autty0314 · 4 years
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This is glorious and even thought it doesn’t fit in the range of all the paranormal, I MUST share
It works like this: You tell Kitestring that you’re in a dangerous place or situation, and give it a time frame of when to check in on you. If you don’t reply back when it checks your status, it’ll alert your emergency contacts with a custom message you set up.
It doesn’t require you to touch anything (like bSafe) or shake your phone (like Nirbhaya) to send the distress signal. Kitestring is smarter, because it doesn’t need an action to alert people, it needs inaction.
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autty0314 · 4 years
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241K notes · View notes
autty0314 · 4 years
Thank you so much babe!!
Baby girl,I cant find your fanfic of Up to your mouth. I've been wanting to reread it but maybe idk I'm looking it up wrong lol
hi hon! if you go to my page and click “fic masterlist” it should be at the top of the list!
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autty0314 · 4 years
Hey everyone, I've having a mini vacation on my stories... and I shouldn't have, I need a new laptop now. My mental is all over the world and I just need someone to care. My family are supportive but still put me down about my life decisions and the guys I date. I'm just done with the bullshit!! But I'll be getting the next part up either tonight or tomorrow. I'm very sorry for the wait.
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autty0314 · 4 years
The end of this 🥵🤣🤣🤣💗
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autty0314 · 4 years
I have only made two so far!!! I'd love to know which one you guys like!!!
Reblog if you're a fanfic writer and you wanna know what your followers' favorite story of yours is ❤
Please ❤
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autty0314 · 4 years
If it’s meant to be Bucky x Reader Ch. 7
Summary: Y/N wakes up disorientated and slowly starting pulling the people together on what happened, Bucky and Same get ahold of Tony to get a plan to get Y/N back.
Warnings: Blood, Violence, Death of a minor character, Mention of sexual abuse, hospitalization, little bit of fluff
Word count: 1.720
I woke up very groggy and with a throbbing headache. I slowly wake up to a dark room with a very dem light in the room.
“Well, good evening Y/N.  I hope you slept well; I’ll say you have the balls for trying to help your little soulmate in taking me out. I thought you were smarter than that.” Brock said getting up from his chair in the corner of the room. My breathe hitches as I realize what happened last night, I look down and see that I am chained to the bed post with my ankles duct tapped together. I pray and hope Bucky can get here soon and safe me. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.
“Well… what do you plan on doing with to me? I know that I am someone you like.” I say trying to not sound like I am scared to be here with him. He laughs wickedly at my comment, and slowly makes his way over to me.
Well little one, let’s have some fun, shall we? Brock says getting the video camera ready to send to Bucky and his gang. I swallow hard as I see the other side of the screen with Bucky and Sam on the other side with their gang cluttered around the table trying to see the video. They looked horrified at what they see, I’m in torn up clothes, I have a black eye and a busted lip, and I am still bleeding a little from my head.
“What the hell did you do to her?” Bucky demanded; I can tell her was very pissed as of everyone else there.
“Oh James, we were just having fun. I thought you liked your girlfriends a bit roughed up.” Brock smirked walking over to me and looked down at me. He leans down and gives me the most repulsing open mouth kiss. When he got back up, I spit out the taste of him. Disgusting, that is all I was thinking.
“DON’T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!”  Bucky said starting to lose his shit, Brock smiled darkly at the response Bucky gave.
“You have exactly 10 hours to meet me at the park with the money and you’ll get your girl back, we’ll meet up by noon tomorrow.” Brock says as his smiling while he turns off the camera, he looks back at me.
“Get some sleep, you are going to need it,” Brock says stroking my cheek and walking out of the room. After I heard the door shut I broke down.
‘Please Bucky, hurry…  I need you… “ I say as I start to fall asleep
“Fuck, I am going to kill him… I can’t believe her touched her like that.” Bucky said as he punched a hole in the wall of the meeting room. They don’t say anything to him because that is his soulmate that is in this troubling situation.
“We will get her back Buck; we have to have a plan to him in the broad day light. NO matter what, we will get Y/N back.” Steve says, Bucky looks at everyone and sighs. What were we going to do… We sit around the table trying to think on what to do.
“Okay, he wants $500,000.00 for Y/N, why does he want that much?” Tony asked while all eyes are on Bucky,
“So, he can get the rest of his crew out of jail.” Bucky says as he continues, “Also, so he could buy the best and dangerous guns that they are smuggling from Africa.” The whole crew looks around with scared looks on their faces.
“That’s horrible, what if you don’t comply.” Tony asked out of curiosity
“Then… He’ll keep Y/N and make her his slave for god knows what or kill her… “Bucky said as he looks around at everyone.
“Alright, that means we need to kill him right then and there, because I want Y/N back safely and make sure he didn’t do anything extreme to her.” Steve says while looking up at Bucky, and everyone agrees.
“Okay, let’s get to planning on how we are going to do this” Tony said as they all gathered around the table to get a plan ready to Y/N back.
Bucky was pacing around the room trying to make sure he got everything ready. He is anxious and is hoping everything goes to plan. He can’t afford to lose Y/N, if he loses her. He doesn’t even want to think about that.
“Buck, you have to calm down a little bit. If you are too anxious, then he’ll know what is up when you get there.” Steve said patting his back, Bucky’s breathing started to regulate again. He must remain calm for Y/N sake.
“I am trying, I just miss her Steve… I hope she’s okay.” Bucky said running his fingers through his hair. Just a few more hours and he’ll have his girl back…  hopefully. All Bucky has to do was breathe and get this over with.
Bucky looks down at his watch, 12:32pm, he was supposed to be meeting Brock and Y/N here at the park, Bucky started to get nervous.
“Buck, you have to stop looking so damn suspicious. He is going to know we are here to kill him.” Steve says through the ear piece in his ear. Bucky just rolls his eyes at the comment.
“Steve, I am ready to get Y/N back. She must look horrible from what he has done to her.” Bucky grumbles as he sees a black tinted car pull up. He sees Brock come out first then he sees Y/N, she’s wearing torn up leggings and a hoodie with sunglasses. Sunglasses are probably o hide her black eye he saw on video last night. Bucky’s breathe hitches has he sees a gun pressed against Y/N back from Brocks doing.
Do you have my money Barnes?” Brock asked about 25 feet away from Bucky.
“Yes, I do Rumlow, I’ll toss you the back if you let Y/N run to me. You can have it all and leave her alone to me.” Bucky says looking at Brock, listening to Tony in his earpiece.
“I don’t think I can do that for you James. You see, your precious Y/N here was seen rooming my house and getting into all my secrets and plans. I think she needs to go.” Brock says wickedly, Bucky starts to breathe uneasily because he can NOT have Y/N die over something pointless like this.
“Bucky, I have a clear shot through his head since Y/N is standing on his left-hand side.” Sam said through the earpiece. Bucky nods and looks right at Brock, and starts to walk to him with the bag of money,
“Alright, let me say goodbye first please before you end her life please.” Bucky pleaded while Sam lined up the shot.
“Make it quick, I don’t have all day for you love sick shit,” Brock said grabbing the money from Bucky. He looks at Y/N and hugs her, she was more away from Brock at the moment.
“Do you trust me?” Bucky whispered in Y/N’s ear.
“I trust you with my whole life.” Y/N said back quietly,
“Okay, now Sam,” He says in the earpiece while hugging Y/N tightly. There was a loud back and a thud while Y/n and Bucky shut their eyes. Buck was the first to open his eyes to see that Sam killed Brock with a bullet through the head. Also saw Steve and Thor coming up with Brocks people that drove him there. We turned them in to the police before heading to the hospital for Y/N sake.
I am so ready to go back to my bed and hold Bucky, but they decided to take me to the hospital to get me check out with the bruises and cuts. They knew the hospital staff so they got paid to not say anything.
“Well Y/N looks like you are going to be in the hospital for a few days for these injures. You got pretty lucky in the gang war dear.” The doctor said, she made my world crash a little bit since I couldn’t leave right away.
“It’s okay love, I’ll be here the whole time dear.” Bucky said rubbing my head. I smile up at him, I am very happy I have an amazing soulmate like Bucky.
“Thank you, babe, I am grateful for you.” I said smiling up at him. The doctor left while I lay back in my best. I thought I was away from that nightmare of what happened with Brock, until Bucky asked me if something happened.
“Hey doll, can you tell me what you remember form what he did please.” Bucky asked me while my faces goes pale. I freak out internally, I took a deep breath and look at Bucky.
“Please don’t get mad or leave me when I need you after I tell you what happened.” I said as I start to get teared eyed at the memory I didn’t want to talk about.
“I won’t doll. I love you.” Bucky said moving close to me.
“Okay… He hit me and decided to use me as his sex salve throughout the night…” I said as I started to have a panic attack. Bucky hugged me but got pulled off as the doctor and nurse as they tried to help me.
“Sir, we have to take her to the OR/ She is bleeding internally and her panic attack isn’t helping. I need you to go to the waiting room please.” The nurse said as they rushed me out of the room.
“Please take care of her… I need her.” Bucky said as they rush me out. That was the last thing I heard before going unconscious.
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autty0314 · 4 years
If it’s meant to be Bucky x Reader Ch. 7
Summary: Y/N wakes up disorientated and slowly starting pulling the people together on what happened, Bucky and Same get ahold of Tony to get a plan to get Y/N back.
Warnings: Blood, Violence, Death of a minor character, Mention of sexual abuse, hospitalization, little bit of fluff
Word count: 1.720
I woke up very groggy and with a throbbing headache. I slowly wake up to a dark room with a very dem light in the room.
“Well, good evening Y/N.  I hope you slept well; I’ll say you have the balls for trying to help your little soulmate in taking me out. I thought you were smarter than that.” Brock said getting up from his chair in the corner of the room. My breathe hitches as I realize what happened last night, I look down and see that I am chained to the bed post with my ankles duct tapped together. I pray and hope Bucky can get here soon and safe me. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.
“Well. . . what do you plan on doing with to me? I know that I am someone you like.” I say trying to not sound like I am scared to be here with him. He laughs wickedly at my comment, and slowly makes his way over to me.
Well little one, let’s have some fun, shall we? Brock says getting the video camera ready to send to Bucky and his gang. I swallow hard as I see the other side of the screen with Bucky and Sam on the other side with their gang cluttered around the table trying to see the video. They looked horrified at what they see, I’m in torn up clothes, I have a black eye and a busted lip, and I am still bleeding a little from my head.
“What the hell did you do to her?” Bucky demanded; I can tell her was very pissed as of everyone else there.
“Oh James, we were just having fun. I thought you liked your girlfriends a bit roughed up.” Brock smirked walking over to me and looked down at me. He leans down and gives me the most repulsing open mouth kiss. When he got back up, I spit out the taste of him. Disgusting, that is all I was thinking.
“DON’T YOU FUCKING TOUCH HER!”  Bucky said starting to lose his shit, Brock smiled darkly at the response Bucky gave.
“You have exactly 10 hours to meet me at the park with the money and you’ll get your girl back, we’ll meet up by noon tomorrow.” Brock says as his smiling while he turns off the camera, he looks back at me.
“Get some sleep, you are going to need it,” Brock says stroking my cheek and walking out of the room. After I heard the door shut I broke down.
‘Please Bucky, hurry. . .  I need you. . . “ I say as I start to fall asleep
“Fuck, I am going to kill him. . . I can’t believe her touched her like that.” Bucky said as he punched a hole in the wall of the meeting room. They don’t say anything to him because that is his soulmate that is in this troubling situation.
“We will get her back Buck; we have to have a plan to him in the broad day light. NO matter what, we will get Y/N back.” Steve says, Bucky looks at everyone and sighs. What were we going to do. . . We sit around the table trying to think on what to do.
“Okay, he wants $500,000.00 for Y/N, why does he want that much?” Tony asked while all eyes are on Bucky,
“So, he can get the rest of his crew out of jail.” Bucky says as he continues, “Also, so he could buy the best and dangerous guns that they are smuggling from Africa.” The whole crew looks around with scared looks on their faces.
“That’s horrible, what if you don’t comply.” Tony asked out of curiosity
“Then. . . He’ll keep Y/N and make her his slave for god knows what or kill her. . . “Bucky said as he looks around at everyone.
“Alright, that means we need to kill him right then and there, because I want Y/N back safely and make sure he didn’t do anything extreme to her.” Steve says while looking up at Bucky, and everyone agrees.
“Okay, let’s get to planning on how we are going to do this” Tony said as they all gathered around the table to get a plan ready to Y/N back.
Bucky was pacing around the room trying to make sure he got everything ready. He is anxious and is hoping everything goes to plan. He can’t afford to lose Y/N, if he loses her. He doesn’t even want to think about that.
“Buck, you have to calm down a little bit. If you are too anxious, then he’ll know what is up when you get there.” Steve said patting his back, Bucky’s breathing started to regulate again. He must remain calm for Y/N sake.
“I am trying, I just miss her Steve. . . I hope she’s okay.” Bucky said running his fingers through his hair. Just a few more hours and he’ll have his girl back. . .  hopefully. All Bucky has to do was breathe and get this over with.
Bucky looks down at his watch, 12:32pm, he was supposed to be meeting Brock and Y/N here at the park, Bucky started to get nervous.
“Buck, you have to stop looking so damn suspicious. He is going to know we are here to kill him.” Steve says through the ear piece in his ear. Bucky just rolls his eyes at the comment.
“Steve, I am ready to get Y/N back. She must look horrible from what he has done to her.” Bucky grumbles as he sees a black tinted car pull up. He sees Brock come out first then he sees Y/N, she’s wearing torn up leggings and a hoodie with sunglasses. Sunglasses are probably o hide her black eye he saw on video last night. Bucky’s breathe hitches has he sees a gun pressed against Y/N back from Brocks doing.
Do you have my money Barnes?” Brock asked about 25 feet away from Bucky.
“Yes, I do Rumlow, I’ll toss you the back if you let Y/N run to me. You can have it all and leave her alone to me.” Bucky says looking at Brock, listening to Tony in his earpiece.
“I don’t think I can do that for you James. You see, your precious Y/N here was seen rooming my house and getting into all my secrets and plans. I think she needs to go.” Brock says wickedly, Bucky starts to breathe uneasily because he can NOT have Y/N die over something pointless like this.
“Bucky, I have a clear shot through his head since Y/N is standing on his left-hand side.” Sam said through the earpiece. Bucky nods and looks right at Brock, and starts to walk to him with the bag of money,
“Alright, let me say goodbye first please before you end her life please.” Bucky pleaded while Sam lined up the shot.
“Make it quick, I don’t have all day for you love sick shit,” Brock said grabbing the money from Bucky. He looks at Y/N and hugs her, she was more away from Brock at the moment.
“Do you trust me?” Bucky whispered in Y/N’s ear.
“I trust you with my whole life.” Y/N said back quietly,
“Okay, now Sam,” He says in the earpiece while hugging Y/N tightly. There was a loud back and a thud while Y/n and Bucky shut their eyes. Buck was the first to open his eyes to see that Sam killed Brock with a bullet through the head. Also saw Steve and Thor coming up with Brocks people that drove him there. We turned them in to the police before heading to the hospital for Y/N sake.
I am so ready to go back to my bed and hold Bucky, but they decided to take me to the hospital to get me check out with the bruises and cuts. They knew the hospital staff so they got paid to not say anything.
“Well Y/N looks like you are going to be in the hospital for a few days for these injures. You got pretty lucky in the gang war dear.” The doctor said, she made my world crash a little bit since I couldn’t leave right away.
“It’s okay love, I’ll be here the whole time dear.” Bucky said rubbing my head. I smile up at him, I am very happy I have an amazing soulmate like Bucky.
“Thank you, babe, I am grateful for you.” I said smiling up at him. The doctor left while I lay back in my best. I thought I was away from that nightmare of what happened with Brock, until Bucky asked me if something happened.
“Hey doll, can you tell me what you remember form what he did please.” Bucky asked me while my faces goes pale. I freak out internally, I took a deep breath and look at Bucky.
“Please don’t get mad or leave me when I need you after I tell you what happened.” I said as I start to get teared eyed at the memory I didn’t want to talk about.
“I won’t doll. I love you.” Bucky said moving close to me.
“Okay. . . He hit me and decided to use me as his sex salve throughout the night. . .” I said as I started to have a panic attack. Bucky hugged me but got pulled off as the doctor and nurse as they tried to help me.
“Sir, we have to take her to the OR/ She is bleeding internally and her panic attack isn’t helping. I need you to go to the waiting room please.” The nurse said as they rushed me out of the room.
“Please take care of her. . . I need her.” Bucky said as they rush me out. That was the last thing I heard before going unconscious.
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autty0314 · 5 years
They Ladies and Gentles!!! This stupid quaritin shit has me going fucking crazy!!! I've been lacking on my storys!! I'll be working at Ch. 7 of If It's meant to be! I'm doing my best to get it done by tonight!! Please bate with me! I have a 1 year old I'm trying to watch and she is crazy!! But I love her!
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autty0314 · 5 years
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You boys in need of some saving?
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autty0314 · 5 years
A little snip.it.
"Hey sweetheart, Happy Easter." Anthony came around the couch to hug you and plan a kiss on your head.
"Hey honey, Happy Easter." You said hugging him back. He sits down in from on you with one of his hand behind him back.
"What are you doing?" You ask laughing
"Is your favorite holiday Easter? Because you are about to eat some chocolate. " Anthony said wiggling his eyebrows as he got closer to you.
"Well love, I do like easter when you're here." You said getting in his lap as you start to kiss down his jaw.
"Oh Y/N, you aren't ready for this" Anthony said pulling off your shirt and heading to the bedroom.
This is a gem.
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autty0314 · 5 years
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little women (2019), dir. greta gerwig
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autty0314 · 5 years
I think I laughed too hard at this 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
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Steve: *does anything*
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autty0314 · 5 years
"You couldn't have done that earlier???"
"Shut up"
That scene where he is forced to kneel… just look at his face omg he looks SO DONE with everything (it’s hot ngl) anyway this is my fav bucky edit (🔉sound on)
(credits to imthemoon on Youtube, this is from a crack marvel video they did)
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autty0314 · 5 years
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Bucky vs  T'Challa
Captain America: Civil War (2016). Dir. Anthony e Joe Russo.
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autty0314 · 5 years
@that-damn-girl Thank you so much!!! This was my first time writing smut ❤❤❤ I'm glad you enjoyed it.
If it’s meant to be - Bucky x Reader Ch. 6
Summary: Y/n and Bucky decide to take things to another level in their relationship. Things go south for Bucky and the mod when Rumlow has tricks up his sleeve.
Warning(s): Swearing, SMUT (Please only 18+, if I found out you’re younger I am telling your grandmother!) (Oral, m and f receiving, slow love making,) Blood, cutting, kidnapping, mention of assassination
Word  count: 2763
The next few hours seem like a blur; one minutes Bucky and I were talking about Safe Haven. The next we were making out and it’s getting heated.  His lips feel rough yet soft against my own, we separated for a moment to breathe.
“You never told me that you could kiss like that sir.” I said smiling up at him, he blushes lightly up at me.
“Well Doll, you never asked. I’d like to show you how much you mean to me, and I know we just meant as well. But I don’t think I can hold myself back anymore.” Bucky said seductively in my ear while rubbing circles around my lower back. I whimper at the contact it felt amazing.
“Then do something then, I won’t stop you.” I said pulling his hair and kissing under his ear making him moan under my touch. He gets up briefly to get a better angle of kissing me and he grabbed my tank top and took it up slowly kissing down my neck I moan and arch my body up a little toward his body. He stops at my breast and just looks and admires for a moment before he took one of my nipples in his mouth and with his other hand playing with it. I was a moaning mess under him, he stopped sucking and started kissing down my stomach to my shorts. He looked up at me and wanted to make sure I still wanted this. I looked back and nodded him to go on,
“I need to hear you love.” Bucky said very husky
“You can continue love. I want this as much as you do.” I said looking down at him. He smiles at me and I help him out of my shorts, he was surprised to see no underwear when he pulled them off. I smirked at him when he looked up. He had this wicked look in his eyes, he seems very excited to see me vulnerable and naked in from of him. He slowly slides my legs open for him to lay in between them. He starts to lick softly on my vagina, I tug his hair a little bit as a warning to not tease me. He chuckles at my movement, he starts sucking my clit and thrusting one finger into me, I arch my back at the sudden contact.
“Fuck love, you’re so wet. I have to make sure you’re going to be stretched enough to take me.” Bucky said, before he started to nibble and suck at my clit.
“You’re so good at that – Ahhh, please Bucky… Let me return the – ahh favor.” I said getting ready to cum all over his fingers and mouth.
“I need you to cum all over me baby girl. Give it all to me.” Bucky said while putting two more fingers into my tight vagina. I arch and squeeze his fingers as I cum all over him. Bucky licks everything clean and sits up. I pounce on him, so he is now laying down. I smile at him and kiss and nibble my way down his body to his boxers, he groans at my actions as I pull down his boxers.
“Oh, doll you’re going to kill me.” Bucky says brushing my hair. I smile up at him and lick his cock from the base up to his tip and kissed it. He groans as I started to take him down, I try my best to deep throat him but it not all of him can fit in my mouth. He groans loudly and grabs my hair to make a makeshift ponytail, then starts to thrust his hips up in my mouth. I moan against him and felt him start to twitch in mouth.
“Fuck, you have such a pretty mouth baby.” Bucky said keeping his eye contact with me. I bring a hand up and start fondling his balls softly. He goes faster,
“Fuck – I’m going to cum!” Bucky said as he thrust two more times in my mouth and cumming deep down my throat. He pulls out of my mouth and smiles at me,
“Well, that was fun. You ready to feel how tight I am going to be around your big cock Bucky?” I said getting up and straddling him. He smiles up at me, and nods at my actions. I slowly line him up, I make sure I have a stable grip on him. I sink slowly on him letting myself get use to his big girth. I moan as I sink all the way down on him, he has bottomed me out. He grabs my hips and helps me bounce up and down on him.
“Fuck doll you’re so tight. You feel amazing on my cock.” Bucky groans as he starts bouncing me up and down on him slowly. I whimper at his cock going in and out of me, I’ve never been this full before.
“Damn Bucky, you feel amazing. I’ve never felt this full before.” I said gridding my hips up and down on him. We took a few more minutes and he surprised me that he pulls out and lays me down, he pushes into me. I arch at getting filled again, he starts to thrust into me while I claw at his back. He picks up his pace just a little.
“Fuck baby girl, I am going to cum. Are you okay if I cum inside you?” Bucky asked while thrusting a little faster into me.
“Yes, Bucky please, I would perfectly fine with me Bucky. I want you too.” I said looking up at him and brushing some hair out of his face. He smiles and starts to go faster, and he grips my hips as he thrust deeper, I start to claw down his back and moan as the sound of skin is slapping. He starts to go harder as his thrust getting sloppier.
“Ah – Fuck, I’m cumming.” Bucky said slapping quickly and stopping deeply in my vagina, I moan loudly, and Bucky growled, he didn’t pull out until he softens. I whimpered at the loss, but he falls beside me and cuddles into his side.
“Well, that was good. I’ve never experienced that before. Thank you for that Buck.” I say as I kiss his temple and drift off to sleep.
“No problem Doll. I’ll see you in the morning.” He grumbles and then out I was.
I wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes, I smile but get sad a little bit because Bucky isn’t beside me. But it means his making breakfast! I notice his shirt is still on my floor, I pick up his shirt and slip on a pair of panties and head to the kitchen while putting my hair into a messy bun. I hear my stereo in my living room playing, In The Mood by Glenn Miller. I can hear Bucky humming it from the kitchen, I do my best to sneak up on him. I get to the kitchen and see him swaying to the music and flipping the pancakes.
“Wow love, you look good making breakfast for me.” I said as I see him jump lightly which is funny because I scared this big bad hit man.
“Jesus, Doll, why would you do that?” Bucky asked grabbing his chest, I chuckle and walk toward him.
“It was fun love; I didn’t know the big bad hit man can scream like a little girl.” I said wrapping my arms around his shoulders pulling him into a kiss.
“Do I need to show you who you’re talking to love.” Bucky says as he grabs my ass a little bit. I giggle and kiss him roughly taking his breathe away
“All righty sir, I’ll let you get back to cooking. I am going to take a shower.” I said walking away from him. Bucky hurries to get breakfast done so he could join me. I start the shower and get clothes to chance into. I strip down and get into the shower. I have my favorite song playing; (Your favorite song) I start humming the tune. I didn’t hear Bucky come in and get in the shower with me, I felt his arms around my waist. I jump at the contact not expecting him to join me.
“Oops, sorry babe. Didn’t mean to scare you. Just wanted to wash up before I leave. I have to get stuff done before tonight.” Bucky said rubbing up and down my sides, I hum in the response. I have never  hook up with someone so soon but there is just something about Bucky that I like and trust.
“Your fine love, let’s get washed up and get ready for the day.” I said grabbing my wash rag and getting soap on it and turning toward Bucky. I smiled up at him and started to wash his body, starting with his right bicep, and moving across his chest. I’ve always love having intimate moments like this, you don’t always have to have sex to be intimate with someone. We finally rinse off and get out,
“Alrighty Doll, I will see you later tonight.” Bucky said pulling on his shirt.
“Okay sweetie, I will see you tonight. Be safe.” I said putting my socks on my feet. I smile up at him and give him a kiss bye and out he was. Now, it’s time to get some schoolwork done.
Bucky get back to his apartment and changes, so he is ready for the meeting they were having tonight for the assassination of Brock Rumlow. He get a call from Sam.
“Hey, do you have everything you need?” He asked
“Yes Sam, I am pretty sure I have everything. You have the poison?” Bucky asked grabbing his Glock, gloves, and leather jacket.
“Yes, I do, I have it. Are you bring every you need just in case it goes south and have to do a plan B?” Sam asked walking down to the elevator with Bucky.
“Yes, I do, let’s get to Starks house before we head to the bar to meet with Y/N” Bucky said hitting the button to the elevator.
After a few hours Bucky and Sam get to Y/N’s work to set up. Bucky sees her and she look very beautiful. She has her hair up in a ponytail curled, her outfit is a simple black jean with a red sweater that falls just off her shoulder a little bit and you makeup is amazing, stiletto red lipstick with beautiful black winged eyeliner. You always seem happy at work, like you are right now. Y/N looks up and her smiles widens when she sees Bucky and Sam.
“Hey boys, sit where you like. It’s a little busy so, I’ll be with you when I can!” Y/N said walking up to them and giving them both a hug and a kiss on Bucky’s cheek. She walked away from him; Sam snickered as they sat down at a booth close but out of Brock’s sight.
“Shut up Sam.” Bucky said grumbling at him
“I didn’t say a word man, I am glad you found someone.” Sam said as Y/N walks up.
“Heya boys, what can I do for ya?” She said holding out her note pad, she smiles up at them. There was more of a twinkle in her eye today then any other day he has seen her.
“Y/N, love, can I get a Whiskey and give you this? This is what goes in his drink.” Bucky said low even for just her to hear. She nods and smiles,
“What about you Sam?” Y/N said smiling
“I’ll just take a rum and coke honey.” Sam said smiling back at her. She nods and grabs the small bottle from Bucky and walks back behind the bar to make the drinks for them. She looks up and see Brock and his crew coming in and Bucky can tell it scared Y/N the look he was giving her.
“Here you go boys, hope it’s good for ya.” Y/N said returning to the table with their drinks. She smiles and heads toward Brocks table.
“Hey boys, want me to get you the usual?” I said looking at the boys, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about this whole situation.
 “Yes Y/N, I’d take my usually. Whiskey on the rocks with a splash of lime.” Brock said smiling up at me. I smile back and go back to the bar.
Breathe Y/N, breathe it will be over soon I thought to myself. I start to make his whiskey; I took the small bottle Bucky gave me from behind the bottles to pour into the drink and smile. I grab a few empty glasses and two pitchers of beer for them, I start to walk back to the table.
“Here you guys go, is there anything else I can get for ya?” I said smiling at them
“No, we are good Y/N, Thank you.” Brock said smirking up at me. I smile and turned to go back to the bar to go in break. Bucky looked at me and nodded when he knew I put the drug in there, I walk back to the break room to take a breather while I grab my phone out of my pocket to text Bucky that I was leaving early because I wasn’t feeling good.
‘Hey sweetie, I’m actually going home. I am not feeling well, I’ll see you later’ I grabbed my bag and walked to let Wanda know I am leaving.
“Hey babe, I have to head home. I am not feeling well, are you okay if I leave?” I asked as I look at her, she looks up and nods. I give her a hug and leave out the back door. I didn’t notice that Brock was out of his group and that Bucky and Sam left as well. I was walking down the stair to my apartment and I felt like someone was watching me. I stop to look around, when my phone starting going off.
“Um, hello?”
Y/N… WHERE ARE YOU?” Bucky said breathlessly through the phone.
“Bucky, I am walking home. Why?” I asked as I started walking down the road again, I can see my apartment in my view.
“I NEED YOU TO HIDE, YOU ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE!”  Bucky said over the phone, I stop again and look around,
“Bucky, I am – AHH” I had someone grab me and knock my phone out of my hand. I start to thrash trying to get out of the strangers hold.
“If you keep it up, I may just take you right here and make your soul mate watch you hurt.” The guy said tying up my hands. I start to silently cry as he throws me into the back of a van. I notice the man grabbed my phone and put it on speaker.
“Y/N, WHAT HAPPENED?” Bucky asked clearing speeding to find me.
“Oh James, she is okay with me. She is quite pretty; I’m surprised she’s your soul mate and you got her to drug me. Better corporate with us and we’ll make sure you little girlfriend won’t get too hurt.” The stranger said. The voice sounds very familiar to me.
“Brock, I swear to god. If you lay a hand on her, I will personally kill  you.” Bucky said, oh my god… It was Brock Rumlow, the one that Bucky wanted me drug. I was freaking out, scared to what he’s going to do with me.
“Have fun trying to find us, if you want her back bring me $500,000.00 for the hospital bill from my guy that drunk you shit poison.” Brock said caressing my face, I move away from his hand. He hangs up the phone with Bucky and looks back at me.
“We are going to have fun dear.” He smiles wickedly at me, then everything went back after he put Chloroform up to my mouth and nose. All I remember in that, we were speeding and hoping Bucky can come find me.
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autty0314 · 5 years
If it’s meant to be - Bucky x Reader Ch. 6
Summary: Y/n and Bucky decide to take things to another level in their relationship. Things go south for Bucky and the mod when Rumlow has tricks up his sleeve.
 Warning(s): Swearing, SMUT (Please only 18+, if I found out you’re younger I am telling your grandmother!) (Oral, m and f receiving, slow love making,) Blood, cutting, kidnapping, mention of assassination
 Word  count: 2763
   The next few hours seem like a blur; one minutes Bucky and I were talking about Safe Haven. The next we were making out and it’s getting heated.  His lips feel rough yet soft against my own, we separated for a moment to breathe.
“You never told me that you could kiss like that sir.” I said smiling up at him, he blushes lightly up at me.
“Well Doll, you never asked. I’d like to show you how much you mean to me, and I know we just meant as well. But I don’t think I can hold myself back anymore.” Bucky said seductively in my ear while rubbing circles around my lower back. I whimper at the contact it felt amazing.
“Then do something then, I won’t stop you.” I said pulling his hair and kissing under his ear making him moan under my touch. He gets up briefly to get a better angle of kissing me and he grabbed my tank top and took it up slowly kissing down my neck I moan and arch my body up a little toward his body. He stops at my breast and just looks and admires for a moment before he took one of my nipples in his mouth and with his other hand playing with it. I was a moaning mess under him, he stopped sucking and started kissing down my stomach to my shorts. He looked up at me and wanted to make sure I still wanted this. I looked back and nodded him to go on,
“I need to hear you love.” Bucky said very husky
“You can continue love. I want this as much as you do.” I said looking down at him. He smiles at me and I help him out of my shorts, he was surprised to see no underwear when he pulled them off. I smirked at him when he looked up. He had this wicked look in his eyes, he seems very excited to see me vulnerable and naked in from of him. He slowly slides my legs open for him to lay in between them. He starts to lick softly on my vagina, I tug his hair a little bit as a warning to not tease me. He chuckles at my movement, he starts sucking my clit and thrusting one finger into me, I arch my back at the sudden contact.
“Fuck love, you’re so wet. I have to make sure you’re going to be stretched enough to take me.” Bucky said, before he started to nibble and suck at my clit.
“You’re so good at that – Ahhh, please Bucky… Let me return the – ahh favor.” I said getting ready to cum all over his fingers and mouth.
“I need you to cum all over me baby girl. Give it all to me.” Bucky said while putting two more fingers into my tight vagina. I arch and squeeze his fingers as I cum all over him. Bucky licks everything clean and sits up. I pounce on him, so he is now laying down. I smile at him and kiss and nibble my way down his body to his boxers, he groans at my actions as I pull down his boxers.
“Oh, doll you’re going to kill me.” Bucky says brushing my hair. I smile up at him and lick his cock from the base up to his tip and kissed it. He groans as I started to take him down, I try my best to deep throat him but it not all of him can fit in my mouth. He groans loudly and grabs my hair to make a makeshift ponytail, then starts to thrust his hips up in my mouth. I moan against him and felt him start to twitch in mouth.
“Fuck, you have such a pretty mouth baby.” Bucky said keeping his eye contact with me. I bring a hand up and start fondling his balls softly. He goes faster,
“Fuck – I’m going to cum!” Bucky said as he thrust two more times in my mouth and cumming deep down my throat. He pulls out of my mouth and smiles at me,
“Well, that was fun. You ready to feel how tight I am going to be around your big cock Bucky?” I said getting up and straddling him. He smiles up at me, and nods at my actions. I slowly line him up, I make sure I have a stable grip on him. I sink slowly on him letting myself get use to his big girth. I moan as I sink all the way down on him, he has bottomed me out. He grabs my hips and helps me bounce up and down on him.
“Fuck doll you’re so tight. You feel amazing on my cock.” Bucky groans as he starts bouncing me up and down on him slowly. I whimper at his cock going in and out of me, I’ve never been this full before.
“Damn Bucky, you feel amazing. I’ve never felt this full before.” I said gridding my hips up and down on him. We took a few more minutes and he surprised me that he pulls out and lays me down, he pushes into me. I arch at getting filled again, he starts to thrust into me while I claw at his back. He picks up his pace just a little.
“Fuck baby girl, I am going to cum. Are you okay if I cum inside you?” Bucky asked while thrusting a little faster into me.
“Yes, Bucky please, I would perfectly fine with me Bucky. I want you too.” I said looking up at him and brushing some hair out of his face. He smiles and starts to go faster, and he grips my hips as he thrust deeper, I start to claw down his back and moan as the sound of skin is slapping. He starts to go harder as his thrust getting sloppier.
“Ah – Fuck, I’m cumming.” Bucky said slapping quickly and stopping deeply in my vagina, I moan loudly, and Bucky growled, he didn’t pull out until he softens. I whimpered at the loss, but he falls beside me and cuddles into his side.
“Well, that was good. I’ve never experienced that before. Thank you for that Buck.” I say as I kiss his temple and drift off to sleep.
“No problem Doll. I’ll see you in the morning.” He grumbles and then out I was.
 I wake up to the smell of bacon and pancakes, I smile but get sad a little bit because Bucky isn’t beside me. But it means his making breakfast! I notice his shirt is still on my floor, I pick up his shirt and slip on a pair of panties and head to the kitchen while putting my hair into a messy bun. I hear my stereo in my living room playing, In The Mood by Glenn Miller. I can hear Bucky humming it from the kitchen, I do my best to sneak up on him. I get to the kitchen and see him swaying to the music and flipping the pancakes.
“Wow love, you look good making breakfast for me.” I said as I see him jump lightly which is funny because I scared this big bad hit man.
“Jesus, Doll, why would you do that?” Bucky asked grabbing his chest, I chuckle and walk toward him.
“It was fun love; I didn’t know the big bad hit man can scream like a little girl.” I said wrapping my arms around his shoulders pulling him into a kiss.
“Do I need to show you who you’re talking to love.” Bucky says as he grabs my ass a little bit. I giggle and kiss him roughly taking his breathe away
“All righty sir, I’ll let you get back to cooking. I am going to take a shower.” I said walking away from him. Bucky hurries to get breakfast done so he could join me. I start the shower and get clothes to chance into. I strip down and get into the shower. I have my favorite song playing; (Your favorite song) I start humming the tune. I didn’t hear Bucky come in and get in the shower with me, I felt his arms around my waist. I jump at the contact not expecting him to join me.
“Oops, sorry babe. Didn’t mean to scare you. Just wanted to wash up before I leave. I have to get stuff done before tonight.” Bucky said rubbing up and down my sides, I hum in the response. I have never  hook up with someone so soon but there is just something about Bucky that I like and trust.
“Your fine love, let’s get washed up and get ready for the day.” I said grabbing my wash rag and getting soap on it and turning toward Bucky. I smiled up at him and started to wash his body, starting with his right bicep, and moving across his chest. I’ve always love having intimate moments like this, you don’t always have to have sex to be intimate with someone. We finally rinse off and get out,
“Alrighty Doll, I will see you later tonight.” Bucky said pulling on his shirt.
“Okay sweetie, I will see you tonight. Be safe.” I said putting my socks on my feet. I smile up at him and give him a kiss bye and out he was. Now, it’s time to get some schoolwork done.
Bucky get back to his apartment and changes, so he is ready for the meeting they were having tonight for the assassination of Brock Rumlow. He get a call from Sam.
“Hey, do you have everything you need?” He asked
“Yes Sam, I am pretty sure I have everything. You have the poison?” Bucky asked grabbing his Glock, gloves, and leather jacket.
“Yes, I do, I have it. Are you bring every you need just in case it goes south and have to do a plan B?” Sam asked walking down to the elevator with Bucky.
“Yes, I do, let’s get to Starks house before we head to the bar to meet with Y/N” Bucky said hitting the button to the elevator.
 After a few hours Bucky and Sam get to Y/N’s work to set up. Bucky sees her and she look very beautiful. She has her hair up in a ponytail curled, her outfit is a simple black jean with a red sweater that falls just off her shoulder a little bit and you makeup is amazing, stiletto red lipstick with beautiful black winged eyeliner. You always seem happy at work, like you are right now. Y/N looks up and her smiles widens when she sees Bucky and Sam.
“Hey boys, sit where you like. It’s a little busy so, I’ll be with you when I can!” Y/N said walking up to them and giving them both a hug and a kiss on Bucky’s cheek. She walked away from him; Sam snickered as they sat down at a booth close but out of Brock’s sight.
“Shut up Sam.” Bucky said grumbling at him
“I didn’t say a word man, I am glad you found someone.” Sam said as Y/N walks up.
“Heya boys, what can I do for ya?” She said holding out her note pad, she smiles up at them. There was more of a twinkle in her eye today then any other day he has seen her.
“Y/N, love, can I get a Whiskey and give you this? This is what goes in his drink.” Bucky said low even for just her to hear. She nods and smiles,
“What about you Sam?” Y/N said smiling
“I’ll just take a rum and coke honey.” Sam said smiling back at her. She nods and grabs the small bottle from Bucky and walks back behind the bar to make the drinks for them. She looks up and see Brock and his crew coming in and Bucky can tell it scared Y/N the look he was giving her.
“Here you go boys, hope it’s good for ya.” Y/N said returning to the table with their drinks. She smiles and heads toward Brocks table.
“Hey boys, want me to get you the usual?” I said looking at the boys, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about this whole situation.
 “Yes Y/N, I’d take my usually. Whiskey on the rocks with a splash of lime.” Brock said smiling up at me. I smile back and go back to the bar.
Breathe Y/N, breathe it will be over soon I thought to myself. I start to make his whiskey; I took the small bottle Bucky gave me from behind the bottles to pour into the drink and smile. I grab a few empty glasses and two pitchers of beer for them, I start to walk back to the table.
“Here you guys go, is there anything else I can get for ya?” I said smiling at them
“No, we are good Y/N, Thank you.” Brock said smirking up at me. I smile and turned to go back to the bar to go in break. Bucky looked at me and nodded when he knew I put the drug in there, I walk back to the break room to take a breather while I grab my phone out of my pocket to text Bucky that I was leaving early because I wasn’t feeling good.
‘Hey sweetie, I’m actually going home. I am not feeling well, I’ll see you later’ I grabbed my bag and walked to let Wanda know I am leaving.
“Hey babe, I have to head home. I am not feeling well, are you okay if I leave?” I asked as I look at her, she looks up and nods. I give her a hug and leave out the back door. I didn’t notice that Brock was out of his group and that Bucky and Sam left as well. I was walking down the stair to my apartment and I felt like someone was watching me. I stop to look around, when my phone starting going off.
“Um, hello?”
Y/N. . . WHERE ARE YOU?” Bucky said breathlessly through the phone.
“Bucky, I am walking home. Why?” I asked as I started walking down the road again, I can see my apartment in my view.
“I NEED YOU TO HIDE, YOU ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE!”  Bucky said over the phone, I stop again and look around,
“Bucky, I am – AHH” I had someone grab me and knock my phone out of my hand. I start to thrash trying to get out of the strangers hold.
“If you keep it up, I may just take you right here and make your soul mate watch you hurt.” The guy said tying up my hands. I start to silently cry as he throws me into the back of a van. I notice the man grabbed my phone and put it on speaker.
“Y/N, WHAT HAPPENED?” Bucky asked clearing speeding to find me.
“Oh James, she is okay with me. She is quite pretty; I’m surprised she’s your soul mate and you got her to drug me. Better corporate with us and we’ll make sure you little girlfriend won’t get too hurt.” The stranger said. The voice sounds very familiar to me.
“Brock, I swear to god. If you lay a hand on her, I will personally kill  you.” Bucky said, oh my god. . . It was Brock Rumlow, the one that Bucky wanted me drug. I was freaking out, scared to what he’s going to do with me.
“Have fun trying to find us, if you want her back bring me $500,000.00 for the hospital bill from my guy that drunk you shit poison.” Brock said caressing my face, I move away from his hand. He hangs up the phone with Bucky and looks back at me.
“We are going to have fun dear.” He smiles wickedly at me, then everything went back after he put Chloroform up to my mouth and nose. All I remember in that, we were speeding and hoping Bucky can come find me.
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