axexuez · 2 years
【Ateez/Hojoong】 His Tree
Jongho & Hongjoong
*Original Chinese text is below the English version :). The full text is translated from the Chinese.
The story about the king and the seed in this fic is an oriental folktale: a king wanted to choose an heir among the children of the whole country, so he gave seeds to all the children and told everyone that whoever could grow the most beautiful flowers would be the heir . A boy found that his seeds did not germinate even though he cultivated them carefully. On the appointed day, all the children brought all kinds of beautiful flowers, and only the boy told the king the truth. In the end the king chose the boy because all the seeds were fried and could not germinate.
"But Jongho didn't know what he is in Hongjoong's heart."
Everyone has different habits when entering the house.
Someone are full of energy, such as Wooyoung and Yunho, when they return to the dormitory, they will habitually shout: I am back! No one knows if they really have no worries, or if they have digested the negative emotions alone outside the door. Or like Seonghwa and Yeosang, who will greet people who sitting on the sofa. San and Mingi are the type who tell their experiences as soon as they open the door.
Some people are introverted, they will silently walk into the room and close the door and lay down on the bed, such as Jongho.
Of course, there are also someone who always sleep on company. If need to give an example, probably everyone in KQ entertainment will say Hongjoong’s name.
"Jongho." Yunho suddenly opened the door, put his hands on the door frame, and half his body in, "We are going to the convenience store to buy some snacks, would you like together with me?"
At the end of summer, Jongho still entered the early autumn mode earlier than other members. Yunho is still in short-sleeved shorts, but Jongho has already changed into thin long-sleeved pajamas, with short messy hair, and his eyes behind the glasses look a little hazy.
"I just woke up." He said hoarsely to Yunho, the pronunciation sounded vague. Almost at the same time as he spoke, Yunho froze for a moment, his face was suddenly worried, then he hesitated for a moment, asked Jongho: "Is your throat okay?"
"Ahem..." Jongho cleared his throat and sounded better, he gave Yunho a comforting smile, "I'm fine, I just slept too much. Could you bring me a bottle of oolong tea later?"
"Sure." Yunho said, "Are you hungry?"
"Not yet."
"Just call us if you're hungry and we'd bring you some food." Yunho exited but pushed the door open again, and said excitedly to Jongho, "Hey, I just remembered, there is beef soup rice left by Hongjoong hyung in the refrigerator."
Jongho surprised: "Hongjoong hyung is back?"
"Oh my god...you have a broken voice." Yunho couldn't help laughing, "Hongjoong hyung didn't come back. He was supposed to come back yesterday, even he ordered food to home, but he suddenly had a new inspiration at the entrance of the company.”
"Ah, what kind of inspiration can come from the entrance of the company!" Wooyoung, who was already well dressed, also came over to complain, "Aside from convenience stores and restaurants, what else is there around our company."
Yunho was shocked by him: "Why do you wear pink sunglasses at night? It's too exaggerated."
"He's going to become the second Kim Hongjoong!" Mingi said leisurely in the living room, "Hey Wooyoung, Hongjoong hyung dressed up to go to company, but you are just go to the convenience store."
"Why am I the second Kim Hongjoong?" Wooyoung turned his head and refuted him from a distance, and then patted Yunho on the shoulder to make him go quickly. He said if they keep chatting here, Yeosang would starve to death, he keeps complaining.
"Jongho, just heat up that meal if you're hungry. Hongjoong hyung said we can eat that." After Yunho finished speaking, he gestured for the phone, and waited patiently for Jongho to nod his head slowly, and then ran away. Yeosang muttered faintly from the living room, as if he was complaining about Mingi, and then Mingi yelled aggrievedly. In the end Yunho tried to break the fight and Wooyoung urged them impatiently, with San laughing.
The sound of kicking and changing shoes came from the entrance, and the messy laughter was suddenly blocked by closing the door. The whole room is like a ship, submerged into the deepest part of the ocean in an instant.
Jongho pressed his face against the pillow and lay still for a while. He looked at the bear digital alarm clock on the desk, which was brought back from Japan by Hongjoong as a gift for his 20th birthday.
There is no second on the clock, so Jongho can never guess when the time on it will change. The beating of the numbers is like a surprise given to him by Hongjoong. It is small and sudden, which will make him a little panicked.
"It's already 11 o'clock." Jongho wrapped himself in the quilt, thinking silently, "I'm going to lose sleep again at night."
Teenagers at this age, as Wooyoung said, need their own personal space. Therefore, it is really rare to have the occasional opportunity to occupy the entire dormitory like now. The silence at home should have calmed the mind, but Jongho felt that the silence was like a dark and cold iron cage in the mist. His heart was like a crow longing for freedom, constantly crashing into the black cage and making violent noises. Some kind of emotion was so intense that it made him ache all over.
In such pain and collision, he fell asleep again in a daze.
It might because 99line talk about Hongjoong, Jongho dreamed about Hongjoong, it was in last year, Hongjoong was being quarantined a few days before the Real NOW recording.
Hongjoong always sleep at the company, even when he was quarantined, the producers in their company knew about it before all the Ateez members, then they notified Seonghwa, finally notified other members. At that time, Seonghwa was out of the company, and Jongho was in the car with him when his phone rang. While Jongho was drowsy, he heard Seonghwa nervously asking: "How is Hongjoong now?" He staring at Seonghwa's serious face.
Seonghwa caught his gaze very sensitively, turned his head and waved to him lightly, which means don't be nervous.
"Umm...our members? I'm not at home right now, Jongho stays with me."
"Okay, so we won't go to the company today." Seonghwa held up the phone, seeing Jongho's tense face, and showing him a comforting smile, shook his head, "It's fine if he's not seriously ill -- has he just arrived at the hotel now?"
"Okay, I'll give him a call later -- okie you too."
Seonghwa hung up the phone, he was about to speak when Jongho interrupted: "Has Hongjoong hyung been quarantined?"
"Yes, he should be at the hotel now." Seonghwa nodded and opened the call log, dialed Hongjoong, "Don't be nervous, it's okay. Let me make a call."
Just as Jongho put his hand into his pocket, the palm of his hand holding the phone was already sweating. He felt a dull pain in every finger. He remembered that Mingi had told him that when he looked down from a high place, he would have this reaction. But Jongho is too brave and not afraid of too many things, he seems to have never experienced this kind of reaction.
Seonghwa quickly called Hongjoong, his voice was low, like a cloud drifting outside the window.
"What's your temperature now?"
"Hey...don't worry about your work, just take a good rest, okay? Have you had lunch yet?"
"Take care of yourself, and call me or our manager if you feel so ill."
Hongjoong seemed to said something on the phone, Seonghwa sighed helplessly, subconsciously glanced at Jongho, and quickly looked away. That's what Jongho often sees, Seonghwa's eyes when Hongjoong doesn't eat or drink all night. Angry, absurd, and helpless like treating a five-year-old child.
"...Do you think the members are really kids who haven't grown up? Trust them, hmm?"
"Jongho stays with me now." Seonghwa pointed to the phone, asked Jongho with his eyes if he want to talk with Hongjoong. Jongho thought for a second, felt that Hongjoong would only ask for trivial matters when he answered the phone, so he finally refused the call.
Seonghwa is always considerate. He didn't ask Jongho why he refused to answer Hongjoong's call, but said meaningfully after hanging up the phone: "Now you can rest assured." Then he stopped teasing Jongho.
Jongho couldn't hide his thoughts in front of Seonghwa, he just smiled a little embarrassedly.
Jongho has a somewhat restrained personality, and he is the worst person in Ateez who is not good at dealing with strangers except Yeosang. Even his personal schedule, which doesn't have too many parts, is much longer for him than team shows in his mind. When he returned home exhausted, the members gathered together and chatted. Everyone's expressions were not very good, but fortunately, it was not a serious atmosphere. It was almost Wooyoung, San and Yunho who were talking, and Seonghwa was sitting quietly typing on his mobile phone, as if he was talking to someone. When saw Jongho, they greeted immediately: "Hey maknae!"
As soon as Wooyoung uttered the word "hong", Seonghwa, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly interrupted him: "Jongho already knows."
Yunho seemed to notice that he was a little tired, and asked with concern: "Jongho, how was your recording today? You look so tired."
"Well, not bad." Jongho nodded, looked at the room full of members with different expressions, said, "I'm going to bed, you don't need to call me for dinner."
"Okey dokey, take a good rest our maknae~"
Jongho closed the bedroom door, and the noise in the living room was deliberately silenced by the members. The ceiling light was turned off, and only the computer screen on the desk was still on. It was the game that Yeosang had played halfway through. Jongho changed into pajamas and fell on the bed, rolled himself into the quilt like a silkworm chrysalis.
The light of the computer screen sprinkled dimly on his desk. The numbers on the digital clock seemed to jump. He remembered that the day before his 20th birthday, Hongjoong, who came back from work, mysteriously opened the bedroom door, leaned against the door and smiled at him, wondering what he was laughing at, asked Jongho who was playing games on the bed: "Hey Jongho, have you notice any changes in your room?"
Jongho paused the game and stared at him suspiciously through the glasses: "So the digital clock on my desk is a gift from you?"
Hongjoong responded with a smile: "Ah. Do you like it? I bought it during our Japanese schedule."
"Hyung, I'm already twenty years old." Jongho looked at him helplessly, but thanked him anyway, "But it's cute, is that bear me?"
"Yeah, don't you think it's exactly the same as you?" Hongjoong smiled with crooked eyes, his eyes were sly. Jongho looks at him and thinks the fans are right, the captain does look like a cat sometimes, although Hongjoong himself doesn't quite agree with that.
"Umm, yea I think so. Thank you Hyung."
"What..." Hongjoong pouted and muttered dissatisfiedly to Jongho, "Are you perfunctory to me?"
Jongho is always helpless about his willfulness, explaining dumbfoundingly: "No, I really like it."
"I just find it interesting," he looked at Hongjoong's eyes, found his face with an unnatural expression, and said, "Other brothers say I'm precocious, but hyung, you always seem to think that I'm a child... is it because everyone is a child in the captain's mind? Including Seonghwa hyung."
Hongjoong seemed relieved after hearing this, and habitually showed his helpless and doting expression. Jongho saw this expression on his face several times, towards Wooyoung, towards Mingi, but it was the first time he saw Hongjoong look at him with this look. Is it because I was older that he had this change in me? Jongho thought nonsensically.
Different from 99line, Jongho is precocious, introverted, stable, and exudes a reliable temperament from the inside to the outside. Occasionally, even Hongjoong and Seonghwa will subconsciously rely on him. Because of this, they didn't seem to treat him as a younger brother who needed to be taken care of.
He felt like an awkward contradiction, hoping that Hongjoong would treat him like a younger brother who needed to be worried about like Wooyoung and Mingi. On the one hand, he didn't want the relationship between Hongjoong and him, just the captain and the youngest in the team.
"No." Hongjoong thought for a while and replied, "I just... I don't think you need to be so precocious."
"And actually... Although we always say that Jongho is so stable, unlike others at your age, you will always be our maknae in this family."
Again such words. Jongho sighed inwardly, he thought maybe he didn't know what he really wanted to hear from Hongjoong. He would rather Hongjoong just say to him, happy birthday Jongho, I love you forever.
"I see..." finally he didn't say anything, just smiled at Hongjoong obediently, "Thank you hyung, I love you."
After hearing this sentence, Hongjoong closed the door and left with a smile on his face that he had succeeded.
...Should I give Hongjoong hyung a call? After reminiscing, Jongho thought in the dark. When he came back to his senses, his finger had already swiped away from the phone and landed on "ATEEZ Hongjoong hyung" in the address book.
When did "Should I call him or not" become a question to wrestle with? He wondered for a moment, and simply pressed Hongjoong's name, the screen immediately displayed the call interface, and then the call duration popped up quickly.
Before Jongho finished brewing, a hoarse voice came from the receiver: "Jongho... what's wrong?"
"It's nothing, I just finished the schedule." Jongho thought about it calmly, and said, "Today's recording went smoothly. The seniors said that they didn't expect me to be an idol, and they thought I was an OST singer."
It sounded very quiet on the phone, the environment in the hotel is indeed different from that at home. Hongjoong burst into low laughter because of covid: "Really?...Did you talk something about music?"
"Umm...I said that I actually haven't sung an OST. But if there is a chance, I hope they could give me some advice." Jongho said, "Is it okay for me to say that?"
"Well, you are actually articulate, don't worry." Hongjoong seemed to hold the phone away and coughed twice, with a heavy nasal voice, "I heard that the company is contacting some opportunities for you to sing OST, I don't know if there is any suitable one. If they meet a good one, they should discuss it with you."
"Really? I've never heard that before."
"Ah... because it's uncertain, so they only mentioned it to me. And I didn't tell you because I’m no sure what the results would be."
"Why you told me now?" Jongho laughed at his unconsciously coquettish tone.
"Now? umm...because Jongho is getting better and better, OST is not a problem for you. Ahem...!"
There was silence in the phone receiver for a while, Jongho listened quietly under the quilt, and faintly heard the sound of Hongjoong pouring water. With a thud, it was like a fish swimming nimbly. While Hongjoong was drinking water, his Adam's apple popped up in Jongho's mind. It often appeared in pictures taken by fans and was always discussed by the Atinys.
"Hyung, are you okay?"
Hongjoong laughed: "Hey boy... so you don't remember to care about me until now? When I received the call just now, I thought you must cared about me specially."
"But there are already many people who care about you, don't they?"
"It's outrageous... This is not a team task."
"I didn't mean that... sorry hyung."
"Fine. I still have a fever. But I've already taken the medicine." Hongjoong sniffed, "You also need to rest quickly. You've worked hard today, so don't worry about me."
"Sure. You too." Jongho and the little bear on the digital clock exchanged a glance. It turned out that it was almost 9 o'clock, and there was still the crisp sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding outside the door.
"Good night, Jongho."
"Good night."
The heat in the bed became a little higher. Jongho was still confused when he was about to sleep. Did Hongjoong really need him to ask for his care, or is he just playing petty temper, or just teasing him? He thought that the four seasons of Hongjoong are actually well filled by other people. There are flowers in spring, rain in summer, wind in autumn, and snow in winter.
But Jongho didn't know what he is in Hongjoong's heart. Hongjoong is sometimes like a teacher, always trying to test him. He thought that Hongjoong is the wise king in the story, but unfortunately, Jongho is not the honest child who can inherit the throne, he may just be the seed in the pot that is doomed to fail to bear fruit, no matter how carefully cultivated, the seed in the soil is indifferent.
His love with Hongjoong, like that seed, will not blossom.
At the first night of Real NOW’s recording, he was sleeping alone on a single bed in a hotel suite. In his dream, he felt someone slowly approaching him. He opened his eyes, and Hongjoong’s face with makeup appeared in front of him.
"How are you..." He asked vaguely with eyes wide open, as if he hadn't woken up yet. The warm breath fell on his face, like the moon god weaving a hazy tulle. At that moment, he couldn't distinguish dream from reality.
"How am I?" The person in the dream smiled softly, with a clear and bright voice. He suddenly woke up from the dream and quickly pulled himself back to the real world.
"Do you know who I am?"
Jongho opened his eyes, the room was dark, and Yeosang's lit computer screen cast a thin layer of cold light on the dark night.
He vaguely felt a figure moving in front of him.
"Are you awake now?"
It's Hongjoong. He still has the heat from the outside, and it looks like he just came back from the company. Like an intruder, he snapped on the lamp on his desk without Jongho's consent. Jongho fumbled from the bedside to grab his glasses and put them on, and saw Hongjoong looking at him worriedly.
"Yunho said your throat is uncomfortable, I bought you some throat lozenges."
"My throat...? I just slept too long.
"Don't lie to me, I knew it as soon as I heard you talk." Hongjoong looked at him with a serious expression on his face. He reached out and patted Jongho's back lightly, feeling the sweat on his back. He immediately touched Jongho's forehead with the back of his hand, and heaved a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you only have a low-grade fever. Get up and eat, I've already warmed up the food for you."
"...Am I still dreaming? Hyung."
"What?" Hongjoong pretended to be a little annoyed, "You are not allowed to question my cooking skills. I know how to use a microwave oven."
"Hyung, I hope you didn't overcook the rice, right?"
"...Do you want to die?"
"Haha...I see, I'll get up now."
Hongjoong rolled his eyes and went out first. Jongho sat on the bed for a while longer, until he heard the sound of Hongjoong taking the cutlery from the cupboard in the kitchen, and he had the real feeling that Hongjoong was finally home.
This kind of real feeling made him surrounded by an inexplicable sense of peace of mind, he thought to himself, in fact, he could also be the fried seed. It doesn't matter if it doesn't bloom, and it doesn't matter if it is buried in the soil forever, because there is a small tree accompanying that poor seed.
The tree will slowly grow taller, and eventually become a towering tree that no one can match, resisting the storm for the precocious seed.
"Jongho, did you fall asleep again?"
"No. Just give me a second."
……要不要给弘中哥打个电话?回过神来的崔钟浩在黑暗中思考起来。等他回过神,手指已经划开手机,停在了通讯录里的“ATEEZ 弘中哥”上。
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