avejana-blog1 · 7 years
Now a days ,it is very common that every single business is listed online. Everyone wants to sell their products or blogs online . As by this way  business can be share world wide.
There are many platforms to create or  setup a website for free. But the best platform is WORDPRESS.
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avejana-blog1 · 7 years
#ecommerce, #business, #website
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avejana-blog1 · 7 years
What are the tell-tale signs that your website needs reviews?
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avejana-blog1 · 7 years
With reviews driving sales for ecommerce stores, each review counts. A lot of ecommerce stores get reviews on their Facebook pages. But it is usually very tough to embed these reviews on to your own website, where they matter the most.
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avejana-blog1 · 7 years
Your ability to get reviews for your business can truly make or break your business, considering that 97% of shoppers say they read reviews before they buy a product online. A further 90% say that having reviews helps them take a faster buying decision.  Reviews have therefore, gained a lot of importance over the last couple of years.
Stores that have online reviews report a much higher conversion rate compared to those who do not.
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avejana-blog1 · 7 years
There is lots that is happening today in terms of marketing strategies. As businesses is shifting online faster than ever, marketing strategies are becoming more honed for online business. With Google literally controlling most of the world’s search traffic, it is the Google algorithms that are increasingly defining marketing strategies of most businesses. But beyond Google, beyond the online, there are still some old school marketing strategies that still rock today. And guess what, they apply as much to online businesses as to brick & mortar stores. The bedrock of these strategies is one ‘Customer Service’. I believe these are the strategies to follow if you want to build a successful sustainable business.
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avejana-blog1 · 7 years
Over the last few days I have had the fortune of a meeting a lot of entrepreneurs in various events. The interest for aveJana has been flattering to say the least. Most approached us directly to understand how we can help them. Interestingly the first set of questions almost always revolved around ‘Why User Generated Content Matters’. And the next set of questions revolved around ‘why a special solution like aveJana is needed’, because they already have a review widget on the website. It is not easy to explain something to startup entrepreneurs. Because like us at aveJana, they too are full of themselves :-). So we did not offer them any answers. We asked them questions in return for questions.
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avejana-blog1 · 8 years
For those of you who want to figure out why HTTPS should be enabled on your site, we have tried to pull together a brief guide. HTTPS is a slightly expensive affair for a start up, especially if you are running multiple sub domains. It is therefore wise to research whether your website even requires HTTPS or not.
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avejana-blog1 · 8 years
Startups are born out of pure passion. Passion for a product, passion for an idea, passion to do ‘something’ more, passion to improve life and the list goes on. But often it is the most passionate startups that fail first.
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avejana-blog1 · 8 years
Startups are born out of pure passion. Passion for a product, passion for an idea, passion to do ‘something’ more, passion to improve life and the list goes on. But often it is the most passionate startups that fail first.  The passion becomes the number 1 reason for the failure of the most passionate startups. How?
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avejana-blog1 · 8 years
Online store owners often ask us the question, do reviews help sell more? And our answer always is a Big YES! To understand the power of reviews lets answer these simple questions:
Quite simplistically, a review is a note written by an actual user of his experience of using a product.
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avejana-blog1 · 8 years
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avejana-blog1 · 8 years
Ratings and Reviews are one of the best ways to improve web conversion rates. As more people shop online, the importance of ratings and reviews is increasing by the hour. A study by aveJana shows that 97% of consumers read reviews before they buy a product online. 90% say that having reviews makes it easier to buy a product online.
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avejana-blog1 · 8 years
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