aysus-world Ā· 7 years
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Alright alright. Iā€™ve always wanted to do one of these things, so here we are. In celebration of clearing the 900 follower mark, I thought to do an art give away. If you want to see what I do, check out my art commission blog @commissarcommissions.
The Prize-
One person will receive a drawing, of course! Either traditional or digital.
If we somehow break 1k followers before the end of this thing, Iā€™ll bump it up to three people.
How to Enter-
Just give this a reblog. Only one entry per blog.
Likes are nice but donā€™t count.
You donā€™t have to be following me, though itā€™s definitely cool if you do!
The Deadline-
July 31st, 2017, 6pm EST
Other Details-
I will be randomly selecting the winner(s) within 24 hours of that and be reaching out to discuss the prize.
Itā€™s mentioned on my commission blog, but I donā€™t do nsfw, specifically smut.
Iā€™m willing to do multiple characters in a single scene, but if youā€™re asking for the full legion in a single drawing, Iā€™m going to have to ask you to reconsider.
Alright! Without further adieu, I love you guys. Have at this post!
193 notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 8 years
Okay so as basically every other person out there I am blown away by the latest Yuri on Ice episode and in a state where I just have to rant about it to even think about calming down. Prepare for lots of Viktor, and also both our precious Yuriā€™s.
Ā With just one look and one line of dialogue, the whole show turned on its head and we can now watch it from a completely different perspective, more correctly, Viktorā€™s.
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Iā€™d say itā€™s safe to assume that Viktor was the one who fell in love first, and that all Viktor did after that moment was motivated by the fact that he fell so heads over heels in love with Yuuri during the banquet. Yuuri showed him how to live, how to have fun, how to connect with someone and how to love someone, something itā€™s fair to say Viktor never experienced before. All his life revolved around skating, and thanks to that his life also suffered. He paid for those medals with his own personal well-being, on the emotional plane, and was ultimately very unsatisfied with his life.
Just look at him after winning yet another gold medal.
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At this point, it means nothing to him. His life is empty, void of affection and love and genuine happiness. In the shots he shared with Yuuri during the banquet, he looks thrilled, much more thrilled than winning gold in yet another final. At 27, itā€™s obvious that his career as a skater is quickly coming to an end, and yet he decided to press on for yet another season, because I believe he simply donā€™t know about any other life. Skating is all he has.
Until Yuuri came into his life.
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Thereā€™s been tons of debate about the look Viktor has here. Was Yuuri just a random fan that offended him by turning him down? Was he offended another skater turned him down? Did he just think Yuuri was some random guy that just happened to walk past in that exact moment? Iā€™ve seen a lot of theories about this, and now we finally might know why he looks so disappointed.
Basically there are two interpretations: the first one is that the photo scene takes part before the banquet, and the other is that itā€™s afterwards. I didnā€™t realize that it could be beforehand until I had spent 5 hours writing and editing this so Iā€™LL JUST DISCUSS BOTH please donā€™t murder me for keeping a potentially incorrect interpretation.
Ā Let me quickly talk about the fact that it could be before the banquet. I didnā€™t consider this until basically 5 minutes ago so Iā€™m only going to wing it (I was just about to post the original when I was informed of this so now Iā€™m a bit salty about how dumb I was), but the past meta written by many amazing people stand; Yuuri canā€™t allow himself to be in a photo with Viktor, for he deems himself unworthy and leaves without a word out of shame. This puzzles Viktor, and leaves him especially curious of this Japanese boy once the banquet starts. You can see how he looks at him once Yuuri arrives. I hope the rest of the meta stands fairly well against this point as well, despite not being written around it. In short, Yuuri piqued Viktorā€™s interest after initially turning him down.Ā 
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NOW LETā€™S JUMP INTO THE ORIGINAL POINT I WAS GOING TO MAKE I spent too much time on it to just delete it and itā€™s a fun way to look at things.
Letā€™s go back to the start of the scene. Viktor doesnā€™t notice Yuuri at first, since he is coaching Yurio, but once Yakov takes over he finally notice that Yuuri is looking at him. The screens for this are interesting, and cute.
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As we can see, at first he has a look of civil politeness. Weā€™ve been told heā€™s always nice to his fans and seems well liked and skilled in the public sphere, so I guess this is a common look for him once heā€™s in the eyes of the public. When he feels that someone is looking at him the smile drops, however, only to be replaced by genuine joy when he realizes Yuuri is the one who has sparked his attention.
We know now this was never just a photo; it was Viktor inviting Yuuri into his space again. He wanted to immortalize this Japanese boy, not as one of his fans or a fellow skater but as a human being whom he felt a connection to. Maybe he also thought to use this as an opportunity to speak to Yuuri a bit more before they parted ways, to see the person behind the drunkenness. It would have been easy to start a chat while taking the photo, and a nice way to acknowledge what they both (in Viktorā€™s eyes) felt during the banquet.
Ā Instead, heā€™s turned down, and his heart breaks.
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As we can see, his first look is not of disappointment, but one of surprise. He could never foresee that Yuuri, after asking Viktor to be his coach and grinding up to him, would refuse this innocent request. I feel really bad for Viktor actually because for the first time in his life he connected to someone and felt a need to establish a deeper relationship and the man of his affections just turn his back on him without a word and leaves. Heā€™s disappointed, as we can see in the screenshot above, but he must also be confused and sad, wondering what he did wrong, if he just imagined everything, or if he just fooled himself into thinking Yuuri was interested because Viktor himself crave a connection so badly. Itā€™s a shitty position to be in, and the fact that he lets Yuuri go with just this look makes me believe that he felt terribly rejected and thought there was no use to pursue Yuuri further, since his intentions were clear.
Itā€™s rather fascinating, considering how their future relationship is built upon the foundation of good, emotional communication as opposed to the tired miscommunication clichĆ© used in many other shows. Here the tool of miscommunication is used amazingly, however.
Fast forward until Viktor sees Yuuri skate his program.
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Me and my sister got into the show right after episode 2 aired, and we had next to no spoilers, so when we came to this scene we both reacted on the look on his face. My sister even pointed out that she was concerned about Yuuri now, because Viktor didnā€™t look pleased AT ALL while watching the video. Iā€™ve been musing about this now. Is it just that heā€™s in a private space and thatā€™s his resting face? Or is he, somewhere, a bit salty about Yuuri rejecting him so he goes into the video with some negative emotions? Itā€™s like ā€œthis guy danced with me and grinded up to me and made me feel alive only to violently turn me down and now heā€™s also skating my program?ā€ As for the idea that they never met once the banquet was over, I can only imagine that the video basically played the same role; it fueled Viktorā€™s interest once again. Iā€™m unsure about this, but now itā€™s obvious he didnā€™t pack up his whole life and move to Japan for the sake of one video.
Not entirely, anyway.
Ā Iā€™m going to derail myself a bit perhaps but we all know that Viktor skating ā€œStay Close to Meā€ is incredibly meaningful. The lyrics speak of a man trying to find love, and hating it at the same time, until he finds another (male) lover and he opens up to the beauty of it again, leaving his bitterness behind. I donā€™t have any proof for this except my gut feeling but it feels like Viktor might have been dissatisfied with his performance? Itā€™s incredible, of course, but he had no one to skate for. He is the lonely, seeking man, but he hasnā€™t found his lover yet. He looks rather sad while he performs, which might just be an artistic choice, but itā€™s interesting nonetheless. Maybe the parallel between Yuuri and Viktor also mirror this. Yuuri looks solemn, and content, while he skates, and Viktor looks sad. Maybe Viktorā€™s sadness stems from the fact that he thought he lost the person he wanted to stay close to, while Yuuri skates for that said person still.
Yuuri skates for someone. More correctly, as we all know, Viktor.
When Viktor said Yuuri create music with his body I donā€™t think he lied, but itā€™s obvious Yuuriā€™s take on ā€œStay Close to Meā€ touched something deep within him, again. Maybe he thought Yuuri skated it as it should have been skated; longing for someone and desiring them to be with you, something Viktor lacked. Maybe Viktor thought Yuuri had changed his mind after the photo rejection and used Viktorā€™s own program to reach out to him.
Stay close to me. And Viktor willingly obliged. In episode 4 he says he never thought he would leave St Petersburg; itā€™s a line that tells us a lot about what Viktor saw for the future: Very little. He didnā€™t seek or strive for change. Heā€™s lost but unable to see a future beyond his town of birth. St Petersburg is skating, and skating is his life. What happens next is a mystery to him, something scary. And yet Yuuri evokes so much emotion in him that he just packs up and leaves. Yuuri is his future, be it in coaching or in romance, or both. At least this is what Viktor hopes. Heā€™s certain Yuuri is interested again once he reaches Japan, filled with new found passion and hope, and yet his plan once again ends up beating him in the face.
Ā I get the feeling Viktor went all the way to Japan, expecting things to pick up right where they left off. Yuuri, physically and emotionally close to him. I think itā€™s fair to say that Viktor is both emotionally and sexually attracted to him, and expects the feeling to be mutual, in his once again sparked love sick naivety.
Ā And yet all he gets is this.
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HEā€™S ONCE AGAIN SO CONFUSED. He wanted to be close to Yuuri and build a relationship with Yuuri for months now and finally felt he got the invite he needed to do so, only to be rejected AGAIN. It takes a whole other meaning now, especially if we look at this screen.
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I always joked with friends like ā€œaww look heā€™s sad Yuuri didnā€™t allow him to sleep in his bedā€ and other said the tears were just of the kind you get when you sleep sometimes, but no. Viktor Nikiforov cried and hugged his dog for comfort during his first night in Japan because Yuuri rejected him. This is not just some silly crush at this point. Viktor is genuinely in love with Yuuri and is saddened to the point of tears when his affections go unanswered. I just need a minute to process how much Viktor always loved Yuuri. He fears he got rejected again, after dropping everything and everyone he knew just to be close to this guy. Yakov said he canā€™t come back if he leaves, and he leaves anyway. He drops everything and faces his future willingly just because he thought Yuuri desired him. What if he was wrong? Has he thrown his only comfort away, skating, on a mere whim? Skating for Viktor, I suspect, is both a prison and a security.
We often see comments that Viktor is selfish, only caring about himself and rarely looking beyond his own interests. I donā€™t see this, since he appears fueled to inspire and motivate others since others success inspires him in return. Him getting angry at Yuuri for ignoring Minami is a good display of this. What if his, most likely extreme, dedication to his career as a skater was misinterpreted as selfishness? He dedicated all of himself to his skating, sacrificing all other aspects of his life that didnā€™t revolve around his sport. He gave everything to his success as a skater, and in return had little to give back, for every fiber of his being was consumed by his dedication to his career. He seems out of touch with other peopleā€™s emotions, but I donā€™t think this is out of ill intent but more because he never gave enough time to develop the necessary skills. Skating consumed all of him, and he came out a bit broken, a bit misunderstood, in the process.
Yurioā€™s storyline is also flavored by what we got to know in episode 10. We donā€™t know if Yurio was aware of Viktorā€™s crush on Yuuri, but he might have been. The promise Viktor made Yurio a few years back, that he would help him during his senior debut, was incredibly important to Yurio. Enough so to make him smile for himself when he remembers it.Ā 
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It was something he looked forward to, something he worked for. Important enough to make him drop everything as well and go to Japan to bring Viktor back home. This also provides some interesting tidbits into Viktorā€™s character.
We learn that Viktor is a scatterbrain whoā€™s awful at remembering promises. He forgot what he promised Yurio, which is understandably upsetting considering how it had fueled Yurio for years, and he also forgets the new promises he makes in just a week. The guy let the boys compete about him in a skating rink and yet manage to forget what he promised to give the winner. Incredible.
But he never forgets Yuuriā€™s request. He never forgets Yuuri. In fact, Iā€™d say it fueled his artistic creativity.
Iā€™m going to go out on a limb here and say that Viktor probably was mildly or even strongly obsessed with Yuuri ever since the Grand Prix Final. Not a creepy ehehehe I shall stalk all your internet presence and all your friends obsession, but another kind. Maybe not even obsessed with Yuuri himself, but the feeling Yuuri awoke in him. I believe that Viktor crafted Agape and Eros, for himself, with Yuuri in mind, but his uncertainty about their relationship and about Yuuri left him hanging. He couldnā€™t decide what program to use, alongside feeling unmotivated that he canā€™t surprise people anymore. The programs are interesting though. He made one for unconditional love and one for sexual love, even though he only needed one short program. Maybe this could represent his inability to put his finger on what exactly he felt for Yuuri?
We know Viktor had lovers, since he starts talking about them, but I highly doubt any of them was agape. To me Viktor feels rather secure in his explanation of Eros as a program, while heā€™s much more subdued about Agape. He leaves Yurio with some kind of vague ā€œoh itā€™s a feelingā€ remark, and I wonder if this is because heā€™s unsure himself what agape really is. I think we can assume, judging by his comment that he has neglected love, that he simply hasnā€™t experienced a romantic connection with someone before. Sexual connections, surely, but not a deep romantic one. Until Yuuri, that is. Iā€™m pretty sure Yuuri is Viktorā€™s first actual love, and when he falls, he falls hard. He wants Yuuri both sexually and romantically, and it might be a bit confusing for him as well. Not confusing enough to force him into silence, of course, but it is clear that he mostly shows interest in a physical manner. I guess thatā€™s where he feels most comfortable. Viktor isnā€™t all that great with emotions, after all, as weā€™ve come to see.
He picks Yuuri over Yurio because Yuuri performs Eros better than Yurio performs Agape. Iā€™ve seen people argue that Viktor was wrong, because Yurio was technically better, but they miss the point. It was a competition on who could fuel the most emotion into their program, and there Yuuri triumphed. Yurio even remarks himself that agape is completely void in his performance. He must focus all his energy on just skating the program, and he knows Viktor is displeased. Not angry, or disappointed, but it was not what Viktor was looking for. Viktor wants emotions. Viktor wants Yuuri. And with that, Yurioā€™s wish to be coached by Viktor is snatched away from him, something he longed and trained for since he was even younger than he is now. No wonder he looks so upset.
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I think most of Viktorā€™s confusion and accidental misunderstanding of Yuuri is most evident in the first episodes, after that Yuuri starts opening up and they get on equal footing, with Yuuri reciprocating Viktor as well, but itā€™s still the matter that Viktor always thought Yuuri remembered the banquet. For 8 months of coaching and getting closer to Yuuri he thought Yuuri remembered the pole dancing, the dance off, clinging up to him half naked, and for all this time he undoubtedly fell even deeper in love with Yuuri as the months passed. Why did he never say anything? Maybe he just thought Yuuri was so embarrassed by what happened that he didnā€™t want to bring it up at the time. He has realized Yuuri doesnā€™t hate him, and wants him around, but he also wants to build trust in their relationship and maybe spent all this time silent for Yuuriā€™s own comfort. Heā€™s very aware of Yuuri always, and this could be plausible.
One thing that is important to note, however, is that Viktor never force Yuuri into anything. Yes, he remembers and thinks Yuuri remembers what happened at the banquet, but yet he never advances too far. Sure, Yuuri gets flustered at several occasions, which is more due to the fact that Viktor is Viktor, I suspect. Yuuri is rather fascinating on this point. I think itā€™s clear he didnā€™t love Viktor as a human being during all those years of idolization, simply because Viktor wasnā€™t a person to him. He was a god. He even says heā€™s in the presence of a god when next to Viktor. Yuuris is so clouded by Viktor the idol that he denies himself the pleasure of being in his company when he leaves the hotel/arena/skating rink because he most likely think he is unworthy. He canā€™t meet Viktor unless he is Viktorā€™s equal. We need to come to episode 7 until Yuuri finally realize that Viktor is just as human, just as flawed, as himself. And thatā€™s where their relationship finally starts turning to the point we saw in episode 10. Ā 
I admire the show for not throwing them into this before Yuuri was ready. Sure, all episodes build to it and thereā€™s sexual/romantic tension from the start, but they donā€™t meet on this plane before Yuuri has finally started seeing Viktor as an equal. Or rather, see himself as equal to Viktor. Only then can they pursue what later lead to their engagement. Itā€™s masterfully done, and the reason I donā€™t think they shared any kisses before episode 7. To have the healthy relationship they have, they had to tear down that last wall, and Yuuri finally did that when he cried and confessed what he needs from Viktor to succeed. Viktor adapts from this, and Yuuri changes from this point on as well. After this I think you can argue that they have finally entered into a romantic relationship, after spending months as friends. Trust is an important cornerstone for these two, always. They trust each other, first as friends, and then as lovers. Yuuriā€™s insecurities come from his anxiety not allowing him to trust himself. And Viktor learns how to support Yuuri, as we can see here.
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I JUST FEEL SO STRONGLY FOR VIKTOR HE LOVED YUURI FROM THE START AND WANTED TO BE CLOSE TO HIM SO BADLY IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. He must have desired to kiss Yuuri ever since the banquet but he refrained because Yuuri wasnā€™t ready, until all his emotions exploded after Yuuriā€™s free skate and he just had to kiss him. VIKTOR IS SO IN LOVE WITH YUURI I canā€™t even comprehend it.
Ā Itā€™s evident that Yuuri is his future. But itā€™s also evident that Yuuriā€™s desire to exchange rings shocks him.
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His hands are slightly shaking when Yuuri treads the ring on his finger, and this part just breaks me because this poor man lived his whole life void of love, void of truly living, and this Japanese boy danced into his life and changed it completely, brought him so much love and happiness that he probably desired for so long but could never find. No medal and no victory in the world can give him what Yuuri did. Heā€™s in awe over how lucky he is, to be able to walk towards the future with Yuuri by his side. I donā€™t think Viktor is scared by the future anymore; rather, he is thrilled by it. Ā 
This is a man who finally found his home.
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8K notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 8 years
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(translation of this)
8K notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 8 years
We will not calm down.
I said it after episode 3, and I will say it again. History is being made.
No, we will not calm down. We will not stop posting about Yuri on Ice. We will not silence ourselves because you are ā€œannoyedā€ by its popularity, because you are not ā€œmainstream,ā€ because you are not this, not that.Ā 
This isnā€™t about you.Ā 
This is about so much more. It is rare that an anime is so important and so impactful. Most of the time, anime hype is because a series is either so weird and outrageous that we are just shocked, or just because it is simply really good and entertaining and people enjoy it.
But what all of the complainers out there seem to be missing is what Yuri on Ice means to so, so many people. We experienced the first sports anime to have canonical, queer male protagonists kiss on screen in episode 7 (emphasis on sports as to not disregard other series with canonically queer protagonists. Emphasis on protagonists as to not disregard series with canonical queer relationships between side characters, whether in sports anime or otherwise).
The kiss was a huge success, but this week was an even bigger win.
Now, we have possibly gotten the first anime ever to feature queer male protagonists become engaged (however I could be wrong; but I am consciously disregarding Kyo Kara Maoh. I love that series but their engagement was supposed to be for comedic effect, as it was accidental. It becomes much more legitimate as the series progresses, but the initial engagement is unintentional).
In just 10 episodes so far, Yuri on Ice has displayed a loving, healthy relationship between two adult men, not to mention that one is a Japanese man and the other is Russian. Not once has their relationship been ridiculed or demeaned. Not once have they been played off as anything less than two people, utterly head over heels for each other.Ā 
There is so much to Yuri on Ice- so much- that it is impossible for me to write about in one post, in one sitting, and for me to even comprehend at a momentā€™s notice. But to me, personally, Victor and Yuuriā€™s relationship is the most important. To me- someone who has always, always searched for quality representative media- this means the world. This sets the bar so high now and the series isnā€™t even over (nor do I believe it is even close to finishing, not after its success and the creatorā€™s desires for a sequel of some sort).
For me, someone within the LGBT+ community, to see a healthy and very real same-sex relationship so beautifully and realistically conveyed and celebrated is astounding.
And I hope this is a huge ā€œtold you soā€ to all of the creators of media who thought, ā€œOur series will not sell well if we make our main characters explicitly queer, because no one wants to see that.ā€ I hope they look at the success of Yuri on Ice and decide to create more queer media. Even if their motivation is financial, Iā€™m positive that Yuri on Ice is a step forward. Japan (and especially anime) has much farther to go, certainly. There are flaws within Yuri on Ice and criticisms that are quite legitimate and understandable. I understand that.
But look at the good things that this series does have to offer. To see Yuuri slide a ring onto Victorā€™s finger, and for Victor to do the sameā€¦ to see Phichit congratulate them on their marriage, then promptly announce it to the entire restaurantā€¦ and to see so many small but significant indicators of their mutual love (and all of this is simply episode 10 alone)ā€¦
Thatā€™s pretty incredible. And man, does validation feel great.Ā 
Love Wins.
924 notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 8 years
Can we just appreciate the fact that Victorā€™s life was completely regimented and dictated by his career as a professional skater for 20+ years until one day he goes to another one of those stuffy, fancy banquets where nothing ever happens and everyoneā€™s there to either talk about the weather or pat him on the back for another job well done. Then suddenly the skater in dead last who heā€™d never met before in his life gets completely, obnoxiously shitfaced and starts whipping his half-naked ass around on a stripper pole.Ā 
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He then grabs Victor, freak-dances him and starts dry humping him, begging him to come to his hometown and be his coach. Victor, dancing with this drunk-ass thirsty ho, is having the most fun heā€™s ever had in his life.Ā 
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Then A WHOLE YEAR later, he sees the same Japanese guy now with tired eyes and a big belly clumsily skating one of his programs on Youtube, whipping himself around like he did on that pole all those months ago and he goesĀ ā€œOh shit it wasnā€™t just the booze talking heā€™s actually into meā€.Ā 
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13K notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 8 years
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Part I / Part II
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aysus-world Ā· 8 years
The Last Of Us: Part II Theory
I kind of rewatched it a few times after I saw people commenting on the fact that Joel may be dead.
Ā It makes a whole lot of sense when you think of the signs. The first one we get is actually her hand shaking. Now, if you didn't watch the after bit of the The Last Of Us; One Night Live, this may not click in. Joel's thing was playing the guitar, something that he may have just taught her (as hinted by the fact that Joel passed the guitar to her).
Ā After killing and going to play the guitar, it could almost be a way to calm herself after all the bloodshed she's gone through too. It could also show us how unstable she really is mentally/physically. If he wasn't dead, why would he wait so long to come to her? Would he just let her get overpowered possibly? They were inseparable in the first game.Ā 
He comes out of pure light, which of course can symbolize heaven or purity. Why would he be so clean, and look so young too? It would really only make sense if it was Ellie's image that she wanted to keep of him; healthy, youthful, pure. He also doesn't step on the body, or even go into the water, as if to keep himself perfectly clean. He is also holding the first gun that you get in the game, the one that Ellie would have recognized first in her travels with him. His hair too, that's a telltale sign. His hair looks as if he was back to when Sarah was alive, no grey; he doesn't look like he's lived through hell and back.Ā 
When he finally enters the room, note that she doesn't even look at him when he talks. Rather, she touches the guitar, sighing as if she is remembering him. Her voice quiets at the end of the song, perhaps due to the fact that she is emotional. Lastly, it's more so, that's she's making a statement, then ever answering either of his questions.Ā 
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aysus-world Ā· 8 years
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282K notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 8 years
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426 notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 8 years
This gives me happiness
this is all i need rn šŸ˜­
3K notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 8 years
Cutest thing in the world! They need to go on that date
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anyone please ask your crush out like this
2M notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 8 years
Thank you for making this
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hey i just removed censorship
3K notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 10 years
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Far Cry 4 edit
3 notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 10 years
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12 notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 10 years
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17 notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 10 years
So inspiring
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If Iā€™m able to, then perhaps Iā€™ll be closer to portraying a true expression of love.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  -Hayao Miyazaki (x)
379K notes Ā· View notes
aysus-world Ā· 10 years
I love this movie
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22K notes Ā· View notes