Bucky is an entitled idiot.
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It's only a matter of time before Jen and Pepper make out. They're practically attached at the hip.
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Pepper and Steve are making a getaway together. Wonder why they want all the alone time?
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Poor Natasha, she's been gone so long people are already forgetting about her...
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I wonder how fast Alexei will drop Natasha for Bobbi this time?
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Pepper claims to love Matt and Tony romantically, but I don't see it. I think she's just boring and lonely.
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Drunkenly boards the Kate x Natasha ship. KATASHA
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What is so goddamn special about Natasha fucking Romanoff and why does everyone fall in love with her???
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Does anyone else find it horribly ironic that Pepper's seen as the one who's promiscuous when Carol's the one who used sex as a weapon for revenge, that as far as I can tell, was unsuccessful for the most part?
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Where did all the drama go? This place needs spicing up and fast. I wonder who will be the one to bring the fun
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Is it weird that I ship Elektra with tacos now?
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And Matt's still stringing along all the girls, makes you wonder who'll snap first? Sif, Janet, Jessica or Pepper?
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The school seems to have died down a little. Who is going to fuck it up?
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Alexei and Natasha are almost as boring as Clint and Pepper. What's wrong with the straight folks here?
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Whatever Matt's doing the other boys better take notes. Who knew he had it in him?
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Matt Murdock is quite the ladies' man. Makes you wonder why he ever bothered with that deranged Loki kid.
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