b-yp-nk · 3 years
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Howl (in Harucasting’s colour match for Dollstown oriental) on the Dollstown elf body (in fresh).
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b-yp-nk · 3 years
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As promised, the sales post for Howl! : ) to quote my instagram self: “I don't think I have enough popularity to warrant a timezone indication but let's stick to 00:00 UTC+2 to be safe ✌🏻 [...] orders will be accepted only through email to ensure I handle everything in the proper order : ) there are 23 heads available in total.” please note that pictured here is a Howl head in a skintone by harucasting that aims to emulate Dollstown’s oriental resin. the body is a Dollstown elf body in fresh. since then, the heads aiming to emulate Dollstown’s fresh resin have also arrived, so I’ll be showing proper colour comparison pictures soon!
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b-yp-nk · 3 years
Hey all, I can’t believe my last post on this blog is from 2017. It’s been heavily neglected! A lot has happened between then and now, but even though progress has been incredibly slow, I haven’t given up on these doll projects completely. Those of you who follow me on my instagram (@xdissipation) will have seen me recreate Spoon as a digital model and slowly finish Howl’s sculpt for casting. I’ve also been making some revisions on the 52 body.
I have always said I’d announce it here whenever I’d have one of these projects ready and up for order, so no matter my general inactivity, I’m holding myself to that promise now; Howl is finished and I’ll put up their sales info in the next post. I’m not sure if I can force myself to return to using tumblr actively, so if there are any questions, it’s best to contact me through email (available in the coming sales post) or through instagram (where I currently get my daily social media serotonin boosts). Thank you all for reading, and sticking around! : )
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
Could you maybe post a pic of jasper? Doesn't have to be nice or put together or anything, I'm just having a rough couple weeks and seeing updates on her always cheers me up.
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I hope you don’t mind he lack of face, but I thought I’d show off her backside for once. I have no elastic string laying around so she’s falling apart a bit, but I hope this helps brighten your day a little! : )
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
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for those who missed out on the last pre-order; I have 4 re:sen heads left in the resin tone that matches Dollstown fresh! This is your last chance to get one in this colour : ) they cost the same as they did in the preorder ( 110 euro’s + insured shipping ) if you’re interested, don’t hesitate to contact me! -> dissipation (@) live . nl
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
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crossposting from instagram; besides working on finishing the 60body (no visually exciting progress there, sorry!), I'm making this little figure as an exercise to establish a work-flow for using paperclay. I'm preparing for possibly redoing the entire 52body, since I've learned so much in the meantime and I want that body to reflect that! (also, I’ve been toying with the idea of a cartoonishly-limbed #tiny for a long while now, what better way than to bring these things together~) Dollstown 15yr boy hand for size reference.
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
Hello. I'm waiting for 60body launch date. :D So I'd like to ask you a few questions.1. I wonder when it will be released dete(Crude Expected date or season?). I save money for Jasper 60body. T_T (Sorry if this question was rude to you.) 2. Is overseas delivery possible for south Korea? 3. Do you sell only on head+body? I use a translator. My English is terrible. I'm sorry. Have a good day.
걱정하지마세요! Your english is better than my korean, so I have no right to complain! : ) I am assuming you are korean because of your second question, if you are not, my bad! haha ^^;  To answer your questions; 1. I want to finish her this summer, so that I can release her in autumn! 2. Yes, I can sell and ship worldwide. 3. Besides the full doll, I think I will sell the body separately but not the head!Thank you for your interest!
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
Hi, sorry if you've mentioned this already but I was wondering what size eyes might fit jasper? I like to window shop for her. :D
Hello! The eyes I’m currently using on her are 8mm in actual size, but with a smaller iris!
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
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as some of you might have already seen on my instagram; the heads from the 2nd re:sen preorder finally arrived yesterday! I will be glueing in the magnets and start packing them for postage in the coming few days! : )
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
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Admittedly, this is not a very exciting visual update! I just wanted to let you all know that I got a message from harucasting, the heads for the current re:sen pre-order are ready and they will be send out (to me) next week : )
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
Hey there, Daan! I'm a huge fan of your work. You've quickly become one of my favorite BJD artists. I've been wondering for a while now, do you ever think you'd ever be interested in doing a genderless chubby body? (Or just a chubby body in general?) I think it's a super cool concept!
Thank you for your kind words! I have toyed with the idea of making a chubby boyish body, actually, but I’m not sure if it’ll ever become reality ^^’  Next year I’ll be finishing my master’s degree, and after that I’m not sure what the future holds, or if I’m even able to continue spending much time on sculpting. So I’m keeping my goals limited to my current 3 projects (my strong lady, the 52body, and a lil’(21cm-ish?)dude -yeah, he still exists somewhere-), and only after those are completed, I will think about what’s possibly going to come next : )
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
2 shades by Haru casting
it’s been a while! here’s today’s update from harucasting on the casting progress; the two resin tones side-by-side. I think as much as those involved in this pre-order, I’m eager for the casting to be completed! While we wait, I am preparing the certificates for these heads so that when they arrive, I can send them out as quickly as possible : )
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
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pictures provided by Harucasting (link)
the silicone mold for re:sen’s 2nd preorder has been made! : )
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
I am so excited for your 50cm body you have no idea. Love your work!!
thank you!! It means a lot : ) I have to warn you (and others interested in this body) that I am probably going to rework some aspects of it. I want to change the shoulder joint, and the waist-joint isn’t functioning as well as I want it to on this figure, but the body shapes are going to remain mostly the same : )
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
Harucasting's WIP on May 14. by Haru casting progress update for re:sen’s 2nd preorder; being prepared for moldmaking!
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
your jasper is truly unique and beautiful. never has a doll struck me like this before! so fierce! you're so skillful.
I’m so happy she’s being so loved! thank you so much!
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b-yp-nk · 7 years
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to show I’m not dead, have some Jasper on the 60body! progress has been slow because my single-room living/sleeping/working space has been clogging up with the mess that comes from running too many projects at once, being a bit of a material hoarder and simply being an allround chaotic person. I spend last week rearranging everything (furniture, work materials, projects, 5 years worth of administation @_@) and have managed to clear both my space and my mind a bit. which means that while waiting for re:sen to be cast I can get back to working on this lady! I really want to get her done this summer!
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