autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
I am in the lab sipping test tube substances and critiquing them like fine wine
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
I see a lot of talk about how neurodivergence evolved and stayed in the gene pool because it was somehow ‘useful’ to our ancient ancestors. While I don’t necessarily disagree with this theory, I would like to propose an alternative. A theory that we already have physical evidence for. Humans just love each other and care for each other. Don’t you think that a species that cared for it’s people while they recovered from broken bones, or nursed their elderly well beyond their ‘usefulness’ would leave a member out because they didn’t make eye contact, or couldn’t stay focused on a particular task, or whatever other trait you associate with neurodivergence? I really don’t.
Sure, maybe it was useful to have someone around who didn’t mind making arrowheads all day, or who knew absolutely everything about all of the local flora and fauna, or who keyed in on every little distraction. At the end of the day, though, these people weren’t kept around because they were useful, they were cared for because they were loved.
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
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gardener scorbunny
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
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more Mew squished against glass and other silly cat things
ft Mewtwo : >
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
the novelty of having a pet will never wear off on me i’ve had animals my entire life for 23 entire years and i still sometimes stop and go holy fuck there is just a little guy in my house
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
Erica Moen has conditioned me to automatically repel some very specific shades of pink
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
i love wikipedia omg. knowledge ❤️
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
Is This What You Wanted to See?
Based on Sonic X continuity, and my analysis of Dark!Sonic.
tw: child abuse, implied graphic violence
Ivo Robotnik had been the only human on a planet of mobians for quite some time when he decided it would be best if he took it over. After all, he had the genius to lead these people to a glorious future- and if that failed, he had the technical skills to turn them all into mindless robots. It made perfect sense to put him in charge.
The mobians didn’t really seem to see it that way, so he assumed he’d make some demonstrations of power, just so they knew how impressive he truly was. He was doing pretty well for himself, having taken over several villages in a couple of weeks, when the little blue blur showed up.
He’d decided to attempt a coup on another town, and so he sat seated thirty feet in the air in his mobile flier and watching as his drones flew in, shooting lasers through windows while the smaller SWATBOTs disarmed the mobians or took them hostage. Just casual, everyday political takeover stuff.
Then came the hedgehog.
Robotnik noticed one of his badniks went offline, and then shrugged and moved on, assuming it was some technical glitch or accident. But then another went offline, and another, and another. He grew confused, and then upset- was someone destroying his robots? How dare they, didn’t they know how hard it was to find decent materials in this wasteland of a planet? He flew his vehicle downwards a bit, swerving between buildings, to try and track whatever was killing his bots. The thing seemed to move fast though- maybe it was simply a technical malfunction, there’s no way any living thing could be slaying them that quickly.
He planted himself in the route the thing seemed to be taking, watching to see what would happen to the nearby SWATBOTs. Then, in a flash, the bots crumpled to the ground, huge holes in their chests, and a mobian was on the ground, unrolling himself from a little ball. Robotnik stared, assessing the creature. It was an unusual shade of blue for a mobian, and very small- now, as it stood up, he could see that it seemed to be a hedgehog.
“So!” he called out, as impressively as he could. “You dare to declare war on the great Doctor Ivo Robotnik!”
The hedgehog looked up and blinked at him.
“I must tell you, this was a foolish decision. I am much more intelligent than the rest of this planet combined! I could control every metallic substance within thirty feet if I wished! I…”
The hedgehog let out a loud, happy giggle, and then said, “Your butt looks like an egg.”
Oh. Oh no.
That voice was high-pitched– very high-pitched, but masculine. Meaning this was a child. Now the tiny stature made sense.
Robotnik flew down a bit closer, once again taking in the hedgehog with this new information. This little boy couldn’t be older than eight– maybe closer to six or seven. He had worn-out brown shoes over his feet, which he was tapping impatiently on the ground, and around his too-large gloves were clamped golden ring-bracelets, holding the fabric in place. 
After this, Robotnik considered the hedgehog’s latest statement, and then said, “Young man, this is not my posterior. This is my vehicle.”
“Your what?”
“My mobile flying machine. I created it myself.”
“What does it do?”
Robotnik wasn’t entirely sure why he was stopping to answer these questions- this hedgehog was clearly a threat, he should neutralize it. But instead, he said, “It can levitate me into the air, as well as travel at superior speeds.”
The hedgehog perked up the second he heard the word speed. “I bet I’m faster.”
“Oh, really?”
“Race ya to that really really big clock and back!” the child said, bouncing. “OnetwothreeGO!”
He took off, becoming nothing but a blur in the wind. Then, after only a few seconds, he returned.
“I win!”
Robotnik peered at him. “Fascinating,” he said. This kind of speed was highly unusual for any living creature he’d ever seen or studied.
The hedgehog opened his mouth to say something, and then flinched, grabbing one of his bracelets. Then he said, “Oh, uh, you’re the dude I’m s’possed to beat up, right?”
Robotnik raised a brow. “‘Beat up’?”
“Yeah. You’re taking over towns, and that’s no-good.”
“I am simply spreading the glory of the future Robotnik empire-”
“More like eggman empire, Eggman.”
“I would prefer if you referred to me by my proper name.”
“And I would pre-furr if you went boom.” said the child, tapping his foot again. “But I guess I’ll just have to do the spin-dash thing again.”
The child rolled up into a ball, and launched himself at the nearest wall. He bounced off, then crashed into an alley. After a moment, he emerged, brushing trash off his quills.
“Sorry, I’m no-good at aiming yet. Just… hold still a second, okay?”
He once again curled into a ball, bounced into a wall, and this time flew straight at the vehicle, hit it in the center, and sent it flying off into the air. 
“Thank you!” the boy called as Robotnik started to scream.
Keep reading
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
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so i’ve been playing sonic adventure again
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
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Warming up my artist-y muscles with some paint brushed totodiles 🌈
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
oh youre bi? why dont you "bi" me some time with a distraction while i crack this safe ya fuckin goon
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
being able to teleport must suck ass when you have adhd
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
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オレのみず いれてくですよ
Hey landlady, serve my water before you go out
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autisticdeaththekid · 3 years
just saw a trash can in the trash compactor. saturn devouring his son
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