autumnagain · 8 months
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@antidisneyinc @positively--speculative @dirhwangdaseul
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autumnagain · 8 months
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It is with profound disappointment that we report the industry CEOs have walked away from the bargaining table after refusing to counter our latest offer. (1/11)
We have negotiated with them in good faith, despite the fact that last week they presented an offer that was, shockingly, worth less than they proposed before the strike began.
These companies refuse to protect performers from being replaced by AI, they refuse to increase your wages to keep up with inflation, and they refuse to share a tiny portion of the immense revenue YOUR work generates for them.
We have made big, meaningful counters on our end, including completely transforming our revenue share proposal, which would cost the companies less than 57¢ per subscriber each year. They have rejected our proposals and refused to counter.
Instead they use bully tactics. Just tonight, they intentionally misrepresented to the press the cost of the above proposal – overstating it by 60%.
They have done the same with A.I., claiming to protect performer consent, but continuing to demand “consent” on the first day of employment for use of a performer’s digital replica for an entire cinematic universe (or any franchise project).
The companies are using the same failed strategy they tried to inflict on the WGA – putting out misleading information in an attempt to fool our members into abandoning our solidarity and putting pressure on our negotiators.
But, just like the writers, our members are smarter than that and will not be fooled.
We feel the pain these companies have inflicted on our members, our strike captains, IATSE, Teamsters and Basic Crafts union members, and everyone in this industry. We have sacrificed too much to capitulate to their stonewalling and greed.
We stand united and ready to negotiate today, tomorrow, and every day.
Our resolve is unwavering. Join us on picket lines and at solidarity events around the country and let your voices be heard.
One day longer. One day stronger. As long as it takes.
- Your TV/Theatrical Negotiating Committee
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autumnagain · 9 months
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autumnagain · 9 months
2014 Tumblr wasn’t about whatever Tik Tok thinks it was about. 2014 Tumblr was about overanalyzing Captain America: The Winter Soldier and that one website that let you play Cards Against Humanity online
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autumnagain · 9 months
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autumnagain · 9 months
tumblr says not everyone uses tumblr so here's a poll to prove to tumblr just how tumblr using people are
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autumnagain · 10 months
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autumnagain · 10 months
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BARBIE (2023) dir. Greta Gerwig
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autumnagain · 10 months
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BARBIE (2023) dir. Greta Gerwig
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autumnagain · 10 months
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Barbie. Directed by Greta Gerwig, performances by Margot Robbie and Rhea Perlman, Warner Bros. et al.
Buonarroti, Michelangelo. The Creation of Adam. c. 1508-1512, Sistine Chapel, in the Vatican, Rome.
Robbie, Margot. "‘Barbie’ Easter Eggs: Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie Dish on Their Favorite Hidden Details." Interview by Angelique Jackson. Variety, 22 July, 2023.
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autumnagain · 10 months
i am in fact NOT being very brave about it and will whine and complain until i die. As is my right
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autumnagain · 10 months
I've seen some unhinged complaints in Steam reviews before, but I just ran into one that gave a game which contains no dialogue the thumbs down purely on the basis that it doesn't have voice acting.
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autumnagain · 11 months
So my family has a Gay Pirate Plate.
Stay with me.
We do not know how the hell the Gay Pirate Plate was first acquired. This being a point of contention is actually pretty plot-relevant; the saga of the Gay Pirate Plate began with my grandmother and her sister, who, for some ungodly reason, both BADLY wanted the Gay Pirate Plate and believed it to be rightfully theirs.
I should back up, firstly, to establish: The Gay Pirate Plate is the cheapest, tackiest, ugliest plate in existence.
It is in no way a collector’s item. It is physically impossible for it to complement anyone’s decor, because the colors in it are garish. It’s just a ceramic plate with a gay pirate painted on it, and the painting is, this cannot be emphasized enough, extremely bad.
(How do we know the pirate is gay if he’s just posing on a plate? Listen. Fully 100% to stereotype, but he is. He is gay. There’s an energy. That pirate is a flaming homosexual. That pirate has sex with men and does it frequently. That pirate is fucking gay, all right, he just is.)
Anyway. The point is that this is an extremely cheap and ugly plate with a poorly-executed painting of pirate on it who is like a nine on the Kinsey scale.
My grandmother and her sister fought a blood feud over this plate for their entire lives. It would be on the wall in my grandma’s house, and then her sister would visit, and then it would be gone. She’d visit her sister and the plate would be on the wall and her sister would pretend it had always been there. She would steal it back, hang it up, and, when her sister visited, pretend it had always been there. This continued for DECADES.
When the sister died, the Gay Pirate Plate lived triumphantly in my grandmother’s house. And then my grandmother died. And my aunt, who had lived with her and been her carer throughout her life, rightfully inherited their house.
We visit my aunt after the funeral and stay with her for a week or two.
Me, my sister, and our dad. Her brother.
The three of us look at each other. We don’t say anything. We studiously avoid making eye contact with the Gay Pirate Plate mounted proud and ugly on the wall. We notice one another studiously avoiding looking at it. We notice one another noticing. We say nothing. We come to a silent consensus. We pack up to leave. We get in the van. Our aunt comes out to say goodbye. I loudly announce I need to use the restroom before we leave. She obviously stays outside to continue talking to my dad.
I take down the Gay Pirate Plate, stuff it under my oversized sweatshirt, go outside, and get in the van. She happily waves goodbye as we drive off.
Two days later my dad gets a phone call that opens with hysterical laughter and “You FUCKING ASSHOLE did you seriously STEAL THE PLATE–”
Anyway. The gay pirate plate lives in my dad’s house currently.
But he’s trying to get me and my sister out to visit him. And plate mounts are cheap.
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autumnagain · 11 months
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Holy Fucking Shit
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autumnagain · 11 months
i am eating chips. i am stress smoking. i am a rat behind a grocery store. i am responding to emails professionally. i am avoiding all texts from friends. i am taking benzodiazepines to call my girlfriend. i am relaxed. i am too stressed out to function. i am a boy king. i am treating my spine like a slinky.
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autumnagain · 11 months
do you think people who are into reylo wanted fiona to go through with the wedding to lord farquaad
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autumnagain · 11 months
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Emotional extremes horseshoe theory where both ends are a long walk
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