awes-em-blog1 · 5 years
“I bet you twenty bucks she won’t wake up for two more weeks!”
“We shouldn’t be making bets on our comatose friend Jared,”
“Aw, ‘cmon! She wouldn’t mind,”
At first I thought I was dreaming and started to slip back into unconsciousness, but something didn’t feel right. What did they mean she won’t wake up? I tried to force myself awake. It was like swimming through tar. Finally I felt like I had broken the surface. I stretched my arm and heard a gasp.
“She’s alive!” breathed a feminine voice very close to me. I opened my eyes and saw who I could only assume were Jared and Jamie, the twins I vaguely remembered.
“Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,” I groaned.
“Someone get her some water! She hasn’t had anything to drink in a week!” called Jared. He looked at me and for a second everything clicked, but then I lost it all again.
“I’ve been awake for a whole five minutes and I’m already frustrated,” I said to Jared. He smirked.
“That sounds just like you,” He said. He must’ve seen the hurt in my face because he quickly elaborated, “In the best way possible, you’re always so determined to learn everything quickly. Relax!”
“Here’s water for Miss Estelle,” said a young girl as she brought me a drink. A doctor came in and everything was a blur.
“Um, guys, my vision is blurry an-an-and I think this must be a side effect of being in a-a-a coma,” I said. The last thing I saw was the bright hospital lights and then I was out.
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awes-em-blog1 · 5 years
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Who Am I? (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/J0LGxynUOU  
Heyyy it’s me! You don’t even know me and you’ve never read my work. It would be crazy of me to ask you to check out my story I’m working on! It’s a good thing I'm a little crazy! (please excuse the crappy cover image, I was in a rush to get my work out there!)
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