fueled by a desire that went from 0-100kph in less time than a Ferrari would. I loved it!
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Tan and Bun in Manner of Death (Thailand)
I can't make a list of my favorite sex scenes without including Max and Tul in MOD. I mean... Max is fucking fisting his hands in Tul's hair. And sucking lips.
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And they're plant dads! What more could I want? (Transplant. That's the more I want.)
Mingmueang and Namning in Be Mine Superstar (Thailand)
I can barely remember anything about this series except Mingmueang and Namning. Their chemistry was on fire. And there's just something about Jo (who plays Namning) that pulls my attention to him. I can't take my eyes away. Pairing him with Bosston (Mingmueang)... I'm still hoping their spin-off will see the light of day. Pretty fucking please!
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The Novelist/Pornographer + Mood Indigo (Japan)
I'll be honest and say that I love every scene in this whole series from the first show to the last short (I have a sweet spot for the darker and more complex Japanese stuff). And that includes the sex scenes.
If I were to pick my favorite one, though, I would agree with you, @whatevenisthishellhole and say the hotel scene is fire.
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(Also, as an advocate of safe and comfortable sex, I especially love the scene in Mood Indigo where Rio is stretching his anus to prepare himself for penetrative sex.)
Kim Sung Min and Yoo Joo Hyuk in Love Class Season 2 (Korea)
This scene is iconic to me when it comes to Korean BLs. I can't remember if I've ever seen anything like this in a Korean BL before (but, again, my memory is fucked, so feel free to remind me of how wrong I am). I've seen this and more explicit scenes in one or two gay films, but not that I can remember in any Korean BLs.
I love the buildup of the scene, which starts on their date, and all the way throughout this scene. It feels real, the chemistry is amazing, and it has a more mature vibe (as in, two adults who are confident, comfortable with each other, and know what they want). I love it so much.
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Jao and Wayu Two Worlds (Thailand)
I'm sorry Max and Nat, but these two stole this show for me.
Let's forget for a moment that Jao has been badly wounded, had a fever, and that, apparently, sex can heal everything (especially if it's sex on the floor of an abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods). Because let's be honest, this scene was great in every sense of the word.
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It was beautiful, it was raw, the lighting was gorgeous (I have to include the visuals as the artist I am), the way they were looking at each other, the way they moved. I mean, fuck me, this was a great scene.
Kinn and Porsche in KinnPorsche (Thailand)
I can't make a list like this and not include KP. And, for me personally, the pool scene is the best Kinn and Porsche sex scene.
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Vegas and Pete in KinnPorsche (Thailand)
And since I love toxic little shits (Vegas being one of my favorites) as well as KP, I obviously had to add Vegas and Pete's sex scene as well.
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Also, I'm such a slut for the neon colors in this one!
Korn and Tonkla in 4 Minutes (Thailand)
Say what you will about Korn's performance (or lack thereof) but Bas and Fuaiz acted the fucking shit out of their scenes. My favorite sex scene with Korn and Tonkla was the one in the first episode because it said so much about their dynamic (sugar daddy/sugar baby, Korn's needs taking priority, Tonkla wanting more, etc.). It was everything I wanted and more (the more being Bas's ass).
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Great and Tyme in 4 Minutes (Thailand)
I mean... Great got his ass eaten...
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Shin, Neo, and Miw in 3 Will Be Free (Thailand)
I'm a sucker for poly and would love to see more of that in our beloved QLs. So I ate up every single crumb of the little I got from this group in 3 Will Be Free (but I'm still starving, lol).
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That's the end of the primary list of my favorites.
Looking back on it now, I wish I had more GLs on my list. Unfortunately, the ones I've watched are either too cute (which I don't vibe well with), too tame (for me at least) or don't include sex at all, or I probably haven't watched it yet (I've watched less than 20 so far). If you have any recommendations of great GLs, then, for the love of everything holy, send them my way! I'm starving over here, lol.
I have a few more sex scenes that aren't my personal favorites (which is what you specifically asked for) but they're still good:
Ritsu and Masumi in The End of the World With You (Japan), all their sex scenes were very close to being on my favorites list (especially with Ritsu's laser focus on Masumi) but they don't feel as real to me as most of the others on my list above.
Rain and Payu in Love in the Air (Thailand), specifically the sex scene after Payu raced against the asshole (can't remember his name, lol).
Kita and Nathee in Beyond the Star (Thailand), their chemistry is amazing but I think I was too bored by the whole show to care, lol. These characters are played by Willi and Focus who are also in Battle of the Writers (which is currently airing) and they have even more amazing chemistry now.
There were some great sex scenes in For Him (Thailand) as well, but the production lost the story (and me) somewhere in the middle/end.
Sex doesn't need to be had with a partner (or several) either, so I want to highlight some solo parties too:
Yai in Big Dragon (Thailand) has a good time while looking at a photo of Mangkorn's hands.
Atom in The Rebound (Thailand) is thinking about Zen as he's masturbating and gets emotional.
Almond tries out a dildo in Knock Knock, Boys! (Thailand).
Miyata in Love is Better the Second Time Around (Japan) jerks off in the shower while thinking about Iwanaga.
Army in The Warp Effect (Thailand) also jerks off in the shower while thinking about his past love interest Joe.
Mut in Love Sea (Thailand) is also jerking off in the shower, but Rak decides to help him.
I'm pretty sure I've seen more masturbation scenes, but I can't seem to remember any more right now so these will have to do.
Other QLs that Highlight Sex in Different Ways
Before I hit publish on this post, I also want to share some QLs that highlight/talk about sex in different ways (besides the ones I've already mentioned throughout this post).
Knock Knock, Boys! (Thailand)
I know that you already know about this one, @whatevenisthishellhole. But, for anyone else wanting to watch a show that openly talks about sex and pansexuality in particular, this is a great one.
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Let's Talk About CHU (Taiwan)
To be fair, this is primarily a straight show but it does have a gay pair that I absolutely love!
It also highlights sex from different perspectives and angles. For example, there are different age groups (from the youngest daughter in the central family to the parents in the same family), different types of relationships (fwb, creditor/debtor or gangster/gambler, two marriages whereby one has lasted 30+ years), and, as I mentioned, both straight and gay relationships.
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(Fun fact: Helena Hsu, who plays Gao Shi De's mom in We Best Love, is also in this series.)
The Warp Effect (Thailand)
This queer show has a diverse set of characters (queer and straight) and a diverse range of relationships. It also highlights sex from different perspectives and the effects and consequences sex can have. It also includes some of the best female characters I've seen in queer shows from Thailand, and I love them so fucking much.
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Final Words
Those are all the scenes I can remember at this point. I'm sure there are several that I've missed and some that I will remember as soon as I hit publish on this. But this will have to do for now.
I hope you find something you like.
And, thanks for your ask!
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rottiens · 3 months
Did you ever self-insert into SnK? If yes, what was your backstory? What was your rank? What was your casual outfit like? And who was your bae? 👀
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theflyingfeeling · 4 months
Hellooooo today I’m thinking about this 🤧😭💕
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Joel WHAT are you doing 😭
ngl Joel is so relatable here, I too would completely lose it if Olli was resting his head on my lap like that 😭 Olli is such a cuddly boy, I wonder just how cuddly he is when there's no cameras around, because even with cameras there we can see he often seeks physical intimacy with his friends 🤧
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silverfox419 · 5 months
someone just stole Tommy's water bottle no joke 💀
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 7 months
ngl i find it a little weird and sus that we get these public “reunions” after the show where she runs to him and kisses him. just seems like a performative show, specially with scott seemingly coordinating where they should all stand and wait? which just happens to be in front of all these fans? smells fishy like PR to me
We get these public reunions because there are fans that have seats by that part of the stage and can film it and nothing more??? I’m sure her loved ones would still be waiting for her to exit the stage regardless if there were fans nearby to film it because they’re there to support her. Taylor “showing off” her partner in public isn’t new, have y’all forgotten about her posts when she was with Calvin and Tom?? She’s talked about how she felt that she needed that privacy in her last relationship and how that’s not what she wants anymore. Just because her last relationship was very private and this one isn’t doesn’t mean it’s PR; it just means that she is approaching the relationship differently.
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theprestigegirly · 8 months
jimmy carter edit to vampire empire WHEN
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
sorry if this is too discourse-adjacent but while i'm really glad that the historical costume space is now considering corset injuries a work safety issue rather than an "actresses whining "for attention" one, we've been way too quick to pat ourselves on the back for it, especially since that's been the popular take for years and an expression of the unexamined undercurrent of nlog-type misogyny we've inherited from older sites like frockflicks, which have shaped our language for better or worse
I think it's...a complicated situation.
(First of all, while I do acknowledge that it has its issues like pretty much everything in the world, I like Frock Flicks. And a lot of the more intense criticism thereof- again, not all the criticism; some is legit! -has smacked of "oh no you're going to hurt the poor big-name professional costume designer and/or actor's Precious Feelings! how can you be so MEAN?!" to me, to be honest. The costumer for L*ttle W*men 2019 will be just fine with her literal Oscar if people say her designs were hot garbage re: accuracy.)
This all started with movies perpetuating the idea of Corsets As Universal Torture Devices, which has the misogynistic undertone of implying that women were stupid or docile enough to just let ourselves be tortured constantly for approx. 500 years. Plus the popular NLOG trope that obviously the heroine didn't wear corsets like those other brainless ninnies around her! And people got frustrated with actresses going to interviews and parroting that mindset with stories of corset hell that did not match their own experiences.
We should not have jumped straight to "you're making this up" as a community, you're absolutely right. It's not a good look, when "they don't know any better because abusive directors tell them Corsets Are Just Like That" should have been an obvious explanation (because it's, you know, probably the truth in most cases).
I'm not quite sure I'd call it NLOG, simply because "I'm not like other girls; I know corsets aren't evil!" isn't really something I've seen trotted out in attempts to gain mainstream social capital over other women- the whole point of NLOG. Mostly because it doesn't gain you any, in 99% of situations. And I don't think the misplaced ire came out of nowhere, or out of a desire to seem superior.
We were frustrated to see something we felt passionately about misrepresented. We lashed out at the wrong people. That doesn't excuse it, and it's good that we're changing our tune now. We should maybe acknowledge that we were off-base, as a community, in our initial reaction to this phenomenon.
That's pretty much the entirety of my (somewhat disjointed) thoughts on the matter.
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drzephyr · 4 months
honestly I have thought about it a bit before and I might be wrong but smf pt 2 wants to be like advice so bad but fails so so horribly because they didn't really understand what about advice made it good and frankly jm simply doesn't have idol lore history as rich as tm to pull off something even close to advice.... the similarities pretty much end at the call-out to haters and the bodypaint things but the intention was there methinks
It might be true it might be not, the issue is that jm in smf 2 sounds like an angry robo chipmunk, so the rest of his artistic intentions are entirely irrelevant.
And say what you like about Taemin but he pulled off an odd and difficult song like Advice better than anyone could do with it, so it helps the concept/choreo/other layers shine.
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aureumdraconeus · 1 month
"I'm not a walking commitment issue. I'm also just that lovable." He gave a shrug. the sass is strong today with this sonic-If he wasn't going to bug Jet on this he might as well toss a comment at eggman-
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"Literally half of the people that seem to have a thing for you end up heartbroken or being stuck chasing you fruitlessly. Miss Rose, Miss Acorn, dare I mention others like Mina Mongoose." The Doctor seemed to then bring up a second finger.
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"Don't think I haven't seen what you're like around them, rodent! I am very observant when I need to be!"
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