ouvertyr · 2 years
Verdict @deusvocat 
His hands had trembled like aspen leaves.  Upon furs and straw, the jarl who had come before him. His father, a little more than a husk lit by dancing candle wick. Damian had been but 13 winters old when he’d been declared the boy king of Lomma. One with too large boots to fill and land at the brink of famine. One could forgive him for the caution he had displayed. The fear that had gripped his heart and brought a shake to his palms as markings had been etched onto his skin. His hands had trembled the day that he first laid eyes on her, too.  An infant. Orphan. She’d been found buried within the woods one late autumn noon, by a fjälljägare who had been led astray. Raspy, sore cries, the only tell for her existence.
Kari came into his life when he least needed her to, yet became a part of it all the same. Damian earned himself a daughter without having taken a wife. An heir without blood relations. A responsibility far more difficult than any other.
The embroidered hems of his layered robes trailed upon the worn wooden boards. The fur around his collar, his broad shoulders, scorching with fires heat. Though spring had finally come, light and warmth was not kind to those of the north. The sun was already beginning to set and the fire pits, therefor, set aflame.    Murmur filled the longhouse, from both fjälljägare and the olden vikingr. Whispers, bets. What was their Jarl to do with the vagabond set upon his knees, they wondered? Exile, perhaps. Set off into the woods with a hunter to follow. Flaying, some guessed. A warning for foreigners to not travel near. There had been far too many in recent years. Damian silently passed by them all, his head held high. Above, dense beams spanned the sprawling mead hall – intricately carved by hand from generations long past. Raised by a few steps at the far end of it all stood a throne clad by animal pelts.  
Kari was, indeed, his charge. His heir, should good fortune and health be upon her. An heir of which he had feared losing the second she could form her own words. Could take her first steps – he’d often wondered if his father, as he’d laid sick there on his bed, had felt that same worry about him. His only son.  For the world was a dangerous, dark place… And beasts, unpredictable. When he’d heard of her voyage north beyond their city with but no word of return, Damian had felt his heart constrict. His hands, tremble with worry. Virtuously, he’d seen to their surrounding woods being free of beasts of significant strength; those who harmed rather than roamed. Those that hunted and destroyed. But the world was vast, their surrounding lands even more so and stragglers were known to linger even after successful purges. Not only had he been warned of continuous sights of a golden hair foreigner, but also beasts – ones uncommon to the area, without known names or abilities. It would only be a matter of time before his little girl was killed, his thoughts had raced, and only by cheer trust in the gods would she returned to him unharmed.  Or, as it were… By that of the foreign vagabond. Damian raised a tattooed palm, deafening the halls into a somber lull. Not another word was shared as he took to his throne.
He gazed upon the stranger, icy and cold. Then, he spoke. “… I am Damian Nazarov, Jarl of Lomma. Chosen by my ancestry, my blood, my strength. My faith.” Thumps echoed upon the long tables, horns and mugs slammed down thrice. Damian fingers anxiously weaved upon his lap.  “You have housed yourself upon my lands and stalked its corners like a hound. You have caused fright to our women and children… And you have supposedly saved my daughter by miraculous means.”
Murmur began anew, distain just as much as gratitude. Another raised palm from their lord silenced all.
“She is safe within our care now and for that, I am in your debt.”  Here, the jarl leant forward. His heavy robes of thread and hide cascading over his shoulders and his leather boots, firmly planted. The fires flared up, a cool gust dancing through the hall.
“With that said… your fate is yet to be decided. State your name, clan and testimony, vagabond. Explain how you capture a beast yet we can find no traps to support your claim. Tell me why I should not be done with you by sending you to Helheim and go see to my daughter’s health instead.”
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emmetrain · 2 years
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
Misc. Ask Meme (this is so old ;;; Thank you so much for the ask!)
Emmet had attempted to dye his hair 'crazy' colors like blue, green and such when he was in his teens, but they were short-lived due to the strict household rules.
He has temporarily dyed his hair a soft, rose color during Pride Month a few years ago, turning back to his grey color after the month.
Emmet hates cutting his hair due to the imperfections, and he does not trust Ingo to do a perfect job with it either :D So other than shaving completely once on their own with Ingo, he had never touched his hair or allowed any scissors near it unless he is with his trusted hairdresser.
Oh, also, when they had been promoted from depot agents to Subway Bosses, Emmet had a phase where he decided to dye his hair black like he used to have, since he and Ingo were going to commit to black and white color scheme.
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He enjoyed it for a few weeks until he realized how much work it would require to keep his hair black, thus he decided to go back to matching with Info with the gray hair instead (and got a shorter haircut which was shoulder-length instead of the Rapunzel hair :D ).
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obliviouskind · 2 years
Character Design Commission for @deusvocat​! Thank you so much for entrusting me with drawing your post-verse Volo <3 I had a lot of fun with him.
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abyssonance · 2 years
I had to draw this.
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@volot​ @picavecalyx​ @deusiderum​ @deusvocat​ @pulchramundii​
All grounded.
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invictarre-archive · 2 years
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@deusvocat​ asked: any hcs about Leon's pre-battle routine/prep? does he have any rituals or superstitions?
He always has his lucky pebble in his pocket! 
Back when he and Char first entered the Wild Area, they didn’t have a very good eye for finding dropped items, and Char gave Leon what he thought was a Sun Stone (it’s not, it’s just an oddly-shaped reddish rock). Leon treasured the gift regardless, and he always keeps it on him during important events like battles. There’s a dip in the middle of it from where he’s rubbed the surface smooth.
Aside from that... He has to see his opponent at least once before the match starts. Usually this happens in or around the locker rooms, when both parties are locking up their valuables and picking out what items they want to take in with them. There’s no specific script he follows, but he doesn’t feel ready until he’s gotten that chance to wish them some final good luck.
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“Wanna join the club of people who tried to subjugate the power of the gods because they believed they had better uses for it? There’s always room for one more.”
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glaciescustodia · 3 years
Quotes Meme. // Accepting.
@deusvocat -  📜 for Miranda
Miranda: Volo... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? Volo: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Miranda: .... Miranda: I wrote sanitize, Volo.
Miranda: Okay, truth or dare? Volo: Truth Miranda: How many hours have you slept this week? Volo: .... Volo: ...Dare Miranda: Go to bed. Volo: I don’t like this game.
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spikemuthtoothfairy · 3 years
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@deusvocat​ @arcechosen​ same energy iwuriweeisw
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arcechosen · 2 years
@volot @deusvocat @arceun
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the return of the legend. . . did you think her dead?
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trickshooting · 3 years
Fire Stone and Dawn Stone (for both)
Fire Stone - What are you passionate about? Dawn Stone - What adventure would you like to embark on?
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"It should be somewhat clear what I am passionate about, I've been doing Photography for most of my life, and I don't have a lot of other hobbies. The most else I do is mess around with photo editing applications, but thats still part of my job." "In terms of an adventure...? Well, I would like to visit the Lumiose Museum in Kalos someday, or maybe the Nacrene City gym in Unova, both facilities are incredibly well kept from what I've heard, and they'd both make interesting vacation spots."
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"Oh! I'm really passionate about keeping in shape honestly! Even though I'm far away from home, I do still exercise a lot on the daily basis! I gotta be able to keep up with it, its also why I travel a lot! Lots of constant exercise!" "And I kinda end up on an adventure everyday! But...there is something I really, really wanna at least try! I wanna either try doing contests in Sinnoh or trying to do a Pokemon Showcase in Kalos! Uh...but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do Pokemon Showcases, but it could still be worth checking out!" Harou you need more than just a Cleffa for that-
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ouvertyr · 2 years
@urushiol and @deusvocat​ writes: What’s something they’ve mildly been afraid of before? Not a huge trauma, something small?
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Growing up, Damian did find Pokémon a bit unsettling – specifically those who didn’t fit within the law of household pets. Worker beasts could be equally disconcerting, sure. After all, what is a Machoke or Machamp but a hulking piece of destructive muscle? A severe amount of trust is put upon the relationship between humans and Pokémon, even when caution is taken to assure there are no accidents (say, suppressants for the before mentioned specimen, should they decide they no longer wish to work or follow orders, etc). Those who truly frightened him, however, were the ones hidden deep within caverns and rocky mountains. The ones you only heard about, but rarely saw. Their descriptions can, at times, be rather monstrous… Even in this day and age.  But of course… That isn’t to say he doesn’t still find some beasts disturbing. Even those he himself commanded. A beast like Houndoom, however, is one he’s come to hold a lot of respect for. He no longer sees this kind of breed as a simple pet, nor does he think most should own one.
It’s only by chance, now, that he does. And it is equally by chance that he trusts his hound to not maul him.
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A mild fear that Hikari held, for quite a few years, was the fear of drowning.
Growing up near one of the great lakes, it should come as no surprise that there have been more than one accident reported of little wayward children stumbling into the depths while playing out in the woods. It was something that Hikari was warned of very early on in her life – to not play near the water’s edge, least she plummets in. Because then she won’t get to see mommy or daddy again.  While the fear, of course, isn’t fully gone – it’s also not something that occupies her thoughts all that much anymore. Her fear of death has, in general, dwindled into next to nothingness; but to drown would still not be her first choice.
It does seem like a particularly unpleasant way to go.
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emmetrain · 2 years
Interesting Questions for MUNS:
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@pumpkaboo-spiced and @irxnmaiden asked ;; 7. Would you say that your attitude changes when you get 'into the zone' of writing your muse? (ex: when you write for your muse do you begin to sort of talk like them? do you find yourself feeling grumpy after? etc)
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OOC;; I think so!! Emmet is deeply kind and his smile (both happy and stressed ones) are contagious! I keep smiling when I write him, and I try to get into his mind--how he would he react, what is his little physical quirks, what are the gestures and mimics he relies on... 
I first started writing Emmet for a fanfic, where I wanted to focus on my favorite character, Ingo, from an outsider’s perspective. I did not feel strongly about Emmet before that. BUT THEN-- Emmet became so interesting to me. His contradictions-- his smile but how curt he talks and acts at times, how he uses short and scripted talks but eXPRESSES SO MUCH PERSONALITY through them. I adore going through his canon quotes, and I love his manner of speech so so much-- though my Emmet has a bit of rambly side to him that is not strictly canon.
Writing Emmet makes me want to be more organized :D And his devotion to being excellent in everything he does is something inspires me greatly! 
(Also, no musicals are safe anymore. Emmet likes singing--he is not good at it, and I can just see him singing the musical or sometimes the rock songs with his Depot Agents or his pokemon :D )
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@deusvocat​ asked;; 9. Has your muse taught you anything about yourself and/or the world?
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OOC;; Love, truth and trust :D Em is inspiring me to be more caring and organized! I think about what truth means and all the philosophical stuff thanks to his inner turmoils and devotions.
Also, I am inspired by his love for his family, especially for his brother. His hope despite being in the darkest point in his life, all alone, gives me hope too. He is struggling, yet he still chooses to keep going every day. He is not doing well, but he avoids worsening his situation and tries to minimize the strain on himself still (he is not very good at it though). I love his tenacity.
Mainly, he taught me I have to be stopped before I write another multi-fic series about him and Ingo :D I had already finished one fic, planned many more, (still have to finish the last chapter of another) and-- I have made this blog so I could take a break from writing fanfics and explore him with great writers :D I just enjoy the black and white, ideal and truth, and all the contrast the twins embody. And honestly, Emmet is so interesting to me.
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auroratickets · 3 years
@deusvocat​ scribbled: hc + comfort (for whoever you feel like!)
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send me ‘hc’ + a word & i’ll write a headcanon about it | still open!
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Byron finds it hard to become comfortable at any point in time... Easily that is. He can’t self soothe. He has always been like this ever since he could remember, but there are some things that help ease himself into easing himself being comfortable - some things he can seek solace in at a resting level of distress. Though, let’s get into why he’s almost uncomfortable at a near-constant before we get into the brighter things.
When his father disappeared and expressed his "need” to no longer want to take direct responsibility as a father, Byron began to notice this slight change in mental status. When Pyra dumped him at the altar by being a no-show, it began to take a turn, but he would do his best to try to ignore it. When Palmer first got engaged and as his own marriage was failing, his mind would tumble and he’d begin to shift into focusing on how he could make himself comfortable for the future - to be a good father. Yet, his attempts would be in vain as the accident at Iron Island occurred, nine days into his promotion. When Riley referred Byron to seek out his own son to hand his position to, he would be thankful, but his mind would further stretch itself out with stress.
All of these connect with the idea of uncertainty and the unknown. His father leaving and not knowing when or if he were to return again. Pyra not showing up and not knowing when or if she was still going to show up again. Palmer becoming engaged and not knowing when or if he was going to be given another chance with the other man. The Iron Island accident occurring and not knowing when or if he’d survive another encounter with death. Riley being kind enough as he is and not knowing when or if he’d be able to trust himself again.
Though, thankfully his stress wouldn’t be challenged again as tools to his kit to dismantle his discomfort are earned gradually. He finds comfort in learning things, relationships, trust, his sexuality, his limbo, and the passage of time. Learning helps him understand things better, even if he is stubborn at times; he appreciates it when people spend time with him to help him with certain things. Any relationship (good or bad) lets him know he is only human and capable of mistakes, but it doesn’t mean he has to doubt his actions at the moment, but rather reflect on them as they happened. Trust is important to have and if Byron trusts someone? His discomfort is lessened tenfold.
His sexuality is a part of him and is proud to express it when / where he can appropriately. Plus, he can be the cool bisexual grandpa when / if Roark has or adopts kids of his own. Being in limbo lets him understand what’s happened to him and roughly when his death will be; he isn’t in the dark as to why he sees spirits and about his own mortality. Time passing also lets him know that change can occur and that things will eventually have an answer... He’ll also get to know when certain things can happen by creating a planner for himself.
All of these connect with the idea of certainty and knowing. The unknown is a scary thing to Byron and well he’s fine with knowing... Everything! He even finds comfort in the possibility of that.
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murmursdraconic · 2 years
This Does Not Spark Joy (for both!)
Does Not Spark Joy
Shay has some Pokemon graves back home. She lost some of her closer friends back when she was younger and more naive as a trainer. Sinister people with far more power than she had weren't willing to pull punches because she was a kid. Only a very small percentage of them came by as ghost Pokemon. At least once a year she goes and visits them with the rest of the passed on Pokemons at her home. Yes the sanctuary has a graveyard.
Ryuunosuke self medicates her Houndoom burn with other Pokemon poisons. She often can't completely feel her afflicted arm properly, thus other bites or wounds are often terrible before she notices them. Soda's toxins help make the relief salve so she can get on about her day. However if she misses her regular application, the pain is often too agonizing to move for nearly a day. Sugi isn't great at making the salve herself, but she tries her best.
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floaroanemoia · 2 years
@deusvocat replied to your post:
can't have any wardrobe mishaps when you're meeting god ya know?
{ ooc. Fashion show commentary vc: “And now, storming the steps to the Temple of Sinnoh, we have Volo. This winter is all about righteous anger, and I love the exomis he’s wearing, which is also channelling an ‘Odys.se.us the Cunning but Extra’ vibe. A unique take on a garment traditionally worn by light infantry instead of high society, and draped entirely on the wrong side.”}
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chaserainbows · 2 years
05.  the hierophant  :  what are your muse’s morals / ethics ? do they follow their moral code strictly ? (for Mindy)
headcanon questions inspired by the major arcana of the tarot
This is the bitch that canonically scams you, so Mindy's moral code is very flexible. In general, her golden rule is to avoid doing things that could get her or others in serious trouble, so for example she's not gonna sic her Medicham on people to get them to give her money because that could get someone seriously hurt (maybe even herself). Likewise, she makes a point not to trouble people that don't already have much for themselves to begin with since she thinks that's just cruel.
Also she wouldn't join Team Galactic because resetting the entire universe is a bit too much for her.
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