avani-carrington · 5 years
Reading people had always been easy for Avani. Reading the room, reading a relationship. Sometimes it felt like she could see people’s emotions on their faces. She had been wrong before, she was human, after all, but she had always seemed to have a knack for it. And the face of someone who didn’t want to be asked a hundred questions seemed pretty clear to her.“Of course,” she said with a nod.
She was very grateful that he went to lengths to get the box of cereal she couldn’t reach. “Thank you so much,” she said as he handed the box to her. “It is a pain in the ass, going grocery shopping. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is just designed for people bigger than us, doesn’t it?” Avani looked at him, tilting her head.
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Avani hadn’t wanted to say anything to the man standing in front of the cereal. She knew plenty about getting lost in your own thoughts, and she regularly found herself zoning out in whatever nightmare she had conjured in her mind. But she really needed to get the cereal, and he didn’t look like he was moving.
The second she tentatively said, ‘pardon me,’ she saw him jolt out of his own mind and come back to his surroundings. He awkwardly tried to explain himself and apologize, but Avani didn’t mind. “No problem,” she assured him, “It happens to me all the time.” 
She glanced sideways at him as she grabbed for the cinnamon toast crunch off a higher shelf. “Um… I can’t seem to reach the cereal. Could you maybe… grab it?” she asked, completely embarrassed.
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Nathan had to admit that he was thankful the girl next to him didn’t bombarded him with questions. Sure, he didn’t mind the genuine ‘Are you okay?’ questions, but he hated when people got too into his business and wanted to know what was going through his mind. “I’m real glad y’understand, ma’am.” He chuckled out as he grabbed the thing he needed from the shelf before turning back to her when she spoke once more. Now, Nathan wasn’t too tall, he was about 5 feet, 8 inches, and was nowhere near as tall as his boyfriend, but luckily, the shelf that held the cereal wasn’t really too tall. He did have to climb up a bit on one of the lower shelves and stand on his tiptoes, but he eventually reached it, grabbed it, and gave it to the girl.
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avani-carrington · 5 years
“Perfect,” she said with a smile. Avani perched on the edge of a seat and pulled the arm of her shirt partway down to reveal the tattoo on her shoulder. She did her best not to be unintentionally indecent with her body, not showing too much. The lacy edge of her bra was still prominent, however, and she hoped he was experienced enough with that sort of thing to not mind. 
“Good,” she said, laughing, “I really need my limbs.” Avani looked downwards to see if she could get a look at the tattoo, but it was at an awkward angle, so she gave up quickly. “About a month and a half ago,” she said, answering his question.
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Avani smiled back at the man, who was undeniably really attractive. She set her bag down and hoped the tattoo wasn’t doing too bad. “You don’t have to be a medical professional,” she assured him, “Just a tattoo professional. And I wasn’t really worried about losing a limb,” she laughed. “I’m kind of worried about that now, though.”
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“Well, I’m definitely that, so you’re in luck. Where is it?” He asked, getting to his feet. “I was kidding, I swear. It’s highly unlikely you’re going to lose a limb. That was a bad joke, I’m sorry. How long ago did you get it?” Jaxon got out some disposable gloves and put them on so he could have a good look at the tattoo.
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avani-carrington · 5 years
She saw his evident concern and finally tugged Beast over to a tree nearby. Avani pulled out his leash, which she had hoped she wouldn’t have to use, out of her pocket. She wound it around the tree and clipped it to Beast’s collar. Avani looked up at the man as she gave the leash a sharp tug, to show him that her dog certainly wouldn’t be getting out of his bind then. She returned to the man, whose worries she hoped would be eased by her physically restraining the dog.
“Yeah, I get it,” Avani said with a smile, “If Beast were that small, I wouldn’t want unfamiliar dogs near him either.” She found the man’s evident devotion to the small animal both strange and very endearing. “She got two of them trained. The other two were basically anarchists. My grandma was kind of crazy,” she explained, not so fondly remembering how difficult it was living with her grandparents after her mom was taken away. 
Avani was grateful for his permission, and she leaned down to get closer to the little animal clutched in his arms. She held out two of her fingers for him to sniff before she tried to touch him, just so she didn’t freak him out anymore than he already was.
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“Beast,” Avani said, in her business voice. Once the dog had gotten over his initial excitement and realized that his owner meant business, he snapped to attention. Beast sat down and went still, and Avani patted his head placidly.
She finally met the other owner’s eyes once her pet was calm, “I’m sorry,” she apologized again, “He doesn’t mean any harm. He just doesn’t realize how big he is.” Avani smiled at the man and his pet. “My grandma used to keep four ferrets in our master bedroom, they’re so cute,” she said, “Can I pet him?” She didn’t bother keeping an eye on Beast, who she knew wouldn’t move a muscle until Avani told him he could. When he wasn’t losing his mind with excitement, he was generally very obedient, and there didn’t seem to be any other people or animals around.
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Even after the dog calming down, Kyle was still a little worried. Dogs could be unpredictable sometimes, how could he know that he wouldn’t just start to jump on him and try to get to his ferret again? He didn’t know the dog and the girl, so you couldn’t blame him.
Maybe he would be worried even if he knew them, he was just usually terrified that something would happen to Wade, he was practically like a son to him, “I know, but still, you can’t blame me for being worried,” he pointed out, because of the fact that he didn’t get, made things even more dangerous, “Four? Must have been hard to have trained all of them,” he had a hard time with one, he couldn’t even imagine how it would be if he had more. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to do it alone, “Yeah, sure, just keep a tight grip on his collar,” he pointed at the dog, the last thing he wanted, was for him to catch them off guard.
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avani-carrington · 5 years
Avani breathed heavier as he deepened the kiss, tasting his lips with her tongue gently. She felt a tiny gasp escape her mouth as she felt him grab her ass, her body jolting out of surprise and rapture with his actions. She felt her entire body heat up as he easily picked her up and carried her bridal-style to his bedroom, where she knew it was all going to happen. Avani felt a primal aching down in her chest, something that came alive every time she and Brad spent the night together. She let out a tiny moan as her body was pushed against the wall. Trapped, pinned, with nowhere to go and nothing to do to get away but push her body closer to his as he kissed her. She broke away from his unyielding dominance to trail her kisses across his cheek, pausing to nibble at his jawline with a high pitched breath, as she danced her tongue across his neck. Avani suckled on his neck, biting it gently as she breathed him in. 
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avani-carrington · 5 years
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Tamura Ryuichi, from “October Poem,” featured in “The Penguin Book of Japanese Literature,”
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avani-carrington · 5 years
Avani hadn’t wanted to say anything to the man standing in front of the cereal. She knew plenty about getting lost in your own thoughts, and she regularly found herself zoning out in whatever nightmare she had conjured in her mind. But she really needed to get the cereal, and he didn’t look like he was moving.
The second she tentatively said, ‘pardon me,’ she saw him jolt out of his own mind and come back to his surroundings. He awkwardly tried to explain himself and apologize, but Avani didn’t mind. “No problem,” she assured him, “It happens to me all the time.” 
She glanced sideways at him as she grabbed for the cinnamon toast crunch off a higher shelf. “Um... I can’t seem to reach the cereal. Could you maybe... grab it?” she asked, completely embarrassed.
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Nathan had been distracted by his own thoughts and how to keep his boyfriend safe from any harm from the man’s father’s hands. He knew Bobby was probably out looking for them both, and while Nathan wasn’t very worried about himself, he was worried more about his boyfriend. One more fight and Woody would be a broken bird. There was no way Nathan was going to ever let that shit happen again. Over his dead body… Nobody should have to live in fear, wondering when the hell someone was going to beat the hell out of them. Nathan didn’t have scars on his knuckles for nothing…  He’d finally snapped out of his thoughts, remembering he was in a store, once he heard someone say ‘pardon me’. “Shit, I’m sorry. Must’ve been day dreamin’.” He admitted with a slight, awkward laugh as he scooted away to let the person through.
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avani-carrington · 5 years
“What image?” Avani teased him with a chuckle. “I promise you, I can be all kinds of crazy,” she said, “Don’t piss me off.” She gave him a small smile as he frowned at her to show him she was joking. She had to keep him on his toes; Avani couldn’t let Brad have all the power. 
Avani felt herself quiver as he began to whisper to her what he was going to do, her entire body reacting to his touch and his words all at once. She let herself be pulled into his lap and she wrapped her fingers into his hair, breathing heavily as he played with her bottom lip with his. She finally gave in and kissed him fully, biting his lip gently. “Show me,” she breathed into the kiss as she pulled him closer to her. Avani knew that every night she let herself do this was another night she should be moving on from him, but she didn’t care. 
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avani-carrington · 5 years
“Yes, I really hope so,” Avani said, laughing. It was fairly quiet outside, with only a couple people walking around. It usually didn’t get busy until a little later. “Perfect,” Avani replied, “Sushi’s my favorite, so I’m glad you like it. Otherwise I don’t think we could hang out,” she teased the girl. “There’s a cute sushi place a couple streets over.” She stopped in the middle of making dinner plans with a small smile as she realized she didn’t know her dinner companion’s name, “I’m Avani, by the way,” she said.
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“I couldn’t agree more,” Avani said, nodding. She laughed at the girl’s introduction and reciprocated, “I’m Avani. Also not a psycho.” She put her jacket on and grabbed her bag, eager to get out of the bar and into a nicer restaurant after working all day. “What kind of food do you like? I was going to go grab some sushi or something like that, but I’m open to whatever you’re into.”
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“Great! No one is a psycho, we’re gonna make it out alive of this dinner.” She joked while she chuckled softly before wearing her coat again and walk out of the bar with the girl beside her. “I love sushi! I’m down for it. I like all kinds of food I think, I’m not a picky person. And, honestly, I could eat anything right now.”
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avani-carrington · 5 years
“At least you’re okay,” Avani said, “I dislocated my arm in middle after tripping over my own shoe. It was still on my foot, too, I was just exceptionally clumsy.” She sat down on the ground next to the woman. “I didn’t see the tripping part. Just the sitting on the ground part. It’s okay, though. Like I said, I trip all the time.” Avani produced a small pack of tissues and a band aid out of her purse, glad she was prepared.
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Open Starter
Where: Downtown Atlanta
Who: Open
Avani liked working at nightclubs and bars, but you could only be around so much alcohol before it gets to you. On one of the few nights Avani spent in a coffee shop rather than a bar, she was on her way home. She walked down the street, her shoes tapping and echoing down a pathway that was otherwise silent.
However, Avani took a few seconds to realize that she was not alone. There was a figure in front of her, who appeared to be crunched over on the ground. As her brain registered what was happening, she ran towards the figure and crouched down next to them.
“Are you okay?” she asked. She saw the blood that was running from their wound. Avani frantically looked around to see if there was anyone else to help them, but there was no one in sight, “What happened?!” she asked the person, who was clearly in a lot of pain “What can I do?!”
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Hillie was glad that no one had seen her fall. Now that would have been embarrassing and it was definitely something that she didn’t need. She had just been walking along when she tripped over her own feet like a loser. Probably funny to see but awkward for her. 
Looking down at her knee, she looked up when she heard someone approach her. “I’m fine. I think it’s my pride that’s hurt more than anything. Please tell me you didn’t see me trip over my own feet.” She opened her purse, looking for a Kleenex of something to clean off the blood.
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avani-carrington · 5 years
Avani smiled back at the man, who was undeniably really attractive. She set her bag down and hoped the tattoo wasn’t doing too bad. “You don’t have to be a medical professional,” she assured him, “Just a tattoo professional. And I wasn’t really worried about losing a limb,” she laughed. “I’m kind of worried about that now, though.”
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Avani loved getting tattoos. She had so many ideas for tattoos she wanted to get, and she got ecstatic every time she decided to get a new one. However, taking care of new tattoos and making sure they turned out right was very annoying. 
She got her most recent tattoo, a little sun on the front of her shoulder, when she was still living in her hometown. Unfortunately, it wasn’t healing the way she wanted it to, and she couldn’t go back to the tattoo artist she always went to, because they remained back in Cottonwood Falls. Avani finally found a good tattoo parlor in Atlanta, and she went there as soon as she could. She startled a tattoo artist with her arrival, and he offered her a selection of tattoos to get. 
“Sorry for scaring you,” she said with a small laugh, “And I’m not looking for a tattoo today. I was actually wondering if you could help me out with my newest tattoo. I don’t think it’s healing right.”
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He wasn’t asleep, but had he stayed in that position for much longer, it likely he would’ve been before long. So, it was a good thing someone had come in when they did. “You didn’t, it’s okay.” Jaxon assured her with a smile. “Oh, yeah, I can take a look. I’m not exactly a medical professional, but I’ll be able to tell if you’re about to lose a limb.”
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avani-carrington · 5 years
“I bet you will,” she said with a small laugh. “And no promises on keeping the nickname a secret,” Avani said with an exaggerated shrug, “You never know when Fairy Bradmother might end up on Instagram.” She was just messing with him, but he didn’t need to know that. She nodded in agreement to his comment about always enjoying time with each other.
“Mm,” she hummed quietly, letting her hand travel from his neck down to his chest, his stomach, and finally resting on the inside of his leg. “How would you keep me warm?” Avani’s voice dipped down to a low breathy whisper, and she knew he could probably feel her eyelashes against his face, but she didn’t care. When they were anything close to physical with each other, Avani’s body took over, and her longtime schoolgirl crush on Brad was the last thing on her mind.
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“They’ll probably look worse in the morning,” she said playfully. “And I guess if you don’t want to break our bond, then you’ll have to deal with the nickname Fairy Bradmother,” Avani said with a shrug. She laughed despite herself. She smacked him playfully when he joked about ‘pretending to be entertained.’ “I’m enjoying it,” Avani said, leaning her head on her hand, “You’re one of my best friends. I always enjoy it when we hang out.” 
“Thank you. It was a good analogy,” she said jokingly, trying to keep the smile on her face and act normally as he continued to touch her bare legs. “That’s definitely why,” she agreed with a nod. 
“Would you enjoy the view?” she asked, arching her eyebrow at him. “I wouldn’t want to get cold. Maybe you could help warm me up?” Her voice lowered to a whisper.
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“Oh, will it? Because I am sure I won’t mind it at all, I’m actually gonna love it.” He pointed out with a smirk on his lips. “Fine! Just keep that nickname between the two of us, don’t tell others about you calling me like that.” Brad rolled his eyes after giving up at the nickname she gave him before laughing lightly, feeling Avani smacking him playfully after his joke about pretending to be entertained with her, in fact, he was always amused by her company. “Right back at you. You know you’re one of my best friends and I always enjoy being in your company, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing.” He said with a friendly smile at her. “It was a good analogy, yeah, but don’t tell that around people or they will misunderstand you.” He joked with a soft chuckle as he ran his fingertips slowly up to her thigh. “I would enjoy the view very much and I would not let you get a cold. You know I would keep you warm, don’t you?” Brad smiled slyly at her with his eyebrow arched while his finger touched her thigh, pressing it gently as he got closer to her. “And I assure you that you’re going to enjoy the way I’ll warm you up, babe.” He whispered softly close to her lips but without touching it yet.
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avani-carrington · 5 years
“Oh, I’ve been there. I’m waiting a little bit but I’m going to Heartbreaker to get my next tattoo,” Avani said, nodding. For some reason she felt the need to relate to BJ, to find common ground with her. “That sounds fun,” she said, laughing, “Sounds like something I would do with friends at two in the morning.” She thought back to her wild friends back in Cottonwood Falls and wondered what they were doing, even though there was no doubt in her mind that they had forgotten her the second she stepped over the state border. “It is pretty amazing,” she agreed. Avani could still hear the clatter and rumble of the crowd, even standing in this secluded room. “Maybe I should get a little heart,” Avani said with a small smile. She wouldn’t be adverse to getting an impulsive tattoo. 
“The stars are good,” Avani agreed, her throat humming a little bit. “I love the name Jet, that’s very clever,” she laughed a little bit. “When I have a child I’ve always wanted to name her Virgo, if it’s a girl. I love the stars and space and astrology.”
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Avani was surprised and happy with the woman’s easy conversational skills and willingness to talk to her. Avani sometimes got comfortable with people too quickly, so she tried to hold off on talking too much, but that didn’t seem to be a problem with BJ. “Nice to meet you,” she replied to the woman’s introduction. “I was thinking the exact same thing,” Avani said, laughing, “And I definitely would’ve remembered seeing you. Have you ever swung by one of the bars downtown? I’m pretty well acquainted with all of them.” 
She couldn’t help but giggle at BJ’s honesty, “I’m here for the party,” she said, “Always looking for a good one. Experiencing a little bit of unrequited love myself, so I figured a Valentine’s Day festival would be good for me.” She laughed at the woman’s comment about two left feet, and had to admit that she couldn’t envision BJ dancing very much. 
Avani took a few steps towards BJ and her dresser, hoping she wouldn’t mind. She watched the woman apply highlighter with impressive grace and skill. Avani had always loved makeup and beauty, and watching others use their techniques always managed to fascinate her. Avani blushed a little bit at BJ’s comments about her name. “Thank you,” she said. She was mostly used to people not being able to pronounce it, or saying how weird it was, and a compliment was refreshing, “My mom always told me it meant ‘good earth,’ because she said the earth was good for giving me to her.”
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since becoming a mother b.j hadn’t been downtown as often as she used to . before she had become ’ knocked up ’ as she so affectionately called it she had been down at the bars every night , getting too drunk on whiskey sours and shouting at the men that hit on her , but now that fire within her had died back . it wasn’t extinguished , not at all , just a little more under control than before . “ not for a while , no . i work at heartbreaker , the tattoo studio ?? which explains a lot about why i’m so covered in the things . when me and jax get bored we just play flash roulette and see what the hell ends up on our bodies , ” in retrospect it was a stupid idea , one that would no doubt end in regret , but barbara jean had sworn to herself not to regret a single thing as long as she was alive . “ the party is amazing already . i can’t believe how many people turned out – do you know how many people have come down to get little hearts tattooed ?? i think i’m singlehandedly keeping the church afloat with the money i’m making , ”
avani . the name registered in her head again , and she wished she’d known about it when she was pregnant and waiting to see whether the little daredevil would be a girl or a boy . in the end she had been graced with the most beautiful son , but this name would add to the list of future contenders . “ the earth was very good . the stars are good , too . i called my boy jet because he moved around like a little rocket-ship when he was in my belly ,” 
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avani-carrington · 5 years
“They’ll probably look worse in the morning,” she said playfully. “And I guess if you don’t want to break our bond, then you’ll have to deal with the nickname Fairy Bradmother,” Avani said with a shrug. She laughed despite herself. She smacked him playfully when he joked about ‘pretending to be entertained.’ “I’m enjoying it,” Avani said, leaning her head on her hand, “You’re one of my best friends. I always enjoy it when we hang out.” 
“Thank you. It was a good analogy,” she said jokingly, trying to keep the smile on her face and act normally as he continued to touch her bare legs. “That’s definitely why,” she agreed with a nod. 
“Would you enjoy the view?” she asked, arching her eyebrow at him. “I wouldn’t want to get cold. Maybe you could help warm me up?” Her voice lowered to a whisper.
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She rolled her eyes as he called her ‘darling,’ a dumb pet name that made him sound like he lived in 19th century London. “Definitely no leaving in the morning,” she agreed with a laugh. Avani squinted at him threateningly, “I would. And then you’d never be able to get into my phone,” she teased, knowing he would be hurt if she did ever take his fingerprint out of her phone. 
Avani let out a burst of laughter, “Just in general,” she clarified, “I like you as a person, which means I listen to you talk. It’s called friendship. I’m pretty sure it’s the same reason you listen to me talk.” It was impressive to her how he managed to stay interested and engaged with what she talked about, no matter what it was. 
“It seemed like a good analogy.” She shivered as his hand traveled along her leg. “Yes; I’m a total weirdo. It confounds me how you put up with me.” Avani kept her eyes on him, “I don’t?” she asked with a playful smile.
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“I hope you don’t mind that my sheets look like a tornado mess tonight.” He joked with a soft chuckle. “That would be low! It would be like breaking this bond and trust we have. I’m hurt.” Brad placed his hand in his heart, pretending to be hurt. He would be hurt if she really did this though, but she didn’t yet, so he was just goofing. “Yep, that’s what friends are for, listen to each other talking about anything and pretending to be entertained.” Brad teased before continuing, he didn’t want her to slap him. “I’m kidding! I’m really entertained while you talk. Like right now, we are not doing anything interesting, just chilling on my couch talking and yet I think we are enjoying.” He pointed out with a friendly smile at her. “It was a great analogy, I liked it.” Brad said with a soft chuckle keeping his fingertips caressing her legs after he noticed she shivered at his touch, he liked to watch Avani and her body reacting to his touch, even if it was a gentle one like now. “We are both weirdos, that’s probably the reason why we got along so well from the very first moment. And no, you really don’t have to keep your clothes on if you don’t want to. Can’t say I wouldn’t like the view.”
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avani-carrington · 5 years
She rolled her eyes as he called her ‘darling,’ a dumb pet name that made him sound like he lived in 19th century London. “Definitely no leaving in the morning,” she agreed with a laugh. Avani squinted at him threateningly, “I would. And then you’d never be able to get into my phone,” she teased, knowing he would be hurt if she did ever take his fingerprint out of her phone. 
Avani let out a burst of laughter, “Just in general,” she clarified, “I like you as a person, which means I listen to you talk. It’s called friendship. I’m pretty sure it’s the same reason you listen to me talk.” It was impressive to her how he managed to stay interested and engaged with what she talked about, no matter what it was. 
“It seemed like a good analogy.” She shivered as his hand traveled along her leg. “Yes; I’m a total weirdo. It confounds me how you put up with me.” Avani kept her eyes on him, “I don’t?” she asked with a playful smile.
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“You think everything suits me,” Avani said teasingly, rolling her eyes. She giggled and listened to him ramble about her and one night stands, “No, I’m okay,” she said when he jokingly offered to demote her to a one night hookup, “I’ll stick with what I am now. And I’m definitely staying the night.” Avani wrinkled her nose at him. “Don’t make me take your fingerprint out of my phone,” she threatened, raising her eyebrows at him. She couldn’t help but laugh, ruining her seriousness. She nodded as he finally let her be about calling him for help, “I’ll call you if I need it. Thank you.” 
“I don’t think it has to do with what you say, it has to do with who you are,” she said, smiling at him fondly. “You listen to me talk for forever, and I don’t think it’s because of how fascinating I am.” 
Avani smiled at his compliment, which he gave many of. “Thank you,” she said, “But I kinda do. It’s kind of like being a stripper, the better I look the more money I make. Except I wear clothes.”
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“That’s not true. I don’t think you being mad at me or sad faces suit you. See? Not everything suits you, darling.” He joked lifting his eyebrows at her with a sly smile on his lips. “Good! I didn’t want you to be a one night hookup, nor leaving until it’s morning.” Brad pointed out before pretending to be offended at what she said about taking out his fingerprint of her phone. “You wouldn’t! Would you? Because I would be hella upset that we are taking those steps back.” He said dramatically before bursting into laughter. “With who I am? I don’t know what’s worse, the random and weird things I talk about or who I am.” He teased her with a soft chuckle before leaning to kiss her forehead. “Well, I do think you’re fascinating. It doesn’t matter if you are talking about something you are passionate about, or when you’re telling me something funny or about how you feel, you just have this thing to keep my attention on you while you talk.” Brad pointed out with a warm smile while he caressed her legs gently. “Did you really just compared yourself with a stripper?” He frowned before laughing, leaning his head back on the couch with his eyes closed for a brief moment. “You are a weirdo, you know that, right?” Brad arched his eyebrow at her with a playful smile. “You don’t always have to wear clothes, but I don’t mean at work.”
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avani-carrington · 5 years
Avani loved getting tattoos. She had so many ideas for tattoos she wanted to get, and she got ecstatic every time she decided to get a new one. However, taking care of new tattoos and making sure they turned out right was very annoying. 
She got her most recent tattoo, a little sun on the front of her shoulder, when she was still living in her hometown. Unfortunately, it wasn’t healing the way she wanted it to, and she couldn’t go back to the tattoo artist she always went to, because they remained back in Cottonwood Falls. Avani finally found a good tattoo parlor in Atlanta, and she went there as soon as she could. She startled a tattoo artist with her arrival, and he offered her a selection of tattoos to get. 
“Sorry for scaring you,” she said with a small laugh, “And I’m not looking for a tattoo today. I was actually wondering if you could help me out with my newest tattoo. I don’t think it’s healing right.”
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Jaxon had just finished his sixth, maybe his seventh, tattoo of the day when he found himself all out of people waiting. Reaching for his water, he took a long drink, it might not’ve looked like hard work, but concentrating hard really took it out of him. Closing his eyes for a minute, worried that one day he was going to end up cross-eyed from doing so much fine line work, he didn’t hear the other person approach him. Opening his eyes again, he almost jumped. “Shit, hey. You looking for a tattoo? These are the options on offer today. What takes your fancy?”
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avani-carrington · 5 years
“You think everything suits me,” Avani said teasingly, rolling her eyes. She giggled and listened to him ramble about her and one night stands, “No, I’m okay,” she said when he jokingly offered to demote her to a one night hookup, “I’ll stick with what I am now. And I’m definitely staying the night.” Avani wrinkled her nose at him. “Don’t make me take your fingerprint out of my phone,” she threatened, raising her eyebrows at him. She couldn’t help but laugh, ruining her seriousness. She nodded as he finally let her be about calling him for help, “I’ll call you if I need it. Thank you.” 
“I don’t think it has to do with what you say, it has to do with who you are,” she said, smiling at him fondly. “You listen to me talk for forever, and I don’t think it’s because of how fascinating I am.” 
Avani smiled at his compliment, which he gave many of. “Thank you,” she said, “But I kinda do. It’s kind of like being a stripper, the better I look the more money I make. Except I wear clothes.”
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“It is not,” she replied, laughing a little bit. Sometimes Brad could be completely oblivious, and other times she thought he saw right through her. “I’m a different case? Damn,” Avani said, raising an eyebrow, “Here I was thinking I was just another late night hookup.” She laughed, knowing this would probably get Brad fired up. “Nope,” she refused to acknowledge his dumb nickname for himself, “We’re sticking with Fairy Bradmother.” She absentmindedly played with his fingers as he touched her hand. “I know you are. And I promise I will call you if I’m in serious trouble. But I have to rely on myself for some things. It’s called being an adult,” she knew Brad would always take care of her, and that made her feel a sort of safety that she had never really felt with anyone else. 
Avani nodded as she acknowledged his point about the weather. “Thank you, and I’m not annoyed because I could listen to you talk for hours, and you know that,” she said, tilting her head as she smiled softly at him. She let him pull her legs onto his lap with a sigh as the pressure was taken off her poor feet. She was completely content with him, emotionally and physically, and it was moments like this that made her grateful she’d had the good sense to leave her hometown. “I don’t know how we do it either,” she said, chuckling. “Nah, not masochistic. We don’t do it for ourselves, that’s for sure. We have to play a part when we’re bartending, play it up so people will buy more drinks.”
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“Oh it is, babe. It kind of suits you. You look adorable when you’re jealous” He teased her again with a soft chuckle. “Of course you are a different case! You’re my best friend. Do you really want to be just another late-night hookup?” Bradley arched his eyebrow at her. “Because I wouldn’t want you to spend the night or get attached, neither get a lot of messages for me and that would apply that we were only a one night stand, the list can go on in case you’re really interested.” He teased her with a smirk, he was trying not to laugh, he didn’t actually do that with his one night stands, and he would never do that to Avani, but he wanted to mess with her. “I’m changing my name in your phone to Knight In A Shining Mustang as soon as you fall asleep.” Brad joked before laughing. “Well, I still think you can be an adult and have friends to help you and make life easier, but it is up to you.” He pointed out with a shrug. Of course he wanted to help his friend as much as he could, he would do literally anything for her, but if she wanted to live that it was her choice and he respected it, he also admired her for being this independent woman. “Could you really listen to me rambling for hours? Am I that interesting?” Brad asked her with a frown as he laughed lightly while his fingertips touched gently her feet. “Your legs look amazing when you’re wearing heels but I am pretty sure you don’t need to wear them so people buy more drinks, honestly.”
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avani-carrington · 5 years
Once the initial panic from seeing blood faded, it became very evident what had happened. Avani looked at the girl’s bleeding forehead, and at the street sign, which was still vibrating slightly from the force of the girl hitting it. She quickly tried to decide whether she should leave the girl alone without embarrassing her further, or actually help her. She decided helping her would probably be the best option. 
“I run into things all the time,” Avani assured the girl, shrugging, “No big deal. But seriously, that could cause serious damage. You should sit down for a minute.”
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Open Starter
Where: Downtown Atlanta
Who: Open
Avani liked working at nightclubs and bars, but you could only be around so much alcohol before it gets to you. On one of the few nights Avani spent in a coffee shop rather than a bar, she was on her way home. She walked down the street, her shoes tapping and echoing down a pathway that was otherwise silent.
However, Avani took a few seconds to realize that she was not alone. There was a figure in front of her, who appeared to be crunched over on the ground. As her brain registered what was happening, she ran towards the figure and crouched down next to them.
“Are you okay?” she asked. She saw the blood that was running from their wound. Avani frantically looked around to see if there was anyone else to help them, but there was no one in sight, “What happened?!” she asked the person, who was clearly in a lot of pain “What can I do?!”
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was charlie embarrassed she ran into a street sign? yes. she cringed when she heard someone, asking if she was okay. “i’m okay.” she rubbed her forehead, not wanting to look up at the voice not kneeling down beside her. “it’s funny, they put these signs right in my way.” she huffed, starting to get herself up from the pavement. “i don’t think i need any help.” charlie questioned, actually unsure if she did or not. “uhm, thanks? for making sure i was okay.”
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