avoidnll · 6 months
‘‘ ​ ... what's your deal with damien ? plannin' on stalkin' him for the rest of his life ? gettin' dirt on him so you can rat him out to the cops ? to use him for personal gain ? ’’ kayden's got hadley cornered against a brick wall, giving an intense stare that's void of any remorse. they're leaning uncomfortable close, both hands remaining in his jacket pockets. ‘‘ ​ don't think about givin' me that 'i love him' bullshit either, i'm not buyin' that for a second. you don't love him. ’’ ( from kayden !! )
@sacri1egious / Kayden .
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back pressed against a cold wall, his eyes stare widely into Kayden’s . they’re far too close to his face, probably able to easily see the TEARS forming . Hadley’s main pitfall — physically insensitive to even the harshest of lashes . but emotionally ? he was HURT so easy, brought to tears with every little prick .
and what could hurt more than THIS ? being accused of working against the person he’d gained such a deep affection for, being told he DIDN’T LOVE DAMIEN . long moments pass, and tears have already streaked down Hadley’s pale cheeks .
❝ but, I — ❞ he squeaks, shrinking into himself and appearing that much more meek . he can take physical hits like no one else can, and he’s never been useless in a fight . but how was he supposed to counter an attack on his heart like this ?
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❝ I would never do that to him . I don’t c - care what anyone offered, if someone wanted shit on him, I’d — I’d do EVERYTHING I could to keep that from happening . ❞ he had morals, but when it came to Damien, he’d let them fall away to make sure he’s SAFE .
❝ I do love him . I love him so much . s - so you’re just gonna have to fuckin’ live with it . I ain’t goin’ nowhere . ❞ and his brief boldness was replaced by a shuddering gasp and another timid look . ❝ … please . don’t — I love him . I love him … ❞
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avoidnll · 7 months
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❝ you realize my job is ILLEGAL, right ?? ❞ he knows he did not just get compared to a cop . the pepper spray would have stung less .
❝ and … uh, well, I can’t say exactly, but … I mighta accidentally got caught up with a fella who isn’t … my NORMAL clientele . ❞
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for the first time thus far he looks properly nervous, eyes following her as she moves .
❝ usually, I try to AVOID the crazies, but — anyway, i actually was hopin’ you’d catch me, cause now I have an EXCUSE to come back empty handed — would you be offended if I roughed myself up to sell it ? me backin’ out, that is . ❞ not that he usually backed down, but this circumstance was special .
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❝ fuckin' seriously ? A PI ?! ❞ this was just getting worse and worse, wasn't it. SHE'S ALREADY PARANOID ENOUGH AS IT IS.
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❝ you're just SLIMIER THAN A FRIGGIN' COP, aren'cha. ❞ she stands up, walks past him – hands in her pockets, in case she'd have to pull out the beforementioned spray and knife. ❝ you're wastin' MY FUCKING TIME. do you really expect me to chat it up with you so you can get your pocket full ?! ❞
❝ who even HIRED you ?! ❞
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avoidnll · 7 months
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hands coming up defensively, a nervous smile catches on his face . ❝ whoa, now, madam, I don’t mean ya any HARM . ❞
smoothly, he reaches into a pocket and produces a business card, simple in design . it’s offered to her, scribbled with an abbreviation of his name, along with ‘ PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR ‘ and a phone number .
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❝ this is how I make a LIVING, that’s all . I was hired, an’ I can’t exactly name names . but I WILL say that I haven’t gleamed much from ya . I don’t even know yer name, as it happens . ❞
❝ I do … apologize . I know that don’t mean nothin’ from me, but the last thing I want is anyone to end up hurt . ❞
@darkestaken / cont .
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SHOOT . he knew he should’ve hopped onto the fire escape before this point . ❝ aren’t you SMART as all get out ? ❞
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❝ I’m not at liberty ta explain — but I’m surely no stalker, madam . I do apologize for the tailin’, plumb IMPOLITE, that was . ❞
❝ Hadley Redmond . consider that piece’a information consolation fer the inconvenience . ❞ hopefully she’s not vengeful or something . giving out his name was definitely not smart in his line of work . but he was nothing if not a RISK TAKER .
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avoidnll · 7 months
@darkestaken / cont .
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SHOOT . he knew he should’ve hopped onto the fire escape before this point . ❝ aren’t you SMART as all get out ? ❞
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❝ I’m not at liberty ta explain — but I’m surely no stalker, madam . I do apologize for the tailin’, plumb IMPOLITE, that was . ❞
❝ Hadley Redmond . consider that piece’a information consolation fer the inconvenience . ❞ hopefully she’s not vengeful or something . giving out his name was definitely not smart in his line of work . but he was nothing if not a RISK TAKER .
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avoidnll · 7 months
@sacri1egious / starter call .
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his heart is thrumming in his ears, so loud it drowns out everything else . a constant CHANT for the one in front of him . Damien . Damien .
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❝ you … you know that I’m in love with you, right ? ❞ what was he saying ? he didn’t know . it was TRUE .
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avoidnll · 7 months
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// sorry for the delay on starters and such, have this hadleycore image as consolation
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avoidnll · 7 months
@hivemuse / tim : starter call .
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❝ AHH - !! wha — LAND SAKES, Robbie, someone should put’a BELL on you !! ❞
startled, hadley held up his hands defensively, and rightfully so, as he was DEFINITELY not supposed to be here .
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❝ I know this LOOKS BAD, but — I ain’t snoopin’ on ya for anybody, I swear ! I was just … curious ! ❞ he’s telling the truth, but the massive amount of nerves he’s experiencing makes it hard to tell.
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avoidnll · 7 months
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indie fandomless oc . 18 + . selective & private . written by powder / jinx ( they / them, 21+ ) .
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avoidnll · 7 months
// want to get back to writing Hadley, so like for a starter !
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avoidnll · 7 months
“ am i not good enough? ”  
“ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ”  
“ why did you help me? ”  
“ who do you fight for? ”  
“ why do you hate me? ”  
“ have you come to laugh at me in my miserable state? ”  
“ you’re not dating anyone, are you? ”  
“ i’ve got your back, okay? ”  
“ where do you think you’re going? ”  
“ how long have i been asleep? ”  
“ are you going to kill me? ”  
“ why can’t i come with you? ”  
“ we all have secrets, don’t we? ”  
“ did you want to be alone? ”  
“ why should i trust you? ”  
“ wait. did you hear that? ”  
“ promise me? ”  
“ why are you talking like we’ll never see each other again? ”  
“ do you remember anything at all? ”  
“ what? no witty remark? nothing clever to say? ”  
“ you wanna know what your problem is? ”  
“ may i have this dance? ”  
“ can i ask… what happened? ”  
“ how many people have you killed? how many? ”  
“ do you ever hear yourself? ”  
“ would you run away with me? ”  
“ could you be happy here with me? ”  
“ you can’t or you won’t? ”  
“ you slept with them, didn’t you? ”  
“ well, how do i look? ”  
“ after all you’ve done how can i possibly trust you? ”  
“ why can’t you let me in? what are you so afraid of? ”  
“ what did they do to you? ”  
“ so why’s it so important anyway? ”  
“ where have you been? ”  
“ why are you looking at me like that? ”  
“ why did you come? ”  
“ what are you doing out here by yourself? ”  
“ is… that my shirt you’re wearing? ”  
“ you… don’t like me very much, do you? ”  
“ why does it always have to be a fight with you? ”
“ why can’t you look me in the eye? ”  
“ can you forgive me? ”  
“ what if i never see you again? ”  
“ you were going to leave without saying goodbye? ”  
“ how about a little midnight snack? ”  
“ are you… smelling me? ”  
“ how did you get this scar? ”  
“ what do you want in exchange for it? ”  
“ what did you want to tell me? ”  
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avoidnll · 7 months
// Hadley core
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avoidnll · 7 months
❝ I was born at night, but not LAST NIGHT . ❞
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he sits next to them . ❝ I know how easy it is to accidentally hurt yer own body cause’a not takin’ CARE of it . now, I ain’t tryin’ to pry, but is there somethin’ I can fetch ya while ya take your sand nap ? ❞
they sit up. Their bones creak as they do. They’ve got sand in their hair, and on their clothes.
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They understood maybe thirty percent of those words. Ree exhales slowly.
“I’m fine.”
(It hurts)
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avoidnll · 7 months
// you’ve heard of incomprehensible British now get ready for incomprehensible southern
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avoidnll · 7 months
he blinks, still looking at them with what vaguely looks like concern . ❝ I don’t mean ta interrupt if you’re fixin’ to spend the rest of your day inhalin’ dust … ❞
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his accent is approaching indecipherable . ❝ but I wanted to make sure ya weren’t climbin’ the golden staircase, if ya know what I MEAN . what’s got ya so downtrodden ? ❞
who the fuck is this clown…
Ree glares up at the stranger, looking as annoyed as somebody can.
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“what do you want.”
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avoidnll · 7 months
leans over them . stares .
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❝ you’re not DEAD, are ya ? blink twice if you’re dead . ❞
they’ve been laying facedown on the floor for a while.
seems like somebody’s been pushing their body too hard and it’s coming to bite them in the ass.
take pity on them …
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avoidnll · 7 months
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❝ imagine NOT KNOWING what cattywampus means . ❞
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avoidnll · 7 months
❝ oh, no disrespect taken ! ❞
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❝ cattywumpus, ya know, when somethin’s CRAZIER than a betsy bug ! a hullabaloo, a kerfuffle !! ❞
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" i don't mean any disrespect to you, but what the hell does a cattywampus mean ?? " she's completely boggled, trying to wrap her head around it. catty wampus. whomp whomp ??
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