awc-fixit · 1 day
i thindk ilkl make avos a trilogy (a LONG 1 @ dat)
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awc-fixit · 12 days
reasonz: changing skies iz literally asc & tbc..... except it might take a tnp approach ?? & i want new storylines 4 deez guys !!
2. MOONPAW IZ INBRED !!! yea, & im not joking !! her parents r FIRST-COUSINS !!! I'm planning 2 change her parents if dis poll is finished ^_^ (i might keep bayshine?? bcuz thriftear iz aroace in my rewrite)
3. w/ all da ableism in da past few arcs.... ye im worried da erinz might approach leafstarz bad vision VERY poorly <:p
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awc-fixit · 25 days
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awc-fixit · 25 days
Sometimes I think about how SkyClan eats earthworms in my rewrite
like. imagine ur on patrol, by the SkyClan border, and you spot some guy picking worms from the ground and slurping them up
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awc-fixit · 2 months
AWC: Prey (LT)
In the world of clan-life, cats need food; and the only way they can provide for their clanmates is by hunting down small animals.
In my rewrite, the clans have different unique ways of hunting, and they also have prey exclusive to their clan only. The only way to get clan-exclusive prey is by trading.
In here, I will be listing off all the different kinds of prey in the lake territories! A list for the forest territories will be made soon !! ^^
1. Hares
2. Rabbits
3. Moor Grouse
4. Curlew
5. Lapwing
6. Voles
7. Mice
8. Adders & Lizards
1. Frogs, toads, etc. etc. Basically any amphibian that isn't poisonous to cats.
2. Squirrels
3. Rats (rats aren't actually unhealthy; the ones from the forest territories are though, considering they mostly live in the carrionplace)
4. Grubs (ShadowClan cats aren't picky-eaters.)
5. Dead predators (ShadowClan cats aren't picky eaters.)
6. Lizards
7. Snakes & Adders
8. Turtles (rarely)
9. Snails (rarely; since they taste bad)
1. Mice
2. Squirrels
3. Woodpeckers, Cardinals, Sparrows, Swallows, Robin, etc.
4. Cardinals
5. Chipmunks
6. Bats
7. Mallard ducks
1. Frogs
2. Carp, trout, salmon, perch, pike, and minnows.
3. Squirrels
4. Water voles
5. Mice
6. Turtles
7. Ducks
8. Lapwings & Plovers
9. Shrews (as well as Water shrews)
SkyClan (trees)
1. Squirrels
2. Chipmunks
3. Woodpeckers
4. Cardinals
5. Sparrows
6. Crows
7. Robins
8. Bats (rarely)
9. Finches
10. Wood thrush
11. Swallows
12. Eggs
SkyClan (ground)
1. Mice
2. Squirrels
3. Grubs
4. Weasels
5. Earthworms
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awc-fixit · 2 months
yknow i never noticed the sheer rareness of images having ids or alt text on this website until i started adding alt text to my art (and trying to remember to add it to any images i post in general, especially text screenshots) and that makes me kinda sad
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awc-fixit · 2 months
hm. I might rewrite in chronological order so I can get the timeline right
I'm not really sure though!! this doesn't mean I will be talking extensively about DOtC, I will still talk about my plans for tpb, tnp, pot, etc etc.
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awc-fixit · 2 months
Hi! my name is Aaron (he/him, trans guy) and I like kitty cats!
What I don't like is Warrior Cats.
I'm a self-diagnosed autistic and I have social anxiety !! so don't get angry if I uh. ignore you out of fear
My favorite characters are; Shadowsight (THE MAIN ONE. THIS IS WHO I THIBK ABOUT WHEN I HEAR WARRIOR CATS.), Needletail, Squirrelflight, Monkeystar, Needleclaw, Spotfur, Brightheart, Breezepelt, Sparkpelt, etc.
MAIN: @spidernolr
ASC REWRITE BLOG: @asc-rewrite
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(this is my sona. their name is Fern and they use they/them prns)
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