b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 3 years
I feel like I want to go home bu im at my house.
Im sot sure what to do.
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 3 years
So you,ve probably seen that post about ''20,000 tetheredflies pull my lifeless corpse into the sky'' Post, welp I made it into an entier song
I present to you:
tethered flies - pigeon town
you would not believe your eyes
if ten million tethered flies
hoisted my corpse into the sky
cause they be everywhere
and fly me here or there
would think me weird but id just stand and stare
i'd like to make myself believe that the flys fly slowly
it’s hard to say that i'd rather be alive and lonely
cause everything is never like baked beans
cause i'd gets a thousand hugs
from ten thousand tethered bugs
as they tried to teach me how to fly
a fly ring above my head
and more flies under my bed
with me just laying there instead
i’d like to make myself believe that the flys fly slowly
it’s hard to say that i'd rather be alive and lonely
cause everything is never like baked beans
make sure the flies come back
please get me away from here
cause i feel like a bug snack
please get me away from here
why do i tire of counting bugs
please get me away from here
when i'm far too tired to count sheep
to ten million tethered flies
i’m weird cause i hate those flies
now i miss those flies they said farewell
but i know where several are
if my dreams got real bizaar
cause i saved a few to keep in a jar
i’d like to make myself believe that the flys fly slowly
it’s hard to say that i’d rather be alive and lonely
cause everything is never like baked beans
i’d like to make myself believe that the flys fly slowly
it’s hard to say that i’d rather be alive and lonely
cause everything is never like baked beans
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 3 years
Now i never had social skills in the first place but *looks at 2020*
that took away my social skills, the social skills i never had
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 3 years
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Hey, want some canned chiken.
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 3 years
for when your to tired to care about jesus
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 3 years
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the first meme was made in  1921 meaning we will soon have to chose
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 3 years
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hey guys i found twink i a can
(i found it online not at a store)
original by: scruffy (ifunny.com)
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 3 years
in the small town i live in two people went missing and where found dead in the span of a week
(edit also about two months ago a man robbed a store with a hachet)
(edit 2 also also a guy stole a car when the police found the car at his house  they raided said house and found tons of stolen stuff the guy who stole the car then told the police that the neigbour had also stolen tons of stuff and sure enough the neigbour did)
other than the crimes nothing else has happened the town that i live in comits ridiculos crimes and nothing else
also also also the small town that i live in (population 4700) has 3 retierment homes and is atleast 65% old people
i know this sounds fake but trust me its true
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 4 years
“friends are like turtles they die if you kill them”
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 4 years
i over heard a convorsation today
kid 1:hey [kid 2]how hot is the sun?
kid 2:its 100 degrees farenheit
kid 3:that would only be like 45 degrees celcius
kid 1:yeah the sun isnt actually hot and its actually only 2ft wide
edit: not hot sun kid and water bones kid are the same person
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 4 years
some kid today insisted his bones where made of water
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 4 years
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the orb of sorrow
(made by u/smithyLK(reddit))
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 4 years
so i was there nuting for one last time before nnn after i finished i look at the clock 12:01 it was nov 1st... i had failed
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 4 years
always remember 
trans rights are human rights
long live the lesbians
and fuck the pope hail satan
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 4 years
what are a pedos favorite shoes... WHITE VANS! HA HA HA HA HA
*and then i cried for 2 hours*
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 4 years
2020 is like putting a child in a microwave
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b01l3dw4t3rm3l0n · 4 years
friend1:what if there was friend2 x friend3 fanfic
friend2:no dont do it
friend3:please dont
me:the people have spoken i will be done by tomorrow
friend2:why must you be this way
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