awitchsheartif · 4 months
is it wilbur soot? 🧍‍♂️
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awitchsheartif · 4 months
Just found out the lead singer of a band I like is a twitch streamer
my day has been ruined
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awitchsheartif · 5 months
Credit to u/ishnuporah you're a madman
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awitchsheartif · 5 months
Idk where else to say this, but the most supportive online community I've ever been a part of is the bass guitar community.
Genuinely the most helpful, willing to share, enthusiastic and adverse to mocking beginners or mistakes group of online lads ever.
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awitchsheartif · 5 months
There is something so funny to me about the phrase "mild euphoria".
Usually seen in symptoms lists or drug effects, the idea of a "mild" version of pure bliss and perfection and happiness and contentness. Wildly free and beyond joy, but mildly.
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
Hello, can we get a few facts about the ROs? ☺️
One year younger than the main character.
Youngest child complex + favourite child complex combined with being illegitimate, Court thrives on positive attention, but negative attention will do if they can't get the good stuff.
Definitely not jealous of the main character. Why would they be? Who told you that?
She loves plants. Not surprising since she works as a healer, but she has a fondness for pretty flowers and flora from far off places.
She hates the city. The crowds, the people, all the cars. But, unfortunately, family comes first.
She finds the thrill of the chase oddly exciting. If the MC can catch her first it's... captivating.
He will know about the main character before they know about him.
Very judgmental about fashion sense and taste.
He started his current 'job' out of necessity, but found it to be both lucrative and potentially exciting.
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
What do the ROs look like just over all?
Tumblr media
Court: They have a surprisingly athletic figure hidden under their clothes, with dark olive skin that's unblemished and uncalloused. The confidence in their walk makes them seem taller than they really are, rarely faltering to show any insecurity.
Their black hair has a slight wave, which they've styled to frame their face and their eyes are a neutral sandy brown. Each of the many smiles on their angular face is purposefully calculated. M!Court keeps their facial hair very short and neatly trimmed, just barely past stubble level. They dress well and in neutral tones.
Harrow: A thin man with pale freckled skin that's prone to burning and a stern face which hides a mischievous smile that he's adept at using to get what he wants. His hair is reddish-brown and his eyes are caramel brown. His usual wardrobe consists of colourful scarves and leather coats.
Killian: Strong from helping out at his mother's workplace, and from spending his days sneaking into places he shouldn't be. His eyes are a piercing icy blue against his tawny skin and his hair is dark brown, with a red highlight in the sunlight.
Lily: Lily is tall and long-legged, with a curvy figure and thick limbs, when she walks she's somewhat clumsy and unaware of her body. Pale though prone to a light tan she has light freckles and messy strawberry blonde hair, usually tied back or worn in a plait. Her face is sharp and her amber eyes gleam with curiosity and a hidden hunger. She rarely feels the cold, preferring comfortable clothes that don't stifle her.
Robin: His veins protrude from his slender body, and his skin is almost always cold to the touch. It's hard to tell where his black eyes are looking.
You rarely see him wear the same outfit twice. His preferred style is colourful and heavily accessorised, though when working his clothes are rather drab. His hair is long, black, and straight, either worn loose or tied back with little fanfare.
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
ROs heights?
RO Heights: All approximate
Court (Yousra/Youcef): 5'2 / 5'9 (Slightly shorter than average and not happy about it)
Lily: 5'7 (Tal)
Robin: 5'11 (Average, though he dresses in a way that makes him seem taller)
▮▮▮: 6'3 (Very tall)
Non-RO heights:
Harrow: 5'10 (Average. He's unassuming until he doesn't want to be.)
Killian: 5'8 (Tall for his age and still growing.)
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
Main cast's MBTI types?
Court: INTJ
Simeon: ENFJ
Killian: ESTP
Lily: INFP
Robin: ESFP
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
Lillias Short
The moon was full and Lillias was tired. She’d had just about enough of cleaning up after her families’ petty disagreements. Now was finally time to relax. She kicked off her shoes in the dingy little hotel room and sank into the bed.
The man at the desk had asked a few too many questions about what an unmarried woman was doing all alone, and she’d soon discovered that the city was warmer at night than she’d expected. Better too warm than too cold, she supposed.
It wasn’t until she was half undressed and at a good point in her book that she felt it. A disturbance that gave her goosebumps, shaking her heart and taking her breath away.
Magic was a tricky thing to pin down, easily confused for another sensation, but this was undeniable.
With fear and curiosity mixed together Lillias shot up and slung on her coat. She was improperly dressed, and her shoes cut up her feet without socks, but she needed to move before she lost track of the source.
Like a bloodhound she weaved through the unfamiliar streets, pedestrians cursed her as she barged through them.
She was exhausted by the time she found it, or rather him. Tucked away in the industrial district and covered in someone else’s blood.
The boy looked up, wide eyed, mouth open, and eyes glowing an uneasy amber. Two bodies next to him, one living and one dead.
“I didn’t mean too.” He whispered. A lie, even if he didn’t know it.
She knelt down.
“I know, I know.” Another lie. “What happened?”
He couldn’t speak, just wheeze and gasp.
“You need to calm down.” She whispered, she needed to stop his damn eyes from glowing before someone saw. She gripped his arm. “Look it’s okay. I know what you are, I am too.”
She allowed her own eyes to glow, delicate light dancing up and down her arm. A breath caught on the boy’s throat.
“Oi! Get away from him!”
With the unwelcome interruption Lillias turned, cursing under her breath as she did the only thing she could. Run away.
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
Taking someone's cigarette out of their mouth: Multiple meanings - used a lot in media to convey control, power play, very masculine, I'm your boss and this is mine now, get over it. Mildly flirty, look at me, all in your space and shit, seductive. You're not allowed to smoke, because I say so.
Putting the cigarette back in their mouth afterwards: Ground-breaking. Would be less erotic to just fuck honestly. Who does this?
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
Hello, can we get a few facts about the ROs? ☺️
One year younger than the main character.
Youngest child complex + favourite child complex combined with being illegitimate, Court thrives on positive attention, but negative attention will do if they can't get the good stuff.
Definitely not jealous of the main character. Why would they be? Who told you that?
She loves plants. Not surprising since she works as a healer, but she has a fondness for pretty flowers and flora from far off places.
She hates the city. The crowds, the people, all the cars. But, unfortunately, family comes first.
She finds the thrill of the chase oddly exciting. If the MC can catch her first it's... captivating.
He will know about the main character before they know about him.
Very judgmental about fashion sense and taste.
He started his current 'job' out of necessity, but found it to be both lucrative and potentially exciting.
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
Killian our baby now, how old is he? does he need mc to punch someone? info about our son, please!!!
I feel like people might be imagining him as younger than I envisioned him. Killian is 14ish. Old enough to be self sufficient yet inexperienced, impulsive, and young enough for a MC in their mid-to-late 20s to look at and say "why is this child here?"
When we first meet Killian, he's... a little bit tied up with the law and in a volatile position.
Born in a rural mining town, his small family moved to the city when he was young. He grew up as an only child, with a somewhat absent mother.
He's usually capable of throwing his own punches, but when the threats start getting more serious he'll appreciate someone willing to get their hands dirty on his behalf.
He's tall, lanky, and stronger than he looks, which helps when he gets himself into trouble (which is often). Prone to speaking without thinking he can come across as callous and unintelligent, which works to cover up the fact he's actually quite astute (even if he doesn't believe it himself). Spending his whole life covering up his magical secret has made him very adept at lying.
Also, he has a small "rock" collection that consists of both normal minerals and gems he's "liberated". Shiny things are cool.
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
The Meeting (Robin Short)
Robin took a drag of his cigarette. A deep inhale that had little effect on his overall mood.
His client was early. A short old man with dusty blond hair. He kept adjusting his tie, eyes scanning the busy pub. He was inexperienced. Great. Just wat Robin needed.
With his hat pulled low Robin sauntered to the table, knocking against the wood like it was a door and startling the man. Robin held back a smile. No names were exchanged, just the location and the price.
Robin loathed to not stand out, but for now it was necessary to blend in. His usual colourful clothes had been left at home in favour of a dull grey coat and hat.
“Lovely weather we’re having aye?” Robin said, the man offered a nod.
“Yes. The winter comes in fast these days.” They two of them shook hands, and with a slick exchange Robin pocketed the money. The blond man’s eyes were wide with excitement as he looked down at Robins hands. A little parcel, wrapped like some sort of birthday gift.
“Holy hell.” The man sipped his pint.
“Yeah.” Robin laughed. “I get that a lot.”
“It’s fresh?”
“Fresh enough to work my friend.” Robins smile was toothy and his eyes just wild enough to cause the blond man to flinch.
It was almost always the same questions, and the same type of customer. Rich and gullible- biting off just a bit more than they could chew and unprepared for the real thing, just the way he liked them
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
Yousra Courtney's and Simeon Harrow's first meeting
(F) Court short story
Court sat on the wobbly wooden chair in the Professor’s office. Wringing her hands together and playing with the golden rings. On her lap sat her papers and portfolio, bound in dark leather stamped with her family crest.
He was late. She was warned about that, but this was ridiculous. Her feet tapped in time with an unheard song and her eyes scanned the shelves.
A Comprehensive Encyclopaedia of Healing Plants. A Historic Map of the Stars. An Advanced Guide to Metallurgy. In between them was nestled a thick white envelope, as if hastily stowed away. It’d been almost ten minutes already, what were the chances he’d come back now?
She jumped up before she’d had a chance to fully think it threw, sending a quick, cautious glance towards the crack in the hard wood door.
The shelves were mostly dusty, making it clear which books Professor Harrow had recently read. Court scrunched up her nose and exhaled as she tried not to disturb too much of it.
The envelope had the remains of a deep purple wax seal, the stamped pattern too broken to be deciphered. The smell of dried flowers, like damp rosemary with a floral edge, drifted out as Court pulled out the letter and peered at the messy calligraphy.
Dearest Simeon,
It’s been so long since our meeting I fear my bed has gone cold.
There is so much I have left to show you, and so much you promised to show me. Joice has something you may find of interest, and Pansy has extra.
The winter comes-
“Interesting reading?” The interrupting voice was soft and low, yet bemused. Court’s head shot up and she looked back wide eyed.
“You were late.” She considered, for a moment, adding in a quick ‘sorry’, but that would be akin to admitting guilt.
“Yes.” The professor shrugged. He strolled forwards, one hand in his pocket and the other reaching out to pluck the paper from her hand. He glanced down at it as if he’d forgotten what was written and let out a soft laugh.
“Never take what anyone says, or writes, at face value.” He continued around the room and took a seat. Court looked between him and the door, almost certain she’d blown her chances. “Let’s begin, Miss Courtney. Why do you want this position?”
The smell of dried flowers was still heavy in the air as Court slipped back into the chair.
“I read your letter.” The statement was posed as a question.
“I doubt that’s why you want the position.”
“No, you’re an expert in the field. This would be an excellent opportunity for the both of us to develop our-”
“Cut the bullshit Miss Courtney. Why are you here.”
“I like magic. No, I love magic.” She shook her head. “Real magic. Not the shallow imitations we do with herbs and alchemy. The wild type that everyone else is scared of, the sort that only witch-blessed trinkets can achieve.”
“Witch-blessed trinkets, or witches.” Professor Harrow said. Court shrugged in feigned nonchalance.
“You’ve met a witch?”
“One or two. So have most people, probably, most don’t go around letting everyone know what they are. I’ve also handled one or two witch-blessed items. Family heirlooms, usually, as I’m sure you’re aware.” The professor rested his head on top of his hands as he levelled his deep brown eyes at hers.
“My family has one or two.” She licked her lips; the question went unspoken. If your noble family has access to magic, then why do you need me? “But I have no interest in just holding an enchanted stone, I want to understand magic. I want to harness it properly.”
“Would they give you an heirloom if they asked?” Court bit the inside of her lip, eye’s narrowing. She’d never been good at hiding her emotions, a flaw she’d been reminded of often.
“No.” She leant forward. “But, I could get you one, if I was to be in a position where it would benefit me.”
The statement hung in the air, Professor Harrow leant back in his chair and smiled, holding out his hands expectantly and nodding towards Court’s leather-bound portfolio.
“Consider it your first assignment.”
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
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awitchsheartif · 7 months
if she's your girl why is she breaking open my ribcage and devouring me like an animal?
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