auroratickets · 2 years
If you’re a victim / have damming evidence of Hector ( AKA, Gladio @ frolickingflames / veilstonevalor / dazzlingadventurers ), please message Ashley, Hectors former wife, @velvetcrowes_ on Twitter if you can/want.
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This is not a fandom call out post or a witch hunt; Hector has committed sexual assault against a resident with dementia at his job. Right now he is in holding with pending in court hearing. ( Under read more is Hectors arrest record and explaining the situation. )
Keep reading
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auroratickets · 2 years
@meteormashed​ scribbled: 📂📂📂 yes
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send “📂“ for a random & completely useless headcanon | always open!
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Noland can't stand bubbly drinks. Though, he'll take a carbonated drink over plain water with no ice in it if offered... He's actually pickier on his water than anything else.
He smokes cigarettes from time to time. It’s a habit that started when he was in college. It was his own choice to start smoking, albeit it was a bad one.
He enjoys the sound of rain falling and the sound of waves crashing. However, Noland hates the cold... Thankfully, Hoenn is known for its warm storms.
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auroratickets · 2 years
Well... This certainly was a situation - it was going to keep spiraling and more people were going to get hurt, especially if someone wasn’t going to step in. Though, luckily for the people of Cyllage, a ranger was on the scene already and has intentions to try to slow down and put a stop to the entire situation so it doesn’t transpire into something even worse than it was currently. From what he could see, a few small Pokémon and two adults were injured, but all were getting medical attention, thankfully.
Aarune would rush out to the scene, spotting a Whirlipede, rushing around as it could possibly go and only one question would hang over his mind was if the Pokémon was scared. Thankfully, he didn’t voice it because people would probably take his concern as if he had no care for the city and the injured... Regardless, he had to make a statement for others to clear the area and to not step in even if they wanted to help. Too many hands in the pot can make dire situations like this even more drastic...
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“Clear the area! I’ve got experience with things like this!” A shout would be tossed to the crowd and well... They’d listen, thankfully. Aarune would sigh slightly, before running towards the rushing bug-type and it’d quickly shift directions dashing right at the ranger, causing his eyes to go wide, before swiftly rolling out of the way... As it tried to drift and turn before it crashed into the rockface of the mountains, but that attempt would be in vain as it slammed full speed into the solid rock.
The blond would wince, before flipping himself over and waiting for the dust to settle to see if it had worn itself out... Though, clearly not since a white light broke through the red dust clouds, causing Aarune’s eyes to widen. It’s been a long while since he’s seen a Pokémon evolve, but he’s never seen one do it out of distress like this before... He already knew that Pokémon that belonged to the Venipede line wasn’t from Kalos, but what he didn’t know was why this Pokémon was so agitated... He assumed it was scared, but clearly something had to make it feel threatened, right?
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Regardless, seeing a Scolipede emerge from the dust as it settled and the light vanished made him realize he alone was biting off more than he could chew, but... He was never known to back down from a challenge - especially one like this. Aarune would nod at the Megapede Pokémon as it let out a loud roar. He had to somehow get this Pokémon in a position where it could be tamed by his capture styler and he wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to do it alone.
As the silence of the standstill faded, the newly evolved Pokémon would charge at him at a speed unmatched and now... He was uncertain how he’d stop it. Now a new question would enter his mind... Aarune began to wonder if this was this the end.
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auroratickets · 2 years
What’s… What is an ‘E10’? Is that some sort of… hip new kid slang? Cool young people lingo? Some new electronic? What does she mean? What is that. What’s an E10.
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“…What’s E10?”
Oh Palmer. You fool. You’ve been deceived... Fallen right into her trap, like a school of fish swimming into a territory of great whites. Dahlia was just a wolf in sheep’s clothing and he’s the victim of this heinous act. All should feel sorry for this poor man being deceived by such a villain as her. Let alone, the saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies...
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“E10... Deez nuts!”
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auroratickets · 2 years
byron and the iron island incident - headcanon.
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As some know, Byron is technically dead - at least on the spiritual plane. For context, this post is giving background to the headcanon from a while back about his crew. Regardless... Some might wonder why Iron Island’s mining operations shut down as there’s no context in any media to give us actual reasons why. This is where this headcanon comes in...
Byron began to live in Canalave at the age of thirty-six to be closer to work at Iron Island. Work is good even if his personal life isn’t with Calliope winning custody over Roark, his feelings for Palmer haunting him, so on, but he continues to work since things can’t get worse, right? Well, things looked to be on the up and up, when he was thirty-eight, as he was offered a higher position as a foreman, which he swiftly accepted... Though, he wouldn’t know that his fellow coworkers and friends were conspiring against the company that was overseeing the operation.
Only nine days into his new position, an unplanned manmade cave-in would occur... 65 people would die - including all the conspirers - with 23 injured, and 1 clinical death with successful resuscitation as a result of the sudden collapse. Byron was recovered from the rubble and resuscitated, but consequences that were out of his control would go unseen for quite some time. An Odd Keystone was buried in the walls around the collapse, having claimed only part of his soul along with the 65 others around the cave-in. Yes, he escaped death’s embrace, but he still had to recover.
After three months in the hospital of putting up with “hallucinations” - ones that sounded and looked the same as his late coworkers - Byron’s impulsiveness and stubbornness would get the best of him despite still being hospitalized. He would go to Iron Island in the middle of the night, intruding on the private investigation to recover an Odd Keystone as per the apparitions’ requests... After hiding the Keystone on his person, Byron would make his way back to the Canalave Emergency Room doors and faint on the spot.
The next thing he knew is that he would wake up to see Calliope... She’d ask how was his rest, he’d ask how long he was asleep for, she’d respond four weeks. He wouldn’t question her as the looks of his late coworkers in the room irked him. Byron wouldn’t do anything drastic like that again since he began to question if he should even be alive... Though, after being released from the hospital, at thirty-nine, he purchases the cabin on Iron Island to live in to please the voices - rather living in Canalave. The mining operations at Iron Island shut down a year later, but he still stays to live there since he feels he can’t leave even if he wanted to.
Some quick details...
Byron is 43 during game events.
At 44, Byron learns that the things he’s been seeing and hearing have been spirits of the dead.
He comes to terms with this part of his life not too long after he learns that, but is anxious about what this means for his future... Can he actually die since he’s in some form of limbo?
Upon turning 45, the incident at Iron Island is made public, but only as 89 casualties and nothing more.
After Zin passes near him, he learns that the Odd Keystone takes souls of the departed that are near it and it calms the negatives that are associated with it.
Homicidal thoughts, snapping, and violent wants are some of the negatives that are linked to this Odd Keystone.
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auroratickets · 2 years
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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auroratickets · 2 years
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[ hey hey! this is dash’s permanent inbox call! if you like this post it’ll let me know i’m good to pop into your inbox whenever, where ever, with whichever released muse of mine! regardless if its unprompted, from an inbox meme, or otherwise. ]
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auroratickets · 2 years
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Yes, he gets it... Unfortunately. He’s been around the block a few times. Guess he’s known as Bussy now and his Palmussy likes him... Let alone no one can take away their nicknames from them. Unless...
“’ey Palmussy, why aren’t ya’ matchin’ wit’ me entirely...” If he’s going down, he’s taking the ship down with him,“Bussy 'n Pussy.”
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auroratickets · 2 years
Well Byron, it looks like you need to re-calibrate your dad senses! “Super Luck’s? Pff! No, no, surely you get your groceries at the…” He’s expecting to be called a bastard for this, he’s bracing for the elbow to the side he’s about to get.
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“Ghost-ery store.”
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The disbelief and shock in his face when he learns that he’s been dad joked. Let alone the groan that leaves Byron’s mouth a few moments after the shock fades. He rolls his eyes and well... Scoffs with a small, half-laugh following after,“...Good one..” Yes, he’s sore about being got, but he’ll have to get him back... It’s in the dad code after all!
Though, Palmer would be in the right to brace for the elbow he was preparing to get... Ow.
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auroratickets · 2 years
@twinleafroyalty​ scribbled:  "Byron..." He has a Look on his face as he starts to speak - a dad look. "Where do you get your groceries?" Palmer knows that he's going to get smote for this, but that won't stop him.
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“Eh?” Did he get the wrong brand of coffee at the store? That wouldn’t make sense... It’s the evening - it’d be a bit odd to let him know something like that right now. Did he go to the wrong store this time? That doesn’t seem right either... He always makes sure to go to the same Super Luck’s whenever the two are staying around his neck of Sinnoh. Something’s not right with Palmer, but he can’t exactly place his fingers on it at the moment...
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A bead of sweet rolls down his face regardless, oblivious to the look the fellow dad is giving... Maybe his dad senses are a bit rusty from the last time he’s actually dadded,“Y’should know tha’ already Palmie.. I get ‘em at Super Luck’s...—”
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auroratickets · 2 years
wishlist, interest check, & new verses - blog update.
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[ here i am to say i did some updates to my blog! also, my volkner no longer exists after some pondering when i was making these changes. rip to him ig, but my other muses must be built different. ]
[ first noticeable thing is that my wishlist is now sorted by my personal interest in the muse and all of my released muses have some things on their wishlist! there’s also a generalized wishlist prompt at the top of the page to do with relationships (including the pre-established type)! feel free to give that a look to see if anything catches your eye. ]
[ next, my interest check sheet has a new coat of paint on it! instead of symbols? it’s listed as “high interest”, “medium interest”, and “low interest” + they’re also colour coded! my muses are also sorted by personal interest on there and i plan to maintain it every other week or so. also, i won’t be hurt regardless of what you put for whichever muse of mine - we all have our own likes and so on <3 please fill it out whenever you can. it helps me approach you - my lovely mutuals - when it comes to topics to do with plotting! ]
[ lastly and most exciting thing in my opinion is that i added some new things to my verses page! i added a crossover section (plus my rules updated to let others know i am in fact Down to rp such things) and a genshin impact verse to start that section off and i will let you all know that i know WAY too much about genshin lore for my own good. then there’s my hisui verse... which i’m very excited about!! i did limit my muses in that verse since it’d be a bit difficult to manage with an eventual number of 30 muses running around in that verse - all with different backgrounds... so. for now. byron, mint, hunter j’s ancestor “kariudo”, & marley (ikr “huh?”) are in this verse! here’s some quick info on all of them... ]
Byron is a faller from the future roughly after Sinnoh events. Has been in Hisui for a bit + is working as a miner to help gather materials for Jubilife Village. Has amnesia and is confused as to why he sees spirits.
Mint is still a Faller - as usual. She’s new to Hisui + confused about her surroundings. Has amnesia.
Kariudo is Hunter J’s ancestor. Previously was a part of the Ginkgo Guild, but is now outcasted. She’s trying to instigate another war between the clans. Lived in another region before arriving in Hisui.
Marley is a Faller from the future after Sinnoh events. Has been in Hisui for a while and is an outcast from Jubilife Village due to her status as a were-Pokémon. Remembers the future vividly, but nothing about her past - which has nothing to do with Falling.
[ that’s it for updates! expect a permanent inbox call from me at some point in the relative future. ]
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auroratickets · 2 years
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“I don’t really have any preferences... Though, ground-types are neat if I did have t’ pick!”
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auroratickets · 2 years
The morning is calm within the living room of Palmer’s cozy little villa. It’s a day off for both himself and Byron - something which felt like a rarity, and which Palmer quietly yearned for more of… And, as the Tycoon does on his days off, he’s slept in. It isn’t until 11 AM that Byron would have heard the sounds of Palmer’s awakening from the floor above - of Palmer throwing the blankets off of himself, the sounds of dresser drawers being opened and closed as he dresses himself for the day, the sound of the bedroom door opening when Palmer decided to make himself known to the world.
( Byron hadn’t been left alone that morning - he had a certain little Furfrou there to keep him company. )
Descending down the stairs, Palmer rubbed at his eye with a balled fist. He was evidently still sleepy, but that wasn’t anything a cup of coffee couldn’t fix - though he had to go pay a visit to a handsome individual before he could even think about making himself a latte. With a soft smile on his face, the sleepy Tycoon approached Byron - and the dog - both on the couch.
“Why, aren’t you handsome?”
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His gloved hands gently cupped the face of the scruffy individual in front of him, fingertips scritching over his chin as Palmer gazed deep into affection-filled eyes. “Look at you, so handsome and adorable.” Palmer leaned in and pressed his own forehead to against the other’s, lowering his voice. “You are so lucky that I love youuu…”
A series of kisses were planted against his forehead, with Palmer’s smile having widened into a proper grin as he pulled away. He pulled his hands away, but not before ruffling the mess of hair upon his friend’s head.
Then, he turned to Byron.
( Sorry Byron - all those kisses and compliments were for the dog. )
“Ahh, mornin’, By!”
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“Did you leave any coffee in the pot, or do I need to make a fresh batch?”
He loves you, Byron — but right now, his mind is focused on caffeine and the dog.
Days off together were always nice, considering that work was a near constant for the both of them. Nights were always spent together which was great, but the time together on a day off would be longed for much more than those common nights... When they had the day off, it was time spent together and only together.
After reading an article in the newspaper, Byron would perk up slightly to look over to the stairway, hearing Palmer descend down the stairs... He'd close and fold the papers, smile on his face for a second, before it grew into a proper toothy one... He was anticipating the other man to give him a morning kiss, but then his attention quickly turned to look to the sudden change of events.
'Righ'... Scruff.' A small sigh would come from the Gym Leader, smile shrinking, but not fading away completely. Where would he be if Palmer wasn't, well, Palmer? Plus the lil' fella did need his share of attention too. Byron would take the mug of coffee that was on the stand at his side and sip it, before answering the blonde,"Mornin'."
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His smile would grow slightly as Palmer's own was contagious in his eyes... Then he'd nod over towards the direction of the kitchen,"Should be 'nough f'r ya' in there. Got y'r cream 'n sugar out f'r ya' already too." Byron would set down his own mug after another sip and stretch for a moment, giving Palmer ample time to leave for the coffee, but... Any window of time is good enough for Palmer if he's being serious.
After stretching, he'd set the newspaper to his side and give the Furfrou some scratches under his chin, before following after Palmer. "What 'bout m' mornin' kiss, eh? Been waitin' a while f'r that y'know.." A simple tease from the older man as he wrapped his arms around the waist of the Tycoon and rested his head over a shoulder,"...Or did I have t' steal et from ya'?"
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auroratickets · 2 years
@distortsverity​ scribbled: hc + uselessness ( for saturn, hunter j, anyone else of your choice )
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send me ‘hc’ + a word & i’ll write a headcanon about it | still open!
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Saturn sees people who prove themselves to be useless as replaceable. People are given at most three chances before they toss them to the side after they are used up - siphoned dry so they aren’t useful for anyone. If that means one is physically, emotionally, and / or mentally unable to provide the right results for the company, they won’t fail to expend every last “can” from the person until they’re booted.
Though to be useless is a broad definition in their eyes and anyone can fit it anytime to Saturn! Positions are given to people who fit the quota for them and they aren’t one to reconsider giving one a different position. If you aren’t physically able to keep up consistently in fieldwork, that makes you useless to them. If you aren’t mentally capable of handling paperwork or research, that makes you useless to them. If you aren’t emotionally capable of understanding that their plans are for the “greater good”, that makes you useless to them. Those are just some examples of course...
Just make sure you tread carefully whenever Saturn’s having a “bad day” and you’re under their position of power. A grunt is just another way of saying “free research” to them.
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Hunter J sees anyone who isn’t her as useless. This is because people can be easily expendable, not dependable, and untrustworthy. She can’t run away from herself - not that she’d ever want to of course. J can trust herself and know what she’ll follow through with, even her clients are a barer of this silent curse in her eyes. Regardless of how consistent, trustworthy, and reliable one can try to prove themselves to be, she can change that idea in an instant... After all death can change anything of course.
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Aarune tries his best to not be useless to anyone, anywhere he can. If he can help? He’ll try helping! As a ranger, he views his qualities of being adaptive, confident, and easy-going as great things to help people out and be useful. He does have an underlying fear that he is useless, but its nothing that being helpful can’t fix, right?
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auroratickets · 2 years
@deusvocat​ scribbled: hc + comfort (for whoever you feel like!)
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send me ‘hc’ + a word & i’ll write a headcanon about it | still open!
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Byron finds it hard to become comfortable at any point in time... Easily that is. He can’t self soothe. He has always been like this ever since he could remember, but there are some things that help ease himself into easing himself being comfortable - some things he can seek solace in at a resting level of distress. Though, let’s get into why he’s almost uncomfortable at a near-constant before we get into the brighter things.
When his father disappeared and expressed his "need” to no longer want to take direct responsibility as a father, Byron began to notice this slight change in mental status. When Pyra dumped him at the altar by being a no-show, it began to take a turn, but he would do his best to try to ignore it. When Palmer first got engaged and as his own marriage was failing, his mind would tumble and he’d begin to shift into focusing on how he could make himself comfortable for the future - to be a good father. Yet, his attempts would be in vain as the accident at Iron Island occurred, nine days into his promotion. When Riley referred Byron to seek out his own son to hand his position to, he would be thankful, but his mind would further stretch itself out with stress.
All of these connect with the idea of uncertainty and the unknown. His father leaving and not knowing when or if he were to return again. Pyra not showing up and not knowing when or if she was still going to show up again. Palmer becoming engaged and not knowing when or if he was going to be given another chance with the other man. The Iron Island accident occurring and not knowing when or if he’d survive another encounter with death. Riley being kind enough as he is and not knowing when or if he’d be able to trust himself again.
Though, thankfully his stress wouldn’t be challenged again as tools to his kit to dismantle his discomfort are earned gradually. He finds comfort in learning things, relationships, trust, his sexuality, his limbo, and the passage of time. Learning helps him understand things better, even if he is stubborn at times; he appreciates it when people spend time with him to help him with certain things. Any relationship (good or bad) lets him know he is only human and capable of mistakes, but it doesn’t mean he has to doubt his actions at the moment, but rather reflect on them as they happened. Trust is important to have and if Byron trusts someone? His discomfort is lessened tenfold.
His sexuality is a part of him and is proud to express it when / where he can appropriately. Plus, he can be the cool bisexual grandpa when / if Roark has or adopts kids of his own. Being in limbo lets him understand what’s happened to him and roughly when his death will be; he isn’t in the dark as to why he sees spirits and about his own mortality. Time passing also lets him know that change can occur and that things will eventually have an answer... He’ll also get to know when certain things can happen by creating a planner for himself.
All of these connect with the idea of certainty and knowing. The unknown is a scary thing to Byron and well he’s fine with knowing... Everything! He even finds comfort in the possibility of that.
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auroratickets · 2 years
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character.
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auroratickets · 2 years
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[ i’m late to the dash discussion, but! here i am to participate. i love shipping even if that isn’t the goal / purpose of my blog! shipping is great. i love romance, friends w/ benefits, quick flings, fake dating, etc! any trope is a good trope in my opinion <3 but you obviously don’t have to agree with that. ]
[ anyone can talk to me about shipping our muses together anytime! discussion leads to great things - even if its not about shipping. though there are a lot of warning labels on certain muses of mine and i’ll just go into detail about them under read more! if you don’t read it, that’s okay. i hope you have a great time regardless. ]
Byron is very emotionally charged and carries heavy baggage due to the incident that caused his soul to become connected to the Odd Keystone. He has random homicidal thoughts and violent outbursts - even if he hasn’t hurt any person or intentionally injured Pokémon. He will talk to his romantic partner about this from time to time, but he tends to bottle things up at times due to some toxic masculinity under his belt - leading for him to need to be checked in on. Though, on another topic about him in relationships? They mostly tend to be quick, consistent hookups, rather than romantic partnerships... There can be times when he can catch feelings, but it’s rare.
Aarune is an impulsive hybristophiliac. He will try to hook up with criminals (mainly known murderers) if it is known to him and a real possibility to date them. If he isn’t in a relationship with someone, he will fantasize about criminals sexually. He obviously isn’t open about this detail about himself but will make it known if he’s emotionally close to a criminal.
Saturn is very morally dark and will expose his partner to Galactic Industries propaganda, purposefully. He has intentions to try to recruit anyone into the company... Though, his lover(s) will be given a higher starting position of course! He also has emotional baggage to do with his past and Cyrus, but explodes at people who try to force him to open up. Whoops.
Hunter J will use romance and sex to manipulate anyone for information. She isn’t in it for a partner in life, no one is as good as she is in her eyes. She’ll use someone’s heart and feelings to get what she wants over time. Though, if things don’t go her way? She will just move on to the next person without a word... Let alone, cheating is not out of the field of possibilities in her book.
Marley is a were-Pokémon and well? She keeps that a secret. She’s very secretive about herself and insensitive to others when it comes to various personal struggles. “Why can’t you just get over it?” “Why won’t you talk to someone else about this?” She is not a person to talk to about personal issues - even if you are in a relationship with her! Though, her insensitivity is something she can work on, just be aware if you have emotional baggage... You’re not going to have a good time initially.
Leon is an over worker and tends to accidentally ignore his partner(s) because of that. Though, he doesn’t listen to people when they say he should take a break and dismisses them in some way. The only way to get him out of that cycle is to try to help him with his work. This certainly does damage any bonds he has though... It’s a bad thing he also bottles up emotions too.
Rose is very manipulative and emotionally void of certain empathies. He’ll word things in certain ways where someone has to take a step back and reconsider things or believe they have to side with him plus think they’re in the wrong. Let alone he believes he’s fine and others need to match him.
Archer is extremely charged in all ways. He is emotionally and mentally unstable. He believes love is a waste of time, but that can change. Prepare to be hurt by his choices in one way or another.
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