awitcheskitchen · 8 years
50 Simple Charms
Basil at the door, windows, or scattered in the home will increase money.
Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to keep evil from your dwelling.
Eat a pinch of Thyme before bed, and you will have sweet dreams.
Place chips of Cedar wood in a box with some coins to draw money to you.
Carry an Anemone Flower with you to ward against illness.
Hang a bit of Seaweed in the kitchen to ward evil spirits.
Keep a jar of Alfalfa in your cupboards to ensure the prosperity of your house.
Burn Allspice as an incense to draw money or luck to you, as well as speed healing.
Cut an Apple in half, and give one half to your love to ensure a prosperous relationship.
Carry an Avocado pit with you to let your inner beauty shine outwardly. Avocado is also an aphrodisiac.
Strawberries are an aphrodisiac.
Place a piece of cotton in your sugar bowl to draw good luck to your house.
Celery is an aphrodisiac.
Place Almonds in your pocket when you need to find something.
Scatter Chili Peppers around your house to break a curse.
Carrying a packet of strawberry leaves will help ease the pains of pregnancy.
Scatter some sugar to purify a room.
Throw rice into the air to make rain.
Carry a potato in your pocket or purse all winter to ward against colds.
Eat five almonds before consuming alcohol, to lighten the effects of intoxication.
Place a pine branch above your bed to keep illness away.
Chew celery seeds to help you concentrate.
Carry of chunk of dry pineapple in a bag to draw luck to you.
Ask an orange a yes or no question before you eat it, then count the seeds: if the seeds are an even number, the answer is no. If an odd number, yes.
Eat olives to ensure fertility.
Toss Oats out your back door to ensure that your garden or crop will be bountiful.
Eat mustard seed to ensure fertility.
Place Lilacs around your house to rid yourself of unwanted spirits.
Eat Lettuce to drive lustful thoughts from your mind.
Rub a Lettuce leaf over your forehead to help you sleep.
Add Lemon juice to your bathwater for purification.
Eat grapes to increase psychic powers.
Carry a blade of grass to increase your psychic powers.
Smell Dill to get rid of hiccups.
If you place a Dill sachet over your door, those who wish you ill can not enter your home.
Place cotton on an aching tooth, and the pain will ease.
Burn cotton to cause rain.
Place pepper inside a piece of cotton and sew it shut to make a charm to bring back a lost love.
Carry a small onion to protect against venomous animals.
Eat grapes to increase fertility.
Place a sliced onion in the room of an ill person do draw out the sickness.
Place an onion underneath your pillow to have prophetic dreams.
Place morning glory seeds under your bed to cure nightmares.
Walk through the branches of a maple tree to ensure that you will have a long life.
Mix salt and pepper together and scatter it around your house to dispel evil.
Smell Lavender to help you sleep.  (Lavender makes me fall asleep so fast).
Hang a pea pod containing nine peas above the door to draw your future mate to you.
Eat a peach to assist in making a tough decision.
Carry peach wood to lengthen your lifespan.
Carry a walnut to strengthen your heart muscle.
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
number one thing i learned from witchcraft:
every seemingly useless thing has an entire universe of potential in it
and therefor so do i
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
Might you have something that would help me in my quest to find a apartment/house/general space to live in? I'm transferring to a new college next term and have to live off campus so I'm doing anything that might help boost my chances. (I tried looking through your grimoire page, but the text was hard for me to read). Any help would be much appreciated!
Heya! You can always try an attraction/seeking spell. Write all of the qualities you are looking for in a new place on a piece of paper, and that you wish to find this place. Fold the paper in half and place a hair inside. Burn it and keep the ashes. Go  outside, preferably on a windy day, and blow the ashes off your palm, visualising yourself blowing your energy out into the world to find the perfect place.
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
💎 Amethyst Home Spell 💎
inspired by steven universe, a spell to make things feel like home.  
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“I… don’t… care! I’m not gonna let you stand there and remind me of everything I hate about myself! I never asked for it to be this way. I never asked to be made.”
💎 gather: amethyst, basil, sea salt, and thistle.
💎 sprinkle the windows with sea salt
💎 hand a braid of thistle and basil above you door
💎 place the amethyst under or above your bed. 
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
Witch tips
1. Use oats in a sock when you bath for soft skin 2. Epsom salts in your bath with some lavender flowers and essential oils makes for a relaxing detox bath throw in some candles meditation music and a few amethysts and it’s lovely 3. Use witch hazel to calm pimples and help with cuts or burns 4. Rose water and witch hazel can be used as a face mist for moisturising and getting rid of spots 5. Use honey and sherry to help a sore throat and cough whiskey works too 6. Honey and sugar makes a great lip scrub 7. For am extreme moisture mask pack some wer oats on your face and let it dry then rinse and pat dry 8. Drink green tea with mint for concentration and detox 9. Bring equal amounts grapefruit juice and sugar to a simmer to make a wonderful syrup to mix in tea for iced tea or with plain water for a lovely detoxing drink 10. If you’re a shy person keep a green ribbon or charm with you when you go out for confidence 11. Study with a peppermint smell near you then when the time comes to use that knowledge suck on a peppermint this jogs the memory
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
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A witch on the go - Part 1
Part 2
In about three weeks I will be moving to Italy for an entire year, so I decided to create a travel size and friendly witch kit. As I’ve got limited bagage space, I’m only bringing my absolute essentials, as pictured above. The tin box is even small enough to fit in your purse; perfect for witches on-the-go like me. If you would like to see a bigger version version of my travel kit, check out Part 2.
Things I’ve brought;
A tiny collection of herbs (rosemary, pine needles and lavender)
Two pieces of paper, and a small pen
My citrine pendulum
Three white birthday candles, and a candle holder
This is in no way a mandatory set of materials, it it my personal favourites and most used tools in my craft. Bring whatever you feel most comfortable with, no matter if it’s a pen and paper, a deck of tarot cards or all the crystals you own. 
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
Witch Tip
Just do it.
It’s not even a joke.
Wanna learn about Tarot Cards?
Go for it, just start.
Same thing. Just go for it don’t let anything stop you.
People who have been using these tools for years still have to look at their notes.
People who have been reading Tarot cards for 30+ years still look at a spread and go “What the fuck does that mean?!?”
Sometimes you’re gonna feel like your making shit up as you go
and you will be
cuz we all are tbh
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
As a novice witch, I was wondering if you had any tips/ suggestions for me that might help get me more into the learning process. Book suggestions would be fantastic! Thank you.
Hello! Hm, some tips eh? I’m gonna give you the same schpeal I give to all new witches (copied from my old blog but meh).
I really think one should take the time to figure out what witchcraft is all about - what it offers, what it doesn’t, and the benefits and disadvantages of being a practicing magic user. Not only that, but think about what interests you about witchcraft - why you want to practice, what really drew you in to the craft, what you wish to do with magic, things you like about it, and even things you don’t. Do you have any expectations? Is there an end goal, something you ultimately want to achieve from magic? Do you want to be a magic user just for a certain amount of time, or indefinitely? Figuring out these things should help round out your practice and give you a bit of a path (heheh) to follow and explore.
There is never enough research. Really. You are most likely going to be studying and learning through your whole magical journey. I still am; I learn something new every day, and I love it. As a knowledge leech I love that part of witchcraft - spending hours reading up on various things makes me so happy. (Hey, no one said it was easy. :p) [This post] actually sums it up beautifully.
With the tons of research that comes with studying witchcraft, it will be good to keep a notebook (or grimoire / Book of Shadows) to store all your findings in. Write down spells, references, correspondences, rituals (if you plan to use them)… anything you think you’ll need to know or want to know when it comes to practicing your craft. I keep my blog for this purpose, though without internet it’s kind of hard to access at all times, so I have a physical book as well. And it doesn’t have to be any fancy leather bound anything - I have spiral notebooks and an obnoxious orange binder. xD
Don’t be worried if you can’t practice every single day. Maybe you can, and that’s awesome; maybe you can only work up the energy or privacy to perform spells once a week, or once a month, and that is completely valid. I only really use magic when I need it, and that’s fine too. Don’t beat yourself up for missing the moon phases or sabbats or what have you. It happens - I have missed every sabbat since I started practicing, and the only stuff I do on the full moon is cleansing my tarot deck or crystals (and I still forgot to do that yesterday, oop). We all have lives outside of witchcraft, and it’s important to maintain the rest of your life and other interests as well. As awesome as witchcraft is, don’t let it absorb you. The point of this was supposed to be, don’t feel bad for not going 150% with witchcraft all the time, but also know when it’s time to not practice witchcraft and engage in other areas of your life.
When it comes to supplies, particularly herb related, the grocery store is more than fine. Like, 90% of my herbs have come from there, either dried or fresh. It’s still the same herb, same genus, same biological build - it will work. The whole “witchcraft is ALWAYS organic” stuff that I’ve seen floating around is bunk. Like, if that’s what you want, and what you can do, awesome, but it certainly isn’t the only thing that will work, nor should you feel bound to comply with someone else’s ideology. Get what you can afford or find, and don’t spend so much time stressing about the rest of it.
Honestly, even if you *can’t* afford physical ingredients for spells, it’s no big deal. Witchcraft is about your intent and your energies, and how you work with them and manipulate them to bring about a desired effect. Spell components like herbs and crystals and all that are just bolsters to what’s really important - your desire to induce a certain outcome. They have uses, yes, and they help, yes, but they’re not all important, mostly just boosts for your own energies. You can be a successful witch without all the fancy herbs or rare crystals.
It’s okay if you stick to pre-written spells by other people. Some people don’t have the energy, or the full knowledge, to yet write their own spells, and that’s perfectly fine. There’s nothing wrong with referencing another witch’s work. (Though, when you can, learning to write your own spells and using them is an amazing skill to have. I used to suck at / hate spellwriting - now I try to do it as much as I can, and it’s super beneficial to personalizing your craft which is important too.)
That being said, you also shouldn’t feel tied down to what is written. Experimentation is encouraged, to help personalize things to you. If you’re looking at a spell and think, “Hmm based off what I know, I want to try this herb instead,” totally go for it. Give it a go, and write down your results. Personal associations for objects in spellcraft are JUST AS powerful, if not more so in some ways.
When I said “comply with someone else’s ideology,” I meant that, if someone has one way of doing things, and you don’t agree with it, that’s fine. If you do agree with it, though, that’s cool too. If you do things differently than someone else, it doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong either. Definitely feel free to form your own opinions and experiences. Personalizing your craft to suit YOU and YOUR NEEDS is actually pretty important, and can have a big impact on your magic. If your magic is more suited to you, it is more likely to work for you.
Believe in yourself. I’m not kidding. It’s so corny and cliche, but your magic will be so much more powerful if you have confidence in it and in yourself. Feel empowered by the awesomeness of being a witch and working with spells.
For book suggestions, @natural-magics​ compiled some [books and resources], which is a good place to start. @windvexer also has a list of [a few recommended witchcraft books]. @visardistofelphame​ has a post of [witchcraft resources galore] too. Here is some more [recommended reading]. There is also this post about how to tell if [your book on witchcraft is bullshit], which will likely be of great use when reading as a beginner. Most of my knowledge has been gathered from Tumblr or other various internet resources; I can’t afford a lot of books right now, so I’ve never really read any, and can’t recommend any personally.
Also, here are a lot of links to other resources that you may find use for:
[Accumulating Witch Stuff on a Budget]
[Advice for Navigating the Witchcraft / Pagan Community] (an ask)
[Becoming a Witch] (an ask)
[Beginner Witchcraft]
[Beginner Witchcraft Resources Masterpost]
[For a Beginner] (an ask)
[Frequently Asked Questions]
[Getting Started]
[Guide to Witching]
[How Do You Even Begin?]
[How to Do Witchcraft Research for Newbies]
[“I’m Interested in Witchcraft, Where Do I Start?”]
[Introduction to Magic]
[Limited Witchcraft Masterpost]
[Magic on a Budget]
[Masterpost of Masterposts]
[Miss Mango’s Secular Witchcraft Tumblr Resource Masterpost]
[The Newbie Witch - What Others Often Don’t Tell You About Beginning the Practice]
[So…You Wanna Be a Witch?]
[St.’s Short and Sweet Guide to (Not Asking Her) How to Get Started in Witchcraft and Magic]
[Subtle Magical Practice]
[Theory and Practice] (a masterpost)
[Tips for Beginner Witches] (an ask)
[Tips for Beginners] (an ask)
[Tips for Extremely New Witches] (an ask)
[Tips For Those Who Are Considering Witchcraft]
[Top Witch Tips]
[Ultimate Witchy Masterpost of Masterposts]
[Welcome to Witchcraft - A Post for Beginners]
[“Where Do I Start?”]
[Windvexer’s Basics]
[Witchcraft 101]
[Witchcraft 101]
[Witchling Tips]
[Witchtips’ Rebloggable “Frequently Asked Questions” - Part I]
I really hope that answers your question and gives you what you need. Good luck on your path! :D
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
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I was commissioned to draw cute modern day witches :”>
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awitcheskitchen · 8 years
a tiny emoji spell to cleanse and protect one’s blog from negativity.
a like charges it, a reblog casts it, the more notes the stronger it is for the community. ☄
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awitcheskitchen · 9 years
Cleansing Spray
Let’s face it. Not everyone likes to burn a bundle of herbs to clear there space. There’s the hassle of trying to avoid burning yourself with your cheap lighter, you get ashes and embers everywhere, and, well, not everyone likes the pungent smell of burning sage or rosemary or whatever.
I know there’s plenty of posts going around saying you can just use water and salt to cleanse your space, and yeah, that’s totally true!! It’ll work just fine, but sometimes you just want something with a little more punch.
Which is why I created this spray What you’ll need:
Purified water (for the base of the spray)
A little rain water (for cleansing properties)
Rosemary (for cleansing, protection)
Sage (for cleansing)
Peppermint (for energy, prosperity, abundance)
Lavender (for stress relief, peace)
Salt (whatever kind you have will work)
Essential oil (whatever you want)
A colander or something to strain the water with
A pot
A stove to boil the water and herb mixture
An empty, clean spray bottle
What to do:
Begin by prepping your area. I made sure I had all of my ingredients laid out, turned on some relaxing music, and lit my working candle. Prepare your herbs by washing them and gently patting them dry if they’re fresh. If they’re not fresh, measure out how much you need. 
Place the pot on the stove and turn the heat up to medium-high. Add your purified water and a splash of rain water. You only need enough to fill your bottle. I started off by adding some Himalayan pink salt (I associate it with love and protection). You don’t want to add too much salt if you plan on using this mixture to put on your walls or furniture. Add each herb into the mixture and bring to a boil. 
While the heat is rising and the energy in the water is increasing, focus on your intent and charge the water. Once it begins to boil, take it off of the heat and let steep until the water is cool. At this point, I stood over the mixture and stirred in some of my personal power symbols. If you don’t have any of those or a sigil you’d like to use, simply stir clockwise to promote good feelings or counter-clockwise to banish negativity. It’s totally whatever you prefer. 
Once it’s cooled down, strain the water and add to your bottle. You want to make sure it’s nice and cool so you don’t warp the plastic or let the plastic seep into the water. Now you can add a couple drops of your favorite essential oil and you’re done!
How to use:
For a quick cleansing effect, simply spray the area that needs cleansing and notice an immediate boost in the energy around you. Need to strengthen your wards? Spray this on your doors and windows and visualize it coating the entire surface, creating a barrier between your home and outside surfaces.
Spray this in your carpet before vacuuming to get rid of whatever might be sticking in those pesky fibers!
The possibilities are endless!!
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awitcheskitchen · 9 years
Magickal Uses of Red Clover
Planetary Association:Mercury 
Elemental Association Air
Deity Association: Rowen
Magickal Uses: include fidelity, love, money, protection, and the blessing of domestic animals. Carry to aid in financial arrangements. Sprinkle around the home to remove negative spirits.
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awitcheskitchen · 9 years
Herb of the Day-Red Clover
Clover Cow Clover Meadow Clover Purple Clover Red Clover The plant called the red clover is a species of old world plant originally found native in parts of Europe, in some areas of northern Africa, as well as in some areas of central Asia. It is a familiar plant species in these parts. Nowadays, the red clover is also cultivated in the Americas and in Australia for pasturage and as a rotation crop. The red clover is in a symbiotic relationship with bacteria present in the root nodules, thus the plant is capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen into the soil, and this enhances the quality of the soil in which it is grown - the primary reason for its use as a rotation crop. Traditionally, a rare four leaf red clover specimen is believed to bring good luck and children in America love hunting through a patch of red clover for such rare four leaf specimens of the plant. Folk and herbal medicine makes use of the dried red clover flowers in the treatment of different disorders. An expectorant action is attributed to the blossoms of the red clover; disorders such as bronchitis and asthma are treated using the dried flowers. A topical herbal remedy is also made using the red clover, this remedy is believed to speed up the process of healing in wounds and other external injuries, red clover is also used in the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis and other external conditions. The traditional use of the red clover in gaining relief from menopausal symptoms what is generating current interest in the plant. The red clover has high phytoestrogen content, and browsing animals such as cattle and sheep grazing exclusively or heavily on the red clover often tend to develop fertility problems of all kinds.
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awitcheskitchen · 9 years
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