aussiexgal23-blog · 6 years
Assessment #8
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Sargent Bryan Smith
Playby: Henry Ian Cusick
Relationship: Father, Alive
Born in London and lived there until he was eighteen he then joined the military he spent a good amount of his life serving his country until he met a woman by the name of Lauren Bright whom at the time was living in Australia but was visiting London for holiday eventually marrying and bringing Callie into the world. Growing up with him and his tough love military style ways often caused the two to clash when she decided to pursue an acting career instead of following his footsteps into the military only to eventually give in when he saw that his daughter did indeed have talent and gave in giving her his support even though he still hopes she will change her mind and become a soldier like he was but still is proud of his daughter's accomplishments by not giving up on her goals.
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Lauren Smith
Playby: Paige Turco
Relationship: Mother, Alive
When it comes to her mother, the only thing that Callie has to say about her is how close she is to Lauren. Even growing up the two shared a special bond over their love for acting after Lauren took Callie to her first play in London visiting Callie's grandparents when she was only five years old. She was the first person to support Callie's dream of becoming an actress and was the one who convinced her to actually give it a try by joining with her own mother to help pay for Callie's college to attend Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Even to this day, Lauren is the person whom Callie turns to whenever she is having doubtful thoughts about her lifestyle choice bringing the two women to talk constantly until she feels better.
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Zack Smith
Playby: Richard Harmon
Relationship: Brother, Alive
Two and a half years older than Callie even as kids the two shared a close bond often playing around the hills behind their home in Melbourne or going surfing at the beach but their real bond grew stronger over their love for music where Zach was the one who taught her everything she knows with playing the guitar. Much like her dreams of becoming an actress, the one thing she supports the most with Zack's life is his drive to become an archaeologist bringing both siblings to choose their own paths away from the military life their father hopes they'd both join as he did and it's one of the many subjects the two talk about on a daily basis whenever he's visiting her in San Francisco whenever he is not off digging in places like Egypt or Brazil.
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Allison Johnson
Playby: Marie Avgeropoulos
Relationship: Cousin, Alive
Two years younger than Callie the two girls always shared a close bond much like Callie's relationship with her brother Zack. Due to not having any sisters of her own she always looked at Allison like a sister often spending all their free time together whenever she would visit Australia or when Allison comes to San Francisco bringing the two to go on massive shopping sprees around the popular shopping centers of the city. Even to this day, they are not only still as close as they were growing up but they are also very protective of each other especially after the death of Allison's mother and Callie's aunt from a car accident causing Allison to nearly taking her own life from the grief bringing Callie to be the one to save her by getting her the help she needed.  
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Alicia Parks
Playby: Lindsey Morgan
Relationship: College best friend / current roommate, Alive
Having first met each other at Academy of Art University after moving to the city in 2013 right from the start the two girls developed a strong friendship through not only their love for acting but also music after Callie took Alicia to a Fall Out Boy concert for her twentieth birthday. After they both graduated from the university they decided to move into an apartment in Nob Hill to save money where they are currently still living at to this day working hard at their jobs and their own dreams where Alicia wants to become an artist and Callie with her acting and when they are not working they are often hanging out with their group of friends embracing the nightlife of the city drinking and enjoying good social chats.  
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aussiexgal23-blog · 6 years
Getting to know Callie.
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Birth - Family - Origin - What was going on in their family, their community, and the world at the time of their birth?  At the time I was born, there was a total solar eclipse in SW/S Asia (2m09s) from what my parents told me on October 24,1995.
- Were they told anything unusual about their birth? No, not really as my birth was normal as any child’s birth was.
- Are there any family stories told about them as a baby?  If there are I keep them hidden from people as I tend to get embarrassed easily hearing about my childhood.
- Do they remember anything about their first year of life? Not really no.
- What characteristics do they remember most about their grandparents?  Since my grandparents live in England I spent many holiday's there visiting where I enjoyed the streets of London with my grandmother watching plays and visiting cafe shops.
- How would they describe their parents? My father has dark hair whereas my mother has blonde. I got my hair from her mother whereas my brother got his dark hair from our father and he stands at a height of six feet two inches and my mother stands at five feet nine inches.
- What are some of the best and worse things about them? I would have to say the best thing about them is how devoted they are to our family but the worse thing is my father's determination to have both myself and my brother follow his footsteps into the military even though he eventually gave his support for me to become an actress.
- What do they think they inherited from them? I got my love for reading and acting from my mother and my music skills from my father who also played the guitar when I was growing up in Melbourne.
Culture - Traditions - What family or cultural celebrations, traditions or rituals were important in their life? Growing up our family traditions were usually around the holiday's like Christmas where we would decorate our entire house in decorations as well as spend the afternoon on the beach enjoying the warm weather if we spent it in Melbourne as it's summer time for us there but if we were in London visiting my grandparents we would decorate the living room's windows sprayed white to match the falling snow from outside.  
- Was their family different from other families in their neighborhood? Nope, we were like every other family around our street. We hung out around the grill and had fun playing games while the adults gossiped about random things.
- What was that like for them? Fun as we enjoyed the company.  
- Was religion important in their family? Nah not really as my parents allowed us to believe in whatever we choose.
Social Factors - Did they feel nurtured as a child? Yes as my parents often made sure I had everything I needed to grow into a strong and independent person.
- Were they encouraged to try new things, or did they feel held back? Absolutely especially my mother who supported my acting career. She did everything she could to get me to take part in plays at school and helped me get into the Academy of Art University in San Francisco after I graduated from high school.  
- What do they remember most about growing up with, or without, brothers and sisters? My brother and I have a shared love for music. We would both sit together in the living room with guitars and just play music.
- Did they get along with their family members? Yes even my father who at times was stern with me and my brother due to his life in the military.
- Did they make friends easily? Yes, absolutely for I love meeting new people like my good friend Matthew Shepherd.
- What pressures did they feel like as a teenager, and where did they come from? My father's determination to have me follow his footsteps and join the military. He often told me that was a better lifestyle than an acting job but he gave in when he saw I have a talent for acting and supports it now though he still hopes I will go into the military anyways.
- Did they tend to go in for new fads and trends? Nah not really.
- Were they athletic? Yes, I do spend my free time doing yoga.
- What clubs, groups or organizations did they join? None really.
- What did they do for fun or entertainment? Shopping, watching plays, traveling things like that.
- Was social class important in their life? Nope don't care for that sort of thing.
- What was the most trouble they were ever in as a teenager? With my father being the type of man he was getting into trouble was not really a good thing /laughs;
- Who shaped and influenced their life most? My grandparents and my mother they were the ones who supported me the most for my acting career.
Education - What is their first memory of attending school? Starting kindergarten for the first time I didn't want to leave my mother so I actually hugged her legs outside of the car crying saying I didn't want to go.
- Did they enjoy school in the beginning? No, but I eventually grew to love it.
- Did they have a favorite teacher? I had too many I loved but the one I like the most was my theater teacher in high school, Mr. O'Bryan, he was the one who got me into acting.
Love - Work - Do they remember their first date? I was sixteen and it was a dance at our local high school where I went with the captain of the football well soccer as the American's call it, Justin Marks.
- Their first kiss? That very night.
- Did they have a steady boy/girlfriend? Justin and I dated for nearly a year before we called it quits when he moved.
- What was the most difficult thing about dating for them? My father and his habit of being overly protective as well as my brother.
- Are they married? No, I am not married at all.
- What does love mean to them? Absolute trust. One of the things that I look for the most when it comes to relationships is trust. Whilst in a relationship I do have an affectionate side and tends to show how much I love someone by spending time in each other’s arms in front of a burning fireplace or walks through parks hand in hand just embracing each other’s company.
- Do they have children? No, I do not have any children. Maybe three years later down the line after I find someone to spend my life with and talk about having a family of our own but right now no it's not in the cards.
- Did they achieve what they wanted? Or did their ambitions change? I am still working on becoming an actress but for right now I'm happy being a waitress at a local restaurant by the harbor.  
- Has their work been satisfying to them? Yes as it allows me to meet new people from the city and around the world who are visiting for a vacation.
- When did they realize that they had become an adult? Moving to San Francisco and having to not only pay rent on my own but also have bills to pay. But luckily for me, I have my college roommate living with me to help me with the rent.
- Do love and work fit together for them in their life? Yes, for I am very much open for relationships it's just a matter of finding the right person who is not only honest but supportive who also shares the same things I enjoy like hiking and traveling that sort of thing.
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aussiexgal23-blog · 6 years
A word of advice.
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San Francisco, 2015
“No...I understand thank you for the chance yes please keep me in touch with any new developments on the part." Another audition, another failure. That was what was flooding through the mind of Callie Smith as the young woman stood in front of the window of her apartment watching the busy street of Nob Hill pass her by much like her acting career. Well, the non-existent acting career she had as she hadn't had a successful audition since she made the decision to move to San Franciso to become an actress. And of course, the first thing that came to her mind was what her father's reaction would be if he had learned she failed another audition and that would be disappointment. Especially after giving her a hard time about it in the first place due to his own determination to get her to follow in his footsteps to go into the military.
But talking to her father about this was just something that Callie really didn't want to do. No, in fact, the one person she wanted to talk to was someone who knew her better and that was Matthew Shepherd. Having met him as a child through their father's military friendship she had always gone to him for advice wither it was over a big choice like moving to America, choosing the apartment she was now living in, and most importantly following her dreams. Hell when she made the decision to go for her dream to become an actress professionally, he was the first person she went to about it so she could get the pros and cons out on the table. So talking to him would just be what she needed so it wasn't long before she turned her phone back on and began looking through her contacts until she found his name to call only to pause for a second trying to think about what he might have been doing at that present moment which was when she decided to send him a text instead of calling.
"Hey got a minute? failed audition and could use some of that good advice of yours." Pressing send she then made her way away from the window towards the kitchen to start brewing up a pot of tea finding herself wanting something warm to drink and sure enough just as she started the flame for the teapot her phone gave off the notification she had a reply back from Matthew. "ouch what did you do stomp your foot on the co-star again?" His text read bringing her to laugh that followed with a shake of her head hitting the reply button so she could answer back. "Ha ha very funny no they said I had potential but wanted to go a different direction. Though TBH I wouldn't have minded stepping on the guy's foot he was a complete ass." Course as she wrote that a laugh then escaped her mouth as she actually pictured herself doing that for the guy she was practicing lines with really was an ass and got on her nerves.
"Sounds to me like you got out of a good deal cause if you had to deal with that ass for long periods of time you may have thrown him out a window." He replied bringing her to smile at the words knowing that he was correct in many ways. "Take my advice Callie don't beat yourself up too much over one audition. You are talented in so many ways I would know I've known you since we were kids. And one thing I know for sure is you never give up on your dreams." Never give up. Damn he had a very good point in that last part she thought as she glanced up from the screen for a brief moment to look at the picture frame she had on the altar above her fireplace that had a picture of the two of them celebrating the fourth of July last year and seeing his face and how much she loved having him as a friend made the advice he just gave her the thing she needed the most. "You're right as usual thanks Matt. I knew I could trust you in helping me through this. Next time you have time off work we should meet up for drinks let me know when's a good time for you and I promise next time I have an audition I won't give up on my dreams if it ends up being a failed audition." She replied back with a sense of belief that following her dream of acting is still what she wanted to do and his advice made that goal much more easier to reach.  
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aussiexgal23-blog · 6 years
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001:Supernatural. Growing up with an older brother Callie developed a love for the supernatural world at an early age. Going to graveyards around Halloween night, walking through haunted houses with friends etc so when she came across the show she became hooked on it even after the first episode. Not to mention she has a real big thing for Dean Winchester. 002:Haven. Coming across the show on the SyFy channel one afternoon at first she wasn't interested in it after seeing the preview of it but when she decided to watch the first episode just to see what all the fuss was about, she found herself more curious about what was happening with each episode that came on. 003:Hawaii 5-0. When it comes to police shows that offer good comedy this show is Callie's go to show. Between the crazy adventures both Danno and Steve have, what she loves most about the show is how loyal the team is with one another regardless of what happens. She can't get enough of this show and has no trouble watching it over and over again. 004:Merlin. After having many of her friends tell her that she really needs to watch the show she finally gave in and started watching it and it really didn't take her long to find it not only amusing but a great show. The friendship between Merlin and Arthur is one of the things she loves most about it and never grew tired of their playful arguments. 005:Jurassic Park. When Callie first saw the movie as a child, much like many children she knew she openly admits that she got scared of the T-Rex when it was chasing the people in the jeep. But as she grew older she rewatched the film and actually grew to enjoy it and developed a love for dinosaurs which grew more when she eventually watched Jurassic World. 006:Thor Ragnarok. And for her guilty pleasure the go to movie that Callie chooses each and every single time is the Thor series as she not only enjoys the marvel universe but she also has a big thing for Loki who she finds herself relating to in so many levels in terms of having to follow the examples of an older brother and often being told what to do by their parents. She always felt that he was just misunderstood and stands by that to this present day.
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aussiexgal23-blog · 6 years
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“It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.” 🍂 🍁 
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aussiexgal23-blog · 6 years
Cozy autumn days are the best.
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aussiexgal23-blog · 6 years
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By Eddy Kuni
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aussiexgal23-blog · 6 years
Goodbye summer and hello autumn! Bring on the pumpkin spice coffee!
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