babesava · 1 year
avabarakat: oops 🙊
brynnabelle: ava you can take your husband back now
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babesava · 1 year
“What are you thinking baby? Twins again.”
“Maybe or I’m really farther along than I think.”
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babesava · 1 year
“If it was up to me you would always be pregnant.” He called after her
Ava giggled as she finished up the steps and came down a few minutes later holding the test in her hands “Those are some awfully dark lines, mister Barakat.” she said
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babesava · 1 year
“Yeah babe. I won’t touch anything.” He laughed
“I casually mention I think I’m pregnant and you’re like, I won’t touch anything.” Ava laughed before she went upstairs
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babesava · 1 year
“I love you too.” He smiled. “I’ll go after dinner.”
“It’ll be done in about half an hour.” Ava said “I also should mention, my periods late so if you could keep an eye on the cheesecake for me, I would like to go take a test.”
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babesava · 1 year
He nodded his head into her shoulder. “I will baby. I promise.”
“I love you, honey and your children love you, so much.”
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babesava · 1 year
“I guess I’m overthinking things.” He shrugged. “Sometimes I go over there and feel like I’m intruding.”
“My sweet love.” She said said softly hugging onto him “You should never feel that way, talk to him, please? for me? for the kids?”
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babesava · 1 year
“You’re right.” He put his head in his hands. “I always wanted a mom. Not that I didn’t love just my dad.” He rushed out. “Now he has the perfect family.”
“Benji, honey.” Ava said walking over to him “And you’re part of it, don’t you think he wouldn’t try so hard for you to reach for him, don’t pull away from him. You’re his son, a son that he is so desperately trying to reach for.”
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babesava · 1 year
“I don’t know why I do though. I’m a married man with children of my own, I shouldn’t feel like an outsider.”
“Well if you don’t want to talk to him about it, you don’t have to, you have every right to feel how you do but don’t let that be held as a grudge towards a man who has done nothing but love you.”
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babesava · 1 year
Benji sighed as he sat at the kitchen table watching Ava cook. “Was I too hard on my dad?”
Ava wiped her hands on her little apron and turned to look at her husband “Honey, you have every right to feel how you feel and your dad, he’s allowed that as well, I think you need to talk to each other.”
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babesava · 2 years
benjibarakat: i think he knows something
avabarakat: knows something about what? do you and him know something i don't?
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babesava · 2 years
benjibarakat: little man is very clingy
avabarakat: my little daddy's boy
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babesava · 2 years
“I’m probably overreacting.” He whispered, sighed before telling her what happened. “I answered most of the questions that the teacher asked because you know I grew up in a studio. The other students got upset. When I told them my dad was a famous musician they didn’t believe me since most people don’t know dad by name.”
“You’re not overreacting you just think you are but it’s a big change for everyone.” she said softly leaning down kissing the top of his head. “Be proud of your dad, darling, he’s very important in his band just like you’re important too.”
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babesava · 2 years
Benji sighed as he walked into the house after class. He laid face down on the couch. When he got over his pity party he looked at his wife. “How are you feeling baby? the monsters giving you trouble?” Benji put his hands down on her bump.
“All three of our little monsters have been good today, helping mama the best they can.” she said running her fingers through his hair “I feel good but what about you? What’s wrong?”
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babesava · 2 years
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benjibarakat: since we are finally telling people (besides my father, who caught us sneaking back in the house) here’s my beautiful wife 
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babesava · 2 years
“If it’s two girls, my mom and your sister.”
“That’s perfect, baby.”
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babesava · 2 years
“I think we did. Who do you want to name the twins after baby?”
“Well depending on genders I was thinking your dad for sure for a boy.”
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