babyempathwitch · 3 years
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Just some herb doodles for my grimore binder . Prepairing for a permanent leather grimore very soon. Can’t wait !!!
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
Herbs that attract spirts ? I wanna make a candle for my ansestors and I want to put things in they are attracted to
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
Does it mess up the spell if you leave the circle if someone yells at you to come doen stairs in the middle of a spell ??
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
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Book of shadows : your personal spiritual journey .this book you shouldn’t share with anyone
Grimores : book of spells , history,everything you learned or want to study,herbs .
One is personal one can be based down as a learning tool. Here the cover of my book of shadows journal where I write my dreams ,tarot readings and shadow work . Can’t wait til my grimore gets here so I can fill it up with everything that’s in my temporary binder !
In my opinion grimore are a lot more fun to do but I seen lots of people saying they are the same thing when they are not
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
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The Devil reversed -you are breaking free of old bad habits & addictions.
King of pentacles reversed - wealth & abundance is coming
The chariot - success & moving forward
Things have been looking up lately & yesteday I got a second interview for a job I really want !
Also yesteday I bought a one card pull from a metaphysical ship snd it said “ be open for what comes next , it may just be what your heart has been waiting to hear “
#goodvibes #tarot #daily spread #traditonalwitch #earthelement #capricorn
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
Question if you invoke a deity what is the proper way to dismiss them once you are down with your work ? You would dismiss them before you close your circle but what is the proper way? Specifically Hecate .
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
Shook my money jar once and boom ! A sale!!
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
I feel like the deity Hecate wants to work with me ? Also garnet is my birthstone and I know that’s related to her I feel a strong connection. Does this mean they want to work with me ?
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
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Today,tomorrow.Saturday,Sunday.... well looks like there is gonna be more problems and conflicts with money and I’m feeling like shit the entire week .great . Someone send me blessings :( plus I dropped my cards twice before this . What does the reading tell you?
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
Why do most witches have depression or is it just me ?
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
Finally moved a crystal with my thoughts !
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
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“Please bring my home love, compassion ,understanding, and end all conflicts “
bless it be
If anyone can say a prayer for my family to end all conflicts I’d appreciate it 🖤
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
What is the best spell for toxic family members ?
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
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Renew - purification
Amber - warmth, well-being, nurturing
Amethyst - protection, cleansing, intuition
Apatite - intuition, wisdom, communication
Bloodstone - purification, courage, vitality
Fluorite - clarity, focus, order
Golden Obsidian - purification, manifesting, willpower
Howlite - surrender, letting go of attachments
Moldavite - spiritual awakening, visioning
Obsidian - protection, purification, grounding
Opal - releasing attachments, emotional amplification
Quartz - manifesting, amplifying other stones
Rainbow Obsidian - emotional healing, purification
Unakite - releasing toxicity, healing the body, perseverance
Cedar - Confidence, strength, power, money, protection, healing and purification. Used in the consecration of magick wands. Carry a small piece of cedar in wallet or near money to attract wealth. Hang in the home to protect against lightning. Use in sachets to promote calmness.
Copal Resin - Love, purification. Add to love and purification incenses. Use a piece of copal to represent the heart in poppets.
Frankincense Resin - Successful ventures, cleansing, purification. Burn for protective work, consecration, and meditation. Used as an offering at Beltane, Lammas, and Yule. Enhances the power of topaz. Use in rituals and magick associated with self-will, self-control, or the ego. Represents the ability of the divine to move into manifestation. Add to charm bags and sachets to bring success. Mix with Cumin and burn as incense for powerful protection.
Lavender - Magickal uses include love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. Promotes healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Use in love spells and sachets, especially those to attract men.
Rosemary - Carried and used in healing poppets for good health, used in love/lust spells, worn to improve memory, used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares, burned as incense for purification and removing negativity. Wear or carry while reading or completing tasks to improve memory of the material and aid clear thinking (great for students!). Use an infusion of rosemary to wash hands before any healing magick. Use in bath magick for purification. Associated with faeries.
Sage - Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom. Used in healing sachets & incense. Promotes spiritual, mental, emotional & physical health and longevity. Removes negative energy. Place near a personal object of a person who is ailing when performing healing spells or rituals. Write a wish on a sage leaf and place it under your pillow for 3 nights – if you dream of your wish, it will come true; if not, bury the leaf in the ground so that no bad will come to you.
Sea Salt - Uses include cleansing crystals, purification, grounding, protection magick and ritual. Used on the altar to represent the Earth. Used with water for asperging, sea spells, consecration and casting circles. Used with garlic and rosemary to banish evil.
White Sage - Use as an incense, for smudging or for purification.
Juniper Berry
Palo Santo
Reassess - clarity
Azurite - vision, insight, learning
Citrine - imagination, clarity, manifestation
Diamond - initiation, purpose, clarity
Fluorite - clarity, focus, order
Golden Obsidian - purification, manifesting, willpower
Hematite - grounding, clarity, manifestation
Lapis Lazuli - vision, truth, awareness
Moldavite - spiritual awakening, visioning
Morganite - divine love, emotional healing
Prehnite - alignment, clarity, peace
Rhodonite - purpose, generosity, contribution
Sapphire - focus, discipline, inner vision
Snowflake Obsidian - persistence, overcoming difficulties
Sodalite - insight, clarity, intuition
Tiger Eye - balance, grounding, discernment
Topaz - manifesting, clarity, magnification
Amber - Protection from harm, outside influences, and psychic attacks. Mental clarity & focus. Transforming negative energy to positive energy.
Basil - Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits. Associated with Candlemas. Carry to move forward in a positive manner despite perilous danger. Strewn on floors to provide protection from evil. Sprinkle an infusion of basil outside of the building where you hope to be employed for luck in a job interview (be careful not to be seen!) or in your business to attract money and success. Wear or carry to aid in attracting money and prosperity.
Citronella - Draws friends to the home, customers to the business. Promotes eloquence, persuasiveness, and prosperity. Protects and cleanses the aura. Encourages self-expression and creativity (great for writers & actors!) and brings clarity to the mind. Repels insects and deodorizes.
Cloves - Magickal uses include protection, banishing hostile/negative forces, and gaining what is sought. Cloves are burned to stop gossip as well as to purify & raise the spiritual vibrations of an area. Use to bring a sense of kinship to a social gathering. Wear for protection and mental clarity. Said to protect babies in their cribs if strung together and hung over the crib (being sure that the strand can’t fall into the crib, of course!). Burn to attract riches, drive away hostile forces, and stop any gossip about you. Carry to attract the opposite sex or bring comfort during bereavement. Cleanses the aura.
Fern - Mental clarity, cleansing, purification, and dispelling negativity. Keep in room where studying is done to help concentration. Burn a sprig of fern before an exam. Use in sachets and amulets for powerful auric protection.
Gotu Kola - Burn prior to (but not during) meditation.
Rosemary - Carried and used in healing poppets for good health, used in love/lust spells, worn to improve memory, used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares, burned as incense for purification and removing negativity. Wear or carry while reading or completing tasks to improve memory of the material and aid clear thinking (great for students!). Use an infusion of rosemary to wash hands before any healing magick. Use in bath magick for purification. Associated with faeries.
Juniper Berry
Realign - grounding
Agate - grounding, nourishment, stability
Apache Tears - healing grief, grounding, protection
Bloodstone - purification, courage, vitality
Hematite - grounding, clarity, manifestation
Jade - abundance, nature energy, well-being
Jasper - grounding, earth energy
Obsidian - protection, purification, grounding
Onyx - focus, discipline, self-mastery
Ruby - life force, courage, passion
Smoky Quartz - grounding, clearing, practical action
Tiger Eye - balance, grounding, discernment
Zircon - grounding, making ideas real
Carnation - Protection, strength, healing, enhancing magickal powers, and achieving balance. Burn to enhance creativity. Use in bath spells.
Coffee - Helps to dispel nightmares and negative thoughts and to overcome internal blockages. Provides peace of mind and grounding.
Geranium - Overcoming negative thoughts & attitudes, lifting spirits, promoting protection & happiness. Repels insects. Balances mind and body.
Horehound - Sacred to Horus. Protective; helps with mental clarity during ritual; stimulates creativity/inspiration; balances personal energies. Excellent for use in home blessings. Place near doorways to keep trouble away.
Pine - Promotes clean breaks, new beginnings, prosperity, success, strength, grounding, and growth; Also used for cleansing, purification, and repelling negativity. Great for house and business blessing.
Sea Salt - Uses include cleansing crystals, purification, grounding, protection magick and ritual. Used on the altar to represent the Earth. Used with water for asperging, sea spells, consecration and casting circles. Used with garlic and rosemary to banish evil.
Ylang Ylang
White fir
Reflect - healing
Apache Tears - healing grief, grounding, protection
Aragonite - emotional strength and healing
Chrysoprase - love, healing, joy
Garnet - manifesting, self-worth, healing
Howlite - surrender, letting go of attachments
Morganite - divine love, emotional healing
Opal - releasing attachments, emotional amplification
Pearl - self-care, nurturing, emotional healing
Rainbow Obsidian - emotional healing, purification
Rhodochrosite - emotional healing, nurturing, joy
Rose Quartz - love, trust, emotional healing
Tourmaline - joy, emotional healing, love
Turquoise - wholeness, truth, communication
Unakite - releasing toxicity, healing the body, perseverance
Chamomile - Love, healing, and reducing stress. Add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances of its success. Sprinkle an infusion of chamomile around the house to remove hexes, curses and spells. Burn or add to prosperity bags to increase money. Burn as incense for de-stressing, meditation, and restful sleep. Wash hands in an infusion of chamomile for luck before gambling or playing cards. Use in bath magick to attract love. Keep a packet of the herb with lottery tickets for luck.
Hibiscus - Attracting love and lust, divination, and dreams. Carry in a sachet or burn as incense to attract love.
Kava Kava - Uses include aphrodisiac; potent sacramental drink; potions; induces visions; astral work; travel protection. Carry for success and job promotion.
Lavender - Magickal uses include love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. Promotes healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Use in love spells and sachets, especially those to attract men.
Lemon Balm - Love, success, healing, and psychic/spiritual development. Use in love charms & spells to attract a partner. Use in healing spells & rituals for those suffering from mental or nervous disorders.
Motherwort - Magickal uses include bolstering ego, building confidence, success and counter magick. Keep in a jar by family pictures to keep the family safe.
Rose - Magickal uses include divine love, close friendships, domestic peace/happiness, and lasting relationships. Great for use in incense, potpourri or bath magick. Place around sprains and dark bruises to help them heal faster.
Rosemary - Carried and used in healing poppets for good health, used in love/lust spells, worn to improve memory, used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares, burned as incense for purification and removing negativity. Wear or carry while reading or completing tasks to improve memory of the material and aid clear thinking (great for students!). Use an infusion of rosemary to wash hands before any healing magick. Use in bath magick for purification. Associated with faeries.
Valerian - Dream magick, reconciliation, love, and harmony. Placed in sachets for love & protection and used in sleep pillows. It is said that having Valerian Root nearby will settle an argument between a couple. Used to purify sacred space. Used as a substitution for graveyard dirt/dust in spells. Use in protection baths. Burn for reconciliation in ailing relationships, but only with the permission of all parties involved in the relationship. Wear to calm the emotions.
Tea Tree
Reinvigorate - communication
Amazonite - truth, harmony, peace
Aquamarine - peace, communication, empowerment
Chrysocolla - wisdom, communication, gentle power
Kyanite - psychic abilities, communication, lucid dreaming
Larimar - peace, relaxation, communication
Sapphire - focus, discipline, inner vision
Tanzanite - integrating heart and mind, wholeness
Turquoise - wholeness, truth, communication
Caraway - Health, love, protection, mental powers, memory, passion, and anti-theft. Prevents lover from straying when used in love spells & potions. Ideal for consecrating ritual tools. Carry to improve memory or use in dream pillows to help you to remember your dreams. Sew caraway seed into a small white bag with white thread and hide it under the mattress of a child’s crib or bed to keep the child free of illness.
Clove - Magickal uses include protection, banishing hostile/negative forces, and gaining what is sought. Cloves are burned to stop gossip as well as to purify & raise the spiritual vibrations of an area. Use to bring a sense of kinship to a social gathering. Wear for protection and mental clarity. Said to protect babies in their cribs if strung together and hung over the crib (being sure that the strand can’t fall into the crib, of course!). Burn to attract riches, drive away hostile forces, and stop any gossip about you. Carry to attract the opposite sex or bring comfort during bereavement. Cleanses the aura.
Club Moss - Protection and power. Use in bath magick for purification. Burn as incense as an offering to the deities and to open channels of communication with them. Use in amulets and charms for power and protection.
Dill - Money, protection, luck and lust. Used in love & protection charms. Effective at keeping away dark forces, useful for house blessing. Keeps the mind cognizant of the line between superstition and the realities of magick. Place seeds in muslin and hang in the shower to attract women. Use dill seeds in money spells. The scent of dill is said to stimulate lust. Add grains of dill seed to a bath before going on a date to make yourself irresistible.
Foxglove - Protection of home & garden, vision, and immortality. Used to commune with those of the Underworld.
Ginseng - Magickal uses include love, beauty, protection, healing and lust. Carry to draw love, health, money, and sexual potency. Carve a wish into a whole root and throw it into water to make the wish come true.
Mint - Promotes energy, communication and vitality. Draws customers to a business. Use dried leaves to stuff a green poppet for healing. Place in wallet or purse or rub on money to bring wealth and prosperity. Use on the altar to draw good spirits to assist in your magick. Place in the home for protection.
Oregano - Joy, strength, vitality, and added energy.
NOTICE: Please do your research before ingesting or coming into contact with any herbs/oils! Some of them are dangerous!
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
Colors have each their own special properties and correspondences; I find that as you work with them and grow more familiar with them, you feel more comfortable using certain ones or find more or other uses for them. Working with multiple colors at the same times can have different results. It all depends on your intentions!
Black- Divination, warding off evil, protection, negative work 
Navy Blue- For wounded pride, injuries, angelic protection
Dark Purple- Calls upon ancient ones and deities, government, sigils and runes
Lavender- Calmness, recharging, righteous spirirt, nostalgia, sleep 
Dark Green- regeneration, financial, agriculture, repressed feelings and emotions
Mint Green- Refreshment, rejuvenation, childhood, nostalgia, adds a spring in your step kinda feeling, energy 
Green- Healing, nature, artistic, Nort Cardinal Point
Olive green- new beginnings, blessings
Light green- Youth, improves weather, more minor deities than Gods (think fae)
Indigo- Repressed memories, projection even to astral level, secrets, emotions, mood
Dark blue- Confusion, grounding, deep thoughts, astral level
Blue- Protection, creativity, intelligence/smarts, studying
Royal Blue- Power, protection
Baby Blue- Protection of others, buildings, and children, gentleness
Ruby red- Passion, anger, intense (sexual) love
Red- Love, dedication, will power, responsibility
Light red- nonsexual love, friendship, platonic love
Deep pink- Harmony and friendship in the home, often relates with Queer Platonic Relationships
Pink- Binding, youth, new experiences, love, friendship
Pale pink- Friendship, self-love
Yellow- Healing, joy, East Cardinal Point
Deep Gold- Prosperity, the sun
Gold- Attraction, wealth, attention
Dark orange- Opportunity, physical relations with your body
Orange- Material gain, to seal a spell, attraction
Dark Brown- Earth, grounding, inviting others
Brown- Peace in home, friendship, herb magick
Light Brown- material benefits
Silver- Quick luck, gambling, the moon, lust
Off-White- Peace of Mind, acceptance, normalcy 
White- Mother candle (to be burnt 30 minutes at each moon phase), purity, brings in positivity, love for yourself and others  Rainbow- Neurodiversity, overall goodness in your life
You can incorporate colors into your clothing, letters, candles, rituals, crafts, foods, etc.! The intention and belief in color correspondences is most important! Get creative, and stay safe <3
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
Complete Magical Herb List, taken from my own grimoire
Acorn-Luck, wisdom, youth, personal power               
Allspice- Money, Lck, Treasure, Determination
Almond- Wisdom and fruitfulness. Helps one
overcome a dependency or addiction
Aloe-Protection, Luck. Place at a grave to bring peace.
Anise-helps ward off evil, find happiness, prevents 
nightmares, good in bath spells.
Apple- Love, Immortality, Friendship, Healing. Apples
make good offerings, especially at Samhan
Apricot- Love and attracting love. 
Asparagus- masculan sex magick
   Bamboo- Hex breaking, wishes, luck.
Banana- fertility, potency, prosperity
Basil-Love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, protection
Bayleaf-Good fortune, success, strength, purification
Beet- Love. Juice can substitute blood in rituals.
Birch-Protection, Exorcism, Putification
Blackberry-Healing and money. Berrys are sacred.
Blueberry-Protection from enemies. Can cause confusion if you throw one in the path of an enemy
    Cabbage- Fertility, Profit, good luck, lunar magick
Cactus- Chastity, banishing, protection
Carnations-Strength, healing, enhancing power, achieving balance. Burn to enhance creativity
Carrot- Lust, fertility, abundance
Catnip-Love, beauty, happiness, attracts spirits. Sacred
 to cat deities and animal magick. 
Cedar- Confidence, strength, protection, healing. Berries are good for anti theft spells and warding off snakes
Celery- Mental power, lust, male potency
Chamomile- Love, healing, reduce stress. Drink tea in 
meditation, to destress and to get a restful sleep.
.Cherry-love, divination, happiness
Chili pepper- fidelity, love, breaks hexes
Chives- protection and weight loss
Chrysanthemum- protection, grow in your 
garden to ward off evil
Cilantro- brings peace to the home and helps 
attune one with their soul
Cinnamon- Spirituality, success, healing, power, love,
 luck, strength, and prosperity.
Clove-love, money, protection
Clover- fidelity, money, luck. Love, success
Coconut- Chastity, protection, purification
Coffee- Helps dispel nightmares and negativity, helps 
overcome internal blockages, provides peace of mind and grounding. 
Corn- Protection, divination, good luck
Cotton-rain, protection, luck, healing. 
Cucumber-chastity, fertility, healing
Cumin- fidelity, protection, and theft prevention
Curry- protection. Burn curry powder to keep evil forces away.
Cypress- death and mourning, stimulates healing and helps one overcome the pain of grief
   Daffodil- Love, Luck, and fertility
Daisy- innocence and innocent love. Associated with children and newborns
Dandelion- healing, purification, wishes, and spirit work
Elderberries- sleep, releasing enchantments, protection against negative people and the temptation to harm others. Note, every part of this plant is poisonous.
Elm- love, protection from lightning. 
    Fennel seed- imparts strength, vitality, and sexual virility  and masculinity. 
Feverfew- protects against sickness and accidents. Use for healing spells. 
Frankincense- Successful ventures, cleansing, purification, productivity, concentration and meditation. 
    Garlic- healing, protection, repels vampires, purifies spaces and objects.
Ginger- Draws adventure and new experiences. Promptes sentuality, confidence, and success
Grape- fertility, money, mental strength
Grapefruit- cleansing and purification
   Hibiscus-attracting love, lust, and dreams
Hollyhock- Increases the flow of money, aids in financial flourishing.
Honey- for attraction, solar magick, and sweetness. 
Honeysuckle- Draws money, success, and quick abundance. Aides confidence and persuasiveness. 
 Ivy- Protection, healing, fertility, love.
   Jasmine- ideas,  Divination, charging, attracting a soulmate, can induce sleep and dreams. 
Juniper- promotes healing and good health, attracts healing energies and protects against theft
   Lavender- Peace, love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and healing from depression
Lemon- cleansing, purification, removal of blockages, dealing with pain
Lemon Balm- Love, Success, Healing, spiritual growth and development. Use in healing spells for mental illness
Lemongrass- psychic cleansing and opening, use in lust potions
Lettuce- Divination, sleep, lunar magick, sex magick, love spells
Lilac- Wisdom, memory, luck, spiritual aid
Lily-renewal, rebirti, marriage, prosperity,the life cycle, death.
Lime-purification, protection, promotes tranquility, strengthens love.
    Maple-Love, money, longevity, luck
Marjoram- Cleansing, Purification, dispelling negativity, strengthening love, infuse in bath spells to aid grief
May Flowers- attracts adventure and chaos into your life
Mint- energy, communication, and vitality. Use in healing spells and place on alter to attract good spirits. 
Morning Glory-Binding, banishing. Note, this plant is poisonous. 
Mugwort- Lust, fertility, helps ease backaches and cure disease. 
Mustard Seed- Courage, faith, and endurance.
    Narcissus-  calms vibrations, promotes harmony and peace of mind. 
Nutmeg- Money, prosperity, luck, curse breaking
   Oak- wisdom, strength, to preserve youth, and increase attraction. strengthens unity, The most sacred tree.
Oatmeal- for worship, use in offerings.
Olive-Fidelity, peace, marriage, healing, potency and lust
Onion- Prosperity, stability, endurance, banishing bad habits. 
Orange-love, luck, divination, happiness, self confidence, blessing
Orchid- Concentration, strengthen memory, focus and willpower
Oregano- Joy, strength, vitality and energy.
Palo Santo- if you’ve been cursed use this herb to break it.
Paprika-Add to spell to energise it. Throw into someone’s yard to cause them problems.  Parsley- Calms and protects the home, draws prosperity and financial increase, restores a sense of well being.
Peach- Fertility, Love, Wisdom. Peach Pits ward off evil, increase love and fertility. 
Peas- Money, love
Pecan-Employment, success, security, career success. 
Pepper- courage, banishing negative vibrations. Carry to ward off jealousy.
Peppermint-healing, cleansing, purification. Burn to clear out sickness and keep under your pillow for prophetic dreams. 
Pine-promotes clean breaks, new beginnings, prosperity and success. 
Pineapple- Luck, Money, and chastity. 
Pumpkin- Health, spirit work, and lunar magick
   Raspberry- Healing, Protection, and love. Use to reduce pain during pregnancy and bathe in raspberry to keep a relationship alive.
  Rice- rain, fertility, protection
Rose- love, divine love, self love, friendships, domestic relationships and domestic peace. 
Rosemary- good health, love, good memory, prevents nightmares, wash in rosemary before healing rituals
   Sage-purification, dealing with loss and grief, improves mental stability, burned for cleansing and purification
Sandalwood- Protection, healing, clears negative energy, making wishes
Salt-purification, grounding, protection magick and circle casting
Spearmint-healing, love, protection while sleeping. Burn for healing respiratory conditions.
Strawberry- Attracts success, good fortune, and favorable circumstances.
Sugar- love spells, to bring sweetness to a sintuation, sex magick
      Tea-courage, strength, divination, use as a base for potions. 
Thyme- Loyalty, love, affection, grief, courage, purification, use in baths to cleanse and ward off nightmares.
Tomado- use in love spells
     Vanilla-Love, Lust, passion, restoring lost emotions and energy. Increases mental strength. 
Vinegar- banishing, binding, averting evil
   Walnut- access to divine energy
Willow- draws strength and love, healing, and overcoming sadness. The sacred wishing tree. Wear a sprig of willow when facing the death of a loved one. 
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babyempathwitch · 3 years
If you’re seeing this, Goddess Hecate has a message for you. Please read , like , and share as a way of passing it on to the others who Need to hear this .Bless it be 🖤
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