avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
Meredith is so hot.
Don’t I know it!
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
bray seems like a man whore, better watch out for that one...
Oh, Bray, someones already onto you man! Keep it up and make mama proud!
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
Hodaya girl, stop telling everyone your life story.
AMEN! Bless you anon!
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
Bee had a really important gala for her job, how do you think it went?
Based on the conversation overheard, it seems like she was under alot of pressure. I’m sure it went better than she thought it did. 
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
Flynn should get one of those bald caps and pretend to have shaved his head just to see Zac's reaction.
Flynn, if you don’t heed these words and video tape Zacs reaction, we cannot be friends anymore. This would be comedy gold, I support this 100%
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
I always feel like Alexei and Zac have the weirdest friendship. They're best friends but they never do stuff together, like Julian and Zac are way closer!
My favorite friendship of Zacs has to be with Flynn, they just have more of an interesting relationship. Alexei is weird in general so no doubt their friendship would be weird and Julian and Zac seem to have a brothers vibe going on. 
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
So, someone told me that you’re a bitch #stirringthepot, Send in your gossip now!
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
besides the couples who do you want to see hook up?
I want to see
 Bee and Flynn
Jacob and Julian
Willow and Viola
I think they would make interesting pairs. Tell me who you would like to see together. 
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
I bet you Dakota and Zac will break up now that Zac's a father.
They probably will. My money is on Zac breaking up with Dakota because he’s really got the heart of an asshole when he wants. But then again, maybe Dakota will surprise us all and go for it first. 
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
I can't tell if Georgie is a bitchy person or a nice one.
Maybe shes a nice bitch, you know those kind of people exist too right? Shades of grey my dear. 
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
Who names their son 'Hopeful'?
Thats honestly the most ridiculous shit I’ve heard. I’m actually laugh-cringing. Maybe his parents were named graceful and thankful? 
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
what do you think of the girls here? i'm tired of all the talk of boys.
Alot of them need to get out there and do something gossip worthy so I can have actual opinions on them. I get my info throught what you all give me, so please, let me know what they’re all up to!
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
who would you like to see more of?
I want to see more of Bee, Nick and Viola around. I love my girls, man!
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
Anne-Marie should go straight for Sam. It would be hot - just sayin'.
Anne-Marie will have to fight me first. But- as much as I don’t like to admit it, it would be hot. They’re both too beautiful. 
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
I think Max has a little crush on Dax, I wonder what Grayson thinks about that!
Yes! A love triangle! Finally some kind of drama around here! Who cares about what Grayson might think about that, what I’m focused on is whos heart Dax is breaking. Keep me updated. 
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
We’re back motherfuckers! Drag your asses to our inbox and catch us up on all the latest gossip. Also, feel free to tell me how much you’ve missed me. Everyone gets some Logan Love today.
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avenuesgossip-blog · 7 years
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And we have a champion! Congratulations Zac and Dakota! You have won bragging rights as the ultimate ship at TAP! Whether you’re smooching in public or doing the dirty behind closed doors, everyone wants a piece of you! You break our hearts when things go wrong, only to lift them when things go right. We love to see you around, so whether you’re together or not be sure to share your feels and/or angst with us!
You have also won a romantic night for two. When you’re ready for your date prepare for a night of sights. Start with a private one hour helicopter ride around New York City at sunset. Follow up with dinner at National History museum, a three course meal* by the dinosaurs! The museum will be closed, meaning you get to see everything with no one will get in your way! As you leave you’ll be greeted with a limo which will be with you for the rest of the night. The driver will take you first to the Empire State Building for another glance of the city from above. When you’re ready to leave retire to a night at the Ritz.-Carlton in a Parkview Suite. Of course nothing is expected of a night together, you can simply order room survive and charge the bill to us - or you could do the dirty and tell us all about it!
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