b-yx · 2 years
Tom Riddle · Angel and Demon
This is the third year that you have a crush on Tom Riddle.
When you just entered school, you were attracted by the handsome young man on the Slytherin long table. The black hair, deep eyes, and cheeks are so perfect and gloomy, but you just like them.
It's my pleasure that you are also Slytherin.
Looking at Riddle, who is three years older than himself, you will always admire and appreciate him. You don't know why you are so fascinated by him.
Maybe it is his outstanding talent, or his charming face, or his unique personality.
Being rational is the basic requirement of every Slytherin.You are not stupid enough to give him a love potion, to talk to him rashly to attract attention, or to announce your feelings in public to create a scandal.
You are careful and do not leave any horseshoes. You look at the dazzling Riddell in the crowd and immediately take it back, not many times, which is your daily control.
Seeing many people express their love for him with a red face, you gently raise your eyebrows, raise the corners of your mouth and hiss.
"Hum, it's still too rash."
Flick the dust off your skirt.
Today is very casual. Somehow, the person sitting opposite you is Riddell. He has a full view of everything he does. He has a decent appearance, eats dinner slowly, and occasionally greets others. It is a perfect existence.
And you are looking at yourself through the reflection of your face on the plate. The dirt in the raw row makes the dish a little dirty. You gently pour all the water in the cup onto it. Looking at the turbid water, you smile.
"Miss Shafik does have an opinion, but the water in the cup is for drinking, not for washing dishes."
Riddle silently looked at the water in your plate, and made a sound between his thin lips.
You look at the water and say, "Washing dishes is not what I want to do. Look at myself, but it can be clearer through the water."
You raise your head and look at Riddle. “For example, I always ask myself whether I deserve the moonlight tonight.”
Your eyes swept Riddell's neck, and you unconsciously swallowed saliva, and your eyes turned to his black eyes again.
Little moves were caught by Riddle.
"Miss Shafik, desire is always so vague and indistinct that you can feel the echo." He looked at your lips. Lipstick really made you more charming. You naturally pursed your lips.
"Maybe, senior." You don't understand what he said about desire. Maybe it's just a mockery, but you can feel something different through his profound eyes.
"The moonlight is merciless, as long as you want, it will let you fall."
The corner of his eye is stained with a trace of uncertainty, indicating the answer you want to get inside. "The moonlight is always watching in silence."
You look back at his deep eyes.
"Only if you take the initiative, the moonlight will respond."
"Senior, are you free tonight?"
Chances are rare, and you will never let them disappear.
"There will always be something wonderful happening on the astronomical tower."
You reveal your secret from your mouth.
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b-yx · 2 years
Weasley twins x your premeditated confession (2/2)
Tears dropped again because of the sudden rise, but the fireworks in front of you reflected your eyes, and you even forgot to cry.
On the dark sky, the flowery letters seem to have captured all the light of the starry sky, and write:
“Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!”
Your tears flow down again, but the corners of your mouth can't help turning up. Merlin, the dream has come true! "Hey, little Elaine!"
"Why are you so moved to cry”
Two red heads stuck out from behind.“I hate you! I thought you weren't coming... I was scared to death."
It is obviously very happy. Why can't help crying?
George felt sorry for you and Fred became brothersBe at a loss.When you finally calm down, lean in George's arms, Fred Gently wipe away your tears with your hands.
"Well, little Elaine, don't cry. We already knew today was Valentine's Day."
"Although we are very, very happy, we still want boys to come."
"I didn't mean to ask you out on Qixi, and how do you know if I want to confess?" you still keep your head down
"Don't the old bat usually punish you to shut up”
"He always asked you to deal with those slugs”
"When did our little Elaine write a paper? Have you seen it, George?"
"Not as far as I know, Fred."
"Admit it, miss."
"You just like us."
"No, no..."
Filch came at the sound. George took you and ran to the deep of the Forbidden Forest.
"Who is there?"
You ran away without a trace, leaving only a bunch of laughter and angry and helpless Filch and Mrs. Lois looking at each other. It was not easy to stop. You stretched your knees and gasped. The two tall Mr. Weasley had already gasped. They looked down at you.
"So little Elaine,"
"How do you really feel about us?"
You stand up straight, and now the Forbidden Forest has them. It seems that the black paint has changed from horrible to deep and quiet. You can only hear your heartbeat, which is as loud as fireworks.
"I don't like you!"
There was a little more loss in the blue eyes of the two Weasley.
Fred laughed and said, "Well, honey, I really don't think about it anymore..."
"It's love." You put your finger on his mouth and smiled heartily.
George gives you a big hug in front of Fred, who pulls out the fireworks.
They stand next to you, watching fireworks rise from the front of the sky and bloom in front of the moon.
“We love you,too.
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b-yx · 2 years
Weasley twins x your premeditated confession (1/2)
Damn Weasley!
You make up your mind: I must confess to them on Valentine's Day!
Seven days ago, you were crouching at the entrance of Quidditch Field. After waiting all afternoon, your legs were sore, and Fred and George came out from behind.
"Why don't they come out yet“"Is Miss waiting for us?" Two red heads sticking out of your back.
The sun poured down and shone so brightly on them. They were full of vigor and vitality. They smelled of mint without any sweat.
"Then, after seven days, can you take me to a night tour?"
They seemed stunned for a moment. "Seven days later”
"Do you have an appointment?" After all, there are so many followers that you can blurt out without paying attention to whether you are tactless.
"Of course not."
"We're just curious,"
"Why seven days later?" "How are you today, miss?"
"Of course not today..."
But seven days later, it's Valentine's Day. "Why?""Because... because my old bat punished me to write a paper today! That's itIt's a deal! Bye! "
You ran away in a panic, without noticing the joyful look of the two people behind you.The wind dispersed the joyful voice of the teenagers:"Elaine! There's the Gryffindor common room! You're walking backwards!"
"Promise me the night tour, Weasley liar!!!"
You managed to escape Filch and sneak into the Forbidden Forest!
You squatted on the ground with your knees in your arms, and your nose couldn't help turning sour.
You think of the two Wesley who helped carry boxes when you was in the first grade. you think of the Wesley who beat and cheered each other on the Quidditch court.
You think of helloWesley, who ate canary biscuits, remembered being imprisoned by the old batWesley, who amused you after closingIt turns out that Weasley is not your exclusive...
I like them so much,So I'm really sad…Warm tears dripping on your knees, you suddenly feel that it doesn't matter if Filch catches you now. Anyway, you are a thorough clown.
After careful consideration, it seems that the waiting party has always been yourself, and you have made up your mind:
Don't like Weasley any more!
"Bang!" "Bang bang!"
"Elaine!" "Look up!"
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b-yx · 2 years
Draco x You [when he ate your ice cream] (This is written from the first person persp ective)
It's August.
The sun is extremely hot, and I have to take flight lessons outdoors! I have to wear a shirt and tie! Fortunately, you got an ice cream fromGemini and sat under the tree for a few minutes.
"What are you eating?" Draco's shirt buttons were opened several times, and his tie was loose, revealing the delicate collarbone. You look a little dazed."Ice cream…."I want it
too!" He came up and took a big mouthful ofice cream… It's gone! No! You look at this scene in surprise
"It's cool! Unfortunately, it's not green apple." He licked his lips contentedly and reached out to touch your head
But you ran away and yelled at him with red eyes,"you
bastard! I'll never talk to you again!" Food is the bottom line
In the next few days, you didn't pay attention to him, and he didn't come to you.
Just when you were going to give him a step,you saw the scene you didn't want to see!
He bowed his head and talked to a Muggle schoolgirl from Hufflepuff His eyes were gentle and serious, and he even laughed from time to time
Merlin, isn't he a noble pure blood wizard? Your eyes turned red and you were about to leave when Hermione caught you
"It's not your fault,baby! Go ahead and beat him!""That's it! He not only robbed the ice cream, but also kissed me and beat him!" Ron is in love with that ice cream.
"If he dares to fight back,we will make him unable to take care of himself!" Harry clenched his fist.
With the encouragement of your friends, you run forward, pull them apart, and give Draco a hard blow"You bastard!
Draco was confused,and so was her junior sister.
When you and your friends turn around and leave,Draco grabs you by the wrist. "What are you doing?
"I finally got the ice cream to compensate you. Please take a bite!" Draco held up a large box of blue ice cream with his other hand, and his expression was extremely bent,like a big golden hair who was killed. "But you are cruel to me! I will not forgive you without a kiss!'
"MUA - Draco, thank you ~
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