averyvetrova · 11 years
You can definitely try, but I don't know if you'll succeed. I hear it really burns...and itches.
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Ugh, this coffee is cold...
Yeap, a Needle isn’t common. I will try my best to stay calm I guess?
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averyvetrova · 11 years
Defintely a bow. Big an red, possibly sparkly. Just to really show how beautiful it is.
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Well then good, we're on the same page here. You'll be known as Peasant until I feel like deeming you as otherwise.
Ugh, this coffee is cold...
Sounds intriguing. Like a puzzle, wrapped in a mystery with maybe a bow or something on top.
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Why Miss Stranger, we’re not yet on a first name basis. I would be insulted if you just called me Senor.
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averyvetrova · 11 years
You don't know what my other facets hold, though.
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If you think that's what I'll call you for short, think again, peasant.
Ugh, this coffee is cold...
That’s definitely less interesting, but possibly less dangerous.
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Sometimes, you just gotta be a Senor. 
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averyvetrova · 11 years
I don't have split personalities, I'm just one entity, with many different facets. 
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Alright, Senor Peasant, whatever floats your boat.
Ugh, this coffee is cold...
Oh, so you prefer to think about all your split personalities? 
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That’s Señor Peasant to you.
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averyvetrova · 11 years
Now that's a little worrying because at least a magnifying glass isn't out of the ordinary to have but a needle...fine, go ahead and say it like that but when it's the fire ants, lets see you stay this calm and collected.
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Ugh, this coffee is cold...
Well I wasn’t there but I suppose they caught a frog and injected the ink with a needle that they got from somewhere. I’ll ask them if I ever see them again. And yeah, yeah. Ants are evil little things. They take your food and bite.
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averyvetrova · 11 years
You never know how crazy a stranger can be, I just play it safe and think about me, myself, and I.
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The fanciest of the fancy, and don't you forget it, peasant.
Ugh, this coffee is cold...
You wouldn’t distract a someone for a stranger? Psh, rude.
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My apologies, Miss Stranger. So I am in the company of a fancy lady then?
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averyvetrova · 11 years
Injected ink into a frog? How did they do that? Now that's something I never did...and ants are evil, no matter whether or not I set them on fire.
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Ugh, this coffee is cold...
I never did that to be honest. But I knew people who used to inject ink into a frog, sounded a little bit like fun. And I’m glad you stopped doing it!
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averyvetrova · 11 years
I was a kid, we all do things like that. Besides, it's not like I do it anymore, right?
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Ugh, this coffee is cold...
Ok now that is creepy and gross! I’d never hurt poor animals, even if they are ants. Just coffee mugs.
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averyvetrova · 11 years
I didn't say that you would. Don't get me wrong, I use to be one of those cruel kids that set ants on fire with a magnifying glass...still don't know why I did it...
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Ugh, this coffee is cold...
It’s not like I will set the house on fire.
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averyvetrova · 11 years
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Hey, that's Miss. Stranger to you.
Ugh, this coffee is cold...
That’s true, I don’t.
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Gross. Well, have fun with that Stranger.
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averyvetrova · 11 years
If you're a pyromaniac, then I'm sure it will be fun for you.
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Ugh, this coffee is cold...
That sounds like a lot of fun to be honest! I’ll totally try this, totally. I think that’s worth it.
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averyvetrova · 11 years
Because you don't know me?
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...nah, that's more effort than it's worth. I'll stick with cold coffee.
Ugh, this coffee is cold...
Why not? 
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Flirt your way into getting a fresh one from the barista?
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averyvetrova · 11 years
You'd do that? But why?
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I'm gunna have to pass, though. Who knows what type of germs other people are putting in their coffee.
Ugh, this coffee is cold...
Is there anyone with a coffee nearby? I’ll distract them, then you switch your gross coffee with their not so gross coffee.
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averyvetrova · 11 years
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averyvetrova · 11 years
Why's that?
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Ugh, this coffee is cold...
… I think I’m gonna lay off the coffee for at least a month. 
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averyvetrova · 11 years
I--...well, that's the first time I've ever gotten those suggestions before.
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Ugh, this coffee is cold...
Put it in a blender and add a few blocks of ice and, voila, iced coffee! Add pepper and salt if you’re feeling adventurous. Or some green tea if you’re into that healthy shit.
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averyvetrova · 11 years
Well duh. But I paid for it, and I need the caffeine so I'm going to drink it.
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Ugh, this coffee is cold...
Sounds gross. 
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