aylahcatigbe · 4 years
In a world full of changes,
Where change of environment is evident
And pollution is very rampant
It’s our task to dance with the changes
 We are rowing in the rivers of garbage
Swimming in the ocean of pollution
Breathing the intoxicated breeze of air
And trekking in the mountain of dirt
 Mother Earth is drowning
Garbage are swarming
In lakes, rivers and oceans
that creates a polluted settings
 Be the reason of changes
By thinking lot of ways
Disciplining thy self
By throwing waste properly
 We have two hands to pick the garbage
We have one brain to think of ways
We have one heart to love cleanliness
We have our whole –being to do the task
 To create a world free of pollution
Reducing, reusing and recycling
Segregating and managing waste
Can be the start of changes
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aylahcatigbe · 4 years
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aylahcatigbe · 4 years
The Cook in The Family
Flash Fiction
All Soul’s Day means the family will be over to partake of the family feast of favorites. Lolo Cholo’s caldereta, Lola Ninay’s Sinigang na Ulo sa Miso. Tito Pascualito’s Beef Tapa con Ampalaya will make its first appearance at the table this year, beside the box of Krispy Kreme chocolate donuts young Paquito used to scarf down when his chemo permitted.
Saling set a furious pace for herself. She had kare-kare from scratch to prepare for the clan and she had but a few more hours to get it done as she’d always gotten it done, Perfect, hot, served with spicy shrimp paste she’d sauteed from scratch with bird’s eye chilies from the backyard.
There’s the leche flan to chill yet, she thinks as her cook’s knife decimates the banana hearts on the chopping board. Her hands fly over the talyasi in the yard sitting on its roaring wood fire, testing the heat before she begins the process of making the perfect oxtail in peanut sauce stew. The family will want this dish as she makes it each year: The meat fork-tender, the sauce rich and sinful. After all, this is the one time in the year she gets to make it for everyone.
Decades of love in a huge wok, the simmering heart of her, this is the best expression of love Saling knows and she never fails to express it with piquancy, with heat, with all her heart and soul poured into every morsel and drip of sauce.
Saling pops the flans in the ref and moves on to the sink to wash up. It just wouldn’t do to leave the care of her precious cookware to the kids. Might as well do this while the stew simmers.
Somewhere in the yard, a time-addled rooster crows at the witching hour. Saling turns her face up to the ebbing moonlight filtering into the outdoor kitchen.
She closes her eyes as she calls the names of every clan member over the slow-bubbling kare-kare, dropping the okra and pechay in carefully, giving the lot a final firm stir before setting the lid on the huge wok.
Saling takes a few minutes to look at each window of the old house where she’d spent the happiest moments and some of the most difficult days of her life.
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aylahcatigbe · 4 years
Jose Rizal
José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda or also known as Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines and pride of the Malayan race, was born on June 19, 1861, in the town of Calamba, Laguna. He was the seventh child in a family of 11 children 2 boys and 9 girls. Both his parents were educated and belonged to distinguished families. His father, Francisco Mercado Rizal, an industrious farmer whom Rizal called "a model of fathers," came from Biñan, Laguna; while his mother, Teodora Alonzo y Quintos, a highly cultured and accomplished woman whom Rizal called "loving and prudent mother," was born in Meisic Sta. Cruz, Manila. At the age of 3, he learned the alphabet from his mother at 5, while learning to read and write,he already showed inclinations to be an artist. He astounded his family and relatives by his pencil drawings and sketches and by his moldings of clay. At the age 8, he wrote a Tagalog poem, "Sa Aking Mga Kabata," the theme of which revolves on the love of one’s language. In1877, at the age of 16, he obtained his Bachelor of Arts degree with an average of "excellent" from the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. In the same year, he enrolled in Philosophy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas, while at the same time took courses leading to the degree of surveyor and expert assessor at the Ateneo. He finished the latter course on March 21, 1877 and passed the Surveyor’s examination on May 21, 1878 but because of his age, 17, he was not granted license to practice the profession until December 30, 1881. In 1878, he enrolled in medicine at the University of Santo Tomas but had to stop in his studies when he felt that  the Filipino students were being discriminated upon by their Dominican tutors. On May 3, 1882, he sailed for Spain where he continued his studies at the Universidad Central de Madrid. On June 21, 1884, at the age of 23, he was conferred the degree of Licentiate in Medicine and on June 19,1885, at the age of 24, he finished his course in Philosophy and Letters with a grade of "excellent." Having traveled extensively in Europe, America and Asia, he mastered 22 languages. These include Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Malayan, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish,  Tagalog, and other native dialects. A versatile genius, he was an architect, artists, businessman, cartoonists, educator, economist, ethnologist, scientific farmer, historian, inventor, journalist, linguist, musician, mythologist, nationalist, naturalist, novelist, ophthalmic surgeon, poet, propagandist, psychologist, scientist, sculptor, sociologist, and theologian. He was an expert swordsman and a good shot. In the hope of securing political and social reforms for his country and at the same time educate his countrymen, Rizal, the greatest apostle of Filipino nationalism, published, while in Europe, several works with highly nationalistic and revolutionary tendencies. In March 1887, his daring book, NOLI ME TANGERE, a satirical novel exposing the arrogance and despotism of the Spanish clergy, was published in Berlin in 1890 he reprinted in Paris, Morga’s SUCCESSOSDE LAS ISLAS FILIPINAS with his annotations to prove that the Filipinos had a civilization worthy to be proud of even long before the Spaniards set foot on Philippine soil; on September 18, 1991, EL FILIBUSTERISMO, his second novel and a sequel to the NOLI and more revolutionary and tragic than the latter, was printed in Ghent.  
Because of his fearless exposures of the injustices committed by the civil and clerical officials, Rizal provoked the animosity of those in power. This led himself, his relatives and country men into trouble with the Spanish officials of the country. As a consequence, he and those who had contacts with him, were shadowed; the authorities were not only finding faults but even fabricating charges to pin him down. Thus, he was imprisoned in Fort Santiago from July 6,1892 to July 15, 1892 on a charge that anti-friar pamphlets were found in the luggage of his sister Lucia who arrive with him from Hong Kong. While a political exile in Dapitan, he engaged  in agriculture, fishing and business; he maintained and operated a hospital he conducted classes- taught his pupils the English and Spanish languages, the arts. The sciences, vocational courses including agriculture, surveying, sculpturing, and painting, as well as the art of self defense; he did some researches and collected specimens; he entered into correspondence  with renowned men of letters and sciences abroad; and with the help of his pupils, he contracted water dam and a relief map of Mindanao- both considered remarkable engineering feats .His sincerity and friendliness won for him the trust and confidence of even those assigned to guard him his good manners and warm personality were found irresistible by women of all races with whom he had personal contacts his intelligence and humility gained for him the respect and admiration of prominent men of other nations while his undaunted courage and determination to uplift the welfare of his people were feared by his enemies. When the Philippine Revolution started on August 26, 1896, his enemies lost no time in pressing him down. They were able to enlist witnesses that linked him with the revolt and these were never allowed to be confronted by him. Thus, from November 3, 1986, to the date of his execution, he  was again committed to Fort Santiago. In his prison cell, he wrote an untitled poem, now known as "Ultimo Adios" which is considered a masterpiece and a living document expressing not only the hero’s great love of country but also that of all Filipinos. After a mock trial, he was convicted of rebellion, sedition and of forming illegal association. In the cold morning of December 30,1896, Rizal, a man whose 35 years of life had been packed with varied activities which proved that the Filipino has capacity to equal if not excel even those who treat him as a slave, was shot at Bagumbayan Field.
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aylahcatigbe · 4 years
Trusty and His Friend Crocky
In the farm of Manang Adring , theres a dog name Trusty and a rabbit named Crocky . They lived in the farm with the other animals . One day Trusty asked Crocky to play with him outside the farm. “Crocky the sun is shining  brightly . It is a good day to play outside the farm . Can we play?”   said Trusty.
“Yes , Trusty after I finish eating these big carrots , we will play outside the farm.” Crocky  “ Okay I will wait for you .” The dog was jubilant after hearing what Crocky said . Trusty walked happily outside the farm Then he meet Tweeny the eagle . “ Hey Trusty , it’s a good day to catch fish in the sea today .  You want to join with me?” said Mr Twenny  “ Sorry Mr. Tweeny I can’t go with you . Crocky and I are playing outside the farm today . I promise to wait for him outside the farm after he eats all his carrots .” said Trusty  “ Okay then have fun and take care “ Mr Tweeny  “ Same to you Mr. Twenny “ Trusty . Trusty arrived in their rendezvous , and he waited for Crocky . After waiting for too long he said. “What takes Crocky too long ? Does he’s carrots too big?” Then the sun started to set. There’s no Crocky appeared. Trusty goes home disappointed.  As Trusty arrived home, he sees Crocky with the ducks . “Hey! Crocky , why did you break your promise to play with me today?” Trusty said angrily .  “I’m very sorry Trusty . The ducks coerce me to play with them in the river today. Lets just set it tomorrow at the same place.” Crocky  “ Are you sure ?” He said happily and added “We are going play tomorrow?”  Crocky nodded. As the sun rises, Trusty excitedly wake up and take his breakfast. Then head outside the farm . Again, he happily walks in his way and meet Mr Tweeny. “Are you going to play with Crocky again?” Mr Tweenty “Where not able to play yesterday, and he decided that we play today . Are you going to go to the sea to catch fish Mr Tweeny ?”  “Yes, catching fish is my happiness . Let’s catch fish together tomorrow, if it’s good to you.”   “ It’s good to me , I don’t have anything to do tomorrow except catching fish , as what I do everyday . Let’s meet at the sea tomorrow morning and catch fish together.” “ I’m sure I would enjoy that Mr Tweeny . Take care on your way and see so tomorrow.”
As Trusty arrived outside the farm, there’s no Crocky appeared again . “Maybe , he’s going to be late, because he eats a lot of big carrots .” he said to himself . He waited until evening arrived, but still Crocky doesn’t appear . He arrived home sad and disappointed. As he enter the farm, he sees Crocky and approach him to ask “What’s the reason why you broke your promise again Crocky ?”  “I’m very sorry Trusty. I don’t have the enthusiasm to play to day. I am tired playing yesterday with the ducks, that I don’t want to leave my bed this morning . Can we set it again tomorrow?” Chrocky said. “Sorry Crocky , I promise to catch fish with Mr. Tweeny tomorrow . I can’t break that promise to him.” Untill then, Trusty doesn’t trust his friend Crocky . After all what Crockyy did to him, he feels that he’s just nothing and unimportant to Crocky . But Trusty said “I will not take grudges towards my friend . I will forgive him for what he did but I can’t promise I can give my full trust to him again.”
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aylahcatigbe · 4 years
  What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
- future
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aylahcatigbe · 4 years
       Knowledge is power the more you know, the more powerful you can be in different areas of life.
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aylahcatigbe · 4 years
Seranade "You"
When I saw you in the light of the sun,
My whole world had spun
When we walk under the moon ,
Oh how you made my heart swoon
All because you came into my life
 Every look a feeling stems
Every touch a sensation begins
The moment is like germs
Your voice like violin
All so beautiful and precious
 The flower in the field cannot compare
To the beauty your face shows
When I look at you , you lift my despair
And when you touch me , you make my heart beat fast
For you are the one and probably my last
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aylahcatigbe · 4 years
Sila ang gumagabay , Sa aming paglalakbay, Upang kinabukasa’y, Namin ay matagumpay
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