azwinnatsha 7 months
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After three weeks staying at Bangi, I felt the difference. I meet new people , and by them I learned new things about life . I don't really experienced home-sick but instead , I get burn out by treating various type of people . I do miss my siblings and my mother , but i know , by distance i'll learn a lot .Whenever I felt tired , i will listen to music with earphones likely going to another universe . Of course , I felt scared being in new environment and place . More , bangi is far away from my hometown , in here I have to be independent and doing things all by myself . Each time I'm worried and get uncomfortable I remind myself , I have The Greatest guide me up above . HE always listening and watching me .
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azwinnatsha 7 months
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It's already week 13 now for sem 1 in my " being a college student " era my diploma era . How fast time goes by ? Before I enter the college I already put a target what I want to achieve . I acknowledge my existence in here . I acknowledge why am I taking TESL as a course . I didn't expect much , from here but it was all good and better than my expectations . Everything here fit into my comfort 驴 The environment , the lectures and my beloved CLASSMATES. I didn't know about others , seems to complain about the system and so-on . Yeaaa , of course it won't be a perfect college to "everyone" . But to me , all of this that i had , that i need to face is enough . This study journey is enough . I remembered , the scene where I cried to Allah , to give me a chance to further my studying in course that I love last year . This year , Allah grant me my wishes . So every struggle like , assignment due dates , and hostel's system is a blessing to me . Like I faced it because this is what I asked from HIM . " Oh Allah , I migrated to bangi to continue study because of you ya Allah. So , please make all my affairs easier. "
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azwinnatsha 7 months
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Nobodies talk about losing self as deep as losing the other loved one . Losing family members , losing best friend is of course a hard breaking event , but what about when you lose your own self . Everyday is dull in black and white . Most of it seen in gray without any brighter color . Every day routine like showering , eating and doing chores seems difficult to do . Losing yourself happened when you love others but not your own . Having a positive mindset is a blessing from god and not everyone can have that speciality . So , if you've ever seen someone that needs in help about founding their own beauty and self character, reach them out instead of making fun of it. Helps them that who needed in help , not help them just to make you looking better .
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