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A Sparkpelt admiring her mom :]
Testing out a new style… again lol. Idk which style I wanna stick with, I don’t think I’ll stick with any of them, I’ll just use whichever I think fits the feel of the drawing most I guess. Same goes for the designs too cuz these are more… natural-esque colors and such.
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Some old warriors art? Sure lol, I was looking through a pile of old art so why not share this
I don’t remember how long ago this was but the dialogue is referencing a scene from Soul Eater (that Lionblaze design tho omg he has… hair… I mean some of my current designs have hair too but like… he straight up has hair lol)
What if I redrew this with my current designs hmmmmm
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I may be obsessed with Hollyleaf
Quick and messy sketch I made before I go to bed. Just Hollyleaf staring in disbelief at what she’s done. Maybe one day this’ll be a finished piece. Who knows.
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God… anytime I wanna draw really emotional and messy shit, my go-to is always Hollyleaf lol. She’s a mess she’s perfect for those kinds of sketches
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Some really messy Hollyleaf and Ashfur stuff. Was thinking about a messy murder that had quite a bit of struggle. Don’t mind the anatomy problems, these were meant to be messy. I might make something bigger of this one day. I wanna do a Hollyleaf animation some day with this kind of vibe I just don’t have enough ideas atm. Maybe a comic instead. Idk. Whatever. When it comes to my warriors art I don’t have a set style I suppose. I like to have the style of the art fit the over-all mood if that makes sense.
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When it seems even the whole world is against us, I know you’ll always be by my side.
Just a quick and messy thing I made before going to bed. I feel the messy sketch-like outlines for the characters fit the feel of this so it’s fine. I felt desaturating their colors would fit the feel too. Leafpool and Squirrelflight are a couple of my favorite characters in warriors. And the authors seeming to not care about them just upsets me so much. These two go through a lot of hardships and I just love how strong their sibling relationship is. They deserved more love from the authors and canon.
-Do not tag as ship, I cannot believe I feel the need to say that but please don’t-
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Been a while since I posted on this blog so, after some debating, I decided I wanted to share this very short wip for an animation I haven’t worked on since August but really wanna finish. Executive dysfunction, am I right? (Sorry it’s recorded on my phone, last time I exported a wip, it got rid of the audio and I had to put it back in and I’m too scared to export any animations until they’re finished now lmao)
But yeah first-ish full animation I’m working on here. Mainly character acting practice. “First-ish” cuz I used to animate on flipnote like… years ago. And I have like two other more recent animations that are just simple head movements and only like a second long.
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Ok ngl I like when artists kinda. Decorate? Their medicine cat designs? It’s nice, I kinda wanna do that for my designs… not sure…
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It is she. It is Frecklewish (tc). I drew her :)
I had the moment she’s told that she was lied to by Mapleshade in mind, just before she reacts in a burst of rage. I’ll probably draw a happier Frecklewish at some point, I like her.
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Y’all, people really believe Mapleshade is some “protector of all kits”??? She attempted to kill a pregnant cat, she tormented Appledusk’s bloodline including Crookedstar abusing and manipulating him ever since he was a child for her own selfish pettiness, the first thing she did to Ivypaw (an apprentice basically a teen) is to threaten to kill her just cuz she bumped into her. Even mocks her later on when Ivypaw was in distress after finding out she was being used, sneering saying “Are you having a bad dream, dear?”. If you take a female character like Mapleshade or Hollyleaf and try to excuse every fucking action they do cuz “badass girlboss” then you’re making their character bland and uninteresting. I love Hollyleaf because she’s a tragic hypocrite. I love Mapleshade because she’s a selfish jerk. Not cuz I think they’re right to do those things, but cuz it’s what makes them interesting. You’re allowed to enjoy villains and morally grey characters, you don’t gotta excuse all their wrongdoings lmao.
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Like I said, I’m only using these refs as practice for when I actually do start participating in maps. The first one is fine, all the colors are exactly as they are in the ref. But the second I do more than one everything’s just wrong. Like only one color is right and it’s the shading on the muzzle. That’s it. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. The types of layers are right, the opacity percentage is exact, and I did it in the right order. I know I’m doing something wrong, I know this is something that’s on my end but I don’t know what and I’m just frustrated with myself. Am I just gonna have to give up on this and just color pick from now on? I don’t want to, I want to be exact while knowing how to actually fucking do shit. Rage. Biting. Screaming. >:(
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Most of the shading is right. MOST. EXCEPT FOR THE MUZZLE, ITS TOO DARK. HOW??? HOW IS IT WRONG WHEN ALL THE OTHER SHADING COLORS ARE RIGHT????? And the lighting is all just wrong, I am so 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 /lh. I just can’t figure this out, my brain is too small and smooth
Edit: is it the difference in the programs being used??? Cuz as far as I know, Cheetehz draws using Krita. I used ibispaint here cuz I use it for sketches and practices. Maybe that’s it????
Trying to practice lighting and shading with multiply layers, overlay layers, etc. and I am. Struggling. It shouldn’t be this hard. I’m like. Using some refs for the serpent sol map just to practice and like. Aight 1 shading layer went well the colors were the same. But god forbid I practice 2 lighting/shading layers or 3. Jesus Christ like wtf am I doing wrong?? I’m I not understanding anything????
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Trying to practice lighting and shading with multiply layers, overlay layers, etc. and I am. Struggling. It shouldn’t be this hard. I’m like. Using some refs for the serpent sol map just to practice and like. Aight 1 shading layer went well the colors were the same. But god forbid I practice 2 lighting/shading layers or 3. Jesus Christ like wtf am I doing wrong?? I’m I not understanding anything????
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I’m about to export my wip animation only cuz the animation preview is extremely laggy on csp and see if a certain part looks ok. It’s annoying, but I’m scared I might mess something up while exporting 😬
Edit: I’ll just wait until I’m done with the full rough animation. I really don’t wanna lose anything and being able to post a rough animation is better than nothing. Tho I’d prefer to ink it and color it first so a character’s lines aren’t overlapping with another character but. Ugh idk. Idk why csp is so laggy with the animation preview cuz apparently no other animation program has this problem. Why isn’t it fixed yet? Is it even possible? Idk code stuff lol and I don’t wanna ask for too much
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I just saw like. Several people think that it’s oh so sweet that when disabled cats go to StarClan they get their disabilities removed and makes them “feel better” about these characters’ deaths. No. It’s erasure. It’s not good to think that disabled people should be “fixed” to be completely happy. I’m aware they’re probably just ignorant and don’t realize how ableist that is but it’s still. Eugh
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I have finished that 3 seconds of lip sync 🕺
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Working on my animation, on a part where it needs lip sync and. Squilf looks cartoonishly grumpy here lol, she’s just like “>:T”
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Working on my animation, on a part where it needs lip sync and. Squilf looks cartoonishly grumpy here lol, she’s just like “>:T”
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