I wasn’t expecting to see this on mainstream TV!
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what pairing would you have liked to see more of on teen wolf?
Stiles and Cora!! I mean there are tons and I mean tons of pairings I’d like to see more of such as; Stiles & Allison, Allison & Kira, Kira & Stiles, Stiles & Isaac, Lydia & Isaac, Kira & Lydia, Kira & Malia (all on varying levels of platonic or romantic) the list is pretty much endless.
But Stiles and Cora was such an interesting pair, considering that when Adelaide (Cora) went off to film for Reign, that’s when they brought in Malia as a character to continue on as a regular instead of her. Stiles and Cora was an original romantic ship that just never got to see the light you could say? And that pairing would have been really interesting to see! Cora is a lot like Derek in the sense that she’d put pack above all else, but she is also ruthless, snarky, and quite loyal? And I think those characteristics would match up to Stiles quite nicely. Stiles loves deeply and he is extremely loyal. To me, him and Cora are on par with the idea of “If you are in the pack then I’ll protect you at all costs” & they are both very slow to trust which would have been interesting to see them grow together. I don’t think they would have lasted, I think Stiles & Lydia would have still been endgame, but I just think that Stora would have been just.. really good. I would have really enjoyed it. They did hint at it a few times like Stiles’ line when he gave her mouth to mouth “the next time my lips are on yours I hope you’re awake” (something like that), but they never did get to that point, which I find a bit unfortunate! :)
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Re: Sick and tired of hearing “source?” or having to explain white privilege and systemic racism? [reformatted]
Hello all! This is a reformatted version of this post originally compiled by randymusprime​.
On Preparing for Arguments… Identifying and Avoiding Logical Fallacies
On White Privilege & Systemic Racism… 7 Facts That Prove White Privilege Exists On Racism and White Privilege The New Jim Crow Where White Privilege Came From White Privilege from Taking Action Against Racism Denying White Privilege White Privilege: An Insidious Virus 1 in 3 Black Males Will Go to Prison in Their Lifetime What is a ‘System of Privilege’? White Privilege 101 Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack 14 Examples of Systemic Racism in the US Criminal Justice System Black Student Graduation Rates Young Black Men and Gun Violence Operation Ghetto Storm Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color in the US Racial Profiling in Vermont DoJ Stats Show Clear Pattern of Racial Profiling OK, fine. Let’s talk about ‘black-on-black’ violence. Why Police So Often See Unarmed Black Men as Threats
On the Difference Between Racism and Prejudice… Toward an Understanding of Prejudice and Racism Ferguson Cops More Inept Than Strategic 10 Simple Ways White People Can Fight Everyday Racism Ferguson’s Massive Cover-Up How Moral Leaders like MLK Approach Neutrality Why It’s So Hard for Victims to See Justice America’s Stop-And-Frisk Policies Proof of Racism Examples of Institutional Racism in the US On Why White People/Americans Are Afraid to Admit Racism Exists… The Racism That Still Plagues America Why We’re Still Unwilling to Admit to Systemic Racism in America Why American Racism is Impossible to Defeat
On Reverse Racism… A Look at the Myth of Reverse Racism Why Reverse Racism Isn’t Real Why There’s No Such Thing as ‘Reverse Racism’ Enjoy my lovelies, and feel free to add to this post or to the original!
- Mod D
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These predictions though
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So this term has been floating around my particular circle for a while now, and it’s yet another thing that I’m just plain baffled by.
As a black girl who’s grown up around awesome black men (s/o to my cousin macrockstar and all my awesome male relatives), I really didn’t get to fully see the ‘bad’ side of Black men. Not until the internet did I start seeing things (not just hearing things) about black men that were…rude to say the least. 
So when I saw a term that referenced and just slandered (for lack of a better term) the sexual abuse that my ancestors went through being used so liberally, I thought to explain what a bad term it is. 
Like seriously, how do people turn a term assiociated with rape and them go like 'We’re going to use this to slam black women who don’t adhere to our whims!’?
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“Just like a Caucasian”
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I'm still a little confused on the concept of womanism. Could you please help me understand?
Anonymous said:
What is womanism? Is it different from feminism?
Hi! I’manswering your questions together as they’re quite similar.
Womanism isa movement (and theory) that is a response specifically to the racial/genderoppression of Black women. It was spurred and named by Alice Walker, a Black author,but there are multiple other womanist theorists. Womanism is not onlyabout Black women (it is about all women), but it does start from the position,experiences, and knowledges of Black women.
Womanismrelates to feminism, especially to Black and intersectional feminisms. However,there are differences. I’m going to copy from a response that Mod T wrote onthis a few months ago, because they identify as a womanist and thus speak withmore knowledge and authority than me.
“I see womanism as a softer, more personal formof feminism. Womanism for me is more about culture and community.
Some notes I wrote ages ago about thedifference between womanism and feminism [specifically black feminism, thoughintersectional feminism can work in its place]:
Womanism can be seen as a mediator betweenBlack Nationalism and Black Feminism
Womanism is a more homegrown, mature,nurturing, motherly version of feminism, not simply a branch or type (womanismis to feminism as purple is to lavender)
Womanism is a wholesome compromise for women ofcolor that have always been torn between feminism and cultural ties
Womanism can be a support system for women ofcolor who care more about community and real life stories than about academiaand theories
Womanism is a mode of analysis that does notexclude men of color, but rather embraces them and includes them in thesolution instead of regarding them as part of the problem
So, womanism is the social/community side ofsocial justice work for me, whereas feminism is the political side. Oftentimes,the terms used in feminism can be too academic or clinical for me, and thetheories and language can be very inaccessible for those who aren’tcollege-educated. Womanism keeps it real for me. Womanism has concepts Iunderstand easily that feminism makes confusing with big words and sociologicalstudies. Womanism is anecdotes and experience, while feminism is statistics andseminars.  
Of course, it is great to have a balance ofboth. Where I do not have the experience, studies give me understanding. Andwhere essays confuse me, personal stories help. Womanism helps me feelconnected to my community, while [intersectional] feminism helps me call outthe problematic parts within.”
I hopethese thoughts help! More questions, about this or other topics? Come ask them!
~mod R (and Mod T)
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I know we all have different experiences, but I learned feminism disproportionately from black women.
Gloria Steinem (via huffpostwomen)
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After the release of Beyonce’s visual album, educator Candice Benbow created the Lemonade Syllabus, a list of over 200 resources that “specifically speak to Black women from classics in fiction to Black feminist theory to inspirational self-care guides”. Download it and let us know what you would add! 
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Read this to save a life.
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THIS. #EndRespectabilityPolitics
If your black feminism doesn't include 'ratchets,' 'bad bitches,' 'ghetto/hood girls,' or 'sex workers,' I don't want it around me.
Point Blank. Period. ✌🏾️
Venus Monroe 💋
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I am a Black Feminist. I mean I recognize that my power as well as my primary oppressions come as a result of my blackness as well as my womaness, and therefore my struggles on both of these fronts are inseparable.“
Audre Lorde (via thedailywomanist)
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Can a white person be considered an "intersectional feminist" if they do not support "white feminism"?
Hi there! 
Can white feminists be intersectional? Yes they can and they should.  
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Source: Why We Need To Talk About White Feminism
The concept of intersectional feminism - that a woman’s experience of sexist oppression can be amplified by additional oppressions like racism, classism, and homophobia/transphobia - was created and popularized by black feminist writers (Kimberlé Crenshaw, Patricia Hill Collins), but it is not an “identity politics” movement where only people of color can participate.
All feminists need to be intersectional, especially white feminists. You can’t successfully end oppression while practicing it.
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Readers, for an introduction and overview on intersectional feminism:
More info on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersectionality
More posts on intersectional feminism on Profeminist
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For those that think systematic racism doesn’t exist anymore.
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