awkardo · 1 year
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The details: One of my best friends in the entire world, @takenbynumbers, has been having a rough time lately. Their birthday is on the 10th, but the last couple months have been complete hell—and then today someone stole their ebike from where it was locked up right outside their place of work, in the lot, in front of the doors, in broad fucking daylight.
Nobody saw anything. All that was left was their extremely hefty lock, which was sliced to nothing, and their helmet.
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They need this bike to get around, first and foremost, but also it's an integral tool in retaining their literal physical mobility, as it's a low-impact exercise that helps stave off the deterioration of their hips due to a hereditary condition. A police report has been filed, but that's not likely to go anywhere—these things are never recovered.
If you're going "wait a second, didn't one of your friends have an ebike stolen a couple years ago?" you are correct! This is the same friend! Last time someone broke into the locked secure storage cage at the apartment complex where lived and stole it in the middle of the night—they got a lock to make sure that couldn't happen again, and THIS TIME SOME JACKASS USED BOLT CUTTERS!
If we can raise enough to get them a new one it would be the best birthday present in the world. External links deboost posts all over the net, so PLEASE signal boost this if you can. Everything helps.
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awkardo · 1 year
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Catch You Catch You, Catch Me Catch Me, Matte!
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awkardo · 2 years
I'm just really impressed with Marinette's mindset. As a late 20s adult myself, I just thought they were just kids. Kids push each other around and argue until one starts crying until an adult comes in. You're writing is superb! Can't wait to read more!
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yea! unfortunately, Alya is also a massive hypocrite
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awkardo · 2 years
hey guys! I just wanted to say that all the attention and support that my silly fancomic is getting is as amazing as it is overwhelming. All the kind words and fanart are so validating and wonderful and I’m so happy that people seem to enjoy my work!
That being said, I do just want to give everyone a gentle reminder that this is just a fancomic, posted for free on Tumblr. I don’t get paid for it (aside from the occasional kofi), I’m not a professional in any way, and nothing about my comic is canon or canon-adjacent or associated with Zag at all. It’s 100% just a labor of love, I’m just some person on the internet with a drawing tablet and too much free time, and I’m really just doing this for fun.
This is all to say, it can be kind of strange stumbling across disappointed analysis posts on my dash (written like I’ll never see them) or getting asks that seem to have certain expectations of me and the comic that I’m making purely as a hobby. I do understand it, and on some level I should have expected it, because this dumb comic of mine really blew up in a way that I never would have predicted. I just know that no matter what, with the amount of eyes on it, it’s going to disappoint some people— probably a lot of people— and people are going to have expectations of me that I’m not going to be able to meet. And that’s okay, there’s nothing I can really do about it, and I’m going to keep working on this story that I initially wrote self-indulgently for my own entertainment, but… yeah.
I guess TLDR: I’m just some tumblr user. I’m on this platform too, and I do see the posts people make about my work. I never meant to make my comic come across as anything more significant than just another piece of fanwork. 
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awkardo · 2 years
yes, very random but it was important! Thanks for responding!
Thank you so much! Thanks to you, I've gotten over my art block because of koki's different hair designs. Now, question: what oc have you redone to death and why?
Glad I could help, lol! As for your (random) OC question...
Tama, definitely Tama. She was my first EVER OC, before I even knew what an OC was. STORYTIME: It was a looooong (when you're 10 and don't know what long is) drive to Austin with my two friends, who'd brought the "Tokyo Mew Mew" manga with them. Then they "commissioned" me to make them as Tokyo Mew Mew characters and encouraged me to do the same. For some reason that felt cringe to me at the time, so instead I made Tama:
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Obviously this isn't the original sketch, which despite hoarding for over a decade, I finally, regretfully, got rid of.
She didn't even fit the critiera - no Bat Ears? - and just ripped off Zakuro's outfit but in Red. Still, one of my friends asked for a Horse/Wolf hybrid so at least I wasn't THAT bad.
At one point I decided to finally go digital and have a deviantart page and decided to make Tama the mascot...and then only drew her one time:
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This is back when I was coloring with a mouse, be nice to me.
The thing with MY OCs though is that they're all interlopers in existing works - they don't exist on their own. So eventually I made Tama my "Ranma 1/2" OC. Which just meant she was my mouthpiece to punch the boy characters in the face and tell off everyone for being immature... because I was 13 and thought high schoolers should be mature by then. Despite being Blonde and Green Eyed (at the time), she had a Japanese name, toured with a Chinese Acorbatics group, and wore a Vietnamese Áo dài half of the time. Because I was 13 and an ignorant dumbass from central Texas:
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From left to right over the years in this role - I think I was into "Fruits Basket" in that first example, going through my Cliche Anime Ugliness Phase, and finally trying to get close to the "Ranma 1/2" anime style in college.
Tama was one I kept on the backburner, never really thinking about her or developing her in any way. She was always an OC for a secondary focus to my main fixation - the "Tokyo Mew Mew" OC while I'm into "Inuyasha", the "Ranma 1/2" while I'm into "My Little Pony". There are huge gaps between sketches for her.
And then the Great Hiatus birthed the Miracusonas.
At first, I tried to pay homage to her roots as a Bat, but uh..:
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Yeah it kinda lost the "Tama" in my attempts to make my ideas come to life. I could probably do it now, but at the time, this was rough to me. So I went a new route - the dog:
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And now she's solidified as a Miraculous Ladybug OC. I even subconsciously kept her R 1/2 backstory by making her passion gymnastics! For the first time since 2007, Tama was in full color and shown to someone besides my personal friends:
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Her personality is still developing - she still has the habit of being my "calls out the canon characters" character - but hey! At least I've been drawing her more:
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awkardo · 3 years
I really like the frog bracelet! Reminds me of a frog charm I use to have growing up. Really cool!
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say hello to Fel! he’s the Kwami of Intoxication. You get slapped and you are blackout unconscious, or at least overwhelmingly unstable, staggering around like you just chugged too much wine and aren’t fit to drive. It lasts for about five minutes before the effect wears off, but it can be used over and over, effectively ruining a party!
He eats grapes or whatever bugs Marinette can get him. Cinna takes offense.
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awkardo · 4 years
The government and police are harming us!! We don’t have any weapon. But It attack us by water cannons and rubber bullet It don’t stop attack us although we prayed and beg for mercy!!
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awkardo · 4 years
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awkardo · 4 years
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You’ve summoned her, now how do you un-summon her!?
Episode 16 Part 7
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awkardo · 4 years
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Was bored at work and wanted to do some sharky doodles. 
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awkardo · 4 years
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These two are just sooooo cute!!
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awkardo · 4 years
My mom admitted that she believed the moon landing was fake during a long car ride. My sisters and I debunked her reasons and we got her to believe in the moon landing by the time we made it to our destination.
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awkardo · 4 years
Chloe: I'm having a crisis! Adrien: press X to doubt
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We interrupt to give you cavities with our fluff!
Episode 13 Part 2
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No one was even talking to you, Chloe, gawd.
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awkardo · 4 years
I hate that it makes sense.
Wincest or losecest???????
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GAME THEORY! And have I got a reveal for you, lads and lady lads, it’s a heartbreaking factual opinion about Goofy’s family situation! Sit your ass down, I’m about to begin. On the top left we see the one, the first, the original, Goofy’s son: GEORGE “GOOFY JUNIOR” GOOF!
On the right, the wet dream people actually remember and care about: MAX GOOF!
But how? Are they the same child? Did George from the 50s just get a cool 90s redesign? Is this a case of another ginger character getting erased from fiction? NO BRO, they’re separate characters that both exist at the same time. Look at that nice house Goofy used to own when he was still with George and his wife. Now watch the first Goof Troop episode, where you’ll see single father Goofy and Max living a lawless life inside a trailer home like they’re the Kanker sisters from Ed, Edd n Eddy. Something went wrong in Goofy’s life and he abandoned his firstborn over it. Did those “the milkman always comes twice“-jokes in the old Disney cartoons prove themselves to be true? Did Goofy’s wife cheat on him and is George not his biological son? That’s what Goofy believed, but not the abandoned George, who wasn’t going to sit there and take the neglect. After all, the new stepfather his mother claimed to be his real dad looked nothing like him, and maybe the giant bulldog loved him unconditionally, but George wanted Goofy. So, when his easily recognizable father suddenly moved into the same neighbourhood, he came up with a scheme.. George grew up to become what scholars call “a trap”, and was able to use his feminine looks to dress himself up as Max’ love interest and that way infiltrate the family as a welcomed stranger.
That’s right, Roxanne is a boy named George and the older half-brother (?) of Max!
Ignore that he doesn’t have ears and Roxanne does, those are obviously add-ons or grew out later and I’m not giggling over here, this is serious! So you guessed it; Max tried to undo her bra one night and discovered what Roxanne really was, whereafter George had to come clean. The embarrassment was so severe, Max and Goofy asked for Roxanne to be removed from all future Disney projects, thus George got abandoned a second time, the painful irony. It explains why our redhead is nowhere to be seen in the inferior Goofy Movie sequel, which matters, as the original revolved around Max’ desire to impress her, yet in the next instalment, there’s not even a name-drop in the script. Suspicious! In another off-looking 3D Christmas cartoon, we see Max dating a whole different girl, with again no explanation given to what happened to Roxanne. The last time we saw her was in the very canon series, House of Mouse, which of course must’ve happened before Max left for college. But why did George pretend to be a girl for so many years? Was it just to hear Goofy’s warm, welcoming words, even though they were meant for the person he thought was his son’s girlfriend, or to continue the forbidden love that grew for his oblivious sibling? I do not dare to answer. Walt Disney Company, you write some disgusting shit, lol! Unsurprising, considering your mascot dates a woman who’s obviously his twin sister.
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awkardo · 4 years
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Guuyyysss I really want to try my hand at this ;-; give me some sweet villagers to draw!
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awkardo · 4 years
I thought this was an april fools thing. Didn't expect it to actually be real.
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awkardo · 5 years
im screaming
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