babyboy555777 · 6 days
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babyboy555777 · 13 days
Nobody, I repeat, nobody is invested in this polin drama as THEY are. Anthony and Benedict are eating this shit up 🗣️ (they're so pathetic)
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babyboy555777 · 25 days
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I will always love this. Her being blue and orange showing her slight coldness for him. While he is completely engulfed in the orange showing how he’s on fire for her. And when they kiss the lights look like they are about to explode.
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
why is Netflix a bigger fan girl than all of us together? this has got me crying 💀💀💀
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
okay, but can we talk about colin's sense of humor:
him to pen when finds out about a guy crying over their dead horse: "we shall gallop along"
and when he and penelope have a raw and intense moment going on and she's expressing her fears and insecurities and how it'd kill her if she died without ever being kissed and he just says "but you'd already be dead"
LMFAO. violet must have dropped him as a kid.
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
These are WAY TOO funny, omg
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The idiot Bridgertons strike again (I love them anyway)
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
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An experienced traveler vs an artist
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
Benedict: How'd you sleep last night?
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
i feel like the criticism that season 3 should have had "more groveling" or more tension that would exist in an enemies to lovers storyline simply do not Understand just how romantic and gentle both pen and colin are. pen dreams of being in love and colin gets on his KNEES to tell her how he feels about her. he dreamt of her in the most fantasy-romance-esque setting. she stares at him longingly every chance she gets. this season is for the soft girlies...
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
People say it’s rushed, I choose to think that the minute Colin kissed Penelope, he realized he cannot live without her in his life. And not as a friend, but as a partner. As a lover. As his forever. The minute he realized his feelings for Penelope, he couldn’t let her go. I honestly think if he was to yearn for any more eps, he would die. I mean literally. His heart wouldn’t be able to take someone who wasn’t him courting Penelope. You call it rush, I call it being all consumed by your best friend and being stupid to realize it too late
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
I was reflecting on Violet's talk about Colin's sensitive nature and made me think that truly he's a bit of a loner in their home, isn't him? It's like he is the one that needs to keep on trying and when he does something for himself, he's questioned, belittled or ignored. When Colin was thinking that he should marry and forge his own way, Anthony shut him down by simply saying he should have taken him to brothels... and there you go, folks, where Colin's example of how a single man should behave comes from. The brother he admires, told him that, and made he believe that's what a man of their position should behave at his age. Maybe if he does, if he acts like them, he's going to find his own path & find his own happiness. When Colin travels, he keeps writing home, wanting to communicate with his family and loved to hear back from them, and also because he really loves to write - and is good at it -, but they rarely if ever ( some) do. And that's why he was always happy that Pen did, as he was mostly ignored and even mocked for that, they were being quite dismissive of him. We know how he also doesn't truly feel like he belongs and that's one of the reasons he went away, run away. Sure, he loves to travel but we know it's also to free himself of the whole 'Colin Bridgerton' he thinks he should be. When Colin tries to make something, do business of his own, but is something out of his depth as he was never prepared for it - Anthony was the heir to the title and older, likely was taught by his father some things already and maybe Colin and Benedict would too but had no time and Anthony never guided him that way, it seems - he was screamed at and, once again, thought he had truly no purpose. Losing his father way younger than Anthony was a huge trauma too. As much as Violet is a good mother, in that context, losing his father put him without a fundamental support and counsel a young men would need at that time, specially on his late teens and young men years. Still, he's very sweet, a soft guy who worries about his family, just look at every situation that he truly is there wanting to support, a romantic and quite naive in the matters of emotions. A kind guy who always wants to make others happy and defend people when he thinks they are being taken advantage of, were wronged or need his help just to feel happy. And yet the only person that actually has always ever done that for him, in every aspects - attention, protection, love, interest and engaging on his life -, is Pen, his kindred spirit.
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
violet bridgerton being the messiest bitch around and saying exactly the right thing to needle her dumbass kids into action. she’s not afraid of scandal, she welcomes it home.
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
That kiss fucked him up so bad, when they meet for the first time after that under the tree, all Colin can do is agree to whatever Penelope is saying, head empty and smiling along. A real man
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
I blame Bridgerton for unrealistic expectations of declarations of love...
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Edit: I beg your pardon George and Charlotte in their rightful place :)
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babyboy555777 · 27 days
I can’t believe Pitbull just thanked all of us for listening to his song on repeat as a coping mechanism because we were left just that UNHINGED by the carriage scene 😂
TIMELESS, TRANSCENDS INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES - that is the power of Polin and that carriage
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