aurorecaron · 2 years
closed starter : with aurore caron : @aurorecaron​​
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𝐈𝐓❜𝐒  𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄.  too  late  for  anyone  to  still  be  awake.  one  would  only  sneak  out  with  some  intent  at  this  time  of  the  night.  the  moon  was  bright  like  a  lamp  in  the  dark  skies,  illuminating  the  little  garden  square  on  which  emel  had  set  her  eyes.  her  feet  were  restlessly  splashing  the  fountain’s  water  as  she  sat  on  its  edge.  her  hearing  was  probably  better  than  most  people’s  since  she  picked  up  the  quiet  noise  of  someone’s  nearby  presence.  predictions  of  who  it  might  be  started  filling  her  thoughts  as  she  turned  to  see  the  familiar  face  of  aurore;  waving  her  forward,  she  reached  for  the  cut  of  wine  sat  next  to  her.  “would  you  like  to  join  me,  my  dear?  it’s  quite  refreshing,”  she  spoke  suddenly,  patting  the  empty  spot  next  to  her.
While Aurore had been assisting Rohan in the North she’d gotten used to keeping strange hours once again. Her time on the seas had always been filled with the uncertainty of when she would get sleep, and it seemed the pattern had resumed now that she was too afraid to stand still less her insurmountable grief and guilt catch up with her. Such was the reason she was still awake on this chilly night with nothing but the stars looking over her. Or so she thought. Emel was on of the only people she would have been relieved to find on her evening journey, and a wave of relief washed over her face while she wasted no time to go to the older woman’s side. “Of course- ” Aurore answered without hesitation, seating herself next to the woman like an eager child waiting to hear a bedtime story from their mother. “I’m so pleased to have found you tonight. Or any night, really. I owe you more than I could ever tell.” Emel had been her lifeline to the Iron Islands over the past seven months, and Aurore’s gratitude knew no bounds. Beyond that was a lifetime of being watched over by the impressive former matriarch, a lifetime of memories she was thankful and still treasured. 
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aurorecaron · 2 years
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aurorecaron · 2 years
– wyllas’ letter arrives to the iron islands around month five, coming by raven and with the parchment having been folded and refolded over multiple times as if in thought. 
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Lady Aurore Caron, 
If this is how you felt after Euron then I commend you for your strength to continue on after his passing. How the world is allowed to carry on, when they are gone, I will never understand. I heard word of the fleet’s losses, I sent word to your sister to offer our condolences. As well as offered to help rebuild a ship for the fleet, mostly in coin as you are aware we have no true sea in Nightsong.
Thank you for your words. My mother regrets that you were not able to attend. I have not told her yet of my failings as your husband. The absence of Jeyne has made the halls feel more crypt than castle. Even Ravenna has left again. I am at a loss as to how I am to carry on now, to support Talia.
I know you cared for your ships and crew as though they were kin, I send my regrets that you no longer carry title.
The candle may burn low, but I shall keep it lit still. I may have failed you as a husband and partner, but as long as you remain a Caron, you will always have a place in Nightsong.
I have no desire to force you back here, to make you prisoner in this cage as I am. But if you were to cross again into nearby waters, I may ride to meet you. Perhaps we may speak of how we are to move forward.
I apologize for the shame I have brought you, it was never my intent.
- Wyllas.
– aurore’s response arrives halfway through month six after the letter to the iron islands is forwarded to karhold.
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     There’s no need to commend me for strength when carrying on after the death of a sibling is not so much a choice as it is a necessity demanded by the world that keeps on turning, but I thank you nonetheless. I’m sure you’ve noticed this phenomena for yourself, and I know you will also pull through as countless others have. It was kind of you to offer support to my former fleet, and it means much to me to hear that you would do such a thing.
I will never stop regretting that I was unable to be there for your family and Jeyne themself at the funeral. I’ve held my own private ceremony for them...but I know it is not the same as being there. As for telling your mother of our marriage...I see no reason to tell your mother. I do not recall her name being on the marriage contract we signed between us, so you may grant yourself the mercy of her ignorance. Ravenna has left? Where has she gone? You and Talia must lean on one another and share the grief and burden. Be there for one another.
Thank you. It was rather clear to me that the time was long overdue for me to pass on the title despite any personal passion I have. 
I believe there’s still things for us to discuss when it comes to deciding any potential failures on your part, and there are also things I must tell yourself concerning everything. It would be much preferred if we might manage to meet face to face. I could be down to Storm’s End within a week and a half- or even Wyl within two weeks if I brought my strongest rowers. 
I know it was not your intent. However it is still nice to hear it.
- Rory
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aurorecaron · 2 years
do you miss artur?
The veil of grief that feels nearly ever present draws over Aurore for a quick moment, not wondering for the first time if her angering the Drowned God had somehow been responsible for Artur's death as well. "What kind of question is this?" Her irritation isn't for the way the query pries at her heart, but for the suggestion that someone might have known Artur and not miss him. "Any who were lucky enough to know and love a boy such as Artur would miss him. And I am no exception." To think she'd lost three siblings this year...and was bordering on losing her last. It was more than her soul could rightly weather.
mentioned: @stcrfrost
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aurorecaron · 2 years
Do you think your uncle is disappointed in your decisions?
The question saps most of the confidence from her shoulders and voice as something begins to crumble behind her eyes. She avoids speaking her real answer of yes before giving a vague one. "I suppose you'd have to ask him if you're looking for the actual answer." But how could he not be disappointed? It seemed that everyone else was. And what other explanation could there be for the standoffish attitude he'd been exhibiting when it came to her? Of course he was disappointed in her. She was disappointed in herself. And Ames opinion had been the only one that ever truly mattered.
mentioned: @brxknmirrxs
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aurorecaron · 2 years
who shall you bed now if not your own husband?
"You act as if finding a bed to warm was ever a struggle for myself." Perhaps talk of her sexual exploits had faded along with her marriage, but she wasn't all that concerned with the opinions of sheep in the first place. "But are you offering?"
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aurorecaron · 2 years
(Aurore) Do you even know what you’re doing rn? You literally gave up everything?
"I've always found it fascinating how those who have nothing to do with your life absolutely love to comment on it." Sharp and unamused eyes were fixed unflinchingly before her as she answered. "If you're referring to the Iron Fleet that's also none of your business seeing as it's purely an Ironborn matter. But your confusion isn't entirely your fault. I wouldn't expect someone as uncultured as yourself to understand." If they were referring to something else...Wyllas had been the first to give up on her, and she'd simply returned the favor. Besides...after the death of her siblings there wasn't much left in her life for her to lose.
mentioned: @flvvrpetals​
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aurorecaron · 2 years
closed starter for daemon targaryen @crownscost​
There was a long list of things Aurore had come to Staerdale for, and learning more about dragons was one of them. She’d already played with the idea of asking Vasila about their’s, and she was rather certain they wouldn’t mind showing off their dragon...but their dragon was one of the smaller ones. She wanted to see a dragon in its prime as well, a dragon like the ones the princes and king rode through the skies above the former Eyrie. Were they much different than the smaller ones? Exactly how much could they carry? 
Her questions and predicament left her with one option. Prince Daemon. Ever since the death of Euron she hadn’t teased him nearly as much as she’d used to. The hollow part of her soul that was her grief for her baby brother wasn’t yet ready to joke about such things again, and part of her wondered if Daemon had even know her brother well enough to mourn him. Unfortunately her reluctance to call in their former banter made this all the more difficult. There was much else between her and the prince other than her dead brother. Nevertheless she was waiting near the dragonpit in hopes she might spot him. She hadn’t been able to get all that close as entrance was only given to Targaryens, but she’d waited along the path to it. Soon enough her patience was rewarded. “Prince Daemon!” she began a little too loudly,  doing her best to play it off as she strode towards the Targaryen. “Were you just about to go for a ride?”
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aurorecaron · 2 years
“You exaggerate.” He drawled, though they both knew she was in fact, not exaggerating. They stood there in silence, both regarding one another with an expression brought about only by years of being in each other’s company, before finally a smile made its way to the surface, curling at the corners of his lips as his arms made its way around her, squeezing her tightly, having missed her after their time apart. 
Not much was constant about Leo’s life for the past 5 years, but Rory had always been there. 
“And please pardon the state of the grounds. House Flint has definitely seen better days.” It was an understatement. Their home was rundown and shabby, and things were left to the elements… but he was home now, and he liked to think his brothers would soon be home too, both physically and mentally. 
He pulled back to meet her gaze with a raised brow before shaking his head with a low laugh. “Would you be upset at me if I said yes?” 
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He sobered slightly, turning away and towards the crashing waves past the cliff he lived on. 
“You know I don’t do well among that particular crowd.” It was also too high of a chance to run into… certain people he didn’t want to run into. 
“Do I exaggerate?” she teased with an impish grin with another pointed look towards the greenery. A laugh fell from her when Leo finally broke their unspoken standoff, and she squeezed him just as tightly as he held her. Part of her was afraid that should she let him go now that they’d finally reunited he’d be taken from her just as so many others had. She forced herself to release him, giving the man a long once over while she tried to glean if he’d gathered any new injuries or ailments since she’d last seen him. “Well at least you remembered to water yourself.” 
Aurore knew that noble houses tended to have more pride than was healthy, but surely she was allowed to speak freely to one of her oldest friends. Even if it prodded at the pride of House Flint. “You know...if there’s anything I can do to help you only need say the word.” She gave him a playful shove on his shoulder before picking up her teasing tone once again. “You know I don’t need an excuse to be upset at you, but yes I suppose I’d have to take some terrible form of revenge to even things out.” 
She knew his words to be true and resonated with them to some extent. It’d taken her quite some time to learn to function in high society though her reasons were different than Leo’s. “I’d say that particular crowd doesn’t do well with you. After all, it’s not you fault they’re primarily made up of halfwits.”
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aurorecaron · 2 years
Rohan looked at her regarding Aurore in a silence that wasn’t off-putting. Instead, it was just one of reflection. One of thanks in particular towards her.  When Rory offered to help him these last seven months. In part, he knew why to visit a mutual friend. He wasn’t at all offended by this. But her presence was a much-needed relief after the continued misfortune that had seemed to fall on his house as of late. For the first time in a long while, he hadn’t wanted to be in Winterfell. Found the display his father and stepmother continued to put on - an annoyance, to say the least.  Add to this the death of Poppy and Jon going back home with Leo; their strained relationship. He had needed something good, anything that would help lift his more dower spirit. Rory had done this. And perhaps, or at least he hoped, he had been a much-needed distraction for her.  Now, now it all seems fruitless. Pointless, he looked down the barrel of what was his life and only saw the dark pitch. Food was the last thing on his mind but of course, leave it to Rory to be the first to remind him that he had to eat. Rohan eyed the plate of meat and cheese, a frown heavy set on his lips. As he reluctantly reached for a piece of meat. Knowing that Rory wouldn’t leave him be if he didn’t eat something.  
“Do you have some sort of six sense? We spent a few months together, and you can just sense when I’ve eaten or haven’t.” he tried to keep things light. But it was a worthless endeavor. Taking one more bite, he placed the piece of meat back on the plate. Licking his finger slowly. Listening to her now, he couldn’t help the soft that escaped. 
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“ If that is what love does to people, maybe it’s a good thing mine ended. I don’t want to be so blinded by love that I would upheave everything we in the North have strived to achieve.” a statement he would never actually get a chance to put to the test. “ Aurore, I can’t ask that of you. Not with everything that happened with you and your family.” Rohan placed a large hand over her own. He knew all too well her own pain, knew the struggles she was facing. But he knew her; she was stubborn, a quality they both shared. But her determined look caused the corners of his lip to pull upwards. Wondering, not for the first time. how he had been so fortunate to call her friend. “ I didn’t know you were adding saintly and martyrdom to your Ironborn moniker. any other titles I should be made aware of. ” 
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The silence between them was more than welcome, something they could share as lifelong friends without squirming or feeling a need to fill it. In times like these it was almost as if their souls were happy to simply exist alongside one another, no conversation or acknowledgement needed. Just the knowledge that they were present. In the silence they were there for each other, just as they were in battles they’d found themself in. Perhaps this had begun as Rohan’s war, but every since their childhood Rory had made his problem’s her’s, and he’d done the same for her. Because how could she expected to be happy when one of the most important people in her life was not? So the choice of whether or not to help had been less of a choice and more of a need. In addition, he was right to hope it had served as a distraction for it had done just that. 
“More.” she demanded when Rohan abandoned his food. “Sure- we spent a few months together recently, but we had an entire childhood together beyond that. And I still remember you well from it.” The words were fond as they fell from her lips, and she was certain she would not have been able to forget even if she tried. His mannerisms were almost as familiar as her family’s, able to read what it was he might need simply by the tone of his voice of that way he held his broad shoulders. “And once I’m satisfied with what you’ve eaten I’m going to chain you to your bed.” Nevermind that she herself should most likely be in her bed. Hopefully he wouldn’t think to call out her hypocrisy. 
A flicker of empathy flashed over her face when he spoke of love, and she shook her head with ardent determination. “Don’t you dare, Rohan Stark,” she began with fierce but kind words. “First of all I will not sit here and listen as you disrespect Lady Poppy’s memory as well as your own. Running from love is the coward’s way out, and I do not make a habit of being friends with cowards.” But she also understood the fear he spoke of, having witnessed it firsthand. “Love can be terrible with its power to blind- that’s certainly true. But it’s just like any other great power. Without death we do not have life. Without sadness we do not know happiness. Love can blind in wonderful ways as well...” She paused to savor the warmth of his hand before giving it a gentle squeeze. “It can make friends uncaring in the face of danger so that they may come to another’s need. Just as I have come to your side and will stay by it.”
A playful roll of her eyes paired with a shake of her head spoke of the amusement she found in Rohan’s words of sainthood and purity. “See- this is why you need sleep. You’re becoming delirious,” she teased. There was no world where she could be deemed anywhere near innocent enough for the things he spoke of. “Don’t insult me with such soft titles again. Though...if you’re looking for extra titles to add to my name..” Rory made a show of thinking before speaking once more. “I suppose you could call me the High Lady of Beauty and Blood-shedding. It’s got a nice ring, doesn’t it?”
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aurorecaron · 2 years
letter opened immediately upon arrival, desperate for any sign that they had lost another to the hell that had been king’s landing. a raven arrives soon in karhold, raven eagerly awaiting the former salt queen’s captain.
Dear Rory,
I am safe and well, the Kraken’s Kiss is as quick and terrifying as Alanis always wanted it to be. I wish you would return to the Islands, I know Vic promised you were safe when he last saw you. But I refuse to believe it without you before me.
Thank you for this knowledge, it does some to ease my soul. They would not want me to waste my tears on them, so I shall not. Sig and I have decided to sail the Kraken in the fishing tourney in Euron’s honor. I will describe to you in great detail the look on my brother’s face when I beat him this year, once you have returned. I am certain it will be amusing to behold.
I love you too.
May your return be peaceful and quick,
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the letter is written hastily while Aurore prepares to depart for the Iron Islands, wanting to waste no time.
Dearest Violet, 
I heard of the attack. I heard of the fleet. I am on my way. With luck and favorable winds I may even reach you before this letter. Your continued safety is all that I think of along with the rest of our family. 
I’m so sorry. I should have been there. I will spend the rest of my days making up for this loss.
All my love,
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aurorecaron · 2 years
–A response does not come to Karhold until the end of the third month. The letter is dated for what would have been after Jeyne’s funeral.
Lady Aurore Harlaw,
I am glad you were able to escape during the chaos and that you are safe. I apologize for not replying sooner as I fell ill not long after returning to Nightsong. My body is not used to being around such smoke. As you may have heard by now, we held Jeyne’s funeral a few days ago. Only family was in attendance.
As for what happened during the wedding Wyllas has told me the nature of what happened. It seems to be a normal practice as far as I can tell. I’m not happy with it but I will be standing by my brother Wyllas even though he was wrong. As for what I saw, I don’t believe there is anything that needs to be said now. He did what he did, and you did what you did.
Lady Talia Caron of Nightsong
Dear Lady Talia,
    I’m sorry to hear that you fell ill but am glad that you made a safe recovering. Had I known I certainly would have been sure to visit you. I did hear of Jeyne’s funeral, and certainly you will have noticed my absence. I’m so sorry that I was unable to attend. By the time Wyllas’s letter arrived telling of the funeral I was in the Iron Islands, and did not hear word of the ceremony until it was too late.
    There’s nothing that can describe the loss of a sibling, and my heart breaks that you should have to carry such a burden. I wish I could have protected you and the family from ever knowing such a loss. The only advice I can give is to share stories with your other siblings. Talk to them about the time they spent with Jeyne and you will find momentary comfort in shared memories. But the most wonderful thing is when you realize they have stories you’ve not yet heard about your sister, and when you listen it’s almost as if they’re alive for another few moments.
    I’m happy that Wyllas has spoken to you of the happenings at the wedding, but I also know he does not yet know the entirety of my own story considering my actions. I understand if you do not wish to hear of my own experiences with the matter, and I would not try and sway you from your brother’s side as that is exactly where you should be. I simply wish to offer clarity.
    Lady Aurore Caron of Nightsong
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aurorecaron · 2 years
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when: second day at staerdale for : aurore harlaw @aurorecaron​
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dyana would recognize her sister’s figure in any crowd. the harlaws always had a unique figure, an aura that was palpable from miles away. perhaps dyana was biased, perhaps it was years of being by her side and attempting to still feel her sisters presence when she was oceans’ away. dyana always tried to hard to prevent herself from getting pessimistic. she had built walls up for years since she was younger that kept her blind to the things her sisters coveted. years she attempted to ignore the iron fleet, years she tried to ignore her craving for freedom. years she learned to lick the pain of imprisonment off her open wounds, she learned how to hyper fixate on the things that truly belonged to her. nobody wanted it, nobody in her family desired this throne but dyana learned to love it. at least, try to. dyana was always like that, from a young age she had little regard for what actually made her happy. she learned to adore the small things granted to her. after all, her father had always made a point to remind her that she would be on this throne for far longer than she’d ever care to be. for the ruling lady to cope, she needed to find these small joys. unless, one wanted a ruler who desired nothing but war 
then again, it seemed dyana wouldn’t be lacking in the department of war. dyana didn’t need to be part of a war, her people didn’t need to be part of a war. yet, her sister seemed fully immersed on this diplomatic mission of hers. the first opportunity at freedom and yet aurore found herself yet again in another battle. dyana wished she would simply stop, to take a moment to consider her actions and what that would mean. to stop to think for a moment what her involvement in the north could entail, could enrage. dyana was sympathetic, she understood and she supported rohan. damn, she supported henry with her entire being. yet, with dyana’s recent trauma and her experience and beliefs, aurore was threading on a fine line that could cost their entire houses’ survival. they already replaced one great house, dyana didn’t want to be alive and be the cause to yet another burning of an ironborn family (not that there was much left anyways). 
yet, all these thoughts, were all only quietly brewing in dyana’s mind. she couldn’t argue, she cant. she’s already done so much arguing with her sister, emotionally she couldn’t cope with anything further. the only people that new of dyana’s thoughts were ames and sigfryd. she was sure ryamis was catching on but she didn’t dare try to plague that man’s mind with politics. not yet. she didn’t want to involve him until they were wed, until it was certain their fates were interlocked by the drowned god himself. 
dyana found the solemn look that graced her features was quickly replaced with that of a smile as she excused herself from her quarters and those in attendance before running off. it was all a facade, but she had been learning to use it once more. the blue silks of her dress seemed to flow as the air went through it. she looked almost phantom like, the only indication of life was the tint of her olive skin. before dyana turned the corner to go towards the courtyard, she allowed the facade to drop. it was in that moment, she just wished they were children again. for the past seventeen years, they had been so far away both physically and emotionally. dyana lived her life and aurore lived her own. they both processed things so different, thought of things so differently, and yet as children they always seemed to find a way to be together. it brought a tear to her eyes as her eyes watered, thinking of the times they would be caught by their parents. how their giggles could be heard on the beach front of pyke, how their guard’s firm grip on their tiny waist and their father’s booming voice never truly bothered the sisters because they had each other. dyana knew aurore had her back, always remembered her and loved her. somewhere deep, within her soul, she knew this truth. yet, such things seemed to be lost as their survivals were now dependent on completely different matters. 
with that, dyana tried to think solely of what their relationship was founded on. she had to, she had to understand. she prayed and begged the gods that she could understand. dyana would kill for her and aurore to return back to their childhood selves, held by the waist back by their most beloved protectors (though they never needed such men), and fill the ocean’s air with their laughter. 
“aurore harlaw!” it was a name that dyana would only recognize aurore now. no caron title, nor karstark title could ever change who aurore was to dyana in the end of the day. she was a harlaw, nobody could take that away. “how does it feel to be at staerdale? interesting name, no?”
Only one day in and Staerdale had already managed to feel far more prisonlike than the Red Keep ever had. At least Aurore had been able to hear the waves crashing onto the shores of King’s Landing from certain places in the castle, but now there was no sign of water as far as the eye could see. Landlocked. She felt as if she’d been trapped in box that she could never manage to sit within comfortably, the walls of it slowly shrinking inwards until she was far too cramped. Still...she could recognize the beauty the former Eyrie held. Her god lived below the sea, but from up here she could almost imagine what it might be like for the Storm God to look down from high above the clouds- the people and their lives so small compared to a titan. 
It was her sister’s voice combined with her name that shook her from her reverie, and she blinked in momentary surprise when Harlaw followed in lieu of Caron. It set her on edge and at ease, the two emotions battling for dominance while she stepped forward to embrace her sister. If Dyana was calling her Harlaw...perhaps not all was lost. Her sister had chosen to use their family name, one of the things they’d shared while growing up alongside each other. Dyana still saw her as a Harlaw, a member of the family...and yet she wondered how true that held after hearing her frustrations while Aurore had remained in the North. 
She considered her sister with a raised brow after pulling back from the ginger hug, not hesitating to comment on the attempted small talk. “Is this what we’ve come to, Yana?” she said with a careful tease in her voice. “Musing over the whims of Kings and their naming of things?” Perhaps her sister had thought such a thing one of the safer subjects, but it hurt to think that they needed safe subjects in the first place. “You know us- I can’t stand to be so far from the sea. It makes me uneasy. I’m sure you’ve already felt it too.”
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aurorecaron · 2 years
closed starter for narcissa @trgryns​
One of the things Aurore had looked forward when she’d arrived at King’s Landing was her family all being in one place again. That dream had been quickly foiled by two of their deaths and the resulting aftermath. Rory hadn’t been in the Iron Islands for the kraken’s attack- hadn’t been in the islands for most of the seven months that had passed. It had put a strain on her and the rest of the Harlaw’s relationship, one that made her anxious to see them. 
But as she came upon a familiar and snow white head those worries were gone, replaced with the warmth of seeing a family member who she had no reason to feel apprehension around. “Cisi!” she called out while her quick steps turned into something closer to a jog. Her feet couldn’t carry Aurore to her pseudo-sister quick enough. “If you don’t stop walking this instant I’m going to have to kidnap you!” she teased before enveloping the younger woman in an all consuming embrace. She would have taken the girl in her arms whether the former Karstark had stopped or not.
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aurorecaron · 2 years
closed starter for brax @flvvrpetals​
The man was someone she’d barely even noticed in King’s Landing, a lesser noble who hadn’t registered on her radar while he’d plotted and planned in shadows. It irritated her to no end. To think that he’d bested her stung even more when she hadn’t even known the game was afoot, and Braxton Brax almost topped her list of those she’d love to steal the heads of. He’d started the game, but she was determined to finish it. If she hadn’t known him to be her enemy, she would want the same for him. Let him be the one to be fooled this time around. Her plan was careful while she pretended to admire one of the new paintings that they’d hung in Staerdale, as if putting a façade over the shining new castle could make Westeros forget the atrocities that had occurred here. One..two...three steps back until she was ‘accidentally’ bumping against Lord Braxton. In a flurry of awkward motion she turned to face him, all wide eyes and embarrassed cheeks. “Oh- my apologies Lord Brax! I didn’t realize I’d come so close!”
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aurorecaron · 2 years
who: aurore caron @aurorecaron​ where: hallways towards Bolton quarters when: nightfall in the negotiations of which houses in the north would support Rohan’s claims, it was a quick notion that the Boltons and karstarks had the same view. Adian had always trusted the karstarks, they weren’t as mad as them but still not too far off. It came as a surprise as he found Aurore Caron amongst them but a part of him didn’t mind that. His friendship with Ames had always been good. In the months of planning it had turned out that Caron was clever and smart and Adian found himself appreciating the younger woman’s views, even if she tended to play smart and not for the blood baths. “Lady Caron” he greeted as they were passing in the hallway, he stopped his chin high as neither would speak loudly amongst others about their acquaintance which was now more than family friends, they were now allies in arms. “how was the sea route here?”
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Aurore had planned more than her fair share of ambushes, invasions, and battles...but something as large-scale as a big for independence and taking back Rohan’s rightful title were things she hadn’t yet experienced in her career as a commander. Adian had proven invaluable where she’d usually have leaned on Ames, giving his insights and opinions without the annoying cushioning so many tended to offer. He understood blood and battle just as the Ironborn did, and it was a rather refreshing thing to find. They’d always been allies, offering support where the other needed men or ships but now they were truly comrades sharing the bigger playing field. “Lord Bolton,” she replied with just as much measured respect, the words feeling somewhat silly in her mouth when she’d spent countless late nights poured over long and lengthy notes with a man named ‘Adian’. But she’d die before seeing their cause stunted before it’d even truly started. “The sea was gracious with her winds and waves on the journey here. The new ships from Karhold dealt well with it. But I already find myself missing the sea. You know us Ironborns- we never feel at home without it.”
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aurorecaron · 2 years
who: @aurorecaron​ where: widow’s watch when: 5-6 months ago
“There’s a woman in the gardens, my lord.” 
Leo looked up from his book to find a servant girl twisting her hands into her skirts as she regarded him with some nervousness. 
“A what?” Leo asked with a raised brow. 
“A woman… She asked to perhaps see you my lord, and I didn’t-” 
That was odd that anyone had asked to see him, let alone a strange woman in the gardens. As far as he knew, no one knew he was home… He paused for a moment before snapping his book shut and waving his hand in dismissal. “I’ll see to it.” He murmured before making his way over to their modest garden, one his mother had tended to before she had died, now a mess of weeds and overgrown shrubbery going barren as winter approached. 
And in the middle of it… an old friend. 
“A stowaway.” He had said without so much as a greeting, approaching her with his hands clasped behind his back, ignoring the chill of Widow’s Watch as the crashing of waves carried into the air. “It is considered trespassing if one is not invited.” 
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Aurore didn’t know many things about plants. After all she’d been born and raised on a nearly barren rock of an island. Beyond that farmwork and such things were usually reserved for peasants and those of lower standing. There was a reason her House’s words were Conquest is Our Harvest. Even more reason that the Greyjoy’s had been We Do Not Sow. They took what they wanted and needed from others. Still- even she could see the garden was in need of some serious care. So when her childhood friend appeared she wasted no time in giving him a peace of her mind just as she always had. “Leo- what did you do to these poor things? It’s like you killed them on purpose.” 
The humor of their reversed situations was not lost on her, and a nostalgic grin tugged at the corners of her lips while she thought of the time the Lord of Widow’s’ Watch had been a stowaway himself. “Yes- well, at least I’m not emptying my stomach of my lunch like someone else was.”
Done with her teasing remarks she saw no reason to hold herself back and crossed the garden in the longest strides she could manage. Then she was wrapping the man in her arms for a much needed hug. “I can’t believe you made me go to King’s Landing on my own. Did you think it was funny to leave me out to dry among all the stuffed nobility?”
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