autisticalbert · 4 years
chapter 19 of perfect places is up now!! i’m ahead of schedule but i really wanted to get this one out <3 you can read it here!
newsies tumblr! hi hey hello it’s me again here to promote my most recent fic
perfect places is a ralbert e-mails au (known as the emails fic among the twitter side of the fandom) i’ve been working on since january, and now i’m finally posting it! it’s the story of race and albert’s accidental friendship after race e-mails the wrong address. it touches on their relationship as well as a lot of internal struggles such as gender identity, sexuality, mental health, childhood trauma, healthy and unhealthy friendships and the changes of life during the first year of college!
this fic is so very important to me and i’m really happy i get to share it with the world! updates are on tuesdays and saturdays and after it’s finished there’s a blush & spelmer spin-off in the works that i’m also very excited to share.
here is the link if you wanna read it on ao3! feedback is always well appreciated. see you around !!
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autisticalbert · 4 years
chapters 17 and 18 of perfect places are up now !!
newsies tumblr! hi hey hello it’s me again here to promote my most recent fic
perfect places is a ralbert e-mails au (known as the emails fic among the twitter side of the fandom) i’ve been working on since january, and now i’m finally posting it! it’s the story of race and albert’s accidental friendship after race e-mails the wrong address. it touches on their relationship as well as a lot of internal struggles such as gender identity, sexuality, mental health, childhood trauma, healthy and unhealthy friendships and the changes of life during the first year of college!
this fic is so very important to me and i’m really happy i get to share it with the world! updates are on tuesdays and saturdays and after it’s finished there’s a blush & spelmer spin-off in the works that i’m also very excited to share.
here is the link if you wanna read it on ao3! feedback is always well appreciated. see you around !!
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autisticalbert · 4 years
chapter 16 of perfect places is up now!!
newsies tumblr! hi hey hello it’s me again here to promote my most recent fic
perfect places is a ralbert e-mails au (known as the emails fic among the twitter side of the fandom) i’ve been working on since january, and now i’m finally posting it! it’s the story of race and albert’s accidental friendship after race e-mails the wrong address. it touches on their relationship as well as a lot of internal struggles such as gender identity, sexuality, mental health, childhood trauma, healthy and unhealthy friendships and the changes of life during the first year of college!
this fic is so very important to me and i’m really happy i get to share it with the world! updates are on tuesdays and saturdays and after it’s finished there’s a blush & spelmer spin-off in the works that i’m also very excited to share.
here is the link if you wanna read it on ao3! feedback is always well appreciated. see you around !!
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autisticalbert · 4 years
send me asks im bored
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autisticalbert · 4 years
Hi it’s the anon from before and I just wanted to say thanks for the information. It was really helpful!
!! no problem! i’m so glad i could help
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autisticalbert · 4 years
Hi! I’m really sorry for bothering you, but I’m having a (small) gender identity crisis and I know in your bio it says you go by they/she/xe and I wanted to know how you figured that out and I’m sorry for bothering you you can ignore this if you want and I’ll go now sorry
hi!! it’s not a bother at all, please don’t apologize!!
i’m not gonna pretend i’m some kind of gender expert (is that even a thing?) because my perception of my own gender and pronouns changes every day, so my first advice would be to take it easy. no one has to feel comfortable with your gender, label and pronouns other than you. also, any “choices” you make regarding your pronouns and label aren’t set in stone! you can change your mind as many times as you want. gender is fluid and it’s yours, so don’t ever let anyone or anything make you feel like you owe them anything.
what helped me the most is the internet, honestly. i’m gonna link a few carrds that helped me understand a lot!!
a guide to understanding non-binary
n-b, he/him and they/them lesbians
understanding genderfluid
neopronoun education
all about xenogenders/neopronouns
and finally, something that really helped me:
am i really non-binary? (a very reassuring test)
mostly, you should go with what makes you comfortable. i’ve only been identifying as enby since, like, march, and since that time i’ve switched from agender to bigender to genderfluid demigirl in such a short time. the important thing to remember is that the only person you owe anything to is yourself — be kind with yourself and give yourself time!
i hope this helps <3 
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autisticalbert · 4 years
*DeMarius Copes voice* OOH BEN
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autisticalbert · 4 years
2 and 11 for perfect places for the title asks!
YAY okay
2: what scene did you first put down?
for perfect places i actually started right from the beginning, which i don’t usually do. i just sat down with some vague idea of where i wanted it to start and where i wanted it to go and i kind of just winged it.
11: what do you like best about this fic?
i think it’s two things, mostly. first of all, there’s so much to work with. i’ve been writing ralbert for months now, but with perfect places i actually get to bring light to the way they interact with other people and the world in general, instead of just each other. right now, exploring race’s friendship with spot, blink and mush, or his lack of friendship with davey, i’m having the most fun i’ve had in a while.
secondly, perfect places is mostly just me projecting. i get to write about gender identity, found families, mental health and the world of dance, and it’s all through those emails, so it doesn’t ever really get heavy or hard to deal with. and people seem to connect with that as much as i do! it’s amazing. i love this fic so much
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autisticalbert · 4 years
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Here's a little happy Whizzer Brown to brighten up your day!
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autisticalbert · 4 years
Reblog if you are a fanfiction author and would like your readers to put one of your fic titles in your ask + questions about it
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autisticalbert · 4 years
“I refuse to pick a path. Theatre should be what you want it to be.”
— Chaz Wolcott
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autisticalbert · 4 years
*loud crash*
Davey: What was that?!
Albert: Nothing, Race's shirt just fell!
Davey: That sounded too loud to just be a shirt!
Albert: Well that's because Race was in it.
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autisticalbert · 4 years
chapters 14 and 15 of perfect places are up now!!
newsies tumblr! hi hey hello it’s me again here to promote my most recent fic
perfect places is a ralbert e-mails au (known as the emails fic among the twitter side of the fandom) i’ve been working on since january, and now i’m finally posting it! it’s the story of race and albert’s accidental friendship after race e-mails the wrong address. it touches on their relationship as well as a lot of internal struggles such as gender identity, sexuality, mental health, childhood trauma, healthy and unhealthy friendships and the changes of life during the first year of college!
this fic is so very important to me and i’m really happy i get to share it with the world! updates are on tuesdays and saturdays and after it’s finished there’s a blush & spelmer spin-off in the works that i’m also very excited to share.
here is the link if you wanna read it on ao3! feedback is always well appreciated. see you around !!
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autisticalbert · 4 years
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autisticalbert · 4 years
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Celebrating getting the bubble dress on (x)
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autisticalbert · 4 years
bro if u cant understand the concept that theres more to nb identities than being completely neutral and using they/them then rest in peace my man i hope u get some braincells soon
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autisticalbert · 4 years
chapters 12 and 13 of perfect places are up now!!
newsies tumblr! hi hey hello it’s me again here to promote my most recent fic
perfect places is a ralbert e-mails au (known as the emails fic among the twitter side of the fandom) i’ve been working on since january, and now i’m finally posting it! it’s the story of race and albert’s accidental friendship after race e-mails the wrong address. it touches on their relationship as well as a lot of internal struggles such as gender identity, sexuality, mental health, childhood trauma, healthy and unhealthy friendships and the changes of life during the first year of college!
this fic is so very important to me and i’m really happy i get to share it with the world! updates are on tuesdays and saturdays and after it’s finished there’s a blush & spelmer spin-off in the works that i’m also very excited to share.
here is the link if you wanna read it on ao3! feedback is always well appreciated. see you around !!
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