babybuckeyewitch · 2 years
✨️ Fuck-Off-Spray aka Banishing & Protection Spray ✨️
Spray bottle
Water as a base
Peppermint oil
Lavender oil
Rubbing alcohol
I originally made this to scare away spiders and other creepy crawlies (that's what the mint and lavender are for) but figured I could turn it into an all-purpose banishing and protection spray
The rubbing alcohol is supposed to help the oils mix with the water but I'm not sure how legit that is
The salt enhances the banishing, cleansing and protective properties
Obviously you can enhance this spray further by charging it with crystals, baninshing/protection spells/sigils etc or by adding more ingredients with banishing/protective properties but this is the most basic version
Bonus: it will leave your space smelling fresh and clean 🥰✨️
And a tip from me: spray it on your curtains/blinds to turn them into a protective shield to keep out whatever you don't want entering your space
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babybuckeyewitch · 4 years
I just rewatched 1st episode of buzzfeed unsolved supernatural 'Sallie House' and they said that the last chick that lived there was doing some shady satanic stuff and she didn't report any demonic problems and I was like, hold on
Are you telling me that this lady had a pentagram, which is used for protection, a cauldron, which probability was used to mix ingredients for a spell and a black robe, black colour is used as a protection against evil. And you're telling me it was a satanic cult? I mean common
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She clearly was some kind of a witch and she looked demon dead in the eyes and went 'get the fuck out you lil bitch'
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And it did. Since she didn't report anything and nothing really happened while Shane and Ryan were there. Like sorry boys but demon was long gone
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babybuckeyewitch · 4 years
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☀️ Sigil - New Beginnings ☀️
Last week, my little sister’s heart stopped in her sleep.. Her name was Olympe, she was young, talented, I loved her so much.. I am devastated to think about my future without her… This Sigil is a way to help.
It took me so long to finish it.. I started working on it last June when I went to Belgium, then last November, in London, only now was I able to go forward and finish it because I truly need it right now.
It is a Sigil for any type of New Beginnings. I see it as a sun, as sunny as my sister.. Also like a wheel, to help go forward in any type of situation like moving to a new country or break ups.. Anything ♥
New beginnings are hard..
Lots of love to you all ♥
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
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🌜My Own All-Purpose Cleansing Spray 🌛
Use it to cleanse your room, to cast a circle, on your altar, your magical tools, yourself, etc. Perfect for when you can’t burn sage or incense!
Spray bottle
Rain water or moon water
Witch Hazel
Lemon salt (this is just sea salt combined with lemon zest)
Pour equal parts water and witch hazel into spray bottle, filling it 2/3 or the way up
Mix in your herbs
Mix in your salt
If you want, write a cleansing sigil on the bottle
Gently shake the bottle to combine ingredients saying “lavender for relaxation, rosemary for restoration, sage so I can start anew, salt protection through and through, I thank you for your presence here, please come to my aid when time draws near”
Blessings! 🌛🌝🌜
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
Bee Magick - Save the Bees
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This post is dedicated to the bees, make sure you do your part to save the bees! 
Facts to increase your love for bees:
They have personalities.
They can recognize human faces.
Their honey contains all the substances needed to sustain life.
Eating Honey can make you smarter.
Honeybees can only sting once.
They beat their wings up to 200 times per second.
Honeybees are the only insects that produce food for humans.
Bees don’t sleep.
All worker bees are female.
Ways to attract bees:
Plant flowers that attract bees.
Build a bee houses.
Place bee waterers and bee baths around your garden.
Do not use pesticides or herbicides of any kind.
Plants that attract bees:
Bee balm
Snow Drop
Wildflowers/Any native species
Anise hyssop
Black eyed susan
Sweet peas
Bee folklore:
It is unlucky to kill bees.
Believed to have the knowledge of the future and all secrets. 
If a bee lands on your hand, it suggests money is on it’s way.
If a bee lands on someones head, they will become successful in life. 
If a bee flies into a home, it means either good luck or a stranger is on their way. If you kill the bee it means the stranger will be bringing bad news.
Seeing a single bee will bring luck.
Bees buzzing around a child’s head foretells a happy, successful life.
Bee mythology:
Ancient Egyptian pharaohs used the bee as their royalty symbol. They believed honey bees were born from the tears of the sun God, Ra. To the Egyptians, bees represented resurrection and protected against evil spirits. 
Druids believed that bees represented the sun, the Goddess, celebration, and community.
The Greeks thought that a babies whose lips where touched by a bee would become a great poet or a great speaker. In ancient Greece it was also thought that they symbolized industry, hard work, messengers of the dead, and obedience. Honey was often used as an offering to their Gods. They also believed bees were the surviving souls of the priestesses who served the Goddess Aphrodite. 
They have been seen as a symbol of sacredness and could be associated with the Great Mother or Divine feminine. The Mother can be symbolized as the queen bee. 
In Celtic mythology honey bees had great wisdom and thought to be messengers between worlds. Honey was sacred and used in rituals.
In some cultures they can be associated with purity, health, and wealth. Some also believed bees were a symbol of the human soul.
The druids believed that bees symbolized the sun, the goddess, celebration, and community.
Deities associated with bees and honey:
Melissa (Melisae)
Bees in Magick:
Bees are closely associated with the fae and their presence in gardens which indicates blessings of fae. Encourage the bees, by putting up bee houses, hives, planting bee-friendly plants and waterers and not using pesticides. Thus, encouraging the blessings from the fae, while harming bees can anger them and cause them to seek revenge. 
The symbol of a bee can be used to seal a spell with sweetness for one who appreciates good will and a sting for one who takes it for granted or doesn’t keep his end of the bargain. 
Honey stirred into your tea can ‘sweeten’ your day. 
Honey is used often in magick to sweeten a situation.
Anointing your lips with honey will make your words sound sweeter. 
Bees in your dreams:
May be a good omen.
Bees in your dreams may be telling you to take a look at your social networks. They may be pointing toward a desire for more harmonious and functional relationships, or celebrating the ones you already have.
A visit from a bee in a dream may also be notifying you that a friend or family member needs to speak with you. You will know as this person will also pop into your mind somehow. It means call them or perhaps, that you will hear from them soon.
Dreaming of a beehive usually relates to the home and family or your business and coworkers. A happy, buzzing hive means a happy, buzzing home. It may foretell incoming abundance, and fruitful times ahead. If the bees are swarming around the hive, rather than working in it, proceed with caution. There is a lack of harmony that is interfering with productivity.
A swarm of bees may indicate that you feel that a group of people upon whose cooperation you rely is becoming chaotic and out of control. Perhaps the need to balance your own interactions with your different business and social groups for your own sanity.
Beehives bring to mind abundance and prosperity: bees seem to work hard and are rewarded by flowing stores of honey. An empty beehive, then, represents the opposite: lost opportunity and financial misfortune.
A beehive can also represent a home. The fullness or emptiness of the beehive may indicate unconscious feelings about family life, marriage, children, or the house itself. Honey may represent your property or belongings.
A beehive on fire or burned bees are often interpreted depending on your emotional and physical condition. Burned bees may mean you are overcoming fear and want to take control of life and anger, are you’re progressing through life with more confidence without any fear of obstacles. Burned beehives can also mean you have lost something precious, like money, a relationship, or some valuable information that you’ve forgotten or ignored.
If a bee or a swarm of bees is chasing you in dream, it may mean there is some unsettled business or a memory that haunts you. Make sure you let it go from your mind or deal with it in order to avoid these bees.
If you dream about getting a bee sting then something may be bothering you, or you have a persistent annoyance in your life. Concerns about your relationship, career, finance, or some unknown issue is bugging your subconscious mind. Find out what it is and sort it out.
Magickal uses for Honey:
Can be used in binding spells to symbolically stick things together.
Used for offerings to fae and deities.
Can sweeten a person or a situation.
 Honey is sacred to Aphrodite.
Can be used in spells corresponding to purification, health, love, happiness, spirituality, wisdom, good fortune, fertility, 
Use certain types of honey that corresponded with your spell.
Bathe in warm water and honey to attract love.
A dish filled with honey can attract angels and beneficial spirits.
Do your part to save the bees they are an important part of our life and in our magick practices. 
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
Sources: witchipedia.com, kitchenwitchuk.blogspot.ca, exemplore.com
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
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“This person can feel the good energies I am sending” sigil
Sigil requests are closed.
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
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"I produce positive energy"
Mid Summer Sigils Day 4: Positivity
The inspiration for this one is a bit more simple, but I have just been wanting to put more positivity into everything I do so for this sigil I want it to help me produce positive energy.
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
Spells are not simple.
Here's a real tip for all you baby witches out there, diving into spellwork before anything else: Spells aren't as simple as going through the motions, and a spell probably won't work if you don't understand how to use your Will.
This is what I've been taught by my mentor who has been a witch for 25 years. You have to set your intentions and use your Will to match. What is your Will and how is it different from your Intention? This post may get long, but it's important and I haven't seen any others cover this, so please don't give up half way through!
Basically, it's like this:
Intention: your reason for a spell, your goal/what you want + ingredients to match
Your Will: the Power you put behind your spell or working
The intention part is easy. You figure out your goal, pick a spell or create a spell that uses ingredients or actions that match your intent, and then you perform it. This is what most of Tumblr will teach you how to do. While working with simply your intent can sometimes work, it's more like a coin toss because you're not actually making your spellwork as powerful as it could be.
But your Will, as I've been taught, is the most important part of any magick and is the most often overlooked. You can make magick with nothing but your intent and your Will together. Did you know that? What is your Will? It's the power you put behind your intent. Your Will is your Power.
That's right, baby witches. You have to learn how to tap in to the power around you as well as the power within yourself. This is why spells are never as simple as you think; if you can't add your Will to a spell, it will never be as powerful as you want it to be. This concept can prove difficult, so I'll try to break it down as simply as I can.
Your Will comes from the energy within you, but you can also tap into the energy around you to add to that power. This means that to find your Will you have to first learn how to:
Perceive Energy
Feel Energy
Feel your Own Energy
Touch Energy
Gather Energy Inside and Around You
Manipulate Energy
Infuse Energy with Intent
This is the basis for finding and understanding magick. Magick is all about energy, and the sooner you learn how to do these things, the sooner you'll start to realize your power as a witch. And this is why I say that spells are not as simple as Tumblr makes them; at least, they shouldn't be.
When you're performing a spell, you should be raising energy and infusing that energy with your intent. You could be adding energy to your ingredients, or simply raising it and holding it, to be released into the world when the spell is finished. That's your Will; the energy you add to your working. The stronger the energy, the stronger the spell.
A simple way to put it: Intent + Will = Power
So please do yourself a favor. Research energy. Find it, figure it out, feel it within you. Take your time to truly understand that power so you can properly perform powerful spellwork.
Learning all of this can take time and that is fine. If you take your time to work on this, you will be grateful for it in the long run. Feeling the energy that surrounds you and that comes from within you is such a beautiful thing, I promise. Energy is wonderful.
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
Me staring at my bowl of salt I just filled:
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
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“I am unbreakable” for @vagnarock
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
Protection emoji spell
May you be protected and cleansed of negative energy either sent by someone or you catching someone else’s negative energy.
Likes to charge, reblogs to cast (Works best on Tuesdays and Fridays but any day can reblog!)
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
An emoji spell to keep your blog clean of homophobes and TERFs.
Likes charge
Reblogs cast
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
Witch tip for all weed witches....
Instead of mixing tobacco with your weed mix it with dried chamomile flowers instead. It will have such a smoother taste, and its so much more caring for your body and the environment.
Also remember that chamomile is used in spells for peace, love, tranquillity, and purification so you could get high and do spell work on peace and love or purification! Or just meditate on these things.
Happy smoking! 🔮
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
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“I am unhindered by my past”
Boom, the Sigil Witch is back.
Sigil requests are currently closed!
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babybuckeyewitch · 5 years
Visualization 101
Within our brains we hold the power to create experiences. Not just daydreaming or fantasizing but manifesting our desires in the real world. Scientists have discovered that our brains activate many of the same neural networks- pathways for nerve cells to control our physical bodies- when we visualize something and when we actually experience it. Mental exercises stimulate our sympathetic nervous system which governs things like breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate.
When we are able to control our thoughts in this way amazing things can happen. a 2007 study performed by the North American Journal of Psychology found that athletes who mentally practiced a hip-flexor exercise had strength gains comparable to those who actually performed the exercise! Visualization has been proven to aid in self-confidence, anxiety, depression, social skills, weight control and boosts creativity and problem solving skills.This is the fundamental principle which explains the law of attraction and the law of correspondence.  How do you do it and get good at it? I’m going to tell you…
2D- Start simple. Look at a two dimensional, easily recognizable, geometric shape. You can draw it, look at a picture on your phone or computer, create a paper cutout or whatever is convenient. Study the shape for 30 seconds. Now close your eyes and imagine the shape. Glance back at it if you have to and don’t get down on yourself if this step is challenging. Every skill starts with practice. When you can imagine the shape try maintaining that mental image for longer and longer periods of time. If you can hold that mental picture for 20-30 seconds you are doing GREAT! Move on to the next step.
 3D- We’re going to up the ante a little bit. Find a three dimensional object. Could be your favorite crystal, a piece of fruit, your toothbrush etc. Study the object like we did before and begin visualizing it. Fidget with it, look at it from all angles, feel it’s texture, interact with it.
 Real World Inclusion- Next we’re going to start allowing our visualizations to become real. Imagine there’s a cup on your desk, pick it up. How heavy is it? What temperature is it? What material is it made of? What color is it? Begin incorporating these mental fabrications whenever you get a chance. This morning i made my coffee cup grow a fish tail and flop around on my banister!
Mindscapes- Now you’re ready to start creating mindscapes. These are entire environments in your mind. Start with the familiar (your house or your car) and work your way up. Find yourself in a peaceful forest glen or sitting on the beach or hiking a trail. Try to keep a mental map of your explorations as a way to expand your abilities. 
There is no time limit to this practice and some will be able to do the first few steps more easily than others. The most important part to practice is REALISM. Don’t just fantasize, actually see and feel your visualizations. Remember to use all of your senses and to stomp your feet or wiggle your toes when you’re finished in order to ground yourself back in reality. Good luck and make magic happen!!
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