Rust removal from vintage pointed pen nibs
As promised, here’s the account of how I removed rust from some vintage nibs I received from the mail. At the end of this post I’ll place the links of where I buy my supplies. And no I am not sponsored, yet. Who knows lol.
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There were actually 4 nibs but the Million Pen looks almost exactly like the Popular Pen so I just placed one in here, for illustrative purposes.
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Yeah the camera angle looks bad but at least you can see some rust, either at the head of the nib or at the foot, like Kantel, the bowl-shaped nib at the top. If I recall correctly, that nib has a lot of rust at the part that attaches to the pen holder, and that can’t be good.
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Yeah I think this is the after rust removal picture. It’s been 2 years I already forgot if I took step by step pics or I just took whatever I can since the ketchup removal method was still in its experimental stage.
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No I did not take step by step pics. Maybe because I also had to do the ketchup and sanding thing over and over until the rust got smoothed off. This removal took around 2 days to complete, and the above pic shows what a mixture of light acid and some varied sand paper grades can do to rust. I think I used white toothpaste as a neutralizing abrasive too so, the extra shine is there. Dang it I forgot about that and used dish soap lately. Oh well. If you haven’t seen how I removed rust stepwise with the listing of the actual stuff, the post about the ketchup removal is here. Well I hope this post helped you in any way. If you have any ideas, experiences,  questions or what feel free to comment on this post. Thanks very much and see you all very soon. Where I get my supplies: The Curious Artisan - Online store. Oblique pen holders, inks, calligraphy sets, pad papers for caligraphy. I love the paper, they’re better than Rhodia in my honest opinion, smoother and more transparent, and I have Rhodia pads too. Plus the fact that they deliver quite quick too. Really awesome.
The Craft Central - Online and Physical Store. I recommend visiting the physical stores, the selections in each branch can be different, and they got lotsa stuff. Nibs, holders, some paper, walnut and sumi inks. The walnut ink can eat away the metal nibs *it’s acidic AF* so rinse that sh** off with some dish soap, white toothpaste, and some hot water. 
The Oil Paint Store - Online and physical store. I recommend visiting the physical store, they got so much stuff you can’t buy online. Also they’re nice because most people get lost finding their place lol. Unless they have expanded, haven’t been there in a while. Papers of any kind. I work with watercolor and colored pencils so it’s important to get a wide variety of paper to check which ones will take the pigments best.
Deovir Arts - Online and physical store. I recommend visiting the physical store because again, more selections not seen on the online site.
National Bookstore -  Online and physical store. I placed this last because to be honest, they’re nearly everywhere. However, not all sell artist quality products, the only places that I got to buy good ones were in NCR, and in SM Pampanga. 
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I removed rust from steel nibs (Hunt Imperial 101 and Hunt Mapping 103 Nibs)
What to do when rust attacks your shiny metal stuff
I had to put up this post in case I need it again. 2 years ago (2018), I bought an oblique nib holder with an adjustable flange from The Curious Artisan (click here to go to their page. I am not sponsored by the way.). The whole thing has lotsa freebies like free calligraphy pad, Engrossers' Script or Copperplate templates, and a whole bunch of vintage nibs. I thought the nibs were all nice and OK but I found 4 that unfortunately had some rust so I did some rust removal on them. I might post that later because that’s a whole story altogether. Also apparently I can only post a maximum of 10 pictures per post so. yeah.
Fast forward to 3 days ago, I had to check up on my not-vintage nibs from Speedball and HOLY CRAP THEY GOT RUSTED 😢😢😢 Like seriously look at em, LOOK AT EM 😭😭😭
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You know that's rust when it doesn't shine and just absorbs light. I like shiny things and seeing rust is a pet peeve, due to the aesthetic as well as functional implications.
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Even the dorsal side wasn't spared of the rust issue.
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Of course I had a tiny panic attack, and did my best not to self-hate for storing them in what I thought was an airtight bottle. Spoiler alert, it wasn't, as indicated by the deflated moth balls. So after 3 days of gathering supplies, I made today rust-removal day.
What I used:
Ketchup packets - only a bit is used, to dislodge the rust and chemically reduce that sh** into a more removable form. CHEMISTRY!!!
Cotton swabs - for dabbing the ketchup
Diluted dish soap - as neutralizing solution, since baking soda would be OVERKILL. Again, CHEMISTRY!!!
Water-proof sand paper - for physical removal of rust, ideally one rough and one fine but because I had to ask my dad for some and he only has the rough ones for pots and pans, and I lost my tiny scrap of super-fine I used 2 years ago so... they didn’t get polishing
Kitchen towels - tissue paper dies fast, this one can stand some hugs
Petroleum jelly - for the aftercare, and prevention of more rust. Ideally should be oils used for bikes and hinges but we ran out of that oil so this is the next best thing
Porcelain or glass plate or wax paper - surface to work on, not gonna suggest plastics because that dissolved iron oxide has some really good staining power, it's hard to remove, if that’s even possible so something inert and easy to wash is good
So first identify the places where there is rust. Then add some ketchup on the rust. No need to flood them like I did here, this is just for illustration purposes.
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Just leave them on for 5-10 minutes or so. If you're working on vintage nibs it's best to leave the ketchup a bit longer, for up to 30 minutes before the next step, which is sanding the stuff off. Remove excess ketchup, just leave a bit for the abrasion process. Use the rough sand paper, cut into a tiny piece and start lightly rubbing in circular motions. You can rub in a straight line but you could miss some spots so going around in circles is best. Plus it would look better later. 😀 You can wash the ketchup off with some dish soap and then water to see if any rust is left. Repeat the scrub as needed. Then dab a bit more ketchup before using the fine sand paper. This is again, for the abrasion process. Rinse with dish soap, then with water, check if the rust was removed according to your standards. Dry with a paper towel.
This is what it would look like if there wasn't fine sand paper used. Not so smooth. Kinda makes me arrgh.
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Yeah, see how small that is? I had to use my chonky hands to remove rust from tiny steel plates. Plus the sanding off of the rust. It's a miracle I even manage to remove as much as I can, but here they are now.
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Dorsal and ventral sides
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Lol did I use dorsal and ventral? Seriously I need to doze lol. But hey, I removed as much rust I could with the bare minimum material, and I am suprised. I used some petroleum jelly to seal in their shiny reborn selves before storing them with my other nibs in the best place I could find.
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Yeah sure, laugh all you want but seriously, the vintage nibs I fixed 2 years ago haven't gotten new rust since I placed them in this jar. That's some serious sealing capability. Also adding a moth ball helps to control the humidity. 
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See? No new rust growth. But the ketchup can really remove colored plating as you can see from the top nib, so it’s important to keep the ketchup ONLY ON THE RUST. Although these were sanded off with a finer grained sand paper so they look a bit more polished. Well, I tried. 😂
Also I highly recommend the Code9 moisturizer, it's good for humid days, like the Jeju Ice from Face Shop. But that's another story. 😂
So anyway, I hope this post helped you somehow, in removing tiny rust from tiny metal stuff. If you have any questions feel free to drop an ask or a comment on this post. Thank you.
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My trusty Japanese-English dictionary apparently turned 20 😂
I saw the post about "The Milk", and then I remembered that my first Japanese-language instructor aka my Japanese-English Dictionary just had its 20th birthday, October 2019. I forgot to throw a birthday party so I'll just give it a debut 😂😂😂
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I even kept the price tag. I was a dumbass 13 year-old then. Also now you know how old I am, but then again I don't care so yeah
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Best Php175.50 I ever invested on* (back then the exchange rate would have been around Php45.00 per dollar). This was also a very synchronous buy because there were only 2 copies on the shelf, I bought the one with a shrink-wrap after looking at the opened one. Literally threw all my cash on this one and it was the only thing I bought that day. Came back a month later and the other copy was also gone. Usually stuff like these stay in shelves for half a month to a year before getting sold. Good thing I bought it. It has helped me learn the kana quite well. My formal language lessons came some years later and this tiny book saved my ass a lot of times. I had so much appreciation for this one because aside from kana, there are also sentences and actual Japanese characters in it, so apart from Romaji there were kana and kanji, plus the sentences are both useful and funny. Right now I can't find anything like it, because the dictionary that MW publishes now is the Jap-Eng Eng-Jap version so for me, it's lesser vocabulary. This one that I had been with for the last 20 years really shone for me as the days went by, and in a way it has become my longest relationship. With a book. 😂
To be honest though, if I had to part with all of my stuff, this would be the one I'd be holding onto last. I had it with me since I was a kid, and it helped me so much because as a loner by choice and also not by choice, it was my security blanket, it felt like home. I could've been a wayward kid, I could have been a goner, a drug addict, basically waaay below trash levels. So call me what you want, a sappy wuss or whatnot, I am just grateful to have something like this. You can just see how this book was loved so much 😂
Sentimentality aside, I just posted this because I want to. Also I am a Gemini nutcase so... that shouldn't be an issue, right? 😂😂😂
Thank you for reading 💖
Much love, many hugs
*- I used to have only about Php40.00 per day allowance, and that was a lot of money then. I'd split it for the morning and afternoon snack. Now it's less than how much a Magnum Almond ice cream stick costs. Inflation sucks.
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I was about to doze when this appeared 😲 aka What the heck is this New Year Edition
I was a bit surprised to hear something that sounds like a shampoo bottle cap being opened, and I saw this HUGE long-horned beetle:
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It's quite large, the body is about an inch long or roughly 5.5cm, the antennae seem twice as long.
More pics:
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I really don't mind insects but this one was huge, it has uber-large pincers (see below pic), it barged into my room, and the fact that it makes HISSING SOUNDS really scared the crap out of me. Plus it might lay eggs or something, it has its setae protruding or I may be wrong that the white tips are its setae but its butt end has some white flaggy-flag things sticking out ot something.
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It might be trying to find shelter from the strong winds or it's trying to find a place to die but I don't want it here so I took it someplace where the winds don't blow much. I hope it survives the morning.
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Yes I am reblogging this in all of my active sideblogs, I am serious in giving away a playing card divination book and a never-been used 78-card tarot deck. Please send me a message or an ask if you're even slightly interested. Thank you and much love. 💖
Giveaway! Somewhat Unused Tarot Deck and Brand New Playing Card Oracles Book
Yeah that's right, I am giving away 2 items! A brand new, author-signed The Playing Card Oracles Book, and a somewhat used The Fountain Tarot deck. I say somewhat because I taped the box and the guidebook with clear tape, and I also opened the heat-sealed plastic to look at the cards, but never used them at all. I only took the cards out 4 times, just to look at them. We never really bonded. And that was 2 months before I got my RWS decks.
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No not the wafer and cookies, those are mine 😂😂😂
So.. why am I giving these two items away? Well, to be honest I have been thinking about it for a while. I mean, I could sell them and make some cash but then again, some people would rather have free stuff, so yeah, why not. Plus if by my giving away these things, they would get used and loved by their new owners, them I'd be happy that these things were put to use. Honestly I don't like the feeling that while they're sitting in a box, these can be used by other people elsewhere, or they might be what other people need. They can make other people happy somewhere, and I would like to contribute to that. Besides, I got to manifest these two items so who knows, maybe the magic can be transferred to other people.
So again, here is the author-signed book:
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And the tarot deck:
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I love the 3 of hearts, it looks so ethereal. Which is why I can't use this deck, it's too visual. Like I just cannot deal with it, like how I cannot deal with the visual members of KPOP boybands, I always go for the kooky and/or nice and sweet members. 😂😂😂
If I get more than 2 people interested in these two items I will make it into a raffle thing. But if I get exactly two, or one person interested by the end of FEBRUARY 2020, I will just give these to 2 people, or one person. They'll do a jankenpon (ジャンケンポン) or a rocks-papers-scissors or something like a toss-coin thingy. As long as someone wants them, that's fine.
Anybody who's interested please add a note on this post. Write a reply, reblog it, or heart it, so I'll know. Thanks everyone, have a great remainder of 2019! In case I take long to come back here lol
Love and hugs from Source above,
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And here she is again, after 2 weeks!
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I just feel so happy, her cloak is almost done, just needs some gold metallic, the deer's body is almost done, and the grape vine is really nice, the grapes are almost there. I did some backstitch on the deer and the cloak but now I am having second thoughts, maybe thinking to not do backstitching on the dress? But maybe I'll cross the bridge when I get there, like maybe when ALL of the crosses get stitched lol.
Again, thank you all for your support! See you on the next update!
I used to be a real badass at this. What happened to me? 😢
I found this old thing that I never got to finish. I made this whole thing in less than 2 weeks, I was a sophomore in college then. But then the exams started I never got to finish it. That was 16 years ago. In my university, once the exams start happenning, it’s pretty much like the rainy season, it won’t stop till the term ends.
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I started finding parts of myself that I forgotten to be existing, so I plan to finish this cross stitch while I’m on Sabbatical, and or before the year ends. Will probably be one of my opus of the year thing. I’ll post this everywhere once I’m done. Wish me luck guys.
I hope you find your passions too. Seriously, in these chaotic times, we need something to keep us sane and somewhat functional. I wish you all the best.
With love, 💟
Op *lol so lazy*
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During All Souls' Day/Day of the Dead, I got Haunted, not by Ghouls, but by my PAST JOB 😂
Like literally, as a former microbiologist this is too funny. I mean, I can readily do a plate count on this fungi-infested pineapple juice I offered to my dead relatives:
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We even have some bread mold, some Aspergillus niger, and even some Penicillium going on here. It made a biofilm so when I tried pouring it into the bin, there was a round fungal film over it. Don't even get me started on what bacteria attacked my noodles lol but really, fungi are cuter, visually, without special media so here you go. My younger bro thought it had flies lol he didn't know what he was looking at 😂😂😂
Just to make you laugh on a Monday, have a great week you all! 💟💟💟
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Finally I get to update this post! even though it’s Mercury Retrograde and tumblr doesn’t want me to lolol Here it is!
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Lol seriously why did the two pics look almost the same? The lighting, I mean. Oh well... But hey, it’s nice how her cloak is almost complete, her wings have grown, and she even had some sleeves now. Super excited to buy the metallic threads and the other weird coded ones so the fussy parts can be dealt with. Like seriously, I don’t know how could people even work solely with metallic threads, they’re really uhmm.. Challenging? So overall, other than the issue of not having the threads I need right now, I feel that after resolving that, this project can definitely push through the before the year end deadline. Though I may have to redo the grayish parts of her dress and sleeves, I may have bought the wrong thread code. So much for my younger self 16 years ago. So yeah.
Thank you very much for the support! And see you on the next update (on this post)
I used to be a real badass at this. What happened to me? 😢
I found this old thing that I never got to finish. I made this whole thing in less than 2 weeks, I was a sophomore in college then. But then the exams started I never got to finish it. That was 16 years ago. In my university, once the exams start happenning, it's pretty much like the rainy season, it won't stop till the term ends.
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I started finding parts of myself that I forgotten to be existing, so I plan to finish this cross stitch while I'm on Sabbatical, and or before the year ends. Will probably be one of my opus of the year thing. I'll post this everywhere once I'm done. Wish me luck guys.
I hope you find your passions too. Seriously, in these chaotic times, we need something to keep us sane and somewhat functional. I wish you all the best.
With love, 💟
Op *lol so lazy*
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I used to be a real badass at this. What happened to me? 😢
I found this old thing that I never got to finish. I made this whole thing in less than 2 weeks, I was a sophomore in college then. But then the exams started I never got to finish it. That was 16 years ago. In my university, once the exams start happenning, it's pretty much like the rainy season, it won't stop till the term ends.
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I started finding parts of myself that I forgotten to be existing, so I plan to finish this cross stitch while I'm on Sabbatical, and or before the year ends. Will probably be one of my opus of the year thing. I'll post this everywhere once I'm done. Wish me luck guys.
I hope you find your passions too. Seriously, in these chaotic times, we need something to keep us sane and somewhat functional. I wish you all the best.
With love, 💟
Op *lol so lazy*
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A Short (and Boring) Love Story
It was a hot, humid evening. On a Friday. In between paychecks. So we just basically stayed at home that night.
“Today was just so tiring, my dear Kumquat”. And I say “Why, did that colleague harassed you again, my lovely Cheese?”
“Oh, not just that. But don’t worry, I feel that I’ll stop complaining about that dumb piece of equipment very soon.”
“Really? How so?” Honestly, by this time I just don’t mind. I mean, my lovely Cheese had been ranting about that dufus since we had our first anniversary. And that was five years ago. Seriously, some people just can’t let go easily, but hey, who am I to judge.
My lovely Cheese’s palms started to rub themselves together like a fly about to indulge into whatever it’s sticking onto. “Well, by next week, I won’t be working with that dumbass ever again. Isn’t that great? What’s even better is that we’ll have more time together. It’s gonna be fun!”
I started looking at my lovely Cheese’s eyes, all watery and sparkly. Holy s**t. No. What the f**k did you just do? NO, I cannot have this. Did you just quit your job? What the heck what the heck, whaaaaaaat!!! Oh holy s**t now I have to do more hours, oh, no wait, at least you can keep the house clean, and you can sleep as much as you want.. Plus, yeah more cuddles, oh crap we have to cut on the grocery too. Oh glob what will I do without my daily junk? Dang it. Dang it. Oh well, it’s not like you liked working with that egghead anyway.
This whole thing ran into my head faster than the speed of light. I just started accepting that at least, we’ll both be a bit more sane and that somehow, my Cheese will probably be able to have tome time to gain a new perspective on life. Or at the very least, start an Organic Farming Project. I’m sure that big ball of fluff will love it.
At least, my sweet, lovely Cheese will be happy. That makes me feel calm and warm right now.
“NEWS FLASH!!” My lovely Cheese just suddenly burst into a big ball of silly smiles and delight.
Wait, what just happened, did my thoughts went off again? What?
“Hey, aren’t you happy about my promotion?”
Wait, what did my Cheese just say?
“Sorry, I need to hear that again.” Wait, what happened? My brain went off again.
“Kumquat-chan, I got promoted! And I get to choose what time I’ll go to work!!” 
Ohhh, so that’s it. Dang it brain, what the f**k did you just do on me?
I had no words but I just sighed in relief. I just hugged my lovely sweet Cheese, really tight. I can’t spill everything my brain made me think.
“Yay, more cuddles to celebrate my promotion!” I get a lot of head pats and I tried my best to sneak in some smacks. Dang it, why you gotta be so tall? And hard to reach?
I sighed again. But this time, of extreme relief. I have been battling so many of my own demons but I promised that this time, I won’t just drag my partner into that s**t. It’s something that I have to face alone, because my insecurities won’t make my dear, sweet Cheese any happier. I am so glad I didn’t shout my brain out right away.
Achievement unlocked!
We probably deserve our pet names. He’s an effing cheese and my brain is more squishier than a freaking kumquat. But it has been that way seven yearts ago, and I won’t have it any other way.
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The Young Lady's Light
She had hopes and dreams. Then. She was 18, naive, living in a land where people only know her face but not her name. She tasted freedom, and it was sweet. Addictive. Until it consumed her. For she did not know that true freedom must be held with both the mind and the heart.
Excess of excesses, the freedom that once took her to the moon now shuttles her from one part of hell to another. One after another, her heart was broken to pieces by a man who can never, ever love her. Can never stay with her. For, each time, he has another, and others, and she was just but a mere option. This was never a thing when she was 18. Everyone can love each other, and be in eternal bliss, but what happened? Where did it all go? I never thought it would go this way, she said. What did I get myself into?
For each time her heart breaks, a part of her soul gets lost. And for each time that she loses her soul, she starts to give up on herself. It was a seemingly never-ending cycle, until she met THE ONE. Or at least, she thought he was. But sadly, she had to let him go, for it was not meant to be. Like her, he too was searching for the lost pieces of his soul, and found it in another man's arms.
But wonders of all wonders, they both parted ways with smiles in their hearts as well as their faces. Because for the both of them, the time they spent together were the best three years of their lives. It was the longest she ever felt true love, like what she have tasted in her youth. And it was more than enough to cleanse all of her sorrows and her regrets. And thus, she and he remained friends. Until five years ago when his husband broke her the bad news: he's gone. An even larger chunk of her soul left her, this time with an equally sizable piece of her tattered heart.
Now she feels lonely again, not because she has no one to talk to, but because she feels burdened. Was it worth it to choose myself and stand up for what I want instead of just letting myself be someone's option forever? I thought that I could live with the consequences, but now I'm not so sure. She tells herself this, and starts crying bitter tears. She weeps as her form crumples to the ground.
The twilight years were meant to be special. Society had expectations of marriage bliss or achievement for such people. But for her, she felt trapped in her own personal hell. Doing her best to heal, but never, ever really moving forward. She now regrets eating those weird mushrooms and plants, she regrets saving up as much as she could just to have that kind of communal experience, in a land far away from her home. She could have just stayed asleep, met a guy, get married, have a house and kids, and look back with no regrets. But she chose not to.
Was it really all worth it?
Did I do the right thing? Why am I having these thoughts now? Why am I even here?
To be continued.
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Stuff I’m scared to say in real life #01
I can’t tell the higher ups why I don’t want to go back to work anymore. My contract has been held up and despite not getting anything out of it, no work no pay, I think it’s best that my resignation letter be honored because I signed it and submitted it with zero hopes of ever coming back as an employee. I wish I could tell these to the boss of my bosses but right now I have no courage to do so because of guilt and not wanting to disappoint. But I also have a strong need to honor my own decisions because frankly, the whole place feels like a hell-hole. So here I go:
Dear Boss Chief,
Thank you for letting me work with you and the group, I appreciate the time I have spent in the place. I got to work with different kinds of people, I got to teach people and learn from people too, and I guess it was a fruitful experience. Yes, I have learned a lot, and what I have learned after working for 13 months is that I got to know myself a whole lot more. I found out what I like and what I don’t like, what enriches my life and what makes my life not worth living for. Above all, I have learned that I couldn’t stand to waste the rest of my life away just trying to please everyone but myself. I think I deserve better in life, I deserve fair treatment, honesty, protection from unscrupulous people, and for having a space where trust and transparency are just as important as having technical know-hows and skills, maybe even more so than what others think. And for that, thank you for teaching me to stand up for what I want, not for what others want for me or what they want me to do for them. 
I will do my best to be tactful but don’t expect me to tread on eggshells, if I break them then I broke them, because I was just being myself.
In all honesty and respect, I have no plans of ever coming back to finish what needs to be done. As far a I know, I have submitted the stuff I was paid to do, and I may have even overdone the “other stuff as instructed by supervisors”. HOw do I know? Because all I ever felt since working is resentment. RESENTMENT. A lot of RESENTMENT. For me, that just means that I have overextended myself and never getting my cup filled. My cup never got filled, and only whenever I get a chance to stay away because my body broke down or I had to do some personal errands did I ever felt whole. Unfortunately, the straw that broke the camel’s back was due to the fact that I cannot trust anyone at work. I only trust less than a handful, like literally only 4 people. 1 of them is now working somewhere else, one is already losing their mind just working with you, and two are almost at their wit’s end but are still holding on, bless their young souls. I cannot even trust you to do what is right, regardless of whether or not I agree with what you think is right. The fact that you let other people off the hook despite them doing things out of selfishness or greed just made me want to cry each night for wasting time as one of your employees. I cannot serve the people of this country properly if I am being harassed a lot, if I am trapped in a power-struggle between two people who have insecurity issues and bully others to do work that THEY ARE PAID TO DO, and if I had to perpetually keep choosing to shut up about the rotten things that happen inside closed doors.
I am fed up with acting like I don’t care about the well-being of my colleagues, especially when they come to me one at a time to whine and complain about the workplace, the policies, and our supervisors. I am not paid to do HR consulation and counseling aside from doing other technical stuff and overtime because I have to submit “results”. But as a person who has over a decade of experience working with all kinds of people, contracts, and job descriptions, I have to admit, I did all I can to show them both sides of the management and the employees side, but with the workplace right now, even I broke down because of all the injustice, the lies, the power-plays, of having supervisors that are not qualified whatsoever, and for even being in proximity with them. I haven’t even mentioned the fact that we’re not employed, technically, no employer-employee relationship. Also the salary delays which get so ridiculously-held up with each year. Which is why I cannot understand why my resignation was put on hold. I have my rights to leave, I submitted it more than 30 days before the intended effective date. I even finished what you ordered me to do with getting zero help from anybody this time. My body just stopped healing itself from all the stressors at work, and I have no regrets complaining about that. I will probably need decades of healing and staying away from all of you for the rest of my life before I would even consider going back to that kind of line of work. 
I am utterly broken and broken-hearted just thinking about all of it. I mean, I did not wish to be used as a pawn just for someone’s sibling to graduate. I did not wish to be used as scapegoat for someone’s failings to do what they were SUPPOSED to be doing. I mean, supervisors have a job of overseeing their people, and I HAVE TO DO THAT TO MY PEERS. We were all of the same rank, I have no jurisdiction in telling them what to do. I wasn’t paid to troubleshoot shitty workloads, I wasn’t paid to do anything for anyone other than do my project (which I did by myself by the way, with zero input from the immediate but stole almost the entirety of it to make an instant thesis for the sibling. Yes I am bitter about it. Because you never called it out). I had to pacify everyone who got verbally or emotionally or psychologically abused despite the fact that I get the same treatment as everyone else. I did what I had to do in upholding the ethical standards but seeing others just do whatever the fuck they wanted just because they had a way with you (or they had dirt to dish out on you if things went bad?) it just filled my stomach with so much pain and disgust, if I had a dollar each time I felt like I was going to vomit whenever I am at work, I could be living in Japan right now. 
To be honest, I am very disappointed with my work experience, and even more so the work attitudes of the people. Like giving me the feeling that employees are just there to keep the whole place running, like we aren’t human, like we don’t have rights, we can’t even voice out opinions and suggestions to improve things. We can’t complain about harassments, about being told downright lies by our immediate supervisors, of being used as pawns for the two immediate supervisors who have issues between them but are too passive-aggressive to even settle their own shit. Honestly, I cannot handle such things not because I am scared to be upfront (I can get very upfront about voicing out my opinions if you let me) but because of my work rank; I have no claws, no actual strength over such things simply by chain of command. Which is why as a lower-ranked employee from you, I am saddened by the idea that the position as head-boss is wasted on you. It’s like you’re afraid to step into someone’s toes by being wishy-washy or bending your decisions (especially words) when it comes to the people who seem to be controlling you or blackmailing you. You just don’t call out bullshit from shitty people. What’s even more disappointing is that when some sort of authority figure is needed, I just couldn’t feel your energies at all. I mean, some people actually DO NOT and WILL NOT move until a boss of some sort tells them what they need to do and what needs to be done. Lower-ranks cannot move mountains, unless we get proper and just back-ups. Despite us having some ideas on how to help, we have no power to enforce anything. We are helpless in all ways. Honestly, right now the only thing we can do is leave. And find a place where we can feel safe, secure, needed, heard, and feel important. I never felt that in the workplace. And I have no regrets saying this out.
Again, thank you for hearing me out. And I hope you honor my wishes of resigning, if not for my health, for my rights.
Hah, I hope I get enough strength to even tell this if needed to be. It sucks.
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Baka TAXES natin mapunta lang sa HOUSEWIVES. #Election2019 #Eleksyon2019 #VoteWisely #BitterAkoWalaKaPake
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New Moon Forecast (September 9 to October 7 2018)
New Moon Forecast (September 9 to October 7 2018)
Present Spread: K♣ 7♣ Q♣ 10♦
5-card Spread: Joker L K♠ 3♠ 3♦ 7♥
Path of Least Resistance: #50⬇, #36, #46⬇
Theme: Just trust, take that leap of faith, and then let go.
Message: “Now, more than ever is a time to pierce through the dogmatic principles that have been passed down from generations. No longer is yhe stereotypical polarization of ideals and methods the only thing that can be done. Rather, a strong need to pierce through absolute logic and rational thinking, as well as through our own doubts and fears would be the inevitable step towards finding our true selves. We must come to trust Source in providing us the answers we need, at the times we need these the most. It is time that we move from extremely routinary movement to a life with added creativity, in order to honor our divine feminine, so that we can assimilate this in our everyday life. Let logic and reason move us hand-in-hand with the power of creativity and allowing things to unfold, so that we can reduce stress and let in freedom, to help us grow in faith and trust that miracles will ALWAYS happen in our lives. Let us see magic do its work, but also remember to set our strongest intentions using our desire, our willpower, and our drive so that we can truly feel and see the miracles happen, alongside our true nature are co-creators of our lives. Such deliberate actions in our part along with fully trusting the universe and Source lets the impossible things happen, helping the process of making our dreams into reality a whole lot more meaningful and sweeter.
“To further push us towards attaining our goals of spiritual freedom, we must also ask ourselves if we need to move out of our comfort zone to get what we need. Hint: yes we have to, it is a must. We have to let go of things that have been preventing us from achieving our highest potentials, even if it is nice to stay in our own little safety bubble. If you want something done, be assertive, be courageous, be bold, and definitely define what your end result would be. This is not the time to be wishy-washy, half-hearted or hot-and-cold about your wants and needs. If you need to improve yourself, to heal yourself in order to achieve your dreams then so be it. There is no race with others in doing this, but it is a race that you have to do with your ego, your earthly self. It is a race with an open time, and it does not care much about how fast things went but how much of the dream was achieved, and how much you have grown as a result of this journey towards the infinite future.”
The Path of Least Resistance
Where we were: #50⬇
Just because something feels familiar doesn’t mean that it is right. Just because something feels familiar does not mean that it is for your highest good. Most comfort zones are not even comfortable, many are toxic, constricting, restrictive, things that are not inherently comfortable but most people have gotten quite used to because these feel familiar. But once you realized that such places are unhealthy, you have bravely chosen to push them aside or move away from them, even if it hurts so much to do so. Congratulations, your bravery has reached greater bounds.
Where we are right now: #36
Once we chose to leave our toxic homes, we now must take a leap of faith into the unknown, the unfamiliar, the other side of what we used to be. We are being pushed towards our true north, towards what we truly are, our divine destination. Be comforted in knowing that Spirit knows which direction we need to be pushed, for Spirit is working with our inner guide, our soul’s compass to get to where we needed to be. We must clear all blockages to get the clearest readings of our inner guidance system, so that we will be less-likely to get lost in our ways, and make it through.
Where do we go from here: #46⬇
Expect to become a whole new person after taking that leap of faith. The old beliefs, constructs, foundations, even those which you have strongly-considered to be part of your identity will crumble and have no equal footing with the new knowledge you have gained from trusting Source and your self completely. These new ideas and beliefs will catapult you towards even greater heights, becoming your new tools in attaining your goals, but this time using higher perspectives that you never had before stepping out of your comfort zone. But at times, the old will try to worm its way back to you, and while it is not recommended, it is better to make peace with these old beliefs, assess why these persist, if these are even your own, and what made you accept them in the first place. Be kind to yourself, be patient as you let these things go, make peace with them, knowing that these only existed to help you survive in your previous life before taking that giant leap of faith. But they won’t be as helpful as before, not with your new points of view, and as such it is for your highest good to send them back to Source, to be recycled anew, to also be better versions of themselves, just like you are right now.
Wha, that was a pretty long one. Took me 2 hours just to jot it down, but it feels good afterwards.
I hope that this post would help you, guide you, encourage you, and enlighten you for the upcoming new lunar month. It’s been one crazy ride, but we’re still here in one piece, so I salute you for that. May Source be with you always, and be always cloaked in eternal love.
In love and hugs,
Kan-nagi Orihime M.
P.S. If this message helped you in any way, I would love to hear from you.😁Please drop a comment below!
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New Moon Forecast (August 11 to September 8, 2018)
New Moon Forecast (August 11-September 8, 2018) This also doubles as a Sunday Oracle Reading
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Present Spread:
4♦ K♦ A♦ 9♠
5-Card Spread:
4♣ 3♦ 4♠ Joker D A♠
Path of Least Resistance:
Message from Spirit:
Expect a lot of changes for the new Lunar Month, as if the changes that came recently weren’t enough. There will be even more weird but also amazing changing coming your way, and Spirit is letting you know in advance so you won’t get too-shocked about it. But in case you didn’t get the full and detailed memo, just remember that changes usher in a lot of movement, of motion, of upgrades (if you want to see them that way). Changes are normally hard unless you have been prepping up or if the changes are clearly favoring you or your situation, most of the time they do not. At any rate, do not fear these changes, because despite the rattling these also allow the influx of energies, so you’ll probably have more energy at work, or you’ll receive timely increase in funds, or people will help you with a lot of stuff out of the blue, or you’ll suddenly get a strong urge to be creative, any kind of assistance that will come through from Source. But as with all flowing energies, be especially careful to remain grounded, be humble, be detached from the outcome, let all things that you have zero control over to wash over you like raindrops on your umbrella. Otherwise, the lessons that you were meant to learn through this energy influx can cause you to be light-headed, out of touch with other people, or worse, hungry or lusting for even more power.
Aside from the influx of Divine energies, Spirit also wants you to be mindful of your own personal energies. If you can (because this is of utmost importance) please try to focus your attention or energies to only ONE THING AT A TIME. This kept coming up, and for this entire Lunar month this should also be a priority. Do not spread yourself out thin, or else you won’t be able to deliver out your full potential or give out the best possible outcome for any and every situation. You can start with just enjoying the now moment: eating your meal with just putting your focus on the food and drink, the texture, taste, how sweet or salty these would be, the crunch or lack of crunch, if the drink suits the food pretty well, and if this was a Yelp review how many stars would it have. Something like that. Or if you’re in a company, unless you didn’t really wanna be there, just enjoy the place, the food, or try connecting with one person at a time. Just don’t think excessively or obsessively about what you’re going to do at work tomorrow morning, or what you did last Saturday night that you were still regretting up to this day. Seriously, once you go back in the past or forward to the uncertain future you’re already missing the moment you have right now. You could overlook things, or not appreciate what you have right now because you’re either looking at the past that you left behind or focusing too much on the future that hasn’t been set in stone yet, or ever. Just be in the moment, feel your body move with every breath, be creative in how you’s just wanna BE for a moment, like a plant that sways softly with the flow of the breeze.
Indeed, Spirit wants you to grow, to evolve, but also to enjoy life, to stop and smell the flowers, to be kind for no other reason than being the embodiment of kindness, to just BE. Because you’re a human BE-ing, not just a human DO-ing. Don’t let life pass you by in a flash. Instead, how about being that grandma or grandpa who has so much life experience that you can never run out of weird or amazing stories to tell your kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews, or even your fellow old people at the hospice. Just enjoy life in all it’s gore and glory, the highs and the lows, the smart and dumb things you did, for these are the times and moments that help you grow into an even better person than before, and will probably make you think in your deathbed that your life was really worth living.
The Path of Least Resistance:
For this Lunar month, Spirit advises to reconnect with your community, or the group that you feel strongly for. Or if you don’t have one yet, find your community. Share a part of yourself, and allow others to do the same for you. Recognize the individuality of each member, as you all celebrate what ties you all together. This is also a good time to learn or recognize your life lessons, apply them and help people grow with your own personal growth. Also, find your niche in this community, like what you can contribute to fill in the gaps, or help the group improve. Lastly, remember, do not think excessively about what the community can do for you, but rather what you can contribute to it, for this is the true essence of abundance.
I hope this message brings you hope and peace for the new lunar month.
Be well always, and may the Source be with you.
In love and hugs
Kan-nagi Orihime M.
P.S. If this message helped you in any way, I would love to hear from you.😁Please drop a comment below!
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Sunday Oracle Reading August 5, 2018
Sunday Oracle Reading August 5, 2018
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Where we are right now: #39
Message: “Despite the seemingly-chaotic energy, let us rejoice, for such disturbances bring opportunities for a fresh start, a chance to grow, to refresh and liven up, to remove stale energies and renew the air. Sure, changes are annoying at the beginning because the status quo gets disarranged, but you can also look at it as an invitation for a free upgrade, new chances to redo things, or even seeing things with a whole new perspective. This is a time for surprises, so just let them all come in and just go with the flow.”
Where we need to go from here: #50
Message: “Home is where the heart is, but a house does not need to be a home. A home is where one seeks shelter and comfort, of healing and sustenance, where one comes into terms with the true and authentic Self. When you realize that what sets you free is also what makes you feel at home, no matter how ironic that sounds like right now. Spirit wants you to go back to your heart, recall what makes you feel alive, what keeps you going when things get rough, what keeps you sane when crazy things happen to you or all around you (hint: they don’t). Now, and moving forward is the time to release the prejudice of being true and authentic to one’s self. You can be as authentic and honest as you one, but without compromising the very important aspect of caring, love, passion, and empathy. Let us all embrace our home, our true Selves, our Spirit, for these shall all guide us home, to our true North. ”
I hope this message gives you courage to face the week head on.
Be well always, and may the Source be with you.
In love and hugs
Kan-nagi Orihime M.
P.S. If this message helped you in any way, I would love to hear from you.😁Please drop a comment below!
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The Great Bot Purge 2018
Tumblr is in an epidemic. The porn bot apocalypse is here. And it’s really, really, really, really, really annoying. Even more annoying than me saying really five times in a row because let’s face it:
To check more video, clcik here.
Click here to find onenight stands
For more more private stuff, come here.
Looking for fun? Join me here.
Howdy guy, more private stuff here.
Howdy bro, my profile here.
Lately the probability of finding a comment like this in the notes has gone up from 100% to a 10000% and it’s seriously impacting our user experience.
I have been here since 2010, @staff. Started out as wolf blog and in 2012 I used to share my poetry and made eight super good friends to which I am still talking today! But now what?
It’s pretty safe to say that there are a number of bot networks active on this website. The one asking for bitcoin and the aforementioned ‘looking for fun’ one for example. The bots follow a pattern and because it’s a network it should be easy to roll up.
I know we always point at @staff to fix this, but honestly, it’s not an easy fix. I know many people block bots, but do we also report and flag them? How does staff respond to flags?
Anyway, here is what I and 10,000 other people who started following this blog over the last 24 hours propose:
We purge the bots. The porn bots. All of them. This is going to be one big COORDINATED effort to destroy the bots!
For one month we are going to report and flag those blogs, and make sure we cut their profits so they don’t make enough money to support their bot network.
It’s very important that we do this as a community. This is a movement. Everyone has to join so we can limit the outcome of this battle to only two possibilities:
We win this battle
@staff really doesn’t give a shit
Let’s go get them! Join the army @purgethebots
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