Candy Cane Mountains in Azerbaijan look like the candies of caramel and milk. Exploring these amazing mountains will thrill your adventure spirit to a limitless extent.
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Cemitério de Navios contains more than 50 damaged and derelict ships. This spot likes a horrifying interesting movie in Hollywood.
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Centre Termolúdic Caldea is considered the best place to relieve in. This center has many sections for all people from all walks of life.
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Dilmun Burial Mounds is where thousands of dead people in Bahrain are buried.
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Garni Gorge is one of the natural sights in Armenia, where it reflects the quietness of nature.
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Jolly Beach is a picturesque beach that reaches one mile in length. It is covered in velvet white sand near the warm, serene water.
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Lake Hillier, a piece of pink gum on the ground that captivates its visitors. With a little sand and the ocean on the southern side, the visiting experience is worth it.
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Panam Nagar was home to a flourishing community of Hindu traders in Heyday.
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The Animal flower cave is one of the strangest caves in the world. It has a variety of strange sounds and landscapes that both rush the adrenaline in your blood and get you excited at the same time.
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Tassili n'Ajjer is a region in the south of Algeria where prehistoric rock paintings and engravings were discovered for the first time in 1910, then in the 1930s and 60s.
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Bamiyan Buddhas is a religious place related to Buddhism in Afghanistan. The place still keeps its brightness.
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Meroe Pyramids situated in the orange desert of Sudan
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Hwaam Cave is a kind of mining museum and caving experience that doesn't fear adding a bunch of cartoon goblins to keep things fascinating.
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Its lowland forests include a great diversity of plant life, animals, and birds. It is considered the purest form of life.
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Casa Batlló, From the façade, it seems as if it is made of human skulls and bones, but the fact is much amazing.
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The Memorial statue of Yuri Gagarin is dedicated to Yuri Gagarin, the world's first astronaut.
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Wawel Dragon's Den is a cave full of myths and tales, forming natural and artistic shapes of rocks.
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