awkward-froogy · 2 years
Forgotten [Otto x reader]
A/N: So its been a fuckn minute, ummmm... well I must say thanks for waiting, I don’t really know if I have the motivation to finish this story but ill try to throw out a couple more chapters!
Summary: Confronting Norman about the night before.
Otto feels like complete shit now, everything was going so well and he had to mess everything up. Not again. Why did he leave, just because you were dancing with that younger, more attractive person? Why should he care it's not like he ever has a chance with you. Why was he so jealous of the dance partner and how close you were, swaying back and forth in total completion. He wishes he never left you, never let whoever hurt you that night even come near you. What was he thinking? Otto's face starts to become hot thinking about the person that hurt you, who could've ever hurt someone like you? How dare they, Otto squeezes his hands into a fist and pounds the table down, not holding back one bit. It creates a crack in the dark oak table. He's never let his anger out like this ever before, he usually forces it down. Like all those times Norman has given him a backhanded compliment, god he hates those. It makes him want to punch Norman in the face. All he knows is that if he finds the person that hurt you, he will end them.
You're finally home you head straight to your bed and lay down. Fully embraced in the sweater Otto gifted you, it's your favorite possession now. Slightly still pissed on how this morning ended, why did you have to ask those questions? He obviously didn't want to answer them. You ruined it all.
Your rather late to the lab, secretly making your way through the hallway in order to not have an interaction with Norman. Entering the lab cautiously, you see Otto in his ordinary place, smiling when your eyes meet. "Hello, Y/LN. How are you today?" Otto asks, "Good, you?" he looks up, you notice the glimmer in his eyes when you ask, "Well, I have been trying to figure out..." He then goes into another rampage about his projects, mainly his titanium-steel arms which were almost fully complete. After a while he slowly comes to an end, you truly do appreciate his random novel of plans and ideas, but sometimes you two really do need to get things done. It is cute though. You finally both start working on separate projects, across the room from each other, on different tables. The distance doesn't stop The Doctor and you sharing long meaningful glances. During the quietness of one of these sessions, Otto looks at you, head full of the previous night, why it happened, and who hurt you. He finally decides to confront you, "I... I don't want to ask, but I'm awfully worried about... you. I just... I'm a curious man, you don't have to tell me everything, but I just want to know that you got... help? I can help you, If... If you liked?" You understand where he is coming from, It's nice that someone actually cares, but he has no idea what he's talking about. He will never understand how Norman just took you that night, "Thank you for all you have done Doctor, but what do you expect me to do? Go to the police? They'd take a note or two, but would it really change anything. No. Nor... Even if I told the whole world who did it, some would care, but the person who assaulted me would have enough money just to sweep it under the rug. I'm sorry Doctor, but the only person who would listen would be you and my therapist. I'm very appreciative though, thank you for caring." I mean your not wrong, Otto thought. Although, Otto isn't stupid, keeping up with the hints you've been dropping. The culprit is rich, a man, and you managed to give him what sounded like the start of a name, he guessed. Suddenly, his old friend Norman comes rushing into the room looking around until laying his eyes on you, completely ignoring Otto and going straight to you. As you look up, you feel your heart skip a beep, he's actually here, he had the balls to show up after what he did, that asshole. Your heart is about to burst out of your chest, your face is overflowing with emotions. Norman starts to say, "Y/N, please can we..." you quickly cut him off, acting like your going back to your work, hoping he will just leave, "What the hell are you doing here, leave I'm working." As he keeps getting closer you get up from your stool and start to back away, in a silent but stern yell, "Norman, I swear to god, if you don't leave right now." Norman just looks at you with sympathy, more of a kind of puppy dog eyes, like he is begging for your forgiveness. "Y/N, please can we talk? I just... please." Otto is observing all of this, he knew you didn't like Norman that much, but at the rate of how you two are talking, it sounds like you utterly hate him. Otto is standing, ever since Norman started to get remotely close to you, ready to step in at any point. He calls out to Norman, "Norman, Y/N has work to finish for me. Can this be carried out at a later time?" Norman doesn't even make the effort to look at Otto, his eyes still caught on yours, snapped with an "Otto, if I were you, I'd stay out of this. I am your boss, after all. So actually, keep out of it or else." Otto is finally tired of Norman treating him like this, all his emotions are starting to fill over. Otto clenches his fists, starting to make his way over to Norman. You see this and quickly grab Norman's arm leading him out of the lab, "Sorry Doctor, this will only take a moment." You go quite a ways just to be certain Otto won't hear your conversation. Now in a private place, you swing Norman's arm around and throw him against the wall. "I...I can't believe you! Coming to my lab and confronting me like that! I may be an intern here, but I never want to see your... your slimy face again!" Norman looks up at you, rubbing the arm you harshly held onto.
"Y/N, please just let me explain..." cutting him off once again,
"Explain what, you sexually harassing me! What needs to be explained is I never wanted to be with you, ever! Ok, can you just understand that!"
"It wasn't me!" Norman shouts, you quickly step back, surprised,
"How the hell was that not you? You got a fucking evil twin or something!"
"You could say that. Do you remember my research on human performance enhancers?" You nod while crossing your arms, hoping his 'explanation' isn't as stupid as his face right now. "Well, no one knows this yet, but I was one of the test subjects. I fully volunteered, my partner knew it was a bad idea he tried to warn me but I did it anyway."
"Why does this have anything to do with you harassing me?!"
"Well, the serum wasn't fully completed. So when I was given it, it was defective leaving me with... let's say an alter-ego. He makes me do things I have never ever thought of doing in my normal life,"
"Like forcing yourself on me..."
"Sadly yes. That is one of the examples of him, he truly did take me over that night, forcing me to take you like that. I generally do care for you, I wanted more than just a one-night stand."
"How do I even know that you are telling the truth, huh? Only God knows if you're actually telling the truth."
"Yes, yes I know. That's why I brought a vile of my own blood. If you look into that you will clearly see the virus inside me."
"So, you haven't cured yourself yet? Why not?"
"He won't let me, that's why I was hoping you would help me? I am truly sorry for what I did, and I fully acknowledge if you never want to see me again." He holds out the red vile to you, you slowly grab it, sliding it into your lab coats pocket.
"I'll think about it" You turn around and start heading back to the lab, "I want time off, maybe a couple of days or a week, but you will give it to me."
"Of course, take your time," Norman responds.
You head back into the lab, Otto swiftly looks up, "What happened? Are you ok?" you walk towards your table, taking a seat on your stool once more, "Yes, I'm fine. It was just some stuff about... about the internship and stuff." Otto knows that something is up, but what? Finally, Otto is hit with everything. All the clues come into alignment, a man with a lot of money and a name starting with a Nor. Norman was the one who hurt you that night. Otto starts to grind his teeth, fist clenched about to punch another table and leave more than just a mark. He's so close to leaving the room and confronting Norman, the thought of him punching him in the face over and over and over again, Norman on the ground begging for mercy, with his blood all over Otto's fists. Otto could kill him right here and now and not feel anything. "Doctor, I'll be gone for the next couple of days. Is that ok?" Your tendering voice takes him out of his violent rage, he shakes it off, "Of course, that'll be fine." He nods and smiles at you. He's never felt this rage before, not at this element, what is he doing? He would do anything for you, just to make sure you were always safe. You pull out the red vile and just look at it, spinning it in your fingers. Could Norman truly be telling the truth?
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awkward-froogy · 3 years
Forgotten [Otto x reader]
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Summary: The morning after with Otto
A/N: This one was truly just Otto trying to be his softest, its so cute <3 Also, sorry it took me a while to post this, I was tired.
Otto sharply wakes up, shortly forgetting what happened last night until the memories of you in his bed inhibit his conscience once more. He looks to his right to lay his eyes on you. Your body is draped over his bed, in a manner of delightfulness. He moves his hand over to caress your cheek, holding his hand over your face, warming it to his touch. He stays in this position for a while, appreciating you fully. 
Even when you sleeping he wishes he could tell you everything, that he has caught feelings for you, that he wants to be with you day and night, feel every part of you on his body, and taste every single surface of you. Otto needs to call you his, and only his. Otto abruptly raises his hand from your face, acknowledging how unprofessional his thoughts were becoming, reminding himself you are his intern, nothing more. He slowly lifts the covers and slides off of the bed, trying his hardest not to wake you. Successfully, he leaves the bedroom while closing the door. Otto makes his way towards the kitchen. He starts to make coffee, enough for 4, just in case you wanted an extra cup. He thinks up ideas for breakfast, ideas that you might like. Landing on chocolate chip pancakes, sausages, and eggs. Otto really doesn't want to mess this up, this is his chance to impress you and convince you to stay for breakfast. Thank god Norman put the party on a Saturday, now Otto and you don't have to go to work. Otto starts getting down to business. You wake up to the sun beaming into your eyes. You look to your left in hopes of seeing Otto, but he's not there. Has he already woken up? Or did he leave early so it wasn't awkward when the two of you woke up? Lifting the covers, you notice you are still in your outfit from last night. How did you ever sleep in that, after all, it is super uncomfortable and itchy, but it did make you look very hot. You start to stand up, heading to Otto's closet, opening it looking for a change in clothes. It is full of sweaters and some unorganized dress pants. You slip off your fit while grabbing Ottos 'signature' sweeter, he always called it. Fitting it over your head and over your arms, your feet with complete warmth and softness. It feels so amazing over your bare skin, you can't help but pull it up enough to sniff it. Smells exactly like Otto, you cherish it for a little longer than one should. The sweater is oversized so it ends at your mid-thigh, it's perfect. You slowly open the bedroom door, Otto's head slings up to meet your eyes. He gives you a warm smile, and you return it with your own. You grab the bottom of the sweater pulling it a little, "I hope you don't mind, my party fit was not too comfy" Otto is overcome with glee when he sees you in his sweater, taking it all in, looking you up and down, he unconsciously licks his lips, "It's completely fine, It looks better on you then it did me, to be honest." His cheeks start to redden, "I think it looked quite handsome on you, actually." You reply more in a whisper, but loud enough for him to hear your comment, making his cheeks brighten up even more. He quickly changes the subject, "Um, I made you some breakfast, if you wanted?" You move over to the counter leaning over it enough to see what he had made, "Chocolate pancakes! My favorite!" He smiles at you, glad he made the correct decision. "Coffee?" Otto asks. "Ya, sure. Thank you." He did this all for you without even asking? None of your old relationships ever did this for you, now thinking about it they were actually really bad, not even close to what Otto has done for you so far, and you not even dating him. Once he is done with everything, the two of you sit at his table. You sit at the head of the table while Otto follows behind sitting close to your left. Plates full you start digging in, damn the food is good. For a smartass physicist, he really knows how to cook. "Um, you have a little bit of chocolate on your cheek." Otto informs you, your cheeks hue with slight embarrassment, you quickly drag your hand over your cheek, "Did I get it?" You smile. "No, it's just...right there..." "Could you just get it for me?" You cut him off, with full embarrassment, Your usually neater when you eat, maybe just being around Otto you can be comfortable with being a little messy. Otto raises his hand to your right cheek, your eyes are interlocked, the warmth of his hand covers your face, you rub into the hand as if you are mimicking how a cat moves when being groomed. He slowly wipes away the little piece of chocolate. You both stay there, both lost in each other's gaze, could've stayed there forever the both of you thought. A buzzer goes off at the door, Otto slowly breaks eye contact, really wishing he didn't have to. He slowly stands up, collecting his build and heading over to the door. Looking through the slot to see an older woman, it was his neighbor's hands to the brim with plants. Otto opens the door, "Hello Ms. Agnes, what a pleasant surprise!" You snicker a little, which causes Otto to look back at you with a 'Don't laugh at me' look, but you can't help it. "Yes, dear. I'm not here for long, I just wanted to bring these by and be on my way." She shoves all of the greens into Otto's hands, "Well I appreciate it, Ms. Agnes." She shortly responds, "Well, as you should. Now I'll be on my way. Goodbye Otto." She starts to walk off, "Thank you!" Otto tries to blurt out before she's too far away to not hear him. He turns around to your way, closing the door with his back, and lets out a loud sigh. He moves his way to the kitchen counter, leaving the plants there. "So that's where you get all your greens?" You say in a smart-ass tone. "Haha, very funny. Plants are a hobby of mine, and Ms. Agnes just drops off them sometimes." You think it's a very cute hobby, but you have no idea how he has time to water them when you both spend 24/7 at the lab. You both finally both finish your plates, "Well, I better be going... I do have somethings to do today." Otto's face becomes gloomy with the news of you leaving, "Already?" "Yes, I'm sorry but I have to. I have had a wonderful night and morning, thank you. You start to head to the bedroom, Otto quickly says, "You can take the sweater home if you liked. I have so many and you look so nice in it after all." Stopping in your tracks you turn around and quickly run towards Otto, giving him no time to register. Your soon enough in his arms, "Thank you, Otto." You warmly say, Otto is still in shock from the affection, but he pulls you in closer until both of you slowly pull away but are not fully separated apart yet. "Y/N you don't have to tell me about what happened last night, but if you ever want to talk, I'm here for you. Just remember that, Ok?" You truly do want to tell him everything, but all you get out is, "Of course, thank you, again for taking care of me throughout yesterday, I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there... I was actually meaning to ask; why did you leave me alone that night, why'd you go to the lab?" Otto is caught off guard from these questions, he slowly lets go of you and adverts from your gaze, "Well, parties aren't really my area. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you all alone." Your eyes still raised up to his, looking for any sign of what really happened that night, "Oh, It's ok. I was just confused." You know he won't give you the real answer, so you grab your clothes and coat and head towards the door, opening it, "Goodbye Otto." "Goodbye Y/N" you leave.
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awkward-froogy · 3 years
Forgotten [Otto Octavius x reader]
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Summary: The party really doesn’t go as planed.
A/N: Ok, I’m kind of scared for how this one turned out. If you like Norman as the sweet guy don’t read this, he gets a little persistent. But more soft Otto content sooooo...
TW:  There is SA so please be careful when reading this part.
Walking the 'red carpet' was defiantly an experience, everyone yelling at you to look their way with large flashes of light, asking many questions, like who you are, what the internship is like, and more personal ones. "Y/N are you and Doctor Octavius a couple?", you never responded to those questions hoping Otto didn't hear them. The question made you rather flustered. You finally discuss with one reporter, "Doctor Octavius and I are not a pair, just good friends. Sorry to break it to you, but no drama here." 
Otto overhears this conversation, hoping that you didn't just send him into the friend zone, where he normally is put. The two of you finally reach the entrance to what seems to be a huge ballroom. Who knew that Norman could actually throw a decent party. Most of the people there were talking in little huddles around tables, holding glasses of liqueur to calm their nerves. You look at Otto, "Want to get a drink?", Otto looks over the crowd of people, "Maybe later, I'm going to go talk to some colleges, meet up later?" Otto what are you doing, you're passing up this opportunity with Y/N to talk to colleges, really? You just look at him with a little sadness wiped over your face, "Oh, yes that's perfectly fine, see you later." You slowly part ways, walking towards the bar counter, him moving towards the crowd. "Gold mine please," you ask the bartender. Receiving the drink shortly after, you feel a tap on your shoulder. Turning around you see a tall figure come into frame, they reach their hand out, "Hello, I was just wondering what a starlight person like yourself is doing here all alone?", You look up their eyes fully engulfed in yours, giving you the full attention. "Well, it seems my date has gone out into the crowd." you respond, "Hmm, would you like to dance then?" You look over at the crowd, trying to find a glimpse of Otto, but he is nowhere to be found. "Sure, why not." They over you their hand while slightly bowing, leading you to the dance floor you realize not a lot of people are dancing quite yet. They spin you around enough for you to catch your balance upon their chest, and the two of you start slow dancing. You depict that this new person is relatively close to your age but you have never seen them before at Oscorp, maybe they were another intern? With your hands over their chest and arm, you could shape out their physique. Quite fascinating, the feeling of muscle but not enough to be a gym rat, and a little plump in the midsection, which you have always adored in a partner. You sway back in forth for the remainder of the next couple of songs.
Otto looks around by the bar in hopes of finding you. Asking the bartender for a simple scotch drink he turns around to lean on the counter, finally laying eyes on you. Otto lights up until he sees who you dancing with. His gut starts to turn, out of rage, jealousy maybe, he doesn't know. Seeing this person swaying with you, looking like a perfect match in each other's eyes. He can't help but feel forgotten, as always. "Bartender, on second thought, give me the bottle." Otto decides to leave the party early, bottle in hand. He doesn't go home, he'd have to wait too long to drink if he did that. He goes up to his lab. Once there, he throws his coat and vest on the ground, going to the couch in the corner of the room for a seat down to drink his remainder of the night away.
Your dance with this mysterious person finally comes to an end, they place their hand on your cheek and slowly lift your face to theirs. Before anything gets too far you state, "I have to go to the restroom, please excuse me?" You slowly walk away, until they grab your hand and pull you back in for a gentle kiss on the cheek, and let go. As you walk toward the bathroom your hand slowly raises to the mark of the kiss.
As you turn the corner you are quickly pinned against the wall. It is Norman. "Well, Hello darling," he says with a sinister smile. You can tell this isn't your Norman anymore, he's different, less gentle, more demanding. "Why do you think you can embarrass me like this, showing up to my own party with my friend, your mentor? Then, dancing with that... that hooligan!" You look into his eyes out of full horror, his hand is on your throat slightly squeezing it. "Don't be scared," He moves his hands into your hair, pulling your head slightly back, "Norman I..." he quickly silently shouts, "Normans on sabbatical honey." Confusion overflows you, what is he talking about, Norman is standing right there. He starts to run his hands over you, he starts to force himself on you pinning you on the wall. He sloppily kisses your lips, not in a passionate way, but in a demanding, possessing way. You quickly shove him off you, Norman stumbles back losing his balance. "Norman what the hell is wrong with you. Stop it. Your insane." "INSANE. Your just lucky I haven't taken you right here, right now." His eyes gleamed in a green glow. You quickly step back and slide out of the situation as fast as you could, running away past the people, past your dance partner, to the elevator. You unconsciously press Otto's floor, hoping you could hide in the lab until the party was over.
Slowly make your way into the laboratory, dragging your feet across the floor. Walking into the lab you lay eyes on Otto. He's sitting at the counter looking over his work, he slowly looks up seeing the state you're in, he abruptly stands up, rushing over to your aid. "Y/N what's wrong?" Your eyes start to glaze, "I...I told him to stop, he.. he." Otto slowly shushes you, telling you that you don't have to explain yourself to him. He slowly grabs you into his arms, making sure it is ok. You lay your arms upon his chest letting the tears run down your cheeks, dampening his shirt. Being in his warmth is care enough, he overs to take you home, you agree. You get out of the building through back entrances and such to keep out of the eyes of the crowd. Sitting in the cab, you cuddle up toward Otto, laying upon his chest. "Y/N, what's the address?" Otto looks down to see you calmly sleeping, he doesn't want to wake you up, you've been through enough tonight. He can't recall your address, and cant make his way down to his coats pocket to check. He decides to take you back to his place. Arriving, he slowly picks you up to take you inside. Once in the apartment, he makes his way to the bedroom and sets you down on the bed gently. Going back into the living room to grab a blanket to drape over you. He starts to leave the bedroom once more, you reach out from under the blanket to grab his arm, "Otto, stay please?", "Y/N I..", "Please Otto." Otto nods, he goes to the other side of the bed staying above the covers. Otto tries to stay on his side of the bed as best as he could, it's hard after all he is a large guy. As he tries to keep his distance, you have the complete opposite idea and start to slowly move closer and closer to him. Barely touching him at first until you were fully at his side, you can feel him twitch at each inch you got closer to him. Otto's heart starts to race, what do they think they're doing, he thinks. Feeling his warmth only hoping he was under the covers with you, you want his arms to wrap fully around you. Squeezing the air out of your chest, to never let go of each other. The warmth of his core connecting to your own, telling you everything will be ok because he's there to protect you, always. You want to feel his heartbeat against your back, showing how scared he is of the situation but excited as well. A sudden shock falls upon you, your falling in love with Otto Octavius, a small smirk covers your face. Suddenly a memory of Norman squeezing your arms to pull you closer to him flashes across your consciousness. You jolt forward, losing connection with Otto, "Are you, ok dear, I didn't mean to..." Otto is convinced this is all his fault, he starts to fluster. This always happens to him, he always seems to mess everything up, Otto tells himself. Otto starts to get up until you turn over, face to face with Otto, putting your hand on top of his chest, rubbing it back and forth to show comfort that he did nothing wrong, "Otto, hold me?" opening the covers for Otto to come under them, you get closer to Otto's core again, now fully indulged in it. You move your hands over his midriff, feeling over every curve of his body. It's soft but strong at the same time, Otto tenses to the new tension over his midsection, he quickly looks down at you. You continue to tightly squeeze your arms around him, lifting one leg up to his waist. It takes Otto a longer time to relax, you help guide his arms around you, over your back. Otto rests his head on yours, he picks up the scent of your shampoo, it's perfect. He starts to make small comfort circles on your lower back. In this position, the two of you slowly drift off into sleep.
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awkward-froogy · 3 years
Forgotten [Otto Octavius x Reader]
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Summary: Otto gets a little curious about the mysteries the book of yours holds, also lets go to a party, why not.
A/N: This is Part 2, erm hope you like it, Otto you little flirt <3 he’s so cute!
TW: Confronting questions?
Otto struggles to open his apartment door, but finally, it slowly budges, allowing him to shimmy through it. He really needs to fix that damn door. Walking into his home he sets everything down without care except for your notebook, he gently places it on his counter. Going into his kitchen he grabs a bottle of whisky and a small glass. He sits down in front of the notebook and pours the whisky into the glass, he pours more than usual. He stares at the notebook with curiosity. What could be in it, probably just a lot of notes from his rambling from earlier, or could it include something interesting, like personal notes. The curiosity got the better of the doctor, Otto slowly moved his hand closer to the book. 
Grabbing it he opens it to the first page, it reads, This journal belongs to (Your Initials), If you are not the owner please don't look in this book, thank you. It ends with your phone number, leaving Otto with two options, calling you to inform you of the lost possession or reading it. Of course, he choices the second option, who wouldn't. Flipping to the next page, there are just a couple of drawings, of either new ideas for inventions or of people he's never seen before. He brushes his index finger over the new figures in the book, thinking how talented you are with a pen. The next page surprised him, it was a much bigger drawing than the other ones, but the size wasn't what surprised him, it was a drawing of himself. The drawing was of him looking down at papers, behind a desk, in the Oscorp prescribed white lab coat over his signature red sweater. He suspected some point today you drew him while he was working, how did he not notice you drawing him, he thought. He spent a long time looking at the drawing of himself, not because he was obsessed with himself, but the fact that that was how you perceived him, it was beautiful. Finally, Otto flipped the page, at the top was today's date then a long paragraph. First, it was just talking about how today was your first day at Oscorp and how unpleased you were with Norman, which he was happy with for some odd reason, then it went into you meeting Otto. Stating he was quiet, a big man, shy, and even somewhat handsome. Otto quickly closed the book, he knew he shouldn't have opened it in the first place. Telling himself, you wouldn't see him as handsome, that was a trick on his brain or something. You were calling Norman handsome, not himself. Otto leaves the book, engulfs his last sip of whisky, and stumbles over to his bedroom, he might have drunk too much.
The next day, Otto wakes up with a loud ugh and a raging headache. Rolling out of bed, he concludes that he is experiencing a hangover, which he doesn't experience much. Going over to grab some sunglasses to help the headache, he remembers the book. Passing by it, he flips it over to hide it from his sight. He realizes a small scribble at the bottom of the back, it's your address. He goes to the coat hanger by the front door and rustles through his coat, and finds his address book, he quickly writes your address down. He thinks it's a stupid idea but does it anyway, making up excuses on why he needs it and such. He gets back to getting ready for the day.
Y/N is running a little late, the train was delayed for 15 minutes and now you have to make the time up by running the extra distance to Oscorp. Getting off the elevator, still running to Doctor Octavius' room, just before going into the room you slow to a walk, slightly combing your hair and straightening your shirt again. "Sorry, I'm late Doctor, the train was a little off today but..." you look up at Otto, he is holding your lost notebook, you call it a notebook or journal, but in truth, it is a diary. You quickly walk towards him, grabbing the notebook, "Oh...um, I was wondering where that went. Thank you for keeping it safe for me." You can't help but get a little red in the cheeks. "My therapist told me I should try journaling or drawing to help with anxiety and stuff, but I don't think it really works." Otto just looks at you, waiting for him to say something, "Of course Y/LN." You ask him what he needs to be done today. Most of the day is spent in quietness until Otto asks, "So, not to pry, but why um.. didn't you want to go home with Osborn yesterday? Sorry.... uh, you don't have to..." looking down at your work still, you cut him off, "Well, obviously you know about our relationship, am I wrong?" Otto feels called out for knowing something he shouldn't, "No, but I assure you I haven't told anyone about it." "I don't care if you do or not, but... he's someone I got with but I didn't want any ties with but he did, now I don't know how to get him off my back." "Why did you even... get with him?" Otto asks. "Well, what can I say, I like older men." Otto looks at you somewhat shocked, for someone your age, considering dating another double it? Maybe, you did find him attractive then. It goes silent once more, until, "Are you going to the Annual Oscorp Party?" you ask. "I, um don't know for sure yet," Otto responds. You're slightly displeased, "Well, you should. It's going to be fun. I'm going after all." You smile at him, he responds in a small smirk then agrees on going only if you two carpool there, so he doesn't walk in alone. You agree. The party is at the end of the week, on a Saturday. You have both decided to color coordinate with a dark purple.
(Saturday couple hours before the party)
Otto usually never goes to this annual party because of the effort he would have to put into it, but he thought if it was for you it would be worth it. Otto decided on a basic black suit with a dark purple handkerchief and vest. While looking into the mirror all dressed up, he couldn't help but wish he could cover himself more. Otto has always struggled with his body shape, in school he was bullied for it, so he accustomed himself to covering himself in slightly baggy clothes. He tries to get rid of the vest to get rid of some layers, but without the vest, he thinks his muffin top pops out, so he puts the vest back on. Otto is on the verge of just staying home and texting you his apologies but his phone buzzes, it's you. His face begins to lighten up. It reads, hey  Doc. Octavius, it's y/n, i can't wait for tonight. getting ready rn. send me your address so i can come over and we can show up together! :) he thinks it's peculiar how you only use lower cases except for his name, he wishes you'd just use his first name, but he knows that would be unprofessional, well so is going to a party with your intern. Overthinking every response possible, Otto lands on his address and a thumbs up.
An hour later Otto hears a knock at his door, he quickly looks at himself in the mirror once more and slicks his hair back. He runs over to the door, takes a deep breath then opens it wide. Your head is turned looking down the hallway, hoping this was the correct door. Otto gets your attention, "Hello Y/LN!" He exclaims with a smile. You swing your head his way, "Hello Doctor." "Come on in," Otto says while moving his arm opening it to his apartment. You walk in and look around, it is a quite nice place, very green which you love. "Do you want anything to drink or eat?" the doctor says while scrambling towards the kitchen. "Maybe just a drink? Any Scotch?" "How old are you again?" Otto questions you in more ways than just asking if you are old enough for a drink it seems. "Old enough to drink." you snicker. He quickly pours scotch in a glass, "Ice?" you nod. He pours a second drink, exactly the same for himself. You share some laughs until slowly falling into silence, Otto looks at you in awe, but your eyes are looking at the little bit of scotch left, swirling the cup in your hand. Otto sees your beauty and thinks, why would you ever want to go to some party with him, you could have anyone you want and you chose him. He gets too caught up overthinking he fails to notice your hand on his forearm, "Doctor... erm, Octavius" the slight pressure moving up and down his arm finally pulls him out of his comatose to acknowledge your presence again, "I think it's time to go?" "Oh, yes of course. Sorry about that." You just smile at him and slowly get up to grab your coat. Today, he doesn't grab a cab, but calls someone on his phone, and shortly after a black limo pulls up. Not a big one, but one big enough to sit more than 4 people in the back. "Sir, you shouldn't have!" he just smiles while opening the door for you, then slides in shortly after.  Finally approaching the front of Oscorp, there is a small red carpet with little paparazzi, which you are surprised by, but Otto explains that this is basically the red carpet but for geniuses. When it is your time to go on the carpet, Otto looks deeply into your eyes and asks, "Are you ready for this?" "Yes, yes I am." You grab his hand and swing the door open and step out of the limo.
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awkward-froogy · 3 years
Forgotten [Otto Octavius x reader]
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Summary: Your an Intern at OSCORP and have some background stuff with Norman, but your interning under Otto.
A/N: So slow burn lets go. lets be honest here, this is my first fic Ive ever posted so its messy and stuff, and i prob messed up some words/spelling but, soft otto, and btw no Rosie because he aint cheating. Also this is after SM1, Norman Survived it. I also tried to make Y/N as gender neutral as I could.
Warnings: a little unwanted attention
"Norman, you can't confuse the intern like this"
"Otto, I'm not doing anything wrong. You making these suggestions upon our relationship is entirely inappropriate. I think you should get to know them before coming at me with these allegations. Tomorrow the intern will be here, and you will be their teacher, understood."
"Understood." Otto has known for the past week this new intern and Norman have been getting too close to each other. Confronting Norman in hopes he would stop before anything bad would happen just made everything more confusing. Now he has to meet this person, knowing what has been going on between them and Norman. Should he confront them too? He was not excited.
The next day...
Y/N has been interning over at Oscorp for over a week now. They can't deny that they got the internship because of their secret relation with Norman Osborn. They had never meant for the relationship to start, but a drunken night at a convention had other ideas. They have only seen Norman a couple of times after the convention but not enough to call it a 'relationship'. Wondering down the new halls at Oscorp, trying to find Doctor Octavius' room, sliding their hand across the walls to get accustomed to them. Finally looking up Y/N found the room with the name across a rather small paper for 'Doctor Otto Octavius'. Y/N slightly looked in the room surprisingly seeing Norman. Y/N quickly shot back from the door, hitting the back of their head on the wall, creating a loud thud. You rubbed the back of your head, trying to numb the thumping. Norman walks out of the door laying his eyes upon the scene.
"Ah, Y/N... are you ok?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I... I slipped"
Norman looks at you confused but precedes to show you into the room. Introducing you to the Doctor,
"Here they are, finally," Norman raises his hand to you, "Y/N, hopefully, you already know somewhat of Doctor Octavius?" He looks at you, as you look down while slightly nodding. "Good, well now that you two are accustomed, I must be leaving. Lots to do with little time..." He makes his way toward the door, getting close enough to you to brush his hand on the back of your arm, it tickles. Unknown if this presence gives you excitement or makes you wish it never happened. Norman turns around one more time and says, "You two are going to do great things!" and leaves. Your kind of glad he's gone.
Quite flows around the room, looking up finally to see Octavius. Funny name Octavius, very super villain feel to it, you thought. You finally go up to reach out your hand, "Y/N Y/LN" he returns the gesture, "Octavius, Otto Octavius." It was quite awkward, he was actually pretty quiet for such a large presence he took in the room. So you took control, "I have looked over your work on atomic research, it is very intriguing," The Doctor looked up fascinated, he was a smart guy but not too popular to the public, "Oh, yes..." Otto then starts to ramble on and on about his research, totally forgetting you were there. You don't mind though, at this point you had stopped listening to his theories and explanations just to observe him. When he would get a little too excited on the topic you noticed the corners of his lips would curl into a small smile, it was cute. Otto finally looks up, realizing what he's been doing, stopping mid-sentence to apologize, you chuckle, " I don't mind, It is all truly interesting, but I do believe we should get some work done before Norman comes back." Otto responds, "Yes, Yes... well, I've been working on a combination of many things, but right now the main thing is my Adamantium Arms." He gets up from his chair walking to a cabinet, grabs a pile of papers, and brings them over. Wow, this is one tall man, you thought, he was at least 6'2. He sits back down quickly, pulling himself back under the protection of the counter like he was trying to hide from you. He flips through the papers getting you updated upon the projects, "we don't have to necessarily start on this today, I was actually hoping you could start on my side projects? Sorry, not to say...um... I just think" you cut him off, "No, I understand. I'm fine with anything. Just put me on a task and I'll do it." You slowly place your hand on his forearm, he looks up at you and you smile at him assuring him that anything is fine to you.
The day is almost over. It has been a pretty good day so far, you have conversed with Otto enough for the awkward silence to become not so awkward, which was progress. You hear a knock at the door, quickly turning your head in that direction, you see a face you've been dreading to see all day, "Otto, Y/N. How was your first day together?" Norman seems to only be looking at you while asking the question, which somewhat enrages you. You've noticed that Norman usually never acknowledges Otto, always seeing him as less than him. You reply, "It was very interesting." "Y/N do you need a ride home?" Norman asks, but you quickly blurt out that Otto was actually giving you a ride home. Otto quickly looks at you in confusion, but you just meet his eyes with a plead for help. He accepts the request, "Yes, I just thought it would be easier since I live closer to them." You fully know that Otto has no idea where you live, but it was a good improv on him. Disappointment coats over Normans' eyes, he states, "Y/N do you really want Otto to take you home, it's not a big deal where you live for me?" You look at him in surprise then look at Otto who seems not surprised in the backhanded remark. Then again Norman actually did know where you lived, sense one night you called him over to spend the night. "No, it's perfectly fine Nor... Mr. Osborn. Thanks for the offer!" Norman slowly makes his way towards the door, "Well, then. Have a nice night." He leaves in a rush, you feel slightly bad, Norman isn't a bad man, he might be egotistical but he's nice to you for the most part.
You look over at Octavius, "You don't have to take me home, I can just take the train." "No, it's fine I can take you home, I have the time." You walk out together, again with the doctor at his full height makes you feel very small compared to him. Finally, outside, Otto calls out for a cab. He opens the door for you to go in first, then closes the door and runs to the other side and gets in. "Where to?" the driver asks, Otto looks over at you with a questionable look you look at him with a worried expression, "Can you cover your ears?" he first questions you but agrees because you two had just met, considering that it is kind of weird for him to know your address, but that's not the true reason you had asked him to do so. The ride was quiet, Otto just kept his eyes out the window, intrigued with where they headed. When the two of you started to get closer to the destination you asked, "Doctor, would you mind closing your eyes? Please." Otto thought, again why are they being so mysterious, but he listened. His eyes were closed for the remainder of the time in the cab. The cab came to a stop, he heard you open the door, saying your thanks and goodbyes, then leaving. Otto couldn't help but open his eyes and make sure you got into your house safely. What surprised him was the area he was in, looking around he could see broken houses very close together, sketchy people roaming the streets. He didn't know what to expect about you, but he didn't expect you to live so poorly. Since you always looked so neat and nice, and you knew Norman of all people. He couldn't help but feel pity for you, which is the exact reason you told him to close his eyes. You've always been looked down upon for where you lived, that's why you suspect Norman has stayed by your side for so long. You look back to the cab before going into the house to see if he had listened to your request, his eyes were still closed, thank god. (Otto had seen you start to turn around and quickly closed his eyes again) You go into the rickety house you have called home. The cab pulls away, Otto keeps his eyes closed until getting home, due to feeling guilty he did open his eyes at your house. Getting out, grabbing his stuff, he has looked to your side and sees a notebook, you've forgotten it.
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