babeyykny · 5 years
Hey there! May I ask for the Kamaboko gang (the main 4) with their s/o who is also a demon hunter and unable to feel pain, you know like they don't even notice minor or major injuries/wounds/burns on their body because they can't feel pain :)
Of course you can! \(★^∀^★)/ Thank you so much for requesting this, i had fun writing this scenario for the Kamaboko gang plus it was really interesting to learn about the condition which means you can’t feel pain (which is called CIPA if your interested!) which i tried to include as much info as i could in! I hope that i’ve done your request justice and that you enjoy!! ^^
The Kamaboko Gang with an S/O that can’t feel pain
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Tanjiro kamado:         
It took him a lot longer than he would have liked to click on about your condition/disorder. Tanjiro had noticed the scars (who couldn’t when they were so boldly etched into your skin?) and the scent of blood that always seemed to follow you, but he only realised that the smell of blood was your own at the same time he found out about your condition.
 When he manged to click on, tanjiro felt an immense sense of guilt for not knowing or trying to find out sooner·        
 Goes out of his way to try and find out about your condition but becomes quite disheartened when there isn’t really anything to help you with it  (he’d gone to Tamayo and then to shinobu to learn about it and to see if there was anything he could do to help) but he keeps an extra eye on you just in case·        
 Quickly noticed that while you don’t feel pain you do feel it when he squeeze’s your hands or kisses you – the light pressure of him is something you can feel so a lot of affection takes place·         
A constant state of mild panic when you just throw yourself into battle – and sometimes even out of it and going about your daily life’s although you were quite careful with yourself…..sometimes·         
Mother Hen x 10·         
Tanjiro now always carries a medical kit with him for when you injury yourself·         
Has to use his sense of smell to see whether or not your injury is serious or not·         
Now always carries some sort of food around because you don’t feel pain that also extends towards hunger pains, so you have once or twice before collapsed from hunger because you hadn’t been eating – there wasn’t any particular reason for not eating, you’d just forgotten about it since eating can sometimes just feel a little unnecessary??·         
It doesn’t help that your so unbothered about your injuries either, like the pain’s never been there to begin with but you just act so nonchalantly about them – “Oh…. it seems I’m bleeding again; Where’s it coming from? Oh wait, my side! Looks like I got cut by that demon afterall! I really do need to be more careful….” Que a panicked Tanjiro already with his medical kit out·         
But he loves you with all his heart and he wouldn’t change anything 
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Nezuko kamado:
Fiercely protective. Much like she is with tanjiro you get the same type of treatment.
She could tell straight away that something just wasn’t right. You’d continue to fight no matter how bad your injury, making said injury worse and then not even flinching when getting it sorted out – you hadn’t even noticed when stepping bare footed in broken glass, simply waving off the horrified gasps and apologies once it  had been mentioned before walking away to get it sorted out
Your body was far more scarred than any other demon slayer (except for sanemi); burns, bruises and scars just permanently discoloured your skin and that upsets Nezuko
Mother hen x20
Now carries around medicine with her in the medicine box that tanjiro carries her in – Tanjiro doesn’t really question it; he’s just as worried about you as nezuko and feels abit better knowing that nezuko’s watching out for you, after all he doesn’t want his sisters partner to prematurely die
When its night-time and you both can actually spend some time together; nezuko will gently trace the shape of your scars because even though you can’t feel pain, you can feel the light pressure her nails leave behind – the same goes for her lips! Kissing and hugging is perfectly fine
 Nezuko will stay up until the crack of dawn watching you as you sleep to make sure you change positions because due to your lack of pain feeling you can’t tell when a position is becoming uncomfortable for your body which wears down your bones + joints – meaning your bones can become more fragile/brittle so will break a lot more easier during battle
As soon as your out in battle she’s out next to you, fighting to the best of her abilities to keep you and tanjiro from harm
 Glad to have you in her life. You’re so important to her that she’d gladly die for you if it meant you were safe
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Zenitsu Agatsuma:
 Didn’t know that you couldn’t feel pain for ages
Felt absolute awe and admiration for you when you guys first met because of how well you held yourself in battle plus the number of scars on you clearly meant that you’d been through a lot and lived through it – also the fact that you never broke into a sweat while fighting left him absolutely speechless
Your determination in battle even though you were injured badly made him feel braver but over time made zenitsu concerned for you – You ended up injured far too often, whenever your bones clicked you’d never make a noise of contentment or even when your stomach growled you’d never pay attention to it etc. Even when the others mentioned it, you’d just smile serenely and thank them for the reminder; other than zenitsu, tanjiro also started to become concerned for you
Zenitsu only really started fearing for you once a wound of yours had accidently become infected and you hadn’t even noticed. It was only until Tanjiro had mentioned about a new sickly undertone to your scent no more than a day later that you’d actually bothered to check if you were injured – spoiler, you were injured. Badly. You had to be taken to the butterfly estate where you were luckily fixed and told off by shinobu for not taking care of yourself because you usually were very careful
After that incident zenitsu keeps more of an eye on you – and a lot more things start to make sense about you
He almost in a sense becomes more brave/confident, pushing himself more in battle to protect you – which helps push you both into a relationship after he chucks himself into a battle that leaves him injured
Anxious mother hen x15
Isn’t as worried about himself as he used to be, now all that worry is reserved for you – it’s like he’s trying to make up for not bothering to know sooner about your condition so you do have to remind him that you do love him and even though you can’t feel pain you can feel his kisses and when he holds your hands
 A new presence in his life that he must protect, worry and look after, but he loves it - you do the same to him and it still makes him blush – Zenitsu’s thankful for having you in his life, you’re a refreshing breathe of air that just keeps him on his toes
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Inosuke Hashibira:
 Noticed your presence and strength before anything else – Your presence actually caused the hairs on the nape of his neck to stand up and he didn’t like that, at all because he couldn’t place his finger on why - even after your first meeting he’d request for fights
You were just so polite + kind and yet you had the strength and resilience of a boar – which just served to piss him off even more because you always showed that off in battles with demons and yet didn’t when fighting with him – no matter how strong he hit or swung his swords you never flinched
Thought your scars were cool and something that you should show off with more pride since you gained them in battle. Really didn’t think much about how you gained the scars; he was slightly worried about how ‘clumsy’ you seemed though, sometimes forgetting to eat or even pushing yourself in fights too much
It wasn’t until you broke + fractured your dominant hand and still continue to fight that his pride left him and an unspoken panic took its place, which quickly turned to anger at the fact you were still fighting while being so broken – it was one of the only time’s the group have seen Inosuke lose his shit over someone else’s health…..
Actually starts to pay even more close attention to you, the things that he thought were just you being a classic clumsy human was actually something that was quite hazardous to your health
Doesn’t show it but he does feel guilty for not paying close attention to you and your condition
Starts to notice that your body temperature is a lot higher than a normal humans, once he asks out of curiosity and is really surprised to find out that you can’t sweat….”Hm? why I have a high tempe-Ahhhhhhh yeah I can’t sweat Inosuke, it comes with the whole not being able to feel pain thing” – Que both worried and impressed looks from literally everyone in the group because there’s always the chance that you overheat and then collapse
Pretending not to care as much as he actually does, worried boar man x10
Goes out of his way to forage food for you to eat because he knows that you sometimes forget – mostly fruits or just anything that has a lot of sugar to keep your energy up
 Learns basic medical knowledge to help you for when you injury yourself – even though you do know how to patch yourself up, but it makes inosuke happy (just make sure to praise him for his help)
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babeyykny · 5 years
Hey there! I saw your matchup post and I was SO CURIOUS! It's a great idea uwu I hope you'll accept my infos gwg I'm a 16 years old girl, with medium length, blonde hair, gray eyes and VERY fair skin. Average height, but still appear smol cuz of my generally small frame- People say I'm a very loving person, with a strong motherly instinct, but I'm brave and bold at the same time. I tend to become everyone's big sister (?) Please, have a good day, sweetie! And don't burn out yourself uwu
omg hello u seem so nice 🥺🥺
i match you with;
tanjirou !!
please he INSTANTLY came to mind for you. you’re both very similar in your older sibling, borderline parenting concerns and behaviour.
tanjirou would really click with you, and you’d both basically become parent friends to inosuke, zenitsu and especially nezuko.
nezuko would very quickly warm up to you and tbh you’d probably remind her of her mom so she’d be super protective of u and tanjirou would be like 🥺💞
tanjirou would really appreciate how caring and loving you are, and i think he’d like to be able to lean on someone a bit.
he’d adore how despite your kind nature you still stand for what you believe in and your bravery
overall i just think you two would be lovely together!! very very sweet relationship, 10/10, please adopt me
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babeyykny · 5 years
tanjirou kamado: I’m a simple bisexual. I see an attractive person, I have to know their names and support them in all their endeavors.
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babeyykny · 5 years
matchups + requests
hey everyone! i’ll be closing both of these badboys just for a lil while. i’ll be answering / writing everything in my inbox THIS FRIDAY! after that everything will open up again xx
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babeyykny · 5 years
REEEEE dude can we please get a part 2 to the giyuu cheating fic? Maybe with s/o moving on and perusing a relationship with another demon hunter?(sAnEmI MaYbE? Maybe one of the main four whenbtheyre older or whatever?
Oh my! Of course, bby. Lol. I hope you like it. I really loved writing this bc I’m in such an angsty mood??? And everyone’s being so rude to Giyuu by requesting so much angsty material for him. Is today “hurt Giyuu day” or something? Ahaha.
Giyuu’s Ex Moving On with Sanemi (Part 2 of the Cheating Giyuu Request):
(Y/n) was already happy.
That should have been enough for him, but it really wasn’t. Instead of allaying his worries, the sight of her with someone else practically wrenched his heart from his chest and laid it bare for the world to see.
Keep reading
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babeyykny · 5 years
hello! i’m painfully aware i have a billion requests i haven’t actually done B U T!!!! i was thinking abt this and i realized i haven’t rlly seen anyone do this.
basically, a matchup is you send in your information ( or an oc ) and i match them with a character! it can be platonically, romantically, etc.
infomation to send
all i really need to stuff like your age, personality, appearance, sexuality and maybe what you’d be (demon slayer, nurse, pillar, etc )!! also just know i will not match up for any of the actually evil characters!!!
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babeyykny · 5 years
Dear (Your Name),
Have you ever feel like that you meant nothing?
Been through stress and anxiety?
Tanjirou will always remind you that you were born with a purpose. You might haven't find it yet but remember why you were born for. Was it Love? Education? Fun? Whatever it is, you have the choice to live what kind of life you want and Inosuke won't let you down! He will remind why you shouldn't be afraid, he will tell you to have confident and he completely understand your stress but you aren't alone anymore because he would do anything to get you back to your strong self again!
Feeling insecure about your appearance?
Think you don't have the ideal body?
Nezuko will still adore you for being you and she want you to embrace yourself, to love yourself just like how she always embrace you because she love you and Makomo will always tell you, the you right now is a little flower bud awaiting for your petals to blooms to reveal your true beauty to the world!
Having a sense of fear?
Feeling discourage by reality?
Zenitsu will still see you as someone who is strong and he understand you are afraid as much as he does, he want tell you that you will get even stronger when you try to overcome it because he believe in you that you can do it! Kyōjurō is always there to give his wise words to you, giving you the courage to live your life to the fullest because he know you give others another chance to move forward if you keep going!!
Don't feel you're important to someone?
Seeing yourself as a weakling?
Muichirou will happily remind you why you shouldn't think like that! He want you to know you have your own importance as well because he learn everyone has their own role in someone's life and you are the VIP in his! Shinobu doesn't take your weaknesses as a meaning of being weak but rather she see them as your strength and that's what made her admire you about!
Getting tired of being hurt by someone?
Feeling you aren't worth of fighting for?
Sabito will tell you that you didn't lose them but rather they lose you and that's the biggest mistake they ever made in their whole life! Don't bottle your feelings up and he will never leave you alone when you need help the most! Sanemi isn't the best with words but he show it through his actions and he will make sure you understand that you are indeed worthy of fighting for!
See yourself as a failure to someone?
That you don't deserve anything?
Genya doesn't see you that way! He learn that failure is another step to success and he want to help you to get back to your feets that failure isn't over yet, it's only the beginning of your success! Kanae will remind you why you deserve everything from the world around you because she know your actions will lead others to something beyond expectations, she doesn't want you to give up so early!
You don't deserve love?
Aren't worthy of being loved by someone?
Mitsuri will attack you with her affection in no time! She will make a list of things to why you deserve so much love! She will accept everything of you and she want you to accept everything of you as well! Obanai will remind you that you are worthy of being loved by someone because he love and know you as someone who has the power to be kind to others and that's why you deserves the praise for your good heart!
You don't think your flaws are acceptable?
Being different is not good for you?
Please remember Uzui is always there to remind you that you are absolutely flamboyant wonderful even with your flaws because what made you so special without them? Gyomei will keep telling you that being different is not a bad thing but rather a good one in fact because no one possess thr same abilities or disabilities as you do!
Feel like your voice don't matter to the world?
That all of your hard works are just a waste of space?
Kanao will always tell you that your voice does matter! Your voice might be silent by being overwhelmed of the world around you but it's doesn't mean your voice shouldn't be heard by the world so let your voice get louder and stronger for the world to know that you won't be silent no more! Aoi will always remind you that no matter how much you're afraid of losing something then keep working hard as long as you love what you're doing then nothing will come in your way as long as you keep trying!!
Lately, my life is full of drama and I feel like ranting about it but I don't think that's going to do anything to stopped the haters and bullies from entering my life weather it's real life or the Internet. It's won't change anything so I really want to do something to tell every writers across the world that you aren't alone anymore because there are a lot of people who are waiting for you, willing to give you a helpful hand and the love you actually deserve that no one could give it to you ever before. Also I guess this is kinda an early announcement that I'm almost 800+ followers?? Like seriously I love all of you for supporting my blog uwu
Tag: @yamiiwrites @knyimagines @blxssom-tanjiro @knybits @kny-imagines @knyscenarios @kny-writings @thunderandrainclouds @the-writing-pillar @thebutterflyestate @tanjirou-imagines @demonslayerscenarios @eyebogs @dreamindolls @sleepynezuko @demonictransformation @kimetsu-no-yaiba-imagines @kimetsu-no-yaiba-headcanons @kimetsunowritings @kimetsunoyaiba-imagines-hcs @kimetsu-no-yaiba-writings @kimetsu-no-fanatics @simple-drabbles @okiitas-imagines @demon-slayer-imagines @knysstuff @kny-hcs @kny-headcanons-and-imagines @kny-matchups @jodicolo @tanjirous-babey @demonslayereds @gyutarowo @hydrangea-imagines @wasvrenagusa @waifu-writes @knywriter @akaza-s-bitch @loving-kny @knyenthusiast @hashiraco @sunitsu @bluespiderlilies @swissprodigy @kny-inkpot @milk-bulb
And everyone who have being supporting my blog, every single one of you is a part of the kny family and always remember that!!
(Please tell me if I forgot anyone because my gosh there's so many kny blogs XD)
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babeyykny · 5 years
hi i’m ok with the main trio being requested now ( inosuke, tanjiro n zenitsu ) pls pls request
hello! i’ve been wanting to make a blog for demon slayer since i started watching, and i finally did!! this is just my rules post n stuff <333
first of all, i’m only taking inosuke and tanjiro requests at the moment. this will definitely change in the future, though!
secondly, please send in proper requests. ex) “ hello, could you please write hc’s of inosuke with a really attractive smol fem reader? like she’s a total boy magnet and no one knows why she chose him.” basically, you need to include if you want headcanons / a scenario, the topic, and the readers gender.
next: if you do request nsfw ( which is allowed!) due note the characters will be aged up!!!!!
i will not write yandere or anything along the lines of that
last but most importantly, please be patient! school is here and it’s likely i’ll be writing mostly on the weekends.
thanks for reading!! please send requests <3
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babeyykny · 5 years
can i please get headcanons about a reverse au!tanjirou who's a demon and his demon slayer s/o? (thank you in advance
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def made myself cry writing these hc’s but uhm yeah :,,) also yeah long NAILS 
Demon!Tanjirou x Demon Slayer!s/o
You are SO CLOSE to slicing his head off
But he gives you such a sad look, makes no move to fight back, and you stop your blade centimeters from his neck 
Nezuko explains the situation to you, and youre about to fight her anway, but he places a hand on your blade and lowers it 
So now youre at the butterfly estate visiting the siblings
Lowkey upset when nezuko takes her brother on missions with her bc you wanted to spend time with the demon 
This bitch PURRS 
He clings to you naturally and gives you head pats
And his NAILS?? 
Sis theyre long and when they run through your own hair,,, shivers omg 
Anyway, once, you decided to run your fingers through his hair while he laid his head on your lap and napped away
And this purr from the back of his throat came forth and you nearly cried
You: sorry nezuko but im dating your demon brother now
Nezuko: we been knew
Zenitsu: we been knew
Oyakata: we been knew
Pillars: we been knew
Kasugai karasu: we been knew
All demon slayers: w e b e e n k n e w
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babeyykny · 5 years
Tanjirou, Zenitsu and Inosuke with a S/O who is cuddly and has smol hands.
Look at these dorks, I love them-
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Tanjirou is very affectionate to begin with, and when you’re the cuddliest person he knows, that affectionate nature goes tenfold
He absolutely adores your hands, and will spend ages just holding them 
He has a lovely habit of completely encasing your hands in his and petting your palms with his thumbs
Compliments your hands a lot
“Your hands are so small and sweet, they fit perfectly in mine!” 
When it’s just the two of you, Tanjirou will kiss your fingers, often tickling you at the same time just so he can see you giggle
He’s quite clingy, to be honest, you’re just too adorable to him!!
Zenitsu has to be holding your hands 24/7
Not going to lie, he coos over your hands and constantly compliments them
And the fact you’re quite cuddly is a bonus!!
This boy loves cuddles
Better watch out for spontaneous cuddling in the literal middle of the road  
He’s constantly comparing your hand size to his
He’s not trying to mock you, though, he just finds it so…fascinating due to his limited experience of other people
Plus he secretly thinks that they are so adorable, he loves your hands
Like Zenitsu, he has to be holding your hands 24/7
He claims it’s because he doesn’t want you to get lost but he just likes holding your hand
And your cuddliness? Another thing that he adores but will never admit it
But the fact that you’re basically his teddy bear  when he’s sleeping says everything
Here’s some fluff for you! Hope you feel better, Red! And I hope your midterms get better for you :D
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babeyykny · 5 years
The Kamaboko Trio + Harry Potter AU (1/?)
Something self indulgent as I, an unmotivated, untalented and aspiring writer try to work on a full-length story.
Note that these are all MY OPINIONS AND/OR TAKES on the characters! If you don't agree, that's okay, but PLEASE don't attack me or others with hateful comments (Also I won't do patronuses because there are way too many and I don't have the slightest clue on how to decide which animal fits who sjjeihwjsjab I'm sorry).
ALSO the part thingy in the title is just in case I'll want to continue this in the future.
No promises, though.
Tanjirou Kamado
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I know a lot have said that he'd go into Gryffindor, but I personally think the good boy would be sorted into Hufflepuff, the house of the kind, loyal, hardworking, just, and true. Who better fits these traits than our red-headed protagonist?
Pureblooded. He's adorably clueless when it comes to muggles and all things related, which motivated him into taking Muggle Studies.
His wand would be 11 inches in length, made out of Rowan wood and has a Phoenix feather as the core.
Following his canon age, he'd be in his fifth year, as all the other 4 mains.
Was running for house prefect but, after countless mishaps involving the Kamaboko golden trio and his sister, Nezuko, he thought he'd be better off without, seeing how his mark led him to the most unimaginable and unexpected escapades.
Favorite subject would probably be DADA.
Plays as one of the Chasers for his house's quidditch team!
A crowd favorite.
Popular among both students and teachers due to the mark on his forehead, said to be given to him by he-who-must-not-be-named, a.k.a. Muzan Kibutsuji, the Dark Lord himself. His first younger sister bears the mark as well, although hers somehow managed to disappear overtime, though only physically, as she still experiences similar occurrences with her brother.
That, combined with his generally likeable personality—a smile with the intensity of light equivalent to the sun—made him quite the talk in Hogwarts.
This boy practically owns almost everyone's (with an exception of professor Shinazugawa, Obanai and Haganezuka but you never heard from me) hearts. Even magical beasts.
Has a sassy snowy owl that had been given to him as a gift from the school's groundkeeper, Urokodaki.
He doesn't like fighting unless it is absolutely necessary, but his dueling skills are a force to be reckoned with.
Zenitsu Agatsuma
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Neville Longbottom is that you?
Another Hufflepuff!!
Muggle born. His current caretaker, Kuwajima, or more affectionally known as his 'gramps', is a pureblood, however.
I headcannon his wand to be 10 3/4 inches long, made from Willow wood, paired with a dragon heartstring core.
Tries—and continuously fails—to woo any girl in proximity.
One of Tanjirou's oldest friends. They rode on the same train, even sat next to each other, along with Inosuke after the boisterous Gryffindor chased him around which he ultimately sought protection by hiding behind the oldest Kamado sibling.
Part of the golden trio (if that wasn't obvious enough).
Joined his house's quidditch team—and quite regrettably at first. It was, initially, an impetuous decision made after gaining the knowledge that Nezuko likes quidditch. On the day of the selection, he was a sight to behold: the boy was a shaking, teary eyed, runny nosed mess, clinging onto—you guessed it—Tanjirou, practically soaking the other's robe as they went to talk to their flying class teacher and quidditch referee, Uzui. You can imagine the unimpressed eyebrow raise from the man when he saw the state Zenitsu was in.
It was to everyone's surprise that he passed the selection. Not only that, he even got the—arguably—most important role available: Hufflepuff's Seeker. This was due to his astonishing display of speed during the selection, which he didn't remember doing, which will be further explained in the next point.
It's relatively difficult to imagine the boy known to be scared of mostly everything, heights included; the boy you'd find constantly cowering, even going as far as fainting at the mere thought of broom riding and flying classes, only to emerge with such a position, with no memory of earning it in the first place. Well, weirdly enough, right as Uzui was about to call him off, he fainted while he was on the broomstick, to which his personality took a complete 180° turn, and all of a sudden you have this insanely skilled, but still unconscious, rider. This peculiar phenomenon can apparently apply to any other fearful situation.
Peeves loves to mess with him.
Favorite subject is Astronomy. Subjects that involve magic scares him.
One of Hufflepuff's prefects.
Kuwajima passed down his toad to him as a pet. Two if you count in his message carrying screech owl—who has occasionally tried to eat the amphibian, much to the blonde boy's dismay.
Gifted in flying (though unfortunately doesn't know it yet).
Inosuke Hashibira
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Half-blood: His mom's muggleborn, while his unknown dad is, supposedly, a pureblood.
His wand's made of Ebony wood, with a unicorn hair core and has the same length as Zenitsu's, which riled him up for a certain period of time. He's shorter than that Gonpanchiro AND shares a similarity with the blonde coward?
Frequently mistaken as a girl due to his feminine complexion that contrasts everything else. Once, he entered the girl's bathroom on accident, and Moaning Myrtle hardly batted an eye until he opened his mouth.
His mom has another douche ex-boyfriend that went MIA, and was later found to be a death eater.
Last member of the golden trio, in which they all share one (1) braincell and get into loads of trouble, even without the involvement of Tanjirou's mark.
Competitive as hell, so, naturally, after seeing both his followers friends participate in their house's quidditch team, he joined too, and was almost immediately assigned to the Beater position because of his aggressiveness.
A crowd favorite (2).
Despite his love for dueling and fighting off baddies, his favorite subject is Care of Magical Creatures. Growing up, he spent most of his time outside, and his mom was a breeder and sometimes keeper of dragons, which fueled his love for the outdoors. Also because he's not that good in memorizing, especially when it comes to names.
Gets along well with Peeves, and sometimes work together to prank a certain blonde. Haganezuka's—aka Hogwart's caretaker—worst nightmare.
Has a pet half-cat half-kneazle that doesn't really enjoy being near him, but looks out for him nonetheless. Also has two barn owls, one from his mom and one he purchased on impulse, saying that 'two owls are better than one, and both Kentaro and Monitsu have only one!'
A (registered, thank the heavens and his mother) boar animagus.
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babeyykny · 5 years
hello! i’ve been wanting to make a blog for demon slayer since i started watching, and i finally did!! this is just my rules post n stuff <333
first of all, i’m only taking inosuke and tanjiro requests at the moment. this will definitely change in the future, though!
secondly, please send in proper requests. ex) “ hello, could you please write hc’s of inosuke with a really attractive smol fem reader? like she’s a total boy magnet and no one knows why she chose him.” basically, you need to include if you want headcanons / a scenario, the topic, and the readers gender.
next: if you do request nsfw ( which is allowed!) due note the characters will be aged up!!!!!
i will not write yandere or anything along the lines of that
last but most importantly, please be patient! school is here and it’s likely i’ll be writing mostly on the weekends.
thanks for reading!! please send requests <3
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