babyinbluee · 2 years
Heyy, I really don't want to pressure you or stress you out, but I was wondering if there's going to be an update on "If by chance"? Take your time x
hey! no, it's okay to ask it's just i haven't really been motivated to write and im struggling to find motivation. though i promise i am trying and hopefully a chapter will come up soon <3
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗶𝗳 𝗯𝘆 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 ∖ mitch & stiles stilinski.
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❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER THREE. enough for you — act one / junior year.
masterlist for fic !
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normal masterlist !
previous chapter.
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         00. HER LOCKER DOOR SLAMMED OPEN. Madeline felt the wind brush over her harshly; the wind going in the opposite direction of her as if they just knew Madeleine was in no mood for anything. It hadn't even hit lunch yet. First period had yet to commence and Madeline was already wanting to go home. Or throw a book at the wall while listening to some angry music because she fuckin' could. ( Preferably Mitch's head. )
  She was mad and it was all because of him.
  He just. . . Annoyed her. She didn't really have an excuse why other than he just seemed always to be taunting and flirting ( ? ) with her. He wasn't mean nor rude, wasn't disrespectful or a bitch, he was just. . . There. And that was enough for her to be mad— She had an excuse actually to be mad. For one: he always was finding some way to taunt her, tease her and use those stupid and annoying little pet names he would call her.
  For instance! Over the holidays, Madeline was over at their house often— seeing Stiles and catching up with him and Mitch would just suddenly burst through into Stiles's room with a large smirk, no shirt on and a lacrosse stick stuck on his shoulder like he was trying to prove something? He was just so infiltrating! The holidays was Madeleine's time to shine, her time to finally get Stiles's attention— but every fucking time she tried to do so Mitch would come walking in and steal all the spotlight.
  And he knew exactly what he was doing too! She saw the small winks and smirks he'd send her way when Stiles wasn't looking or the way he'd wait for her to walk through the door. And sometimes, he'd even go as far as to ask her for help while having dinner or even message her asking if she was coming over.
  Stupid Mitch Stilisnki. Stupid cockblocking little bitch—
  She wanted to throw her head into a wall. "Hi, Jackson." Her teeth were gritted. Her fists clenched together and she was struggling to see anything else other than the colour red. Jackson Whittemore.
  The basic stereotypical jock.
   There wasn't much to him except for his muscles and looks, to be honest. He held his head high and his muscles tense. Every look was for a purpose and that purpose was usually to try and get within some girl's pants. Though, everyone knew he wanted to get into Madeleine's pants the most.
  It annoyed her to the max. The number of times she has ignored him, blatantly embarrassed him in front of everyone by saying the word he seemed to never hear — "No." She didn't like him, she didn't think anything of him other than he was a complete jackass and was co-captain of the Lacrosse Beacon Hills team. As Mitch Stilinski was the actual captain.
  Though, as much as she hated him — he was truly attractive. Sadly.
  "Hey, Madeline." He leaned against a locker beside her, arms crossing against his chest with a  small smirk on his face.
  "Hi." She muttered, again. Closing her locker and swung her back over her shoulder, peering up at the man. "What do you want?" She asked bluntly, raising an eyebrow when he began laughing.
  "What makes you think I need anything?" He tilted his head in amusement. She blinked at him unamusingly.
  "Because you always need something."
  "Just need you baby."
   She wanted to gag. Actually! She did. She stuck three fingers inside her mouth, a fake gagging sound echoing between her lips as she stared at him She tilted her head, a sweet sickly smile forming on her lips as she pulled her fingers from out of her mouth; a small bit of slobber stuck on her hands and moved forward— closer to him— and pushed her three fingers on his cheek, moving the spit gathered on the tips of her fingers on his face. He gaged, moved away from her and wiped her spit from his face with the back of his hand; a confused and disgusted look on his face.
  "There you go, Jackson. A bit of me just as you asked." Was she disgusted with herself for what she had just done right in the public eye? Yes, she was. Did she truly care? Nah. Not really.
   He huffed, moving himself away from her before he was fully turned from her and was quickly disappearing from her sight. She couldn't help the small snigger leave her lips, an arm rolling around her shoulders with a small kiss on her forehead Madeleine didn't even need to look who had done such actions to know who it was.
   "Maddie!" Another sloppy kiss was left on her cheek and with that she laughed and moved away from the person, meeting the eyes of Damon Steven with his boyfriend Danny beside him; a grin of amusement set on his lips.
   "Damon!" She set with the same energy as him. Grinning heavily from ear to ear as all the pent up anger she felt disappeared — for now at least.
   "Danny!" Madeline ran her tongue on the inside of her cheek, grinning widely at Danny who held up his hands and waved them sarcastically; almost as sarcastic as he said his name.
   She brought him into a hug, smiling when she smelt the familiar scent of strawberries from him. "How have your holidays been?" She was talking to both of them, watching the way Damon's hand slipped inside Danny's.
  "Good." Danny nodded, moving slightly closer to Damon.
   Introvert and Extrovert. Something a lot of people wouldn't find would actually work— but Damon and Danny proved it could work. Damon enjoyed people, he loved physical affection and talking, he enjoyed joking and being the centre of attention. He loved having friends and being in the presence of someone— and that could be anyone as no one dared to hate Damon.
  Not even Jackson.
  But with Danny, he wasn't a people person— he felt awkward standing in public and didn't know how to start a conversation. He didn't even like talking that much and only had a very few people he trusted and talked to willing ( Madeline luckily being one of those people. ) But Danny would rather be inside alone or with someone he really liked or enjoyed spending time with. He had social anxiety and easily got anxious or felt out of place— public settings just sometimes were the death of him.
  But they were Damon and Danny. Two peas in a pod and silently, everyone just went along with it. Even if it broke every known stereotype.
   "Our's was amazing," Damon sighed happily, "Danny and I spent nearly every day together when we could—"
  "Not like I had anything else to do—"
   "—And it was the best time." Madeline smiled, happy for the both of them. "And I know you definitely enjoyed the holiday."
  "And why's that Damon?" Madeline smiled amusingly, leaning her back against her locker with one arm crossing over her chest.
   "Because, a little birdy told me you spent your near whole holidays over at a certain Stilinski house with a certain Stilinski boy who has buzzcut hair and—"
 "Okay we get it," Madeline cut in, chuckling slightly awkwardly, eyes peering around for a moment. "Do you though?" Damon grinned, "I mean, you're telling me nothing happened over the holidays?"
   "If you're thinking what I'm thinking—"
   "Well, what are you thinking?—"
    "I'm thinking what your thinking—"
    "I cannot handle this right now," Danny mumbled in a sigh, hand dropping from his boyfriend and beginning to walk away until he was grabbed back by Damon; his hand gripping Danny's and basically pulling him back into his chest.
   "What's wrong?" Damon frowned, thumb rubbing over the front of Danny's hand. Danny only sighed and leaned in, whispering something no one but Damon could hear. After a moment Danny nodded with a small frown and moving to look at Madeline. "We're going to go. I'll see you second period though right?"
  "Right." Madeline nodded, giving a tight smile as she watched Damon and Danny walk away; hand in hand but Madeline saw the way Danny's hand gripped Damon's harshly and the way Damon was clinging onto Danny as if he was about to break.
   The dark-haired girl could only sigh.
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         00. LET'S TRY AGAIN SHALL WE. We're going to pretend the day has only just started. That Madeline already was hit with a mix of anger, annoyance and jealously so early in the morning before school even officially started. And we are also going to pretend that Madeline Freeman is currently no stalking Stiles and Michelle —
   Stalking is a bit extreme! If we are going to talk about how Madeline is currently sat alone for Lunch, her eyes fixed upon her phone but every few seconds she would look up to check up on Stiles. Like a good best friend does. Right? Because she's just looking out for him, just like a good friend, a wing woman— just someone who cares for him deeply like a friend. . . Would usually do. She wasn't stalking nor staring nor even glancing. She was just. . . Er.
   Stalking— No.
   Madeline had never seen the two be so close before. Michelle often ignored Stiles or muttered a small 'hi' without another glance ( though, Stiles acted as if angels had fallen from heaven ) but now, the start of Junior Year Madeline hasn't had a chance to actually talk to Stiles alone today except for the car ride to school since the part few hours his eye and attention was on her. Of course, it was though, his mind and thoughts, the way he acted and the way he even breathed was all to do with the strawberry blonde Michelle Martin.
   Madeline wished it was her he was addicted to.
    She wished she wouldn't feel so disgusting every time she even saw them close together, a sick feeling would bubble up inside her stomach, heart and brain and it made her go crazy. But maybe if she changed her hair to be like her, or maybe if she started wearing the low cut shirts and shorter skirts like Michelle did then maybe Stiles would glance at her— that he would turn his attention to her—
   "Party at mine. Friday night. If you don't rock up I personally will drive to your house and drag you out of your house myself are we clear?" Madeline nearly shat herself.
   The dark-haired girl blinked, looking up at her arc nemesis twin sister Lydia Martin. And frankly, Madeline had never been so grateful for the girl.
  Lydia was the complete opposite of her twin sister Michelle Martin. It was a weird and wonderful world Madeline lived in but she wasn't complaining. Lydia, to put frankly, wasn't a bitch. She didn't mind herself with the way she lived or the way she acted. She was confident yes, that was one thing she had in common with her twin sister— but she didn't use that confidence and powerful voice for the wrong things. She was happy with herself and where she sat in life.
   While Michelle. . . Well, she thought everything through. Every little glance or stare she did was for a reason, every outfit had a purpose, every rumour she spreaded was to only bring herself up higher. Michelle Martin liked toys and she liked playing with them— just except these toys were human beings and she didn't really care herself if the toys and dolls had feelings. They were just something else that helped her along the way.
   Lydia wasn't a bitch, but Michelle Martin was. Simple.
  Oh, and Lydia didn't have a buzzcut boy with a sheriff as a father and a hot Lacrosse older twin brother after her either. That was another positive.
   "Sure," Madeline shrugged— if there was one thing Madeline loved was a party, and parties at the Martin's were something to look forward to. "What time from?"
    "Six p.m."
    So nine p.m. Got it.
   "Alright, I'll be there," Lydia smirked, fixing her hair slightly before taking a seat across from Madeline— blocking her view of Stiles and Michelle.
   Madeline didn't know if she was grateful or annoyed at that.
   "Allison's going to stay the night, you can join if you'd like." Lydia smiled, her finger twirling a piece of her strawberry blonde hair.
   Madeline grimaced. "No thanks." She muttered. "Rather not be thrid wheeling."
   "You wouldn't be third-wheeling." Lydia gasped as if Madeline had just told her Victoria's Secret. Madeline rolled her eyes and gave the Martin girl a 'really' look.
   "Last time, I over-heard you two have sex—"
  "And you won't again I promise!" Lydia begged, a slight red tinting her pale cheeks from properly embarrassment— now come to think of it Lydia Marting never gets embarrassed. "Please, just stay the night. It will be so fun."
    "I probably won't be able to stay the night anyways Lydia," Madeline grumbled unhappily, hands crossing over her chest, "Mama won't probably let me."
   "Can't you beg?" Lydia pouted.
   "I wish," Madeline grumbled in amusement. "I don't know. I'll probably just go home afterwards anyways Lyds, you know how I get after parties."
   "True." Lydia groaned. "Well if that's the case, then me and Allison can spend some time alone together—"
     "Exactly!" Madeline grinned. "I'll be fine, trust."
   Lydia just shrugged with a smile.
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next chapter.
taglist: @stilessbaseballbat​
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babyinbluee · 2 years
Hii sorry but i was wondering if there's is hoping to be an update of If by chance? x
I'm actually in the middle of writing a new chapter for it, so I am hoping I will finish it today but I cannot promise anything!! Though, it should be done by Monday :)
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∖ s. stilinski.
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♯ CHAPTER TWELEVE. everything has changed — act one / season one.
masterlist for fic !
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normal masterlist !
previous chapter.
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        00. YOU KNOW THAT DOUBLE DATE SIENNA FREEMAN WAS INVITED TO AS A FIFTH WHEEL AND INSTEAD SAID SHE WAS BUSY WITH STILES? And you know how she kind of hinted that they were studying? Yeah, Sienna Freeman needs to call up Stiles and give him a big ass apology for saying they were 'just studying' and not believing him when he warned her their friends wouldn't believe her lie either.
  Here the brunette sat, legs crossed on Allison Argent's bed in her room as she and Lydia help Allison pick out an outfit for the double date. But instead of helping Allison and her wardrobe issue ( as Lydia called it ) they were insisting to Sienna that the studying she and Stiles are supposedly doing instead of going on the date isn't actually studying and the two are hooking up and have a super secret sexy time that she's kept from them.
  Lydia said that too.
  "There is no way you two are studying tonight! It's bound to happen that you'll come into school with little bruises on your neck—"
  "Lydia me and Stiles are not having sex!" She wanted to die. Sienna hated them, and hated her life, and hated the fact she was talking about having sex with Stiles Stlinski— She was going to throw up. "We are literally friends. Can boys and girls not be friends anymore without people assuming it's more?!"
   Sienna rolled her eyes, eyes peering into Lydia's. "You've known me for years. If I had a crush or even liked Stiles I would have told you right?"
   Lydia shrugged, flicking her finger around her strawberry blonde hair. "No, probably not." The brunette sighed dramatically, "You barely tell me anything."
  Sienna gaped, eyes widened as she licked her lips; leaning back more as she muttered, "True aye." Lydia gave an 'I'm right' look. "But it's because I don't trust you or your gossiping mouth. God knows who you'd tell if I ever told you my crush."
  Allison chuckled, shaking her head before standing up from where she was sitting on the edge of the bed and beginning to look through her wardrobe. Her hands flicked through and past the fabrics hung up in her closet. "So you're saying you do have a crush?" Sienna heard from inside the wardrobe.
  "No. I don't." The Australian shook her head snappingly, "I do not like anyone in a way that involves romantic feelings."
  "Alright alright," Allison chuckled, throwing her hands up in the air as she moved herself to the side to allow Lydia to take over her spot. The strawberry redhead chuckled slightly, humming as she titled her head as her eyes took in the small number of hung up clothes in the closet Allison had.
  "You have literally no clothes," Lydia muttered annoyingly under her breath, her hand gripping around one piece of clothing; taking a small glance at it before scoffing and shaking her head and moving to the next one. "Do you have anything nice?" Lydia put a hand on her hip, turning to Allison with an eyebrow raised.
  Sienna decided to not intervene. . .
  "Errr," Allison moved to beside the strawberry blonde, hands flicking through her clothes for a moment before shrugging. "This?"
  Lydia narrowed her eyes at the held out piece of clothing and nodded slowly, plucking the fabric out of the brunette's hair. "This is. . . Better." Lydia threw the fabric onto the bed. Sienna stared at it and blinked.
  "It looks like a shein brought clothing—"
  The bedroom door swings opened suddenly. All three teenage girls' eyes snapped towards the opened door to find Allison's father, Chris Argent standing at the door; a stone-cold expression held. Sienna's eyes met his and he seemed to stiffen for a moment, gulping as if he was looking at a ghost — "Dad, hello?" Allison clicked her fingers, pointing to the door with an unamused and annoyed expression.
  "Right." He shook his head, a slightly guilty smile held on his lips. "Sorry, completely forgot to knock," Lydia smirked, jumping onto the bed and landing on her elbow; eyes staring at Mr Argent.
  "Hey, Mr Argent." Lydia's leg slides up on the bed, a smirk evident on her face. Sienna rolled her eyes and pushed the heel of her foot into Lydia's hip. She yelped and turned her head to Sienna, glaring at her as Sienna just sniggered. Allison rolled her eyes.
  "Dad? Need something?" It was clear Allison was annoyed. But Sienna didn't mind herself on that as she was too busy glaring amusingly at Lydia who was now biting her lip while looking at Chris Argent.
  "Just wanted to tell you that you'll be staying in tonight." That made Sienna look at the situation at hand.
  "What?!" Allison shouted. "I'm going out with my friends tonight."
   The old man shook his head, determination set stone in his face. "Not when some animal out there is attacking people." Sienna gulped. Suddenly finding all amusement lost gone.
  "It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past ten P.M."
  Allison pointed to his jacket, raising a threatening eyebrow. "You're going out."
  "I'm over eighteen." He sassed making Allison gape. "No more arguing." He shut the door behind him leaving the room with a heavy silence hanging over them.
  Lydia stood up, smirking as she looked at the closed door to then back at Allison. "Aren't we Daddy's Little Girl?"
  "Sometimes." Allison curled her lips, looking at the door before turning to Lydia. "But not tonight." She walks past Sienna and Lydia, towards her bedroom window and clicks it open.
   Both Sienna and Lydia watch, intrigued, as Allison slips out onto the roof. She skids to the edge, but before falling off, launches herself off the roof. Sienna and Lydia gasped, the brunette crawled off the bed and rushed towards the window to only find Allison safely landing the flip onto the grass. She could feel Lydia behind her, both looking down at Allison who only grins and winks up at the two girls.
   "Eight years gymnastics. You comin'?"
  Lydia and Sienna nod slowly in sync, as if they're being controlled as Lydia muttered, "Yeah. . . I'll take the stairs thanks." Sienna gulped, nodding slowly yet as Lydia began to make her way out of the bedroom Sienna stepped one foot out onto the roof; pausing to look down at where Allison was before shaking her head and moving her foot back inside the room.
  "No thanks."
  And she then followed Lydia.
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         00. DATE TIME! As in movie night with Stiles because it's not a date nor is there going to be studying and it's just going to be two friends hangin' out. Together. Alone. Sienna's convincing no one, she doesn't understand why she keeps repeating these things when the only one listening is God up above and her own set of ears.
  And maybe the crow that likes to hang out on the tree outside her room— beside the point Sienna did not ( ! ) put on makeup and her favourite clothes with her favourite perfume because Stiles Stilinski was coming over. No, it's because she fucking felt like it and she would never ( ! ) put in effort for a boy— especially for Stiles. Because Sienna Freeman does not need to impress Stiles Stilinski because Sienna Freeman does not ( ! ) like Stiles Stilinski—!
  Knock, knock!
  Her phone flipped onto her bed from shock. Her head snapped up towards the front door of her house as she heard the noise. He is here—! Why is she so hyped, it's just Stiles. Just plain old Stiles Stilinski who doesn't have any hair on his head and moles on his cheeks that make him just so much cuter— The fuck—
  "Sienna! I know you're in there open up it's cold." Her feet quickly shuffled towards the door, opening it wide with a forced smile to be met with his smile. He was holding a pizza box in one hand and a small bundle of small purple flowers in the other; a timid smile set on his lips yet he seemed as relaxed as ever when his eyes met hers.
  She folded.
  "Y—You look nice." She looked down at her outfit for a moment. It consisted of a long plain black t-shirt that was slightly tucked into the pair of oversized jeans that she had on. She blinked.
  "Thanks," she breathed out in a smile, letting him come inside so she could close the door and then turn to face him; to only be basically shoved backwards slightly as Stiles shoved out the bundle of purple flowers against her chest. And once the flowers had touched her chest his eyes widened and an apologetic look came across his face as he brought the flowers backwards so they weren't. . . In her face as much.
  "S—Sorry," Stiles muttered, gulping. "I just thought since you invited me over I should bring you something so I got us pizza but then I saw these flowers on the way here and I was like 'Oh maybe Sienna would like those because they are nice and smell good like you'— besides the point. . . It just— I thought—" He coughed, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "I just thought. That you'd like these." he handed out the flowers again towards her. "So there for you."
  Sienna blinked.
  Sienna gaped.
  Sienna melted.
  What the fuck was this? What was this. . . Feeling? It felt like someone was inside her stomach, twisting and turning her guts. She could feel her body heating up as if someone had thrown her inside a heater; her eyes were surely glowing with some type of weird magic that her body was producing. And it was only happening near him.
  "S—Sienna?" She blinked again. Her eyes fixed on his face as she snapped out of whatever she was doing; her hands slightly shaking as she took the flowers from the buzzcut boy.
  "Thanks," she gulped, giving a tight smile as if she was uncomfortable ( though, she wasn't. She was just confused and flustered ) and began to walk towards the kitchen. "Go sit down on the couch and find something to watch while I go put these in some water." Stiles smiled, nodding without words as he watched her walk away.
  He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
  She was out of his sight but he could still hear her moving throughout the kitchen, probably just being completely normal and acting completely fine. How does she act completely fine?
  Stiles was fucking freaking! His heart would slow down, nor would his emotions that seemed to be running at an all-time high ever since he woke up that morning. How was she so calm? He couldn't even think properly. His own father nearly forced calming pills down his throat so he wouldn't send himself into a frenzy and panic. Noah had no clue what was making his son so nervous and anxious and he would never find out; not on Stiles's watch.
  But, the time finally came around and Stiles chose his best flannel with jeans, making sure they were and had been washed, with some nice cologne that he snuck in from his father's bathroom. He then made sure to order the pizza an extra hour beforehand just so there was no excuse for him to be late to Sienna's and on the way there got himself some flowers for her since they reminded him of her.
  In reality, he just read somewhere girl's apparently like flowers.
  But it wasn't a date, nor was it anything romantic. He knew this and she knew this. Everyone knew of this except for Scott who had called Stiles up two hours before he was supposed to be meeting Sienna to give him some 'advice'. "If you want to kiss her you need to initiate it as Sienna probably won't—"
  Stiles didn't even want to think about kissing. Or anything romantic in a sense. Because if he did, then he would play with his mind — confusing him and his feelings on what this was. Because the truth was this 'study date' wasn't a date, nor was it studying. It was just two friends hanging out together; nothing more.
  And frankly, Stiles wasn't opposed to it.
  He heard the tap turn off and feet shuffling in the kitchen. He needed to hurry up and stop standing there like an idiot whose brain looks completely scrambled. He began to move his feet, the pizza box held in his hand landing on the glass table as he took a seat on the leather couch. A tv screen set infront of him with a remote on the couch. He quickly turned it on, flicking through the channels to try and find a good movie to watch—
  "We have a few DVDs if you want to search through those Stiles!" He heard Sienna shout from the kitchen. "They should be in this large black box beside the TV!" He nodded quickly, still seemingly anxious as he stood up and walked towards where a large black box which was exactly where Sienna said it would be.
 He dragged the box out, his hands picking up the box and putting it down on the table before sitting himself down on the couch again. His hands picked out random movies, taking a quick look at the titles before putting them to one side; obviously not choosing them to watch.
  "Barbie?" He frowned with a slightly amused smile, looking at the bright pink cover with a large label 'BARBIE: PRINCESS CHARM SCHOOL' . He let out a small laugh before putting it aside and picking out another random movie.
   His eyes widened and instantly placed it back onto the table with a shake of his head. Though he threw the movie onto the table, the bright white words of the movie title were still staring up at him; along with the gross picture at the front— "The Human Centipede."
  "Why the hell do you have The Human Centipede movie on DVD?" Stiles shouted in disgust, hearing laughter come from the kitchen after his comment. "You willing brought the movie on DVD to keep and watch?!"
  "Don't ask questions you don't want to be answered Stilinski," Sienna teased, coming around the corner with a hand on her hip, a teasing smile and the other hand holding the flowers he gave to her which were now in a glass vase filled with water.
   She shook her head, laughing still as she took a seat on the couch next to him; a few metres apart from one another but still, she put the glass vase in the middle of the table and brought the box of pizza Stiles had brought to sit in between them.
  "Look," Sienna sighed, turning to Stiles with a tight smile, "That movie was. . . Disgusting, disturbing and on very many levels not appropriate for an eleven-year-old child to watch." Stiles's eyes widened.
  "You're telling me? That you've willing sat down and watched the movie?!" He flapped his arms up, blinking at her with shock.
  "Well, it wasn't necessarily willing. . ." Sienna flicked a piece of her brunette hair out her face, leaning back with a leg being brought up to her chest with a small laugh. "I didn't know what the movie was about. I over-heard Jackson talking about it and how  'educational' it was. And me being me, decided to use my pocket money for the week to buy the movie and watch it." She licked her lips. "Alone."
  His eyes seemed to bulge out eye socket. "How are you mentally okay?" She raised an eyebrow at him. His eyes widened more in realisation. "I—I mean, like how are you not. . . Disturbed? By watching it? I've read the reviews and seen pictures and let me tell you," he laughed at himself slightly and leaned forward eagerly, "I had nightmares for days."
  Sienna shrugged, laughing. "I think I've just kind of blocked out that little part of my life from my brain. Kind of like a trauma response y'know?" Stiles nodded instantly. "So don't worry about me." She leaned over, her arms skimming Stiles's thighs as she grabbed hold of the movie and stuck it behind the pillow she was sitting in front of. "Now, I don't have to worry about it."
   Stiles was looking at his thighs.
   "Yeah," he mumbled, licking his lips. "Um. . . I didn't — I mean haven't chosen a movie so I don't really know—"
   "S'okay," she smiled, standing up and grabbing hold of a DVD cover and moving over to the DVD player that sat under the TV. "We can just watch Twilight." Sienna turned her head behind her shoulder, looking at Stiles with a raised eyebrow. "If that's okay with you that is?"
  "No! I mean it's er, perfectly fine I don't mind what we watch." Sienna smiled softly, squatting down to click in the DVD into the DVD player and pressing play; the movie slowly coming throw the speakers and the beginning of the first Twilight movie began to play.
  Sienna rushed towards the lights, flicking them off so now only lighting was coming from the movie or the moonlight shining in through the windows. She took a deep breath, proud of herself for acting completely fine before sitting back down on the couch; bringing out a blanket that was sat on the floor near her and dragging it over her legs.
  The music was playing, the movie had started but yet Sienna's eyes were on him. He was sitting there, legs spread slightly and leaning back on the couch. A pillow was over his lap and stomach as if he was cold and trying to keep some warmth so with a small amount of confidence Sienna knocked Stiles with her foot ( making sure not to knock over the pizza that still sat on the couch between them ), making him turn his head to her.
  She smiled, holding up a bit of the blanket she had over her body and nudging her head. And he only nodded back, a soft smile on his face as he watched Sienna move the pizza onto the table where once sat the black box and moving the blanket over Stiles's lap. The Australian moved closer, unknowingly making the distance between them nearly invisible.
  Their eyes met. Once the blankets were over them both their shoulders were now touching, their breaths became in sync and their eyes met like two soulmates uniting. He could see the flicker of green swirling around her pupils, he could see the slightly smudged mascara under her eyes and the small brown glitter of eyeshadow on her eye. He could see the small strands of brunette hair on her forehead, one small piece covering her nose and he held himself back from moving it.
  But while he looked at her, she searched for him. Like sea and sand, peas in a pod Sienna found herself falling into a zone of comfortableness, a happy place that was filled with love and happiness; with no pain and no suffering. She felt at peace with him and his eyes— and she only could smile.
  And he could only smile back.
    The music was slowly finishing, the dialogue of the movie beginning to play yet it seemed so out of touch from her ears as she leaned forward. And he leaned too— being pulled in with not one small itch to stop. He didn't want to stop. And she didn't stop.
  And their lips met. And Angels moved together. And the world was at peace—
  Her finger came up to under his eye, flicking an eyelash that must have fallen off before moving backwards. A small blush formed on his cheeks as she moved back, her back leaning against the couch and their shoulders now having a small room between them.
  He gulped.
  "Sorry." She muttered, eyes on the movie as if she just couldn't look him in the eyes any longer. As if she was embarrassed.
  "It's okay," he muttered. His lips felt dry as no other pair of lips had touched them. No one had kissed him. She hadn't kissed him.
  And soulmates broke apart. Silence fell upon the two but the connection he felt never left. No human contact was between them anymore and wouldn't ever be.
  Like she said. It wasn't a date.
     Like he said. It wasn't a date.
Even if they wanted it to be.
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          00. A WOMAN? Blonde hair, holding a gun. A shotgun? Eyes like a Argent— No. Argent's don't act like this, don't look like this. They don't have shotguns— but they may be hunters but this. This woman isn't an Argent. She's not Allison.
  Sienna ignored the drawing.
  She doesn't care if it's rude, or weird or— She doesn't know something! But she doesn't want to admit she had woken up yet again in the middle of the night to draw something her mind thought of. Which ended up being a woman with blonde hair, holding a shot gun and having eyes like an Argent. Because it's utterly crazy. Just like all her drawings are and have been ever since she started drawing. It's just her mind playing with her just like always.
  So she ignores it.
 She ignores the class she's sat in, she ignores people today and she tries to ignore Stiles who's sitting next to her.
  Nothing happened that night. The movie finished and they finished pizza, they talked ( kinda ) and then he went home and she went to bed with a smile. Nothing was awkward between them because nothing happened— and Lydia didn't believe it for a moment. But she needed to. Because nothing did happen.
  Sienna rolled her eyes as she looked at the grade the teacher had given her; a C. It was a passing grade and for that, it was enough for Sienna. Though, when she looked beside her she saw Stiles's large A on the top of his page and when she caught his eyes he winked at her and laughed happily.
  He was always the smartest between the three of them.
  But it seemed Sienna was smarter than Scott as the large letter D- was written upon his own test. Sienna frowned.
  "If Derek's not the Alpha—" Stiles whispered to Scott, but Sienna could clearly over-hear it. "if he's not the one who bit you. Who did?"
  Scott scrunched up his paper slightly with a frown, shoving it in his backpack. "I don't know."
  Stiles sits back, thinking. He leans forward again with more urgency than before. "Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"
  "I don't know," Scott said angrily, snapping.
   Stiles flops back, bringing his hand to his forehead and scratching it for a moment before leaning forward again. Sienna just watched. "Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?"
  "I don't know!" Scott and Stiles instantly lowered themselves as the whole class turned to them. Sienna just looked down at her test, trying to act as if she was busy and didn't know them.
   Stiles looked at the paper Scott had now grabbed again, holding it up as he distracted himself by looking through his paper. Stiles frowned. "Dude, you need to study more."
  Scott puts his head in his hands, clearly overwhelmed and annoyed. "And that was a joke," Stiles said, noticing Scott's disturbance. "It's one test. You need help studying?"
  "I'm studying with Allison at her house after school," Scott mumbled, throwing the paper upside down.
  Stiles smirked, "That's my boy." Sienna rolled her eyes.
  "We're just studying." Scott narrowed his eyes at Stiles.
  "No, you're not."
   "No, I'm not?" Scott frowns, confused. Stiles smirks more.
  "Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house and squander that colossal opportunity I'll have you professionally de-balled. Got it?" Sienna's eyes widened, a small snigger leaving her lips before she quickly closes her lips.
   "Yes. If you stop with the questions."
  "Done." Stiles smiled happily. "No more talk of Alphas or Derek. Especially Derek."
  "Okay but," Scott turned to Stiles and Sienna, a small smirk playing his lips. "If I'm not apparently studying with Allison what were you two doing last night—"
  "Shut the fuck up Scott." Sienna threatened, staring at Scott, "I don't need this conversation from you two."
  Scott threw his arms in the air, a smirk still on his lips. "Just sayin'."
  "Wait—" Stiles frowned. "What conversation?"
   "Nothing." Sienna huffed.
  "But—" She flicked her finger on his forehead, an annoyed smile on her lips as she stared at Stiles. "No."
  Stiles pouted.
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next chapter.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∖ s. stilinski.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤ  ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER ELEVEN. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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        00. SCOTT MCCALL WAS A SHIT BOWLER! Sienna Freeman could not believe, nor could comprehend the lie Scott had just made up in front of Lydia Martin, Jackass and his future wife. There are a lot of things Scott is good at, especially now since he's turned into a werewolf, but bowling. . . That was for another conversation.
  "You're a terrible bowler!" Sienna was glad she wasn't the only one worried, nervous and slightly angry at Scott— Stiles being that someone. The McCall's hand slammed against his blue locker, letting out a mix between an annoying huff and a disappointing sigh.
  "I know!" Scott breathed out heavily, hand grabbing his backpack on the floor to swing over his shoulder before beginning to walk off; both Stiles and Sienna following behind. "I'm such an idiot."
  Stiles chuckled slightly, falling next to Scott who was now in the middle, "it was like watching a car wreck. First, it turns into a group date — then, out of nowhere comes that phrase—"
  "Hanging out." Scott sighed. Sienna pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, running her tongue across the inside of her cheek as she listened to the two teenage boys chat.
   "You don't just hang out with a hot girl. It's like death—"
    "Are you saying I'm not 'hot' enough to 'hang out' with?" Sienna cut in, flipping herself to stand infront of the two boys who stood still at her sudden comment; her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised. Stiles's eyes seemed to widen.
  "What— No!" Stiles flustered, gulping as he looked at Sienna, "You're just — different."
   Sienna blinked unamusingly, "Different? Like what? Ugly different or like 'part of the boys'?" The brunette raised her eyebrow higher, now struggling to hide her smile as she watched Stiles fall apart in trying to explain his previous comments while Scott stood still not adding anything in to the conversation.
   "Sienna, I—I didn't mean anything bad— you know what, that comment I made about 'hot girls' is so out of order and I'm really sorry and I want you to know you're like really hot and pretty like — the prettiest—"
    Sienna suddenly began to laugh, hands crawling over her stomach as her cheeks began to turn red. Stiles furrowed his eyebrows, a rose colour covering his cheeks just like hers. "Oh Stiles," she pouted in amusement, patting his shoulder with her hand as she took a step forward towards him. "I don't care if you think I'm ugly or not." Lie. "Honestly, I know I'm hot, you don't need to remind me or anything mate." A wink hit Stiles's eyesight and that, along with the touch of her hand and her face meters away from his; Stiles couldn't help but gape.
   "That was so Australian. . ." Scott suddenly cut in, eyes slightly wide. Sienna turned to him and raised an eyebrow; hand dropping from Stiles's shoulder. "Mate." Scott mocked her accent, chuckling slightly as she pushed his shoulders playfully.
  "Shut the fuck up Scott." Sienna playfully snapped at him, her hand grabbing Stiles's and began to drag him towards the exit of the school, "At least I don't call petrol: gas. You do know it's a liquid right? Not a gas?!"
   "Ha ha ha." Scott stuck his tongue out at her, flipping her the middle finger. Sienna only chuckled and turned to Stiles whose hands he was still holding and dragging along. "Sorry Stiles."
   "Sorry for what?" His head tilted slightly as her hands pushed open the front doors of the school; the sunlight shining bright.
   "Don't know," shrugged Sienna, "Just because."
   Sienna giggled slightly, "Yeah. . . Okay."
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         00. "LISTEN TO ME SIENNA— THE LIE YOU SAID AT LUNCH IS SO UNBELIEVABLE I'M NEARLY CERTAIN THE FRICKIN' DEAD WOULD KNOW IT'S A LIE!" Sienna rolled her eyes, her feet kicking the air slowly behind her as she laid on her bed; her phone laying between her left ear and shoulder as she listened to Stiles Stilinski rant about something new every few minutes. She honestly didn't have a lot of clue what he was talking about most of the time, but to her — the fact he was ranting to her meant something.
  So she would happily sit there and listen to him; any time. Expect, when it was about her. . . "What do you mean?!" Sienna huffed, "My lie about not being able to go out on the stupid double date was perfect! 'I've got study to do with Stiles,' super believable!" She argued back.
  "No it's not and you know it!" Stiles fought back, "When was the last time you studied hmm? And with me as well. Everyone knows when us two get together —" Sienna's eyes widened "— We never get work done —" Sienna's mouth dropped slightly in realisation "— so using me as your little scapegoat isn't going to work!"
  "Well it did work," huffed the brunette, "Look Stiles, no one questioned it and no one is going to question it because we will be together the night of their double date — just probably not studying. . ."
  Not studying!? So what else will they do, the buzzcut boy nodded his head eagerly on the other side of the phone, tightening his grip on it, "Yeah, no exactly. . . We can like watch a movie or something, have our own date instead—" Sienna and Stiles's eyes widened, "I mean like er — hang out as friends—"
   "I thought boys don't just 'hang out' with pretty girls Stiles," Sienna teased, flipping her hair behind her shoulder, "Or am I not pretty?"
   "What, of course, you are pretty enough—" Stiles was panicking, eyes widened as Sienna heard something fall and crash on the other side of the phone. But he seemed to stop, realising her teasing tone finally, "I'll talk to you later Sienna."
   "Bye Stiles!" Giggled Sienna, dramatically saying goodbye before hanging up. Another small chuckle left her lips, her phone being thrown to the side of her bed which she laid on before rolling on her back; a small smile staying on her lips.
  She laid there for a moment or so, letting her eyes close before shooting them back open and flipping onto her side; swinging her legs over the side of her bed and then quickly making her way towards her wooden desk were laid the exact drawing she had been meaning to look at the moment she got home but happened to get distracted by someone.
  Her hands came into contact with the paper and it seemed the room temperature had dropped as a shiver ran through her body. She hated it. She hated the sudden dreaded feeling, the thoughts that came to mind when she looked at the drawing of the yellow bus and blood pouring out of it. She hated thinking that this, this drawing, could somehow be related to what occurred at school today.
   So, with no second thought; she shook her head and crumpled the drawing into a paper ball; squeezing it inside her fists tightly before throwing it into the trash bin beside the desk.
   Ignoring all thoughts that this drawing could somehow be related to what occurred at school. Because it was just a drawing, that's it. Nothing more. . .
  "How was school?"
  "The same as it always is." Cameron Freeman chuckled against the warm fork he held in his hand against his lips; a gulp of his dinner ran through his throat before replying to his daughter. The two sat across from each other, glancing at one another every so often as they chewed away at their food slowly. A slight tension Sienna swore was prominent but she couldn't tell if it was just because he was eager to ask her something or if her mind was too busy and clouded with thoughts of today.
   "So a dead body found on a school bus is the same as it always is?" Sienna stilled for a moment, seemingly taking a second to take in his response before shrugging nonchalantly and gulping down the rest of her dinner.
  "Well," she gulped again, "I didn't really see anything—" lie "—and my life didn't change significantly due to this unfortunate event such as class wasn't cancelled and I didn't need therapy. So yes, school was the same as it always is." She wondered how he knew about the incident at school — though, now she comes to think of it, the school most likely informed the parents of what was happening and had happened.
   "Hmm," Cameron nods, his metal fork scrapping the white plate as he went for another bite of his food. "Well, I do hope they find out who killed him or what happened to him." Sienna nodded in agreement. "Though, I just want to ask. . . Are you okay? With all this?"
   The brunette shrugged. "I didn't see what happened and I didn't know the guy personally so yeah I'm fine."
  "Good." He nods. "If you aren't, you'd tell me, right? If there was anything worrying you at all." Sienna blinked up to meet her father's sympathetic and slightly worried gaze; a set of what if he knows running through her brain and thoughts like a never-ending story. But, she covers it well — convincing herself that he didn't know anything. He was completely obviously of the real world whether that means the supernatural which she's been dragged into by her best friend Scott or the weird drawings she's been drawing every night that seems to most of the time lead to something that occurs in the future—
    "No. Nothing at all."
  — A New Message From 'Buzz Boy'; "meet me outside in ten. Important!. . . also, wear warm."
  Sienna stared at the message on her phone, slowly clicking the off button of her phone so the screen turned black before muttering; "I have to go." To her father and standing up to get ready. Ignoring the tightness of the sudden change in air temperature, the way it clung onto her skin like honey — her fingertips digging at it in her heart from the uncomfortableness it was giving her.
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         00. SHE TUGGED ON THE SLEEVE OF HER HOODIE, PULLING IT DOWN PAST HER HANDS TO TRY AND RELIEVE THE SLIGHT STIFFNESS HER HANDS FELT FROM THE COLD. Winter was coming upon them — or was already here — and Sienna was nearly always cold so when the cold weather did actually hit the town called Beacon Hills; she felt it, harshly — though secretly she loved it. ( At times anyways. )
   Her eyes were pulled to the sight infront of her, squinting her eyes slightly due to the bright white lights of the blue Jeep. A chain-linked fence surrounded the sight in front of her, yellow police tape rounding the area behind the chain-linked fence; holding any people looking for trouble to keep and stay away. Away from the parking lot of Beacon Hills high school. Though, of course, there was always at least one kid looking for trouble.
  The door slammed open to her right, her body slightly jumping and her head whipping to the side to find Stiles grinning at her, nodding his head to the side as a silent indication for her to jump out of the car. She smiled thankfully at him as she followed his lead, her eyes meeting his for a split moment; allowing her to see the way his cheeks slightly heated up and him seeing her beautiful smile—
   Scott McCall had begun climbing the fence.
  Sienna and Stiles walked over, hands brushing against each other ever so slightly as they rushed around the front of the car to get directly behind Scott who was already halfway up the chain-linked fence.
   "You two stay in the car," Scott ordered, stopping his climbing to peer down at the two other teenagers. "Someone needs to keep watch."
  "What?!" Stiles groaned as he dramatically pushed his hands to his side. The shine of the light from his torch shone down at the concrete ground. "How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?"
   Scott shrugged up from above the two. "Because I can climb over this and you cannot."
   "Hey! I can climb it, I took gymnastics when I was seven!" Sienna shouted next to Stiles, her hands waving up above her head in slight disbelief.
   "Why's it starting to feel like your Batman and I'm Robin?" Stiles butted in. "I don't want to be Robin all the time."
  "Excuse me?" Sienna scoffed, hands crossing over her chest as she looked at Stiles, "The fuck am I then? Dead kangaroo on the side of the road?"
   Stiles blinked at her, jaw slightly parted in disbelief, "That doesn't even make sense?!—"
  "Nobody's Batman or Robin any of the time." Scott gritted through his teeth. "And you aren't dead kangaroo Sienna."
 "Not even some of the time?" Stiles tilted his head.
  Sienna's eyes blared at him. "You calling me a dead kangaroo? —"
  "You called yourself that first don't put the blame on me!—"
   "Just— both of you stay here!" Scott grumbled, snapping as his body began to move up the fence once more. "And keep a lookout!" He had jumped down onto the floor on the other side of the fence; officially leaving Stiles and Sienna alone, doing look-out duty as his figure began to get further and further away.
   Sienna huffed, her hands wrapping themselves around her body as she let out a throaty groan. "It is too fucking cold for this shit. I'm going back into the car."
  "B—But what if Scott needs us!?" The buzzcut boy stumbled, eyes peering quickly away from the McCall boy and the place he was once stood to look at the Australian brunette who was walking towards the car.
  "Then he dies." She shrugged nonchalantly, whipping open the door of the passenger's seat and settling herself inside the car; her body instantly relaxing from the soft seat. Stiles's eyes widened. "Just kidding — he'll be fine Stiles. It's too cold out there anyways so at this rate I'm going to die before Scott does."
  Stiles hesitated for a moment before nodding, rushing himself to the driver's side of the car and closing the door; flipping the car on to allow the heater to begin working. "You know, you never actually told me why we are here. You just kinda' messaged me saying 'meet you in ten' and that's it. No background information or anything." Stiles's eyes meet her curious ones.
  "Oh," he mutters back. "Well er. . . Scott thought it was a brilliant idea to come back to where you know. . . He may have killed that guy to see if he can try and retrace his steps — maybe leading him to what happened and if he did kill the guy."
   "Ahh, that makes sense." Sienna nodded, bringing one knee up to her chest so her foot laid on the seat, "do you think it'll work?"
  "Well, Derek said it would so—"
   "Wait!" Sienna cut him off, eyes wide, "Derek Hale told Scott to do this?!"
   "Yeah. . ." Stiles rubbed his hand over the back of his neck as the other fell onto the steering wheel. "Look," he sighed, "I don't trust the guy either, but he seems to know a lot more than I or you do."
  "True. . ." The brunette's hand ran over her hair, brushing it slightly with her palm before muttering— "Do you think there is anything other than werewolves?"
  "What do you mean?" The Stilinski boy asked, tilting his head curiously.
   Sienna sighed, "Like— vampires? Or witches you know? If werewolves existed, who is it to say other supernatural beings we've been told were a myth our whole lives aren't?" Stiles stayed silent in thought. "'Cause who knows, maybe Jackson is secretly the Lockness Monster."
  Stiles laughed with his chest. "Nah, I feel like Jackass may be more like failed abortion—"  
  Sienna slapped her hand playfully on Stiles's chest, giggling slightly as she stared at him. "Stiles!"
  "What!" Stiles laughed, throwing his hands up like the 'innocent' man he is, grinning cheekily at her, "I'm just telling the truth." Sienna shook her head in amusement, dragging her hand away from the boy; though, without knowing, had dragged her fingertips down his chest softly and slowly. Stiles gulped as he felt her hand get taken off his chest, a feeling only he felt usually while watching porn began to bubble as he began to think of her hands and the way they felt against his chest ( even though there was fabric in between it— ) and the way she was fluttering her eyes up at him with a bright smile; letting out a beautiful laugh that sent shivers down his dic—
  "Oh my God!"
   His eyes blinked. Suddenly noticing the way Sienna wasn't holding that beautiful smile anymore and instead; held a worried frown, her eyes widened in not amusement but in horror. He quickly snapped into it, his eyes falling to where her's were looking to find a lone security guard; dressed in his uniform and a gun settled between his hands as he began to walk closer and closer to the yellow bus. The exact yellow bus Scott McCall was in.
  "Stiles honk the horn." Stiles didn't. "Stiles honk the bloody horn!" As the boy didn't seem to understand what exactly was going on Sienna quickly leaned over tot he side; her chest brushing against Stiles's as she pressed down onto the middle of the steering wheel— electing a loud honk!
  Not even three seconds went by before the two teenagers saw a running Scott McCall and the security guard from earlier coming towards them. "Come on Scott!" Sienna shouted out the window, eyes wide as she watched the boy quickly rush over the fence, landing harshly with a slight stumble on the floor and bursting himself inside the backseat of the car.
  "Go! Go!" The moment the backseat door slammed shut, Stiles floored it. The car went spinning in reverse, facing the road now and speeding off; leaving behind the security guard.
"Did it work? You remember?" Stiles asked in a hurry, hands gripping the steering wheel as he turned a corner; Sienna peered in the side mirrors and let out a long sigh of relief from the empty sight behind them. No one following them. Luckily.
 Scott was breathless, acting as if he had just run five kilometres. "I was there last night. And the blood — a lot of it was mine."
 "So you did attack him?" Stiles asked, eyes peering out on the front of the road; the mood calming down.
  "No." Scott shook his head. "I saw glowing eyes in the bus. But they weren't mine. It was Derek."
  "What about the driver?"
  "I think I was actually trying to protect him from Derek." Sienna gaped.
  "Wait—" Stiles gasped. "What? Why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the Driver?"
  "That's what I don't get—"
   Stiles cut in. "Hold on. It's got to be a pack thing."
  "What do you mean?"
   Stiles licked his lips. "Like an initiation. You do the kill together.
   "Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience," Scott mumbled sarcastically.
   "But you didn't do it. Which means you're not a killer. And it also means—"
  "I can go out with Allison." Sienna rolled her eyes, her head turning around to look at Scott over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow that said "really?"
   "I was going to say it means you won't kill me." Stiles huffed.
   "Oh," Scott mumbled. "Yeah. That too."
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next chapter.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∖ s. stilinski.
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᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤ  ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER TEN. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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        00. SIENNA FREEMAN HATED THE BUS. Everything about the yellow trash was disgusting to her. She didn't have an issue with catching public transport but yet, the school bus was ( in her opinion ) the most disgusting, revolting, trashy thing she would ever come across.
  The Australian hated sitting inside of it for the pure reasons she was not only having to sit in dodgy seats that were crusted, stank like shit and usually was broken but the people she would encounter and have to deal with made the experience ten's time worst.
  So why the fuck had she drawn a school bus even though she hates them?
   Sienna Freeman wished she had an answer to that question, actually, she wished she had an answer to a lot of questions in life and sadly, this question wouldn't be answered ( at least for a very long time. ) Though, Sienna didn't have a lot of time to dwell on her questions or the drawing of the bus she had drawn overnight that she stared out for a good half an hour before she was being picked up for school by Stiles as her best friend Scott McCall was currently having a panic attack.
  He dreamt of Allison.
   At this point, Sienna wasn't surprised that Scott's first words muttered of the day was about Allison. He was slightly in front of Sienna and Stiles, talking quickly and walking fastly making Sienna struggle slightly with understanding what he was actually trying to explain and tell.
   "And then what? You killed her?"
   Sienna's breath hitched in her throat at Stiles's out-there comment, her eyes wandering down onto the floor as she followed him and Scott towards the school where Scott was in search for the Argent girl.
  "I don't know. I woke up. I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that." Scott McCall had dreamt of killing Allison on a school bus. And Sienna Freeman had drawn a school bus.
   Coincidence. Totally. It has to be. She shook her head at the dumb thought that her drawn and Scott's dream was even remotely similar.
  Stiles was smirking, a low "I have. But it usually ends a little differently." left his lips making Sienna gap at him with a scrunched up nose, a small un-wanted smile coming onto her face and Stiles just knew she was holding back laughter.
  She was always a little immature when it came to dirty jokes.
  Scott glared at Stiles. "I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real." His face scrunched up in disgust. "And B: never give me that much detail about you in bed ever again."
  Stiles nodded in agreement. "Noted. But I'm going to take a guess here—"
  "I know. You think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I'm afraid I'm going to lose control and rip her throat out." Sienna's eyes widened at Scott's words; slightly terrified ( ? ) that he was even able to say that out loud without wanting to shiver up into a ball and die.
   "That was graphic," she muttered to herself, Scott obviously over-hearing her muttered sentence to herself and sending a soft guilty look.
   "No, of course not." Stiles shook his head, though he began to slightly stumble over his words when Scott sent him a look. "Yeah, that's totally it."
   Scott nodded, head hanging low in defeat. Stiles noticed and frowned, "It's going to be okay." Sienna raised an eyebrow. "Personally, I think you're handling this pretty fricking amazingly. It's not like there's a Lycanthropy for Beginners Class you can take."
   Sienna blinked, slightly gobsmacked at Stiles's encouraging ( ? ) words, or something like that anyways. . .
   Scott shook his head, "not a class. But maybe a teacher."
   Sienna snorted, shaking her head. "What, are you just going to go up to Harris and be like 'oh yeah sir, you don't happen to know anything about Lycanthropy—"
   Scott nudged her side, shaking his head as she laughed slightly; picturing the way Mr Harris ( a teacher she and her friends hated by the way ) would react to Scott's question.
   Stiles was smiling slightly, seemingly amused by Sienna's comment and she tried to ignore the smile wanting to come across her face because of his pretty— smile. "Who?' Stiles tilted his head, kicking a rock with his foot unknowingly as they continued walking. "Derek? You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?
   "I know," Scott huffed, "but all of it— chasing her, dragging her back onto the bus—it felt so real." He frowned.
   Sienna frowned along with him. "How real?"
    Scott turned to her, gulping. "Like it actually happened."
    "I think it did. . ." Scott and Sienna follow Stiles's worried and slight disgusted look; to only find the exact yellow bus Sienna had drawn and the exact yellow bus Scott had dreamt of killing Allison in: filled with blood, cut open with scratches and only then does Sienna begin to fully worry that maybe something had happened.
   That maybe Scott McCall had killed Allison Argent.
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         00. "SHE'S PROBABLY FINE." Stiles muttered under his breath for the tenth time as he, Sienna and Scott rushed through the school doors in search for the Argent girl. Sienna was trying to calm down Scott from having a panic attack while also looking for the Argent girl while Stiles was of course talking and trying to find an answer immediately to the relations Scott dreamed about killing his girlfriend ( ? ) and the school bus that turned out to be true.
  And while Sienna was trying to calm down Scott while also searching for the Argent girl she couldn't help but think about her drawing. She had drawn overnight a yellow school bus beaten up and bruised and clearly splatted in blood from the inside and outside from what she could interpret from just the colour black on the page. It was a coincidence, it had to be; she wasn't some type of seer or someone who could predict the future. She was Sienna Freeman: a girl who loved drawing, her friends, food and Stiles—
    "She's not answering my texts." Sienna glanced at the McCall boy who was still searching for the girl; his eyes kept glancing down between his phone, his friends and his surroundings. Sienna wouldn't and couldn't lie and say she wasn't slightly worried.
    Stiles replied. "You know, it could be a coincidence. A seriously amazing coincidence."
     Scott huffed. If Sienna were to have werewolf powers she certainly would have heard how fast his heart was beating. "Just help me find her."
  A hand came in contact with Scott's shoulder from behind making him jump and quickly snap around, the other two teenagers following. It was obvious Scott thought and hoped it was Allison as his shoulders slumped in disappointment.
    It was a random student, a great big smile of joy held on his face. "Great game, McCall."
   "What?" Scott's face came to the realisation he was talking about the Lacrosse game and nodded in a sigh, "Oh. Thanks."
   Another man who Sienna assumed was the first guy's friend came over and patted Scott on the back, giving a smile while saying, "Dude, you rocked that game!"
   And then another student came walking over, greeting and congratulating Scott for the game too. Sienna slowly stepped backwards, away from the four and next to Stiles who held a small frown on his face. And if Sienna could read his mind she whispered to him, "You did good too."
   Stiles moved to look at her, his frown still evident but not as much. "I did nothing like I always do."
   Sienna frowned slightly, her eyes meeting his and instantly softening under his gaze, "Maybe, but you're still part of the team, you still support Scott and you still were there. You turned up Stiles, with your joyful smile and supportive words— you did what a teammate does."
   Stiles blinked slightly, a small smile covering his lips as he looked into her eyes. He was clearly not expecting her reply as he began to struggle to form a sentence, only able to look at her with a soft smile and after a few moments replied with; "You did good too—"
    Sienna raised an eyebrow and Stiles instantly began to stumble, "Like in being there you know, as like a supporter. . . You supported. . . With your arms, and mouth, and body. . ."
    The Australian laughed slightly, tilting her head in slight confusion as his cheeks burned red, her tongue running through and over the inside of her cheek to try and stop a large smile wanting to come on her face. "Thanks?" Stiles shook his head, turning his gaze away from her with an even heavier blush and it was clear he was embarrassed by what he had just said.
   Though, Sienna found it slightly cute—
    Scott suddenly rushed past Stiles and Sienna, she could hear the three boys who were talking to the werewolf muttering their confusion but she wasn't worried about that. She and Stiles found Scott next to Allison, a large relieving smile coming across her face at the sight of her okay and Scott finally going to stop panicking.
   "The two lovebirds back together again," Sienna whispered out, Stiles hearing along, "How cute and romantic."
    "I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not," Stiles frowned, turning his gaze to Sienna who only shrugged her shoulders.
   "Maybe, maybe not."
    "That makes no sense nor is that a real answer."
    "You make no sense."
      "Attention students!" The Principals voice came barling through the speakers, echoing around the hall making every quiet down to listen, "This is your Principal. . ." Sienna glanced up at the speaker. "I know you're all wondering about the vandalism that occurred to one of our buses last night. While the police work to determine what happened. . . classes will proceed as scheduled. Thank you."
   Sienna groaned, throwing her head back and dramatically throwing her bag on the floor making Stiles slightly chuckle, "Fuck that, I was hoping for a nap but nooo, now I have to go to fucking chemistry class!"
   Stiles, laughing, picked up her bag from the floor and bringing the strap of the bag to hang over her shoulder; his hand skimming over her skin sending a slightly warm feeling through her. She turned her head to meet his eyes, their eyes meeting and a small blush came across his cheeks when their eyes met. His hand instantly dropped from her shoulder. "It will be okay, we can handle Harris for an hour. Especially since we've got each other."
   "Never say that again," Stiles frowned at Sienna, though she continued her sentence, "Because you sound like Troy from High School Musical and I cannot handle the trauma that movie gave to me as a child right now."
   Stiles's jaw dropped, his feet beginning to follow behind Sienna, "How do you get trauma from a movie?!"
   "Don't ask questions you don't want to be answered Stilinski!"
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   Scott dreamt of killing Allison in the school bus, not a man, he dreamt of having sex with Allison, not a random old man— though, Sienna told him in Chemistry that she would accept him as whoever if he did dream of a man or a woman. Scott rolled his eyes at that.
   She departed her ways with the two boys, needing to find Lydia and Allison who she knew would be together because frankly if she had to sit with Scott for another minute she was going to explode.
   ". . .Do you think some type of animal killed him?" Allison's voice dragged through Sienna's ear as she quickly made her way towards the two girls she was looking for; stuck near the back of the lunch line. She noticed Scott and Stiles were already sitting at a table.
   "Who? The guy from the bus?" Lydia asked, tilting her head at Allison. "Probably, but who cares?"
   "Nearly everyone if you haven't noticed Lydia," the two girls turned around to see Sienna slightly grinning at them falling in line beside Allison and Lydia.
   The strawberry blonde rolled her eyes, though a small smile covering her face as if she was happy to see Sienna, "Well they are all virgins and irreverent so frankly, I don't care."
   "I'm irrelevant and a virgin," Sienna frowned, looking at Lydia.
    "You are not irrelevant sweetheart," she said, "you're friends with me." She clicked her tongue as she moved forward in the line, "And I can easily get you hooked up with a boy if you want your virginity lost."
   Allison and Sienna looked at her, the Freeman girl shook her head. "I'm okay thanks. . . Would rather wait until I'm ready with a person I trust."
    Allison then moved her gaze to Sienna, frowning slightly, "You and your boyfriend haven't had sex yet?"
   Lydia and Sienna gaped at the girl who looked at her in an innocent manner. "Boyfriend?!" Lydia gasped dramatically, turning to Sienna who looked gobsmacked, "You have a boyfriend? Since when?!"
   "I do not have a boyfriend!" Sienna whispered-shouted, looking at Allison and Lydia. Lydia looked confused and shocked and Allison, now looking embarrassed. "Where did you get that false information from?"
   "Err. . ." Allison gulped, licking her lips before mumbling, "Well I thought you and Stiles were kinda like dating. . ." Sienna's eyes widened, hadn't she already told Allison they weren't? "Since I kinda overheard some guys talking about it in the hallway yesterday. . ."
    Sienna blushed heavily just at the thought. Her eyes widened though, her head shaking side to side as she denied Allison's comment. "No— No way, me and Stiles. . . We are friends, have been for a long time."
    Allison, looking embarrassed, nodded and turned away, giving a tight smile as she did so. "Sorry, I just— don't matter. . ."
   And that was that.
  "Why is she sitting with us?" Sienna rolled her eyes as she heard Stiles's confused voice. Allison needed to sit by Scott during lunch— and yes, needed to. The lovebirds couldn't hold out another moment separated so now Lydia and Sienna were sitting with Scott and Stiles who both were looking at Sienna for either help or answers; or maybe both.
    "Allison wants to sit next to Scott so now you have to deal with us." Sienna smiled sweetly, moving herself to sit in between Lydia and Stiles as she knew Lydia hated the idea of sitting next to Stiles as he was. . . Well, Stiles."
    And the moment the three girls had found themselves comfortable on the table Danny, another player on the Lacrosse team and one of Sienna's favourite people in the world came walking over; taking a seat across from Sienna and another random teammate from the Lacrosse team that Sienna didn't know the name off also sat down.
    Stiles only blinked, still obviously confused but nonetheless began to eat his french fries off his lunch tray. Until Jackson then came walking over, glaring at the random teammate who was sat the other side of Lydia.
   "Get up." He growled, glaring at the guy sitting beside Lydia. Sienna rolled her eyes, Jackson reminding her of some type of alpha male from a book; he's got all the traits for it as well: cocky, annoying, 'dominate', abuser—
    Did Sienna say that out loud?
     "How come you never ask Danny to get up?"
  "Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." The teammate grabs his tray with a huff and stood up, walking away as Jackson took his spot happily; though, his eyes were glaring right into Scott's.
    Sienna rolled her eyes again. "So they're saying it's an animal attack. Probably a cougar." Danny spoke up.
    "I heard mountain lion," Jackson grumbled, leaning backwards in his seat.
    Lydia coughed, "a cougar is a mountain lion." All eyes turned to her, some raising eyebrows at her sudden smart comment; though, Sienna knew she was smart she just pretended. Another thing that she can add to the list of why Jackson should shut his mouth. She glances up and around before coughing again and putting on a slightly higher pitched voice. "Isn't it?
    Sienna sighed slightly as Jackson rolled his eyes, "Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna' die anyway."
    Sienna dared to look over at Scott and for that moment she did she saw his eyes fixated on the plate in front of him, a frown settling on his face and his mind in deep thought.
    "Actually," Stiles's voice from beside her cut out her gaze on the McCall; turning to see Stiles holding out his phone and placing it in front of everyone to see. Something clearly being shown on the phone. "I just found out who he is. Check this out."
   "— identified the victim of the possible animal attack as Garrison Meyers—"
    Scott perked up at the name, "I know that guy. I used to take the bus back when I lived at my Dad's place. He was the driver."
     Lydia leaned back, sighing slightly. "Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like where we're going tomorrow night?"
   Allison and Scott whip their heads around to Lydia. Lydia raised an eyebrow at them. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow, right?"
   Sienna's eyes flicked between the three. Stiles was shaking his head from beside the Australian.
   "We were thinking of. . ." Allison looked over at Scott who was looking between Sienna and Stiles for help. Though, neither said a word. "What were we going to do?"
    Scott gulped. "We hadn't decided."
    "Well, I'm not sitting at home watching lacrosse videos again. If the five of us are hanging out let's pick something fun." Sienna and Stiles frowned at the word 'five.
    "Five?" Sienna perked up, raising an eyebrow at Lydia.
    "Yes five," she huffed, "You're coming with obvi."
    Sienna blinked. "Uh, no I am not."
    "Oh yes you are," Lydia sang, "Unless you have something more important than hanging out with me."
    Sienna gulped, her eyes meeting Stiles's for a moment before replying back with, "Actually I do. . ." Everyone perked up. Stiles especially. "Me and Stiles are studying."
   "We are—?" She cut the buzzcut boy off with a jab to the side of his ribs with her elbow, glaring at him slightly as he nodded and wheezed slightly, "I mean— yeah, yeah we are. Totally."
   Lydia raised an eyebrow, looking at Allison. "Maybe you were right—"
   "Shut it, Lydia," Sienna quipped, knowing exactly where she was going with this. Lydia only raised an eyebrow but complied nonetheless.
    "Hanging out? The four of us?" Scott chimed in, looking disgusted and distorted at the thought.
   Jackson grimaced, looking at the redhead. "When the hell were you going to tell me about this?"
   Scott turned to his girlfriend ( ? ). "You want to hang out? The four of us? You and me? And them?"
   Allison shrugged, "Sure. Sounds fun"
   Scott looks towards Stiles and Sienna who both shook their head.
   "You know what else sounds fun?" Jackson picked up a fork from the table, glaring between the three but mainly Scott. "Stabbing myself in the face with this fork.
  "Oh, come on, Jackson." Lydia rolled her eyes. "How about bowling? You love to bowl."
   "Yeah, but with actual competition." Jackson huffed, throwing his fork onto the table and crossing his arms over his chest.
   "How do you know we're not competition?" The Argent girl chipped in, glancing between the two before moving to look at Scott. "You can bowl, right?"
   Sienna and Stiles shook their head vigorously.
  "Sort of— "
   "Sort of?" Jackson raised an eyebrow. "Or yes?"
    Scott glared at Lydia's boyfriend. "Yes. In fact. . . I'm a great bowler."
   Sienna internally, slapped her hand over her forehead.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∖ s. stilinski.
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ㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ    ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER NINE. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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          00. TURNS OUT SCOTT MCCALL WAS SAFE AND SOUND IN HIS HOUSE AFTER HIS LITTLE ADVENTURE HE WENT ON AFTER JUMPING OUT OF STILE'S CAR. He had managed to find himself in Allison's house to do God knows what and then found himself back home where Stiles had found him and instantly called up Sienna to let her know he was okay.
   After she managed to call down and allow herself to relax after being told Scott was okay her next issue to worry about was why the hell Chris Argent was standing in her living room.
   Her father was sitting on the couch, a glass of whisky in his left hand and his other kept running through his hair, ( something the daughter of Cameron Freeman realised he only ran his fingers through his hair when he was in a mood ) and Allison's father Chris Argent stood across from him, also holding a glass of whiskey in his hand.
  She had just finished off her biology homework for the night and desperately felt like some chicken noodles; but it seemed that instead, she was standing behind a wall, looking down the stairs to try and listen in on their conversation.
    "Never thought you would come back here."
     "Thought it was time, especially after hearing about you and your daughter living here. I mean, all those years ago I still remember when you spat in my face all about how you'd come back here. . . You know after everything —"
    "Well, things change don't they? And I thought it was safe to come back here. Especially since I heard that you were on the other side of America. . ."
   Sienna could hear them whisper to one another; talking as if they were friends yet business dealers. . .
   "Allison's told me a lot about her you know." Sienna saw her father tense up, making her head tilt in curiosity and confusion, "Showed me a photo too, looks just like her —"
    "What do you want Chris? You came here, in my house to what? Threaten me? Try and kill me?" Sienna's eyes widened.
   "Oh, I'd never threaten you when your daughter is only meters away from us."
   And just like that their heads snapped up to the top of the staircase; Sienna's eyes widening and quickly she rushed backwards, trying to get back to her bedroom before her father caught her. And after a few moments in silence, no sense that her father was coming to get her she then peeked out her bedroom door; hearing whispers yet again come from downstairs as they continued their conversation.
    But she could barely hear what they were saying and she wasn't willing to risk getting caught again so she slowly closed her door behind her, trying to piece together the little information she had gained through the conversation she had overheard.
   And if she only had stayed a bit longer then maybe she would of heard the whispered sentence. . . "They want her Cameron. They want her just as much as they want Scott McCall."
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         00. SIENNA FREEMAN REFUSED TO LOOK AT HER DRAWING. She hated that every time she looked at it her stomach would drop, her head would spin and a tiny voice she swore could be heard from the back of her mind. The drawing itself was fine; yes it was slightly dark but Sienna has drawn darker.
  But what made it worse than anything she had drawn was she had drawn what looked like herself; blood pouring out her shoulder as a bite mark that looked like one a werewolf would make sat there. It was basically Sienna Freeman drawing about herself being bitten and ( dying? ).
   She wanted to tell someone; that was her first thought when she had woken up and found her cheek laying on her wooden table in her room, pencil and pen marks over her hands and her drawing she must have drawn during the night came into her view. But telling someone would do what? Call her crazy, tell her it's just her mind playing with her in some sick twisted way and her waking up and her not remembering waking up to draw is just something she'll grow out of.
  Tell someone to call her crazy?
   Stiles wouldn't call her crazy though.
   He'd probably just tell her everything will be alright and the moment she was gone he would rush to his computer and the next day bring her ten pages worth of notes making her call him a dork and a nerd like always but would hold a smile and he would smile back with is backpack nearly falling off his shoulder since he never has worn both straps on his shoulders and tease her back —
    Why was she thinking of Stiles Stilinski so much — Gosh, get yourself together Sienna what are you doing —
   Her eyes narrowed at Jackson Whittemore, giving him a cold glare as he whispered in hushed voices to his friends — a small smirk on his face when he noticed her looking and winked before giving one more look to Scott McCall and then walking away with his friends; lacrosse gear held on his shoulder.
  Sienna crossed her arms over her chest, flicking her eyes between her two boys who were sat in lacrosse gear; now them three being the only ones in the locker room.
   "You going to try to convince me not to play aren't you?"
   The Freeman girl and Stilinski boy glanced at each other, gulping slightly. "I just hope you know what you're doing," Stiles muttered, glancing back at Scott.
   Scott huffed, "If I don't play I lose first line. And Allison."
   "Allison's not going anywhere. And it's one game which you don't have to play—"
    Scott cut the buzzcut boy off, "I want to play. I want to be on the team, I want to go out with Allison. I want a semi-freaking normal life. Do you get that?" He shouted angrily.
   Sienna stepped in, muttering quietly yet stern enough for both boys to keep their attention on her, "For one, do not get angry with either me or Stiles, we are only trying to help you. Secondly, Allison at this point in time is the least of your worries Scott, start thinking about literally anything else —maybe start with how to control your urges and anger so you don't try and kill me or Stiles again."
  Both boys just stared at her, Stiles giving a slight proud smile and Scott, well he seemed in slight disbelief but nonetheless nodded slowly in understanding.
   "Look," Stiles sighed, "Just, try not to worry too much while you're out there, all right? And try not to get angry."
   Scott nodded, standing up. "Got it."
   "Or stressed. . ."
    Scott let out a breath of air loudly, "Got it."
     "And don't worry about Allison being there. Don't think about her father trying to kill you. Or Derek trying to kill you. Or the girl he killed. Or that you might kill someone. If a hunter doesn't kill you first—" Sienna and Scott glared at him. "I'll shut up now."
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  It was the best performance Sienna had ever seen, especially from Scott who was usually playing like shit. But tonight he was playing like he was in the Olympics, twisting, turning and shooting goals like it was nobody's business and Sienna could only watch from where she sat next to Scott's mother, her own father, Allison and Lydia in the stands; cheering along when he would get another goal.
  And though she was cheering and clapping along with everyone else in the stands, she couldn't help but every time he made some type of amazing goal or move on the field look over at Stiles Stliniski who sat on the bench with his fingernails in his mouth and his knees bunching up and down anxiously.
   And the moment the bell went off indicating the end of the game and Beacon Hill's had won the game Sienna shot up; eyes scanning through the busy and cheering crowd to try and find either Scott or Stiles, but only finding Stiles.
   "Where's Scott?"
   Stiles shrugged, rushing over to Sienna with a slightly frantic look in his eyes as his hand inclosed around hers; pushing her through the crowd and behind the bleachers. "I saw him run off with Allison trailing behind him. . ."
   Sienna gasped slightly, looking Stiles straight in the eye and unknowingly tightening her grip on his hand, "If he hurts her—"
   "He wouldn't," Stiles shook his head, "It's Allison, he— he wouldn't."
    Sienna curled her lips, muttering a sorry to someone she accidentally bumped into on her way towards the boy's locker room, "I don't want to risk it, Stiles. L-let's just try and find him—"
    Stiles's dainty skinny index finger came up to her lips, pressing softly as an indication for her to be quiet. She ignored the way her heart slightly fluttered at the contact of his fingers on her lips, wondering now how his lips would feel instead —
   What the fuck.
   "Do you hear that?" The Australian furrowed her eyebrows, listening closing to what Stiles was trying to tell her, "It sounds like Allison and Scott—"
   That was all Sienna needed to know, she trusted Stiles's hearing and frankly, at this point she was beginning to freak out at just the mere thought of Allison being dead because of Scott. She rushed forward, hand now tugging on Stiles's and pushing through to the boy's locker room; to only find Allison and Scott in a heated kiss.
  Sienna's jaw dropped open slightly and Stiles could only cough slightly making both teenagers spread apart, red flushing both cheeks.
  Allison looked down at her shoes trying to hide the smile wanting to come onto her face before beginning to mutter, "I need to get back to my Dad."
  Scott nods. And with that perfect smile, she steps away, walking towards where Stiles and Sienna stood for the door, "Hi Stiles, hi Sienna."
   "Hey Allison," Sienna cheekily grinned making her look down at her shoes once more and walking out; leaving Scott, Sienna and Stiles alone.
  "I kissed her." Sienna looked over at Scott to find him dreamily looking forward, his finger's hovering over his lips as if he was trying to re-live the moment of him and the Argent girl kissing.
   "We saw." Stiles grinned teasingly.
   "She kissed me."
      "We saw that too." Stiles grinned, "It's pretty good, huh?"
      "I don't know how but I controlled it. I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this. Maybe it's not that bad." Scott said confidently, still slightly in his dreamy state though.
  Stiles nodded, smiling but yet there was some hesitating behind his eyes, "Yeah. We should talk later then."
  "What?" Sienna turned to Stiles making him look her in the eye, "There's something else, what's wrong?"
   Stiles flicked his eyes between the two, reluctantly ( it seemed ) he said in a sigh, "the medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found."
   Sienna's eyes widened, "And?" She asked eagerly.
  "I'll keep it simple." He took a deep breath before quickly saying, "Medical Examiner determines killer of girl to be animal not human. Derek is human, not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail."
  Both other teenagers in the room's jaw dropped, "No way."
   "Are you kidding me?"
   Stiles looked between the two, shaking his head, "No, and here's the bigger kick in the ass. My Dad ID'd the dead girl. Both halves. Her name was Laura Hale. . ."
   "Hale?" Sienna titled her head, eyebrows furrowing. Stiles only nodded his head, sighing under his breath before muttering;  
  "Derek's sister."
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∖ s. stilinski.
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ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ    ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER EIGHT. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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           00. THE NEXT MORNING SIENNA FREEMAN FOUND HERSELF LEANING AGAINST HER BEST FRIEND'S BLUE JEEP, HER ARMS CROSSED OVER EACH OTHER AGAINST HER CHEST. Her eyes were trained on the owner of the Jeep she was leaning against, a small frown settling on her lips at the sight of Stiles and his father deep in conversation.
  Derek Hale was convicted of murder. After the three found the body the night before dug underground right next to the burnt down Hale house, the sheriff and his team of workers found themselves there the very next morning; with convicted Derek Hale now in the sheriff's car and a group of three teenagers watching from afar.
  Well, Scott and Sienna were watching from afar, but Stiles. . . Well, he was currently getting pulled by the ear by his father — having caught his son sitting in the front seat of his car talking to convicted murderer Derek Hale who sat in the back.
  "For being an A grade student, you really are stupid sometimes Stilinski," Scott McCall sniggered from beside the dark-haired girl, giving a sidewards glance of amusement before turning back to the sight of Mr Stliniski telling his son off.
  "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" The Sheriff scowled his son, giving him a pinch to the ear before realising him so their eyes met.
   Stiles huffed, rubbing his left ear where his father's fingers once laid, "I'm just trying to help!"
   "Okay, well, how 'bout you help me understand exactly how you came upon this?" Noah Stilinski pointed to the grave where once the half body laid now was only filled with dirt; Sienna followed the older man fingers and slightly shivered in disgust as an image of the dead body came across her mind again.
   Stiles bit his lip, turning his head away from where his father was pointing, "We were looking for Scott's inhaler. . ." he smiled sheepishly.
   "Which he dropped when?"  
    "The other night. . ."
    "The other night. . . When you and Sienna were out here, looking for the first half of the body?"
  Sienna's eyes widened, along with the boy beside her as they realised the hole Stiles had just dug himself into it; and only made it worst with his next comment.
  The Freeman girl was going to slap Stiles.
   "The night that you told me it was just you and Sienna. Alone. And Scott was at home?"
  Both Sienna and Scott sighed at the same time making Stiles glance over at them; his eyes showing clear confusion until clear understanding that he had just fucked up became clear.
  "Oh, crap. . ."
  "So, you lied to me?"
   Stiles winced with his eyes, rubbing his hands together slightly in front of him as his eyes squeezed together. "That depends on how you define 'lying'"
   "Well, I define it as 'not telling the truth.' How do you define it?" Noah raised a stern eyebrow and crossed his hands over his body, looking at him as more of a son, not a person.
   "Um. . . reclining your body in a horizontal position?" Stiles smiled, turning his hands awkwardly in the air as if he was trying to wave off the joke he tried to make.
  Sienna bursted out laughing, covering her mouth with her hands but no matter the two still heard it; Noah's angry look at his son slowly disappeared when he saw Sienna Freeman laughing, giggling to herself next to Scott.
  And it was then he also saw his son looking at Sienna with a goofy smile and his head slightly titled; making his head tilt slightly in amusement.
  The sheriff sighed, tugging on his hair slightly from anger, disappointment or annoyance — no one could really tell which. "Just get the hell out of here."
  "Absolutely." Stiles smiled awkwardly, giving one last smile to his father before rushing towards Sienna and Scott.
  "Oh, Stiles that was golden — I mean really, 'reclining your body in a horizontal position' — absolutely golden —"
  "Alright miss Freeman I get it, I screwed up." His hand slipped between her's, tugging on her hand to pull her towards the backseat of his car, "Just get in the car will 'ya?"
  Sienna giggled.
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         00. "I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING ABOUT WOLFSBANE BEING USED FOR BURIAL." SCOTT MCCALL SIGHED FROM THE FRONT PASSENGER SEAT. Sienna Freeman sat in the middle back seat leaning forwards and sitting her elbows on her knees to fit her head in between the two boys.
  "Just keep looking. Maybe it's like a ritual or something? Like, maybe they bury you as a wolf." Stiles mumbled, continuing to drive; one hand on the wheel and the other sitting on the window sill. "Or, maybe it's like a special skill, you know? Like, something you have to learn?"
  "I'll put it on my 'To Do' list, right underneath, figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight," Scott mumbled, letting out a huff of frustration and his two fingers coming to rub his forehead.
  "Maybe it's different for girl werewolves. . ." Sienna suggested, shrugging softly from in between the two boys.
  Scott flashed his body up, letting out a near angry growl, "Okay, stop it!"
  "Don't shout at me."
   "Don't shout at her."
   Scott ignored both Stiles and Sienna's comments, his head being thrown back against the headrest and his hands gripping his jeans that covered his legs.
  "Just stop saying werewolves! Stop enjoying this so much!" He snapped, and Sienna swore she heard him growl under his breath; like a werewolf.
  "Wow calm down alright Scotty." Sienna laughed awkwardly, leaning forward even more and making eye contact with Stiles through the review-view mirror, "I didn't mean to offend you or anything — Are you okay?"
    "No!" Scott bent over in his seat, hands gripping the side of the window making Stiles's hands tighten around the wheel as his eyes peeled away from in front of him to look at the heavily panting McCall boy beside him. "No, I'm not. I'm so far from being okay."
   "You know, you're gonna have to accept this, Scott. Sooner or later." Stiles spoke up, moving his eyes away from him for a moment to look forward at the road until looking back at him.
  "I can't," Scott mumbled under his breath, shaking his head. Sienna bit her lip, struggling to find the right words to say.
   "Well, you're gonna have to," Stiles murmured, his tongue sliding across the inside of his cheek.
   Scott only gasped, his hands crawling up his neck as his body shot up to sit upright; Sienna jumped back slightly as his elbow skimmed past her face.  
   "No! I can't breathe!. . ."
   His hands hit the front of him, clawing and growling under his breath as his head hung low; Sienna leaned forward to only be thrown to the right side of the car as Stiles had lost control of the car; his hands moving side to side on the wheel as he tried to gain control over it once more.
  "Pull over!"
   "Why? What's happening?" Stiles asked frantically, finally able to gain slight control over the car; allowing Sienna to sit upright again in the back, her hands clutching her side where it had been thrown into the door.
   Scott didn't reply, only continuing to groan in pain and discomfort as his hands went searching around the floor; picking up a backpack that laid under his seat. His hands zipped open the bag, instantly groaning more as soon as the bag was open until he threw it back under the seat, his hands clutching the sides again and his eyes looking at Stiles who was still driving slightly recklessly.
  "You kept it?!"
   Sienna leaned forward, gulping slightly when she noticed the purple flower hanging out the side of the bag.  
   "What else was I supposed to do with it?!"
   Scott groaned again, his head leaning backwards and his back bending slightly. "Stop the car!" Stiles didn't listen, as if he didn't hear it or was confused on the question being asked.
   "Stiles stop the car!" And just as those words left Sienna Freeman's lips the passenger door slammed right open with Scott pushing himself out the door; Stiles's foot instantly hit the breaks harshly making Sienna slightly fall forward.
   "Stiles. . . Where's Scott?"
   Both teens could only look to the side; seeing the car door wide open and no Scott McCall insight.
  "Scott?. . ."
   There was no answer.
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         00. NEITHER TEENS KNEW WHERE SCOTT MCCALL WAS. They decided a few moments after Scott had disappeared they would go searching for him; but before they did so, Stiles quickly called his dad, letting Sienna hold the phone in her right hand as she let Stiles drive and talk at the same time.
  ". . .Stiles you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty right?" Noah Stilinski's voice rang through the car.
   "All I need to know is if you've gotten any odd call's in the past ten minutes or so?"
   Noah was silent for a moment before a small static sound came through and then his curious response, "Odd how?"
  "Like an odd person or. . . dog-like individual. . . roaming the streets?"
   Sienna could hear the annoyed sigh the sheriff let out making her hopes of Noah taking this seriously die, "I'm hanging up on you now —"
  "No, wait — wait —!"
  The line ended.
  And with frustration Stiles snatched the phone out of the girl's hand, throwing it on the floor in a fit of rage. The sudden movement and anger from the boy made the girl slightly jump in her skin, not daring to move or say anything — too scared that she would only make him angrier.
  Sienna Freeman hated when Stiles was angry.
   It was very rare though. His bubbly and sarcastic personality made him very likable and someone you'd never think would get or turn angry. But at times, just like now, he would get angry. And Sienna didn't like it — not at all.
  So with a heavy heart and slight nervousness, she let her hand fall on top of his right knee, hoping that her hand could bring him some type of comfort or feeling of relief. She didn't know what to do, so she was hoping that maybe the silence and her thumb slowly rubbing over his knee would bring him to calm down.
  But after a moment of nothing she began to pull away; feeling as if she had just made it worst since he didn't even acknowledge it and nothing in him seem to change — that maybe she had made him uncomfortable or —
  He grabbed her hand.
   His fingers interlocked with her's, sitting their hands on top of his knee and squeezing slightly without even looking at her; her heartbeat ( without his knowledge ) spiked and jumped a beat.
  And for the rest of the drive, their hands stayed together, neither eyes met but if Stiles were to look over at her he would see the way her hair tried to cover her slightly flustered cheeks. And if she were to look over at him she would see the small smile settled on his lips.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ    ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER SEVEN. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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            00. DEREK BLOODY HALE.
  That was a name Sienna Freeman would never think to hear again. She was told by Stiles that last night while she was asleep him and Scott had videoed called until a sudden figure showed up behind Scott, ending the call.
 Both Stiles and Sienna found out the very next morning at school that the mystery figure was Derek Hale.
  The older man had pinned Scott to a wall, angrily telling him that playing Lacross wasn't a good idea and that he would lose control and the only way Scott would be able to continue with his life as normal as he could; if he allowed Derek to help him.
Stiles Stilinski laughed at that statement.
  But that was the last thing on any of their minds; as the most important thing stuck on their minds at the moment was what Stiles's dad was saying.
  "Scott, can't you do some super cool earing shit to hear them?" Sienna Freeman hissed in a whisper from over the back of Stiles's shoulder.
 She ignored the way his body tensed up against her and only nodded her head towards the Sheriff who stood on the opposite end of where they were hiding behind a wall.
  "Er. . . I don't have control — I don't know how." Scott curled his lips together, looking at the two apologetically.
  "Well, just try. Um, like close your eyes and focus. . . Yeah — Yeah just focus Scott, I believe in you." She smiled at him, giving him a nod of approval as he sighed and closed his eyes, leaning his right ear towards the older Stilinski.
  It became silent between the three. Stiles could feel Sienna's chest against his back, her breath fanning over his neck as she looked over his shoulder — he was hoping she wouldn't see the blush coating his cheeks.  
   "Curfew because of the body," Scott muttered finally.
  Sienna moved herself away from Stiles, unknowingly giving him relief but slight sadness as the warmth he once felt was no longer there. She stared at the two, crossing her arms over her chest as her eyebrows began to furrow in thought.
  "Unbelievable," Stiles began, coughing slightly and fixing the collar of his shirt as if he was trying to cool himself down, "My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants."
   "Well, you can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek. . ." Scott muttered, looking back at the Sheriff before back to his two friends.
    "I can do something." Stiles perked up, a slight grin to his lips as a sudden thought came into his mind.
  Sienna narrowed her eyes at him, "Like what?"
  "Like, find the other half of the body," Stiles said in determination, nodding his head as if he was mentally agreeing to himself this was a good plan.
  Sienna and Scott gaped at him, instantly both shaking their heads and just as they were about to complain and snip back saying how bad the idea was until Stiles just walked away.
  "What the —"
   Sienna cut herself off as Stiles suddenly whipped around, the determined look in his eyes still there but a slight smile came through onto his lips.
  "But — I need you." And with that Sienna was being dragged along with Stiles's plan; hand in hand with Scott following behind.
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  So you know what Sienna Freeman was doing?
   Helping Scott McCall break into a Morgue.
   "This is such a dumb idea," Sienna hissed as the three stood in the hospital, looking across the hall from where they stood where a sign read 'Morgue', "We're gonna get caught."
   "If you keep talking we will," Stiles hissed in a whisper, determination stuck to his face — even when he turned to a nervous-looking Scott, "Okay — Er. . . Good luck I guess. . ."
  Scott was pushed forward, a glare sent to the Stilinski boy who had pushed him before sighing and walking swiftly and quickly towards the Morgue. Leaving Stiles and Sienna alone.
  "So. . . Now what?"
   Stiles shrugged at Sienna's question, his hand moving to find a home within her's and pulled her towards a set of empty seats. Well nearly empty.
  "Oh — Lydia!" Sienna instantly smiled at the strawberry redhead she caught sight of sitting with her headphones plugged in her ears, humming softly to herself to whatever song was playing at the moment.
  Sienna ignored the way warmth left her body when she dropped her hand out of the buzzcut boy's as she rushed towards the girl, tapping her on the shoulder and instantly Lydia let her headphones fall out her ears and grin up at the girl.
  "Oh hey — What are you doing here?"
   Sienna moved herself to sit next to the girl, grinning as she crossed her leg over another and replied, "Just. . . Here for moral support, my friend needed to get something."
  Lydia nodded slowly understanding as she began to twirl a piece of hair between her fingers, "Haven't seen much of you around, how are you?"
  "Good yeah good, busy — but good," Sienna for a moment forgot Stiles was with them and quickly glanced over to see where he was and what he was doing; only to see him holding an upside-down book about periods.
 Lydia followed the girl's eyesight, giggling slightly to herself as if she had just uncovered a mystery, "You mean he's been keeping you busy."
  "W - What?"
   "You heard me, you and Steve over there —"
    "Stiles —"
    "Don't care," Sienna huffed, "I see the way he looks at you, don't lie to me Sienna," Lydia leaned in, lowering her voice so only she could hear, "Have you and Steve been hooking up —"
  "No!" Sienna coughed, glancing around the room when she realised she may have said her response a little bit too loud, "I mean no," she lowered her voice, "it's nothing like that. Me, him and Scott have been just busy —"
  "Oh my god, a threesome —?"
  "Lydia —!"  
   Sienna was cut off again when Lydia suddenly stood up, a large grin covering her face as she rushed forwards, and it was then Sienna realised Jackson had come out literally nowhere. And the moment the couple reunited their lips met and Sienna fake gaged and turned her head.
  "Ew," a laugh was heard from near her making her eyes wander tot he where the voice was. Only to find Stiles laughing, smiling at the girl and she instantly smiled back.
  "Nice of you to finally remember me," he teased, throwing the book he was reading upside-down to the side to give full eye contact to the girl.
  "I could never forget you," the girl whispered in a smile. Stiles's cheeks brunt up as he leaned forward, giving her an even wider smile.
  "I could never forget about you either —"
   "The scent was the same! Derek did it, he's the killer." Stiles and Sienna whipped around to face Scott McCall who was panting heavily, looking between the two with wide eyes, "He's the killer. . "
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  Both boys held a shovel in their hands, trying to dig up the other half of the body which Scott and Stiles were nearly certain was held outside Derek Hales house.
  "This is taking too long," the girl whispered anxiously, glancing around continually as if she was expecting someone or something to jump out on them.
  "Just — keep the touch on us please," Stiles muttered, huffing a harsh breath as his shovel came into contact with nothing again.
  "And calm down, I can smell your anxiety from here," Scott added, ignoring the way Sienna huffed in annoyance.
  "Look all I'm saying is that if you two don't hurry up we're going to get caught and I don't feel like being in jail right now — and also have neither of you thought about what will happen if we find the body? We can't really just call up your dad Stiles and say 'Oh hey, we found the body' because then they'll ask us questions about how we knew it was buried here and why we didn't tell anyone —"
  "Oh my God Sienna shut up —!"
  " — Or what if he comes back, do we just like book it. Me and Stiles one way and you the other Scott —?"
  "Sienna —"
   " — I'm just saying, I am not running with you Scott since he has an issue with you not me. I'd rather book you out of jail than book myself out —"
  "Guys!" Sienna took a deep breath in, her eyes moving to where Scott sat on his knees, hands on the dirt and his eyes widened at the several rope strings poking out the ground.
  Instantly Sienna dropped to her knees, following Stiles who followed Scott and the two boys instantly began to brush the dirt to the side; trying to find the bottom of the string — where it started.
  As time quickly passed the rope began to bundle and quickly Stiles began to un-knot the rope; Sienna kept the light on the rope.
   "Hurry!" Sienna whispered anxiously, glancing behind her shoulder yet again.
    Stiles huffed, "I'm trying! Did he have to tie the thing is, like, nine hundred knots?" He sassed.
     "I'll do it then," Scott mumbled, helping Stiles untie the bundle.
    Soon enough the ropes were untangled, revealing a dead wolf. Instantly Sienna jumped to her feet, gasping at the body and shining her light on it.
    "What the fuck —"
     "It's a wolf," Scott whispered out, cutting Sienna off as he leaned forward to have a closer look at it.
   "Yeah, we can see that," Stiles sassed, leaning back on his knees, "I thought you said you smelled blood, as in human blood?"
   "I — I — I don't know," Scott shook his head, standing up and brushing his hands over his pants, eyes staying on the body.
   Stiles gulped, "This doesn't make sense."
     "None of this makes sense Stiles," Sienna snapped, her hands shaking and it was then Stiles and Scott realised how scared the girl looked, "Now can we please just go!"
   "Yeah," Stiles nodded, looking at Sienna in slight worry, "Okay, help me cover this up."
   Scott dropped back onto his knees, helping Stiles roll the body back and began to pour dirt over it again until Stiles put a hand up, stopping Scott from continuing.
  "What's wrong?" Scott whispered urgently, looking at Stiles.
   "You see that flower?" Sienna followed Stiles's eyeliner, finding a small purple flower hanging out of the ground.
    Scott shrugged, narrowing his eyes at the flower and then turning back to Stiles, "What about it?"
   "I think it's wolfsbane," Stiles whispered.
    "What's wolfsbane?" Sienna tilted her head, eyes trained on the curious flower.
    Stiles coughed, "Uh. . . haven't you ever seen The Wolf Man?"
    Both other teenagers shook their heads, raising an eyebrow at the Stilinski boy.
    "You know, Lon Chaney, Junior? Claude Rains?" Stiles spoke, eyes widened as if he couldn't believe the two didn't know what he was talking about. But yet again, they shook their heads. "Oh my god, the original, classic Werewolf movie?" Stiles spoke in more exaggeration.
    "No!" Both Scott and Sienna whispered harshly.
    "You both are so unprepared for this." he shook his head and began to pull the entire plant out from the ground, but it didn't stop, the root only moved around in a circle on the ground making Scott move backwards and Sienna lean forwards in shook.
   "Maybe you shouldn't Stiles —"
   Sienna stopped herself when Stiles pulled the 'wolfsbane' out the ground, their eyes all moving together towards the once dead wolf to now dead body.
   "I'm going to be sick," Sienna gasped, eyes staying on the dead human body for one more moment before turning away.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∖ s. stilinski.
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ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ    ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER SIX. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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  Stiles Stilinski slightly winced as the car door to his Jeep slammed open, revealing Sienna Freeman dressed for the day at school they had ahead of them.
 "Hmm? You left me, alone, at Lydia's. I had no idea where you were or if you were okay, do you even know how worried I was?"
  "Err. . . Sorry?"
  Sienna gaped at the boy, running her tongue across the inside of her cheek as if she was trying to suppress launching at the boy in anger.
  "I hate you," she muttered, clicking in her seatbelt, "So so much you do not understand."
  "I think I understand very clearly," Stiles gulped, flicking the keys to the side to allow the car to start once more. His eyes wandered to the girl beside him one last time before beginning to drive away from where he was parked outside her house.
  "I was so worried," Sienna mumbled, picking at her painted red nails so she didn't have to even look at the boy beside her, "You could have texted or called or I don't know, done anything to just let me know you were okay and alive but you didn't."
  "I'm sorry," Stiles whispered, his hands tightening around the wheel to his car, "I was just so busy, with Scott fully freaking out and everything I. . . forgot."
  "Am I that easy to forget?"
   "No!" Stiles lowered his voice after his reply, "No of course not, I could never forget you it's just Scott — "
  "Needed help I know," the girl hummed, "But next time, just at least let me know you're okay, or maybe even grab me before you run off and deal with all the fun 'kay?"
  Stiles nodded, a smile of relief spreading across his lips, "Y— Yeah, of course, sorry. . . But to let you know it wasn't a lot of fun."
  "I can imagine," the girl laughed, brushing a hand through her hair, "The smart side of me is grateful I wasn't involved but the rest of me wished they were there."
  Stiles didn't reply for a moment, either not knowing what to reply or holding himself back from saying something; until he muttered a different question, "How did you get home last night?"
  "Matt took me home since someone left me," there was a playful tone to her voice, but yet Stiles didn't care if she was joking or not when the only thing that was registering in his brain was the word: Matt.
  "Matt? Matt who? Do we know him?"
  Sienna laughed, "Yeah you know him, he's in our year - wear's a camera around his neck all the time, blonde hair. . ."
  Stiles's eyes furrowed, glancing to the side before turning back to the road when it finally hit him; his eyes widened and his jaw slacked open slightly, "No. . . Him?!"
  "Yes him," Sienna nodded, smiling still, "What's wrong with that?"
  "A lot actually."
   Sienna raised an eyebrow at him, silently urging him to explain, "H— He's a creepy bloke, always stares at you. . ."
  "Maybe he loves me," Sienna teased, not noticing the way Stiles's face dropped, "But jokes aside, he's actually really nice and — wait hold up, he stares at me?"
  "Yeah all the time, how haven't you noticed?" Stiles huffed, turning the wheel as the car turned a corner, "And it's not like a nice stare, it's a creepy stare. . . I hate him."
  "You hate anyone who isn't called Sienna or Scott," Sienna huffed, biting on her lower lip slightly, "And why have you noticed but I haven't. . . That's weirder than him staring at me. I always notice things, it's like my only talent other than my humour— "
  "That's up for question," Stiles muttered, Sienna shot him a glare before continuing.
  "So either you're lying or I've lost my skills at observing."
   Stiles turned to look at her for a moment, disbelief running over his face, "I'm not lying and I noticed because I'm just observant. . . Like a bird. . ."
  "You're a human Stilinski, don't compare yourself to a bird now."
  "Oh you get what I mean," Stiles huffed, a small chuckle leaving his lips, "But maybe I am a bird, turn into one every full moon like Scott — "
  "If you turned into a bird I would feed you to my neighbour's cat," the girl smiled sarcastically.
  Stiles turned to her once more, smiling slightly in amusement, "Nice to know you like me Sienna, really nice."
  Sienna only grinned giggly, turning her face away from him as she tried not to show how much she was smiling; because of him.
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  "Did you apologize to Allison?"
   Scott stared at Stiles, fixing the end of his shirt as he replied with, "Yeah."
  "Is she giving you a second chance, or. . .?" Stiles raised an eyebrow at the McCall boy. Sienna knew why he was asking this question as she had found out earlier that morning that Allison was taken home by Derek Hale; basically meaning Scott left Allison to get in a car with a random stranger — kinda like what Stiles did. . .
  "Yeah. . ." Scott frowned.
  "Well that's great news," the buzzcut boy grinned happily, putting a tight hand on his shoulder and squeezing it, "Isn't it?"
  Scott shook his head making Sienna raise an eyebrow, "Remember. . . the Hunters? Her dad is one of 'em."
   Both other teens' jaws dropped open
     "So her dad — "
    " — shot me—" Scott cut in, nodding slowly at Stiles's beginning sentence.
    "Allison's father —?" Stiles's mouth was still agape.
    Scott nodded slowly with a sigh, "— with a crossbow."
     "Allison's father —?"
     "Yes! Her father!" Scott snapped at Stiles whose eyes widened even more if that was possible. Sienna stood still, staring at Scott with a tilted head; a thought running through her mind.
  "Where did he shoot you, Scott?"
  Both boys turned to the girl, furrowing their eyebrows at her question but Scott answered nonetheless, "Err. . . My shoulder, why. . .?"
  Sienna stared at him, neither boys seeing the way her eyes widened slightly and the way a sense of knowing rushed over her face.
  But it was just a coincidence right, there was no way she had. . . she had drawn him.
  "Um," the girl coughed, blinking her emotions way as she tried to act as calm as she could; she was just over-reacting, "No reason, just curious y'know. . ."
  Scott heard her heartbeat flicker as if she was lying, his eyes narrowing slightly but nodded nonetheless, "Yeah. . . Well, I'm glad it wasn't my heart or anything, probably wouldn't be standing here if I was shot there."
  "Yeah," Sienna laughed awkwardly, "Luckily. . . Um, I'm going to go, see you up in the crowds 'kay?" Both boys nod, giving her a smile which she tightly smiled back and rushed out the room.
  Her hands rushed into the pockets of her jeans, pulling out her phone and quickly scrolling through her camera roll. She knew she had a photo of it, she had taken one with the intent to send it to Stiles but never got around to doing it.
 A huff left her lips, her eyes leaving her screen for just a moment to make sure she wasn't going to run into anyone and luckily she did; because she sure as hell was going to.
 "Oh, hi Matt," a breath left her lips, her feet stopping still and her hand that held in her hand moved to lay on her side.
  The man was standing meters away from her, a smile on his lips as his hands tightened around the camera he was holding.
  "Hey Sienna," the man smiled brighter as if her name brought happiness to him, "H — How are you?"
  "Good yeah good, you?"
   "Er, great," Matt smiled, his hand moving to play with the lens cap on his camera, "Um, where you off too?"
  "Going to watch the lacrosse try-outs, if you couldn't tell," a chuckle left both their lips, awkwardly nodding he smiled; his eyes moving down to the jumper she wore which was a lacrosse jumper.
 "Should have guessed, silly me," he chuckled, shaking his head, "But I'm going there now, actually, as well. . ."
  "Oh? Nice," Sienna nodded, curling her lips as another small chuckle left her lips. At this point, she was desperate to leave the awkward conversation, "Well, I'm off. See you around?"
 "Um. . . sure," he smiled, his eyes widening as if shock came to him from her response / question, "Um, actually before you go. . . Could I get a photo? For the school photo album y'know. . ."
 "Er, sure," she breathed out, giving a tight smile, "Why not."
  And once the photo was taken Sienna waved him off, completely unknowing of the path she had chosen for her future; a future that included a stalker.
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  Her eyes had stayed on the McCall player as he played, watching the way he slowly got more aggressive on the field and suddenly slammed straight into Jackson Whittemore's body; instantly knocking him down and a crowd of people begin to form around them.
  Sienna just knew something was wrong. Especially when she saw Stiles Stilinski drag Scott away from the open field and straight towards the locker room where she was only minutes ago.
 ". . . Scott just calm down—"
  "—Get away from me!"
  Sienna bursted open the door to the boy's locker room to only be shoved to the right and a hand coming down to clutch her hand tightly. Her eyes stayed wide as she heard a growling noise behind her and the familiar feeling of Stiles's hand made her heart soften for a moment —  only a moment.
 The girl only needed a small glips of what was behind her to figure out it was Scott McCall, stalking and chasing after the two with golden yellow eyes and sharp teeth that were begging for something to bite down to.
 They took another right. Stiles's hand tightened even more ( if that was even possible ) as they took a sharp.
 The girl jumped slightly and stopped when she heard and saw a row of lockers be pushed down from Scott, his eyes boring into both of them.
 "What do we do," the girl whispered with wide eyes, her body moving to stand slightly behind Stiles with the help of him pushing her too.
 "I don't know," he whispered slowly back, but it was like a flicker of a switch and his brain lit him, his eyes moving to behind his shoulder and back to see Scott getting closer and closer, "I've got it!"
  The warmth and comfort his hand provided her left immediately; but where she stood and wide eyes didn't and just as she heard some movement behind her she was pushed backwards. Her eyes closed for just a moment as she slid across the floor, her back hitting the blue wooden door of the locker room.
 A sharp gasp left her lips from a sharp pain shooting down her spine. Her hands dragged on the dirty rough floor as she tried to push herself away from the McCall boy who was getting closer and closer to her.
  "Scott —"
  She cut her desperate sentence for the boy to stop when the familiar body figure of Stiles Stilinski stood in front of her, white smoke blaring like a horn from the fire extinguisher he held in his hands; shooting straight for Scott.
 Moments went by and Stiles finally stopped shooting the smoke when he saw Scott stumble backwards. And instantly dropped the extinguisher and dropped to his knees when he turned around to face Sienna Freeman who was still on the ground.
  "Are you okay?" His hands cupped her cheeks, forcing her to look him in the eye whether she wanted to or not.
  She gulped, feeling a small blush cover her cheeks from the eye contact she was held under; but anyone would if they were staring straight into an angel's eyes.
 "Yeah, yeah I am," a soft smile covered her dry lips. And even after her confession, the boy didn't move, his hands stayed where they were and his eyes bore into her's as if he was in a trance.
  Or maybe he just didn't want to move.
  "What happened?"
   The two quickly snapped their eyes towards Scott McCall who was holding his body harshly, his eyes squeezing close as if he was in pain. But Sienna wasn't shocked he was in pain.
    "You tried to kill us," Sienna spoke, her cheeks being freed from Stiles's hold and instead her hands found home in his hand as he helped her stand up, "Just a normal day like always."
  Neither boy's laughed making her quickly realise there wasn't any way to make light of the situation.
  Scott sighed, planting himself down on one of the benches that managed to survive and look the two in the eye, "I'm sorry. . . I — I don't know what happened or why —?"
  "It's like I told you before - it's the anger, it's your pulse rising." Scott looked at Stiles who spoke slowly and carefully, like if he were to say anything it could trigger his anger again, "It's a trigger."
  "But that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game if you hadn't noticed. . ." His right hand lifted through his air, angrily gripping what he could as if he was beginning to grow angry again.
 Or maybe he was just sad.
  Sienna didn't really know anymore.
  "Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field." Stiles mumbled, "You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game."
   Scott shot his eyes up to the Stilinski boy who was still standing next to Sienna; hand in hand, " But I'm first line — "
"Not anymore." Sienna whispered, cutting him off with a sympathetic look, "Not anymore Scott. . ."
  The place turned a cold silence.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∖ s. stilinski.
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ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ    ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER FIVE. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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             00. SIENNA ADELINE FREEMAN left the Stilinski household five minutes after Scott left to get changed into appropriate clothing for Lydia's party she would be attending soon enough.
  The whole way back to her house, the car ride was silent. Both were still seemingly in shock of what had occurred and the new evidence and information about Scott being a werewolf.
  He was a werewolf; no doubt about it now and now. . . Neither teenagers knew what to do with themselves, or with Scott.
  "Questions, what will do to help Scott when we turn up to the party? Because talking didn't end well. . ." Sienna Freeman trailed off her sentence, realising that Stiles in face didn't have a plan.
  Like always.
  "We will sort it out when we get there," he said roughly, pulling in the handbrake of the car straight outside her house, "I'll stay in here, don't be too long."
  "I'll try not to be," she sent him a flashing smile, un-clipping her seatbelt and unlocking the car door.
  Stiles smiled as she walked away.
        Nearly five minutes later the young Australian found herself standing in front of her mirror, pushing down the plastered flowy skirt that sat on her thighs. Her head titled, only mumbling a small 'come in' when a voice came from behind the door.
  "Where are you going?"
  Sienna's eyes met her father's through the mirror, a small smile growing on her lips, "Just out to Lydia's, a party."
  Cameron curled his lips, nodding slowly and taking a step inside, "It's a full moon y'know tonight," Sienna's eyes widened slightly, "So be safe, never know what's out there. . ."
  Sienna gulped, her feet moving so she was facing her father, "Nothing's out there dad, what are you talking about."
 Cameron nodded, a small smile crossing his lips, "Nothing, there's nothing out there. . . Just joking around. . ."
  Sienna narrowed her eyes, nodding slowly in confusion as her finger wrapped themselves around her small handbag, "Well, I'm off. . . I'll be back later."
  "Stay safe, and take your pepper spray—"
  "I've got it dad thanks!"
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         00. STILES STLINISKI ALWAYS hated Sienna Freeman's love for skirts.
  His first memory of the girl was her turning up to school in a skirt. One day it would be pink, the next black. It was something that — at the time — no one else was wearing and the eleven-year-old girl loved being different. She liked standing out and not wearing boring old clothes.
  And her love for skirts was something she loved still, maybe not as much but still loved them as now she didn't have the energy to try and really care what she looked like half the time — which meant grey sweatpants and an over-sized jumper sounded like the perfect outfit.
 Bonus points if the jumper was Stiles's.
  But then came days she cared about what she looked like, or more importantly - had enough energy to wear something other than sweatpants and a jumper. And one of those days, was when a party came around.
 Just like tonight.
 And when Stiles says in his mind he hates Sienna's love for skirts, it isn't a bad thing. Like he thinks she looks bad in them or anything — because she definitely does not. It's more of the fact his brain would go crazy and his eyes would look at the girl more than usual.
  Stupid bloody hormones.
  "The plan, we find Scott and then somehow convince him to leave the party and then lock him in his room," Sienna said sternly, looking into the eyes of Stiles's who was struggling to keep eye contact, "Right?"
  "Yeah. . . right, totally, yep er let's go!" Sienna laughed when Stiles stumbled out his side of the car, turning around with an awkward smile when he realised she had watched him fall.
  "Nice going Stilinski," the girl laughed, stepping both her feet on the ground, "No wonder you're a virgin."
  Stiles gaped at her, rushing around the front of the car to stand in front of her, "Firstly. . . ouch." Sienna sniggered, "And secondly aren't you a virgin too?"
  "Am I?" Sienna tilted her head, a small sly smirk settling on her lips. Stiles's eyes widened, nearly falling out his eyesocket and began to stumble over his words.
  "W— What do you mean?" He began to trail after her as she began to walk towards the entrance of Lydia's house, "Sienna—"
  "Ask your dad Stilinski, he can give you the details."
  Sienna looked over her shoulder and winked at the boy who gaped at her; and from that response she bursted out into giggles, an arm wrapping around her stomach as her other hand pushed open the door to Lydia's house.
  "That wasn't funny," Stiles grumbled, following after the Freeman, "Not funny at all."
  "Well I think it was bloody hilarious," Sienna sniggered, wrapping an arm around the strawberry blonde who had walked over to hug her, "Wasn't it Lyd's?"
  "What was funny?" Lydia tilted her head, twirling a piece of her hair between her fingers, the other arm wrapped around Sienna.
  "Just nod and agree," Sienna whispered.
   Lydia then nodded slowly and turned back to the Stilinski boy, "Super funny Steve, liked the joke. . ."
  The host of the party gave one last smile to Sienna, kissing her cheek before walking off to probably her boyfriend.
  Sienna grinned at Stiles, "See Steve, super funny."
  "Oh shove off," Stiles laughed, pushing her shoulders playfully as he brushed past her.
   She only laughed more.
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         00. HER ARMS WERE wrapped around his neck softly. Not enough to strangle him but enough to keep the movement of the soft dancing afloat as the two tried to act 'normal'.
  The biggest idea — at that moment — was that if the two, Stiles and Sienna, were to begin to dance then they would look less suspicious as they tried to spy on Scott McCall who currently was also dancing with Allison Argent.
 And though, the main idea of the two dancing closely together and for their eyes to keep on Scott and Allison. Stiles didn't keep his eyes on the duo, how could he?
  How could he try and stick with the plan when he had Sienna Freeman wrapped up against his chest, the warmth she provided him within his heart and soul could melt all his worries. The way she stood against him was perfect; everything about her was perfect.
  How could he not look at her?
  "I'm going to get a drink, do you want one?"
   Stiles blinked at the girl he was staring at, a rosy blush covering his pale cheeks when he realised there was a high possibility that she could have caught him staring.
  "Er. . . I'm okay thank you," Stiles breathed out in a flushed breath, smiling slightly as the girl slowly unwrapped herself from his body and moved away from the boy.
  Both missing the comfort each other gave already.
  And when the Freeman girl walked back to the spot Stiles was moments ago, he was gone. Scott too and Allison nowhere in sight.
  "Stilinski ditch you?"
   The girl furrowed her eyebrows, turning her head to her side to find Matt Daehler - a boy in her year - smiling at her, holding his own drink.
  "Er. . . No. . . He's probably just gone off somewhere."
   "Ahh but that's where you are wrong," Matt chuckled under his breath, still smiling in a weird way, "I saw him leave, just then."
  "Oh," Sienna tried to hide her disappointment, but it seems Matt noticed.
  "He was your date wasn't he?" There was a bit of spit or anger behind his sentence as if he had just spoken venom.
  "No, just my ride home," Sienna muttered, bitting down on her bottom lip slightly in annoyance, "But it's fine."
  "No it's not," Matt shook his head, "Let me take you home."
  "I couldn't ask you to —"
  "I'm offering Sienna," Matt smiled, cutting her off as he put a hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze of kindness, "Let me, it's not a big deal honestly."
  Sienna glanced around, her eyes not finding Stiles's or Scott before turning back to Matt who was eagerly waiting for an answer, "Sure, why not."
  "Great," Matt breathed out, a small smirk coming onto his lips that made something inside her turn un-happily.
  The car ride was dead silent, though, if Sienna knew best — she would have sworn the man beside her who was driving was flirting with her. But, she wasn't certain nor did she want to be rude especially since he had offered to drive her home.
  The moment she got to her house she quickly said goodbye and rushed inside, not liking the sickness that had overtaken her throughout that whole car ride.
  After a nice warm shower, she called Stiles Stilinski as she sat in a towel —for him to not pick up. And she completely understood why he needed to go, probably to help Scott but it still hurt he couldn't have gotten her to help him or even managed to let her know he was leaving.
  A message would have been perfect, anything - any sign that he and Scott were okay was all she needed. But as the time ticked by and the moon rises more and the alarm clock on the side of her bed finally hit midnight, she called it a night and decide to fall asleep.
  And just like nearly every night, flashes of random thoughts, memories or something plagued her mind; a dead body, blood, a gun, a man, a police station. . .
  And just like always she would wake up, panting slightly and in a sweat from the little flashes she had just seen to only grab the closest piece of paper she could find, a pencil and began to draw.
  And then, just like always, she would fall back asleep - to wake up for school and find another drawing sat on her bed. And she would pick it up, examine it for a moment before throwing it to the side and getting ready for school, not caring she couldn't remember why she drew it or why it was even drawn.
  She had just completely ignored she forgot drawing her own future.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∖ s. stilinski.
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ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ    ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER FOUR. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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        00. THE YOUNG AUSTRALIAN laid on her stomach against the soft covers of her bed. A pencil sat within her right hand and the other hand sat softly on the piece of paper where her latest drawing had come to show what looked like a man hunched over against a tree.
  No face was needed to be drawn as the man's hair covered his face. His right hand held against his shoulder, small drops of blood pouring from the apparent injury hidden behind his hand and nothing but trees and bushes hung behind him. The other handheld on his knee as if he was out of breath and had run from something. . . someone.
  Sienna Freeman frowned, eyes narrowing into the picture. Why had she drawn such a gruesome drawing, why was she thinking of a man being hurt and ignored, why did she even draw it?
  Half the time Sienna would be drawing something but then once it was finished she would look at it and completely forget she ever drew it. Why was she thinking about a man being hurt, stabbed, shot. . . What is the picture —?
   Her eyes didn't move from the drawing, though her hand went to grab the phone that laid beside her and instantly answered it; not even bothering to check who had called her.
  "Your local whore answering, how may I help -"
  The girl's eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat as the familiar voice of Stiles Stilinski rang through her ear.
  "What the hell did you just say —"
  "What's up bro, how's it hangin'?" Sienna could practically hear his eyes widening from the other side of the phone.
   Her eyes widened as she moved herself to sit up, finally taking her eyes off the drawing. Sienna took a deep breath, internally cringing after finally realising exactly what she had said.
  "Sorry er. . . What's up?"
 "What's up bro? How's it hangin' — Sienna are you okay —?"
  Sienna let out a deep breath, "I'm perfectly fine Stiles, you just er. . . caught me off guard. I usually don't answer like that, bro. . . You er. You called?"
  "Okay. . . sure. . ."
  Get it together Sienna. Why are you acting like an absolute idiot? It's only Stiles, your best friend. Why are you acting as if he was a stranger, a really good looking stranger with a deep voice he's currently got on -
 "Well, my dad just told me the animal hair they had found on the body. And you're not going to believe this. . . But it was wolf hair."
   Sienna sat up more, two hands clutching onto her phone which she pressed harshly against her ear, "Impossible. Wolf's hair. What in the bloody Jacob from Twilight -"
  "This is serious Sienna," Sienna gulped, "And I don't believe it either but I think I believe my father more. . ."
  "So what does this mean? You're saying that this animal that killed that girl is a wolf? Like a Remus from Harry Potter wolf or a. . . You gotta give me more than that Stilinski—"
  "What I'm saying is that Scott bloody McCall might have been bitten by that same wolf and could be a werewolf!"
  Sienna Freeman didn't reply for a moment, letting herself soak in the new idea and possibility that werewolves could exist and her best friend could have been bitten by one.  
  "Please, believe me, Nina. . ."
   Sienna Freeman took in a sharp breath, hearing that name come out of Stiles's mouth she knew he was being truthful. He only ever used it when he needed her, he needed her to believe him. He only used it when it was serious.
  "I believe you, Stiles, and I always will."
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         00. HER EYES STAYED on her two best friends. Regardless of anything that was occurring around her as she sat in the stands of the Lacross field her eyes never wavered away, watching Stiles Stilinski try to speak to Scott McCall before he went off for his last tryout's to see if he could and would make first-line.
  The Australian watched Scott walk away in anger and Stiles in disappointment; but though, she wasn't surprised. She knew Stiles had good intentions but telling him moments before his try-outs for first-line wasn't the best idea.
  But, Stiles insisted — no matter what — that telling him straight before would be the perfect way to try and explain he was bitten by a wolf and may turn into a werewolf without any real evidence. Real evidence that the Supernatural did in fact exist.
  No issue whatsoever.
  "How are you and Stiles going?"
 The Australian blinked, turning her gaze from the two boys, finally, to look at Allison Argent who sat beside her.
  "Me and Stiles, we're going fine. . . why?"
  Allison's eyes widened, "Wait, so Lydia was right. You two are dating —?"
 "Dating?" Sienna laughed obnoxiously, "We are not dating, what makes her say that?"
  "Just the way he looks at you," the Argent shrugged nonchalantly, watching the way Sienna's eyebrow's furrowed in confusion.
  "Stiles looks at me like everybody else does, what are you talking about —?"
 Sienna stopped her confused sentence as Allison gripped the girl's chin with her hand, tilting her head towards the bench where other Lacross player's sat. But only one stood out.
  "See! He was looking at you!" Sienna didn't reply to Allison's comment, noticing it as well but didn't know exactly what to say or reply.
  What was she supposed to say when all she could think about was why Stiles Stilinski was looking their direction; or many, directly at her.
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         00. SCOTT MCCALL WAS definitely something.
   Whether it be a werewolf, vampire or literally anything but human he was something different. He had managed to front-flip over three tall Lacrosse player's and shot a goal straight through the ropes of the Goalie's stick during try-outs hours ago.
  Humanly possible? Not a fucking chance.
  But, Stiles Stilinski now believed there was solid evidence of Scott being a werewolf or at least having some sort of supernatural powers since only weeks ago the man was struggling to walk up a pair of stairs without using his inhaler and now he could jump over people like he's been training for Ninja Warrior his whole life and was as fit as The Rock.
   Sienna Freeman's eyes never wavered off Stiles Stilinski who was spinning slowly in his black chair, hands on his knees as he kept muttering things half the time she couldn't hear under his breath. She was awaiting Scott's arrival, having been called up by Stiles half an hour earlier to come over to his house for a 'talk'.
  The buzzcut boy honestly made the talk out to be some sort of sex talk.
     In her opinion anyways; which also made Stiles push her playfully.
     "Come in!"
   The door of Stiles's room opened wide to reveal the very man the two had been waiting for, Scott McCall who was holding the biggest grin on his face.
       "You gotta see this thing. I've been up all night reading- websites, books, all this information." Stiles frantically grabbed some paper from his desk and spun back around in his chair to stand up and shove the paper into the McCall's chest to read.
  Sienna stayed still on the bed, eyes wavering between the two.
    "How much Adderall have you had today?"
  "A lot," Sienna chuckled under her breath, Scott only raised an eyebrow.
   "Doesn't matter, okay?" Stiles jumped in, his eyes looking into Scott's, "Just listen."
   Scott furrowed his eyebrows before a set of realisation settled on it, "Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?"
  "No, they're still questioning people. Even Derek Hale."
 "Oh," Scott frowned, clenching his fist around the paper Stiles had thrown into his chest moments ago, "the guy in the woods that we saw the other day?"
   "Yeah," Stiles nodded. "Yes. But that's not it, okay -"
   "What, then?" Scott frowned.
  "Let him finish and maybe you'll get an answer," Sienna huffed, moving herself to sit on the edge of Stiles's bed, legs swinging.
   "Remember the joke from the other day?" Stiles began in a low whisper as if what he was about to say was the codes to a bank, "Well, it's not a joke anymore. The wolf, the bite in the woods. . . I started doing all this reading." Stiles began to pace, just like he usually did when he became stressed or began thinking hard. "Do you even know why a wolf howls?"
    "Should I?" Scott raised an eyebrow.
   "It's a signal, okay? When a wolf's alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So if you heard a wolf howling, that means others could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of 'em." Stiles shot out quickly, taking in a deep breath afterwards.
       "A whole pack of wolves?" Scott asked.
   "No. . . werewolves," Sienna whispered making both boys turn to her.
  Scott's face began to grow angry, Sienna swore she saw a flash of yellow hidden within his eyes; dilating something Sienna had never seen before.
"Are you seriously wasting my time with this?" Scott scoffed, taking a step backwards as his fist clenched more, "You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour."
   "I saw you on the field today, Scott, okay? What you did wasn't just amazing, all right? It was impossible." Stiles exclaimed, taking a step towards the angry McCall boy.
  Scott only shrugged, jaw still clenched, "Yeah, so, I made a good shot."
    "No, you made an incredible shot!" Stiles shook his head, "I mean, the way you moved, your speed, your reflexes? Y'know, people can't just suddenly do that overnight. And there's the vision and the senses, and don't even think I don't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore!"
  "Okay! Dude, I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow." Scott snapped, spitting out his words like it was venom.
  Sienna only sat still.
   "Tomorrow?! What? No! The full moon's tonight. Don't you get it?" Stiles said in frustration, gripping his 'hair'.
   "What are you trying to do? I— I just made first line. I— I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me, and everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?"
  Breathes escaped Scott's noise harshly, as if he was holding something back. And Sienna didn't like it one bit.
   "We're only trying to help!" Sienna said harshly backing both boys turn to her, "Don't wave off the crazy idea because you don't want to believe it. You couldn't even walk two meters before using your inhaler and now you're jumping over kids like it's nobody's business!"
   Scott took a step towards Sienna as she stood up and Stiles instantly took a step in between, holding one hand behind him as if he was ready to push Sienna back if she were to get hurt.
   Stiles only stared into Scott's eyes, makings sure he was only looking at him. "You're cursed, Scott. You know, and it's not just the moon will cause you to physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak."
    "Bloodlust?" Scott frowned, tilting his head.
    "Yeah, your urge to kill."
  And just like that Scott was angry again, jaw clenched harder and fist so clenched together Sienna swore she would see blood dripping from them. "I'm already starting to feel an urge to kill, Stiles."
   And though both could see he was angry Stiles didn't stop talking, "You gotta hear this—" Stiles leaned over to his desk, grabbing a book and opening it, "The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse. All right? I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does. You gotta cancel this date."
   Sienna gaped at Stiles, watching him walk over confidently to Scott's bag to pull Scott's phone out; but in a flash Scott had stormed over, grabbing the phone out of Stiles's hand and looking him dead in the eye.
  "What are you doing?"
    Stiles breathed out, "I'm cancelling the date."
 And in an instant, everything changed.
 Scott grabbed the top of Stiles's shirt, gripping it harshly and curling it between his fingernails as he pushed the Stilinski boy against the closest wall. A gasp left both the Stilinski boy and the Freeman girl.
  Sienna quickly stood up, hesitating for just a moment before her hand gripped the McCall's shoulder to push him away from Stiles. And as soon as his grip had fallen off Stiles's and he was stumbling slightly back from her harsh shove she moved herself to stand in front of Stiles, one handheld behind her just as his was for her minutes ago.
 "Do not put your hand's on him," Sienna practically growled, eyes boring into Scott's, "Leave. Now."
  Scott blinked between the two, gulping as if he had just realised what he had done and muttered a small "sorry," before heading off, the door clicking close after him.
   And as soon as the McCall boy was gone Sienna was instantly on her knees, turning around to face the Stilinski boy who was still on the ground in shock at what just happened.
  "You okay?" The girl asked in a whisper, hand coming up to grip his chin to tilt his head, checking for any injuries even if she knew there weren't.
  Stiles didn't reply for a moment, only looking at her, "Yeah. . . Are you?"
  "Why are you asking me if I'm okay, I wasn't the one who got hurt?"
   The small laugh that left her lips made the Stilinski boy's lips crack a small smile as if an angel had just granted him healing powers - an angel of happiness.
  "Don't really care about me, you're more important."
  And then the angel had blushed, another small laugh leaving the angel's lips as she shook her head, "Well it's very kind of you but you should care about yourself too y'know, I can handle myself pretty well."
  "Oh really?" Stiles laughed, neither moving nor letting their eyes move from one another, "I still remember you calling me up to come kill a spider in your room -"
  "Hey! It's a spider okay, they are fucking scary!"
  "You were born in Australia Sienna, don't you guys ride Kangeroo's to school and have ten-foot spiders living in your basements?"
  Sienna gaped at him, her lips curling into a large smile as she playfully punched his shoulder, "I take offence to that thank you Stilinski."
 "You are welcome, Freeman."
          She failed to hide her smile.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ    ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER THREE. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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             00. THE YOUNGEST FREEMAN'S eyes stared at the new girl from afar, head titled in curiosity as she watched the young Argent girl struggle with her locker.
 Her eyes narrowed as Allison continued her struggle, the Argent's eyes roaming around quickly as a slight blush came across her cheeks from embarrassment most likely. And after a few more moments, Sienna Freeman decided to walk over and help her.
 "Like this," Sienna muttered, not even introducing herself as she quickly grabbed the piece of paper with the code to the locker and began to open the locker.
 Sienna could feel the eyes of the youngest Argent on her, watching her put in the code to the locker and helping her.
 "I — I'm Allison Argent," the girl began to speak the moment the door of her locker opened. Sienna nodded, turning on her feet to lean against the locker and her arms crossing over her chest.
 "I know, you're in my English class."
 Allison looked down in slight embarrassment? Sienna truly didn't know, but she knew for certain the girl wasn't very talkative or confident; reminded Sienna of her younger self actually.
 "I'm Sienna Freeman."
 "I love your name," Allison said in a whisper, tightening her arms around the books she held in her chest, "And I love your accent, a—are you from here?"
 "No no, I'm Australian you see," Sienna laughed half-heartedly, Allison grinned slightly, "Was born there and then moved back here when I turned like. . . three? And then my mum die." Allison's eyes widened, "So me and my dad packed our things up and moved back to Australia to only then move back here when I was nine."
 Allison's jaw dropped open slightly, gulping as she nodded and her shoulders relaxed slightly, "Oh. . . That's er. . ."
 "A lot of moving? Yeah, tell me about it," Sienna laughed, slightly happy that Allison seemed to un-tense as the conversation continued, "But I don't think we'll be moving anywhere for a long time, I could honestly see myself staying here forever."
 "I hope I stay here for a while too," Allison spoke, "Me and my family move around a lot so I get it. But I do hope this is my last stop. For a while at least."
 Sienna smiled, "Seems like we're similar, so that means you are my new best friend — "
 "That hurt Miss Freeman, how dare you try and replace me," Sienna laughed as she turned herself so her back hit the locker to be met with the eyes of Lydia Martin.
 "Allison meet my other best friend Lydia Martin," the strawberry blonde grinned happily at Sienna, "Lydia, meet Allison."
 Lydia turned to the girl who had now tensed up again, "Nice to meet Allison. Now let me tell you how much I love that jacket. Where'd you get it?"
  "My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco," Allison smiled weakly, her eyes flicking between the two.
  "And you are now my new best friend," Allison and Sienna gaped at the strawberry blonde.
 "But you just — "
 "Helloooo ladies," Sienna instantly rolled her eyes at the voice, not even bothering to try and hide her annoyance when Lydia practically jumped onto the man who had cut in and spoken.
 "Really guys? Right here right now?"
 Lydia rolled her eyes and rubbed her lips from where her lipstick was smudged from making out with her boyfriend Jackson Whittemore only moments ago.
 "Hello to you to Sienna," Jackson grinned, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. Sienna didn't smile nor say 'Hello' back.
  "So anyway, there's a party this weekend which both of you are invited to," Jackson grinned, eyes flicking between the two but Sienna did notice his eyes lingering on Allison's for an extra moment.
 "A party?" Allison blinked, tilting her head slightly.
 "Yeah, Friday night." Jackson shrugged with a smirk, "Everyone comes, which is including you, right?"
  "Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday." Allison gave a weak smile.
  "You sure? Everyone's going after the scrimmage."
  "You mean like football?" Allison frowned innocently.
   Jackson laughed obnoxiously.
   "Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse. We've won the state championship for the past three years."
  Lydia ruffled his hair proudly, "Only because of a certain team captain. . ." Lydia batted her eyes up at the man who only grinned more and pushed his chest out more.
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         00. "WHAT DID YOU two talk about?"
  Sienna Freeman blinked at Scott McCall who was nearly frantically urging her to answer his question, "You and Allison. I saw you two talk earlier, what did you talk about?"
 "None of your concern," Sienna spoke bluntly, confusion running across her face, "And why do you care anyways?"
  "J — Just curious," Scott mumbled, hand tightening around his Lacross stick he held in his hand, "Y'know, just if you managed to mention me at all in the conversation. . ."
 "And why would I bring you up into our conversation. . ." Sienna stopped what she was doing, eyes widened as a sly smirk came across her lips, "You want to know if she talked about you because you have a little itsy crush on the new girl — "
  "NO!" Scott's eyes widened, a blush crossing his cheeks, "I mean no," he coughed, "Like I don't, and I was just curious if I was brought up into the conversation because I'm your best friend so I should be brought up into conversation y'know —"
 "Just go to tryouts before you embarrass yourself even more Scott," Sienna sighed. Scott gulped, smiling weakly at the boy before walking away; feet tripping over one another making him slightly stumble.
 Sienna only laughed.
   "Who is that?"
  The youngest Freeman moved her eyes to the girl beside her, eyebrow raised at Allison Argent's question.
 "Him? I'm not sure who he is. Why?" Lydia Martin frowned from the other side of Sienna, one elbow sat on her knee and chin in the palm of her hand; eyes never leaving the field of boys who were trying out for Lacrosse.
 "The 'him', is Scott McCall, aka one of my good friends," Sienna smiled, answering Allison's question, "Why'd you ask?"
  "He's in my English class," Allison shrugged.
 Sienna raised an eyebrow, "You sure that's the only reason why?"
 But just as Allison went to reply with rosy cheeks the three girls saw from the corner of their eyes Scott McCall get a ball to the fact; Sienna instantly winced, turning her head slightly.
  "Hey, way to catch with your face, McCall!" Jackson laughed out obnoxiously making the rest of the teammates laugh along.
  Sienna rolled her eyes but suddenly let her jaw drop when Scott had managed to catch the ball from a player.
  "Yeah!" Stiles stood up, throwing his arms in the air in joy and managed to meet Sienna's shocked face.
   "He seems like he's pretty good," Allison whispered, looking at the field of boys; or mainly Scott.
  "Yeah, very good," Lydia muttered with a sly smirk.
 Sienna's eyes widened and she learned far forward in her seat when Jackson picked up a ball and began to get into position.
 "Oh fuck — Come on Scott," Sienna whispered, but yet the two girls beside her managed to hear.
  A gasp of happiness and slight shock left Sienna's lips when the ball came flying straight at the McCall player and he caught it.
  "YEAH! THAT'S MY FRIEND!" Stiles jumped up frantically, his arms waving in the air with his eyes widened and jaw dropped.
 Sienna stood up along with Allison and Lydia, calling along with everyone and a large smile came onto her face at how happy Scott McCall was.
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         00. THE YOUNG AUSTRALIAN was walking in front of her two friends Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski who hung behind her, talking about the tryouts of today. Though, the girl only listened as she was too busy roaming the forest she was walking through, finding it very aesthetic.
  "I —  I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I — I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Scott ranted, hands inside the pocket of the jeans he was wearing. Sienna could hear the frustration of confusion and the unknowing within his voice.
  "Smell things? Like what?" Stiles asked, tilting his head away from the girl in front of him who he may or may not have been staring at for the past few minutes.
 "Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket," Scott muttered, nudging his head down to the side pocket of Stiles's jacket.
  "Gum did someone say," Sienna raised an eyebrow, snapping her body around to face the two with a large smile.
  "I don't even have any mint mojito —" Stiles stumbled out but stopped when Sienna walked over to him and shoved her head into his pocket, his breath hitting the top of her head as she looked down to search for the gum.
 After a moment of looking she brought her hand out, grinning widely as she faced the two boys holding a piece of gum. Stiles gulped.
 "Can I have it?" she asked, tilting her head at the Stilinski boy.
  "S— Sure" Stiles stumbled out with a smile, gulping slightly as the three began to continue their walk.
 "Told you," Scott muttered, watching the girl go ahead once more with a happy smile and her breath smelling fresh.
  "So all this started with the bite?" Stiles asked, his hands going into his jacket pockets.
   Scott nodded, "What if it's like an infection? Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"
  "I don't think it works like that," Sienna muttered to herself, neither heard her though.
  "You know what? I actually think I've heard of this — it's a specific kind of infection." Stiles said, and though Sienna couldn't see his face she could certainly hear the sudden teasing vice.
 "Are you serious?" Scott's eyes widened.
  "Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy." Sienna covered her mouth with her hand, turning around to look at the two.
  "What's that? Is that bad?" Scott began to start a panic, stopping again as he stared at Stiles in desperation for answers.
   "Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month." Stiles continued.
  "Once a month?" Scott's eyes widened.
 "Yeah, really scary stuff," Sienna giggled, meeting Stiles's eyes for a moment.
  "Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon," Stiles grinned, then at the same time to two started to mimic a wolf's howl and giggle.
 Scott rolled his eyes and pushed Stiles playfully who fell into Sienna's side making them laugh more.
"Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling!" Stiles stated, throwing his hands in the air as he moved himself to stand next to the girl.
 "Hey! There could be something seriously wrong with me!" Scott exclaimed, huffing out a breath of air as he stood next to Stiles.
 "I know! You're a Werewolf!" Stiles grinned, mimicking a wolf's howl again making Sienna laughed and throw her head back slightly.
   But she then noticed the look on Scott's face and stopped laughing; though, didn't stop smiling, "Oh come on Scott, we're only joking."
  Scott only playfully narrowed his eyes at her but then stopped and furrowed his eyebrows, looking around.
 "No, I— I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler. . ." Scott whispered in confusion.
  "Maybe the killer moved the body?" Stiles shrugged.
   "If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are, like, eighty bucks." Scott mumbled, suddenly dropping to his knees and searching for his inhaler.
   Sienna Freeman furrowed her eyebrows and began to start looking for the inhaler too but stopped when her eyes caught sight of black shoes.
  "Stiles. . ." she breathed out in shock, looking up to the man she had caught sight of meters in front of her.
  And when she lifted her head fully she was met with an older man, wearing fully black, a deadly glare on his face and jaw clenched.  She suddenly felt a hand grab onto her forearm and bring her away from the man; bringing her backwards.
   The Australian turned her head to see Stiles gripping onto her forearm protectively, bringing her slightly behind him.
 "What are you doing here?" The mysterious man glared, though, no one answer, "Huh? This is private property.
   "Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know." Stiles awkwardly smiled, hand moving down to hold Sienna's hand from behind him.
    "Yeah, we were just looking for something, but. . ." Scott stopped his sentence for a moment, "Uh, forget it."
   Suddenly, the mystery man pulled out the exact thing they were looking for out of his pocket, throwing it to Scott who caught it in confusion. Sienna tilted her head as the man walked off without another word.
   "Um. . . All right, come on, I gotta get to work." Scott breathed out after a moment of confusion.
  "Dude, that was Derek Hale!" Stiles exclaimed, stopping the boy with the plan of his hand on his chest; other hand still entwined with Sienna's. "You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us."
 "Remember what?" Scott frowned in confusion.
  "His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago." Stiles whispered.
  "I wonder what he's doing back. . ." Sienna muttered, looking back over her shoulder at the place the man once stood moments ago.
  "Who knows," Stiles whispered, "Come on," Stiles slightly pushed Sienna forward; hands never leaving hers.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∖ s. stilinski.
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ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ    ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER TWO. ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤeverything has changed — act one / season one.
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    She had woken up to about one-hundred missed calls and messaged from Stiles Stilinski explaining that Scott — after she and Stiles were taken home — had encountered some wild animal which ended with him getting bitten as if it was something out of Twilight.
  Like seriously, calm down Edward Cullen.
   The dark-haired girl didn't want to go to school, no matter how many calls she got from Stiles saying to hurry up since he would be getting to her house to pick her up in less than half an hour and Lydia Martin up her ass asking about what she was wearing to school; there was still no desire to go.
 "Excited for school?"
  The girl obviously didn't say that out loud, knowing her father wouldn't give a shit if she hated it or not since he would still force her to go. Sabrina only looked up from where she sat on her bed with her knees tucked into her chest to meet the eyes of her father, Cameron Freeman.
   "Yeah. . . totally."
   Cameron raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest and taking a step inside her room, "You could at least fake care."
   "But no one likes fake emotions or people."
   Cameron hummed in agreement to his daughter's response, finding her response slightly amusing as he began to walk toward her. Taking a seat on the edge of her bed she went back to looking down at her phone, trying to ignore the way Cameron was looking at her drawing she had made last night in curiosity.
  "What animal is that, that you've drawn?"
  Sienna flicked her eyes down to the drawing on her bed, smiling slightly at the picture as she tried to ignore the drop she felt in her stomach; the feeling of a weight sitting in her stomach uncomfortably.
  "It's a wolf," she missed him tense up, "Just thought about it last night before I er. . . yeah, anyways, and so I drew it."
   She watched the drawing get picked up by him, his head tilting as he examined it but she swore a flicker of fear ran through his eyes.
    "Well, it's very pretty."
     "Thank you."
     There was no more said after that.
  The black Doc Martins sat on the girl's feet perfectly as she walked towards the Jeep Stiles Stilinski had. She could see the buzzcut boy through the window of the passenger's seat, grinning at her as one hand stayed on the wheel and the other waved at her frantically.
 "Have you read my messages at all?"
 "Well good morning to you too Stiles," the girl smiled sarcastically, throwing her bag through the window and opening the door to sit in the passenger's seat; she turned her head to meet the boy's gaze which was already on her's, "I'm doing well thank you for asking, and I did sleep well if you were curious —"
  Stiles grumbled under his breath, turning the keys stuck in his Jeep to rubble up the engine, "Are you okay?"
 "Perfect thanks for asking," the girl chirped happily, smiling as she stuck the seatbelt into position and manoeuvred herself to sit more comfortably on the seat, "Now tell me about this bite . . ."
      "Okay, let's see this thing."
 Sienna Freeman stood in a small triangle outside Beacon Hills Highschool with none other than Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall next to her; her eyes following Scott's hands where he held them around the side of his waist, where she assumed he was bitten.
 And she was indeed correct, the McCall boy lifted his shirt up just enough to show the two teenagers his large white bandage sat across the side of his stomach.
 Sienna gaped at him, even though she couldn't see the actual bite she knew it was painful as Stiles began to touch and examine it and Scott flinched back; glaring at Stiles and pulling his shirt down.
 "Why are you so excited about this," Sienna shook her head, eyes moving to Stiles's as the three began to walk towards the entrance doors of the High School, "That bite could mean anything you know. And anything I mean resulting in death —"
 "He won't die," Stiles practically laughed out, patting Scott's shoulder making him wince slightly, "It was probably a cat or something."
 "Well if it was a cat, then the cat's gotta be at least like twenty feet tall," Sienna gaped slightly at Scott as he spoke, "And honestly, I think it might have been a wolf."
 "A wolf bit you?" Stiles breathed out, staring at Scott in shock and confusion; yet, there was a hint of laughter behind his tone.
 "Yup," Scott nodded.
 "Yeah. . . no, not a chance"
 "I heard a wolf howling" Scott frowned, his eyebrows furrowing as well as his hand gripping his backpack tightened.
  "No, you didn't," the buzzcut boy shook his head.
    "What do you mean, 'No, I didn't?' How do you know what I heard?" Scott said in slight frustration and in a huff.
 "Because, California doesn't have wolves, okay? Not in, like, sixty years" Stiles exclaimed, throwing his hands slightly in the air frantically.
  Scott stopped suddenly, turning around to look at the two teenagers, "Really?" His shoulder slumped.
 Sienna nodded along and patted Scott's chest, "Sorry Scotty boy, wolves don't exist here. There isn't any in California."
 "All right then." His shoulder's slumped more, "Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me about when I tell you I found the other half of the body."
 "No way!" Sienna and Stiles gaped simultaneously at the McCall.
  "Yes way," Scott nodded with wide eyes as if he was recalling the sight of the mangled body. But Sienna didn't notice, her eyes fixed on something in front of her; disgust written over her face.
  "I'll meet you guys in class," Sienna muttered, and it was then Stiles noticed her lack of interest in the conversation and her attention to something else.
 Neither boys could reply as the girl rushed over to Lydia Martin who was standing beside Jackson Whittemore, aka Lydia's boyfriend. The Freeman girl grabbed the strawberry blonde's elbow and began to drag her away.
  "Stiles, snap out of it man," the buzzcut boy blinked away from where he was originally looking at, moving his gaze from the girl to his best friend, "Stop drooling at her, it's not even lunchtime okay and get back to the topic."
  "W—What I was not drooling over Sienna and secondly the topic is finished -"
 "Never said it was Sienna did I?"
Stiles gaped at Scott, feeling the familiar feeling of a blush coating his white cheeks as Sienna only got further and further away and Scott only began to laugh.
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         00. THE VOICE OF the English teacher rang through Sienna's ear's as she sat in the classroom but it seemed she didn't even hear it; too bored and in her own thought of the drawing she was drawing, everything was kind of a blur to her.
 The urge to draw came into her mind, and the urge was usually strong enough to make her just stop what she was doing and draw. Draw as if her life depended on it and due to giving in to that urge she had found herself in detention multiple times.
 Sienna's eyes were narrowed onto the drawing below her, the sharpness of the pencil no longer there as she continued to press harshly onto the paper. As moments and minutes went by the girl could slowly figure out what she was drawing - as if she didn't know herself what she was drawing.
 It was a girl. Laying flat on the ground on her back Sienna narrowed her eyes even closer, swearing that she could see tears in the eyes of the girl Sienna had drawn. Her head titled in confusion at the picture—
  "As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night."
The girl jumped in her seat slightly when she heard the voice of the teacher fully, her eyes blinking up to see him staring down at her; eyebrows raised as he flicked his eyes between the drawing and her face.
  "And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened," he said to the class, moving away from the girl which allowed her to breath out the breath she had ( unknowingly ) been holding in, "But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk outlining this semester."
 Sienna sighed, her pencil falling onto the table as her hands came running through her hair softly but just as went to pick her pencil up again the door of the classroom opened wide.
 In came in the Vice Principal with a pretty looking brunette haired girl beside him, a soft shy smile set on her lips and a bag hung over her right shoulder which she was basically strangling the strap with her hand.
  "Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome."
The name seemed familiar, a ringing of thoughts came into Sienna's mind as she tried to figure out why the name seemed familiar; her eyes stayed on the brunette as she took a seat behind Scott McCall who instantly turned to face the girl holding a black pen and a large grin.
  "Thanks" the new girl now known as Allison smiled sheepishly, slight confusion but no comment made as she tucked a piece of her wavey hair behind her ear and took the pen out of his hand.
         "We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis on page one-thirty-three. . ."
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 ∖ h. potter.
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❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER FIVE. liability — act one / goblet of fire
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tw: anxiety attack?? talks of bullying + assault??
            00. DEJA VU HIT HER LIKE A BAG OF BRICKS. Her legs took large steps as she rushed out of the classroom, her backpack flung over her shoulder with little to no care as it flung around her from behind due to the harsh winds it was experiencing. Her lungs ached for a break, though, her heart begged more as the last time it was rested was years ago; back when she didn't hold a care in the world, with no responsibilities hung over her head like a bad omen or even just having to take care of someone. It was stressful, life was.
  But running away from a classroom filled with a curious emerald-eyed boy following her is even more stressful.
  He was curious. When the fuck was he not? He's Harry James Potter for Merlin's sake, the same boy who defeated You-Know-Who at a very young age, came into Hogwarts at the age of eleven to defeat Him again ( though, the teachers and Government officials said it wasn't Vold— ), then in the second year at the age of twelve managed to expose the truth of The Chamber Of Secrets and save the whole school and basically the entire Wizarding World from another issue. Oh— and let's not forget about third year where rumour had it, Sirius Black, the mass murderer who escaped Azkaban, was after him for some reason— though, now she thinks about it; Harry didn't really do anything last year. . . That she knows of anyways.
  So of course he was curious of Selene Freeman when she seemingly made herself the centre of attention ( un-willing and by accident ) by standing up with a screech of her wooden chair on the floor and basically running out the door; her brunette hair brushing through the cold harsh wind. He saw it all. Saw the emotions run through her eyes, changing from a confused to a worry from even to a scared; and he wanted to know why.
  Was it his business why she felt the need to run out of the class the moment it finished? Absolutely not. But did he also promise Sirius that he would befriend, and get closer with her? Yes. And Harry Potter did not want to disappoint his Godfather.
  "Selene wait up!"
  She was still running. And she didn't care if she looked crazy, or if people were looking at her— okay maybe she did but ignoring Harry and his curious questions was more important. She could deal with the embarrassment of bringing herself attention later.
  "Selene come on—!"
   Her body snapped around the corner, hair whipping against the wind and a blow of air puffing out her reddened cheeks. She refused to answer his curious questions. She refused to stop for a moment and allow Harry Potter ( especially Harry Potter ) to follow her and act like he suddenly cares. The brunette didn't need him and certainly didn't need his caring and curious nature.
  "Selene please—!"
  She felt pathetic that she was running, and she certainly looked like it as the raised judgmental looks and eyebrows she was receiving from passing students certainly gave it away. But she didn't care. Not until she ran into them.
  Selene was coming to a dead end. Or more like a sticky situation. Draco Malfoy, his gang of Slytherins along with, of course, was stood right infront of her; meters away from her escape and yet — they were blocking it, blocking her escape route. She was stuck.
  Her eyes looked behind her to find Harry still following her. She would never admit out loud but man, he just doesn't give up, does he? She finally stopped and it finally hit her how tired she was — she doesn't run, nor exercise and her little sprint away like Cinderella at the ball didn't really do much good for her. And now she was stuck.
  She could practically feel Harry's eyes on her from behind; she swore she could hear his feet slowly coming closer, curiosity spreading through each step. Selene refused to look behind and refuse to meet Draco Malfoy's eyes; her body was stuck still, there was no escape — there was nowhere to go.
  "Ah, look what we got here boys! Little bony Hufflepuff—"
  "Selene," Harry whispered softly, cutting in as Draco was talking.
   Draco or Harry. Draco or Harry. Cry or don't cry.
   She couldn't move, stuck in a trance. Draco and his gang were coming closer, a disgusting grin on the blonde's small lips while Harry was getting closer — probably closer than Draco — to her from behind.
  "And look, she brought her friend!" Crabbe ( she thinks ) spoke out loud, a loud snort like a pig echoed disgustingly through the corridor. Luckily, it was only the Slytherins, one Gryffindor and Hufflepuff there.
  "She has friends?!"
  Laughter. All she heard was it. It over-whelmed her to the point she felt as if the could crawl up into a ball and cry. Why were they laughing? What was so funny about being lonely? Why did they need to shove it in her face that no one liked her, no one talked to her—?
   "Selene." A whisper between the laughter. Something other than taunts. It was different, familiar and scary but different.
  He was behind her, the voice was closer than the laughter and it was like all senses came back. She could feel his presence, she could hear her heart beating, she could smell the soft air of the crips Hogwarts air.
  "It's okay." He took a step forward, and Selene's eyes widened.
   "And look here, she brought a protector!" Draco taunted, laughing like the devil. "But out of everyone she chose Pottah—"
  "Shut it Malfoy!" Harry snapped, stepping forward so Selene was now slightly behind him. She felt pathetic, as she stood there with her fingertips still trembling.
 She felt pathetic. Absolutely fucking pathetic, humiliated and embarrassed. They were still laughing at her and here she was— hiding behind Harry Potter out of all people like he was her protector.
  "Poor little bony Freeman needs a protector how cute," Goyle laughed piggly, looking at her with grin that made her stomach turn in.
   "And has her boyfriend Pottah to do it as well—"
   Harry responded but Selene wasn't listening. All she could do was look down with tears wanting to spill from her eyes. She was pathetic for being scared of them, for having to allow someone else help and care for her, to protect her from him— but it's Malfoy: the same guy who poured water on her last year infront of everyone to embarrass her and it just so happened she was wearing a pink bra that day too which everyone saw. The same guy who, in second year, tripped her over right infront of Snape and made him trip which ended with three months worth of detention and 100 points taken of Hufflepuff; so not only was she embarrassed but also hated for making Hufflepuff lose points. And of course, in the first year — spread a rumour that eleven-year-old Selene Freeman was in love with Harry Potter.
   So, with no thought process Selene Freeman did what she always does— run away from her problems.
   The laughter and taunts of the Slytherins got further and further away but the presence of him didn't. She knew Harry was following her and any this time she didn't believe she would actually get away from him.
  "Selene—" his hand gripped her forearm making her come to a stop. She tumbled slightly on her feet from bad balance and whipped around to face him. Looking up slightly into his emerald eyes and she could see a mixture of worry and still curiosity. His cheeks bloomed a red when he realised his hand was still around her forearm and quickly dropped it.
   "Are you okay?"
   She hated it. She hated the words, she hated the fake care behind the words. It's why she ran, it's why she stays away, it's why she doesn't give eye contact. This is what she was running from; now she was faced with it.
   "'M fine." Her hands dug into the pockets of her school cardigan, both hands curling into a fist as she tried to keep eye contact with him. She hated eye contact, and eye contact with Harry Potter just seemed to be just more difficult.
  "Are you sure?" He asked, looking at her with slight worry, "I came to check up on you after class but you kind of um. . . Ran?" He missed the way she seemed to wince at his choice of words. God, she felt embarrassed. "And then everything with Malfoy—"
  "Like I said I'm fine," she looked down at her shoes, not being able to continue eye contact any longer. "Thanks though."
  "Thanks for what?" He smiled slightly as if he was happy with his response. Was he. . . Flirting? She was fucking crazy for even thinking that for a moment.
  "I don't know."
  And then silence fell upon them. And then she turned around and left. And he didn't follow her either.
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        00. SHE COULDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT DAY. Selene Freeman didn't know how long the feeling of embarrassment lasted but it has been nearly three days since Harry Potter had basically become her knight in shining armour and she fucking still felt humiliated.
  He saw something she only showed her mirror. Panic and fear were too think she lived with on a near-daily basis and showed no one. But Harry had seen it. She was waiting for the day to come where people would start to taunt her for it as he would have spread it around, people laughing at her as they went by making her only more humiliated and embarrassed. But yet, the day never came.
  No one bothered her, no one looked in her direction. There was no laughter, no taunting whispers, so pointed fingers. There was nothing.
   Days just went on as it was.
   But slowly Selene began to calm down, finding herself less paranoid every day as no word of what happened between the gang of Slytherins, Harry and herself went down after the fourth years first Defense Lesson. Selene could kiss the gods above for it. And luckily, there was a distraction from the anxiety and panic.
  Lessons were becoming more difficult and demanding than ever before, particularly Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts. To Selene's surprise, Professor Moody had announced that he would be putting the Imperius Curse on each of them in turn, to demonstrate its power and to see whether they could resist its effects. And Selene was not excited.
   She was thinking of skipping class but then she remembered she was too scared to actually do it. And she couldn't avoid the subject altogether. So she dealt with it. Even with Harry Potter's gazes from beside her, or looks, Moody would give her sometimes in class for no reason. If she were to ignore it, it would go away.
   "But — but you said it's illegal Professor," said Hermione uncertainly as Moody cleared away the desks with a sweep of his wand, leaving a large clear space in the middle of the room. "You said — to use it against another human was —"
  "Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like," said Moody, his magical eye swivelling onto Hermione and fixing her with an eerie, unblinking stare. "If you'd rather learn the hard way — when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely — fine by me. You're excused. Off you go."  He pointed one gnarled finger toward the door.
  Hermione went very pink and muttered something about not meaning that she wanted to leave. Selene's arms crossed over her chest, tightening her arms around her body as she moved herself into the corner of the room. Her eyes falling on Harry and Ron who stood next to Hermione and they were grinning at each other.
  She quickly turned away from them.
   Moody began to beckon students forward in turn and put the Imperius Curse upon them. Selene watched as, one by one, her classmates did the most extraordinary things under its influence. Dean Thomas hopped three times around the room, singing the national anthem. Lavender Brown imitated a squirrel. Neville performed a series of quite astonishing gymnastics he would certainly not have been capable of in his normal state. Not one of them seemed to be able to fight off the curse, and each of them recovered only when Moody had removed it.
   She shook her head, all eyes now falling her and she stood in her corner. She wasn't looking at anyone but she could everyone's eyes on her. "Freeman come on."
   "I—" She gulped, "I don't want to."
   "Feels bad, but you have to do it." Her mouth gaped. She couldn't be the only one who doesn't do it, and if she just quickly rushes up there and he does the spell and she fails she can get back quicker. So, her feet began to drag themselves closer and closer to the teacher, closer and closer to the front of the class infront of everyone. Everyone watching her, all eyes on her. Attention on her. She missed the looks sent her way by Harry Potter.
   "Get ready," the Professor growled, pointing his wand up at her the moment she managed to stand infront of him; closing her eyes as she tried to forget about everyone else, trying to calm down her nerves.
   Floating. It was the only word she could use to explain how she was currently feeling. Like angels were carrying her in the sky, or she was on the moon with no gravity and with every step she took she was literally floating. it lasted like this for a few moments, just the peacefulness of pure nothing and silence until  small voice began to dig into her brain and thoughts: "Tell me who you are."
   The voice must be able to hear her, or maybe she said it out loud without meaning too either or— it replied: "I know who you are, who your father is. Do you?"
   She said it louder and she knows this time she said it out loud as she heard whispers. Or maybe they were just talking about her, maybe how bad her side-profile looks or how weird she looks, maybe they notice the way her knees look just as Malfoy always mentions—
  "You know. You're a smart girl you surely would have figured it out by now. So tell me."
   She was pulled out of the comfort of the floating feeling and all sense came back to light. The bright room hitting her now, the sight of the teacher in front of her looking. . . Mad? "Good job Freeman." He grunted, shaking his head. "Potter, you next."
  Selene stayed there for a moment, eyebrows furrowed and it only hit her she was still standing in front of the class when Harry moved in front of her; looking at her with a tilted head and a slightly worried look. She made eye contact with him for a moment before looking back down at her shoes and hurrying off back to her corner; ignoring everyone and everything for the rest of the lesson.
   She also ignored the looks she got from others and certainly ignored Harry who was quick to call for her once class was over and she rushed out. But luckily he didn't follow her like last time.
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           00. ALL THE FOURTH YEARS HAD NOTICED A DEFINITE INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF WORK THEY WERE REQUIRED TO DO THIS TERM TOO. Professor McGonagall explained why, when the class gave a particularly loud groan at the amount of Transfiguration homework she had assigned. "You are now entering a most important phase of your magical education!" she told them, her eyes glinting dangerously behind her square spectacles. "Your Ordinary Wizarding Levels are drawing closer —"
 "We don't take O.W.L.s till fifth year!" said Dean Thomas indignantly. "Maybe not, Thomas, but believe me, you need all the preparation you can get! Miss Granger remains the only person in this class who has managed to turn a hedgehog into a satisfactory pincushion. I might remind you that your pincushion, Thomas, still curls up in fright if anyone approaches it with a pin!" Hermione, who had turned rather pink again, seemed to be trying not to look too pleased with herself.
  A Hufflepuff named Hannah Abbott who sat beside Selene laughed and Selene had to hold herself back from not rolling her eyes when she saw Hannah giggling because Dean winked at Hannah.
   Divination, History of Magic and Potions were just as bad. Expect with Divination Selene was being told every. single. time she walked into the class that she was destined to save or destroy the world. That she would have to choose between family or morals. Apparently. Then, in History Of Magic Selene fell asleep as she choose this as her relaxed subject since there was generally nothing to it and then, of course, Potions with her favourite teacher Professor Snape who's had it out for her ever since the second year.
  She was basically used to it by now.
  When Selene arrived in the entrance hall one early morning there was a large crowd of students congregating there, all surrounding a large sign that had been erected at the foot of the marble staircase. She could barley read the sign through the large group of people but she managed to find a small hole where she could just read it:
The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be arriving at 6 o'clock on Friday the 30th of October. Lessons will end half an hour early. Students will return their bags and books to their dormitories and assemble in front of the castle to greet our guests before the Welcoming Feast.
"Only a week away!" said Ernie Macmillan loudly making Selene look over to him. The Hufflepuff, emerging from the crowd, his eyes gleaming and standing near Harry, Hermione and Ron. Something else was said to him but she didn't stick around to find out; instead, she pushed through the crowd; making sure to keep her head down and walking away. Not seeing Harry's eyes on her.
 The appearance of the sign in the entrance hall had a marked effect upon the inhabitants of the castle. During the following week, there seemed to be only one topic of conversation, no matter where Selene went: the Triwizard Tournament. Rumours were flying from student to student like highly contagious germs: who was going to try for Hogwarts champion, what the tournament would involve, how the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang differed from themselves.
  She also noticed too that the castle seemed to be undergoing an extra-thorough cleaning. Several grimy portraits had been scrubbed, much to the displeasure of their subjects, who sat huddled in their frames muttering darkly and wincing as they felt their raw pink faces. The suits of armour were suddenly gleaming and moving without squeaking, and Argus Filch, the caretaker, was behaving so ferociously to any students who forgot to wipe their shoes that he terrified a pair of first-year girls into hysterics.
  Other members of the staff seemed oddly tense too. "Longbottom, kindly do not reveal that you can't even perform a simple Switching Spell in front of anyone from Durmstrang!" Professor McGonagall barked at the end of one particularly difficult lesson, during which Neville had accidentally transplanted his own ears onto a cactus.
  When Selene went down to breakfast on the morning of the thirtieth of October, she found that the Great Hall had been decorated overnight. Enormous silk banners hung from the walls, each of them representing a Hogwarts House: red with a gold lion for Gryffindor, blue with a bronze eagle for Ravenclaw, yellow with a black badger for Hufflepuff, and green with a silver serpent for Slytherin. Behind the teachers' table, the largest banner of all bore the Hogwarts coat of arms: lion, eagle, badger, and snake united around a large letter H.
  And still, throughout the whole breakfast, Selene had to listen to talks about the Tournament. And this time, it was about Golden Boy Cedric Diggory who, rumour has it, is going for it this year. Hannah Abbott, a Hufflepuff in Selene's year was talking all about it to her friends and Selene was this close to stabbing her ears out. She just wanted silence, but the Great hall during the hours for breakfast, lunch and dinner was definitely not the place to go if you wanted silence.
  So, she stood up and left.  
 There was a pleasant feeling of anticipation in the air that day. Nobody was very attentive in lessons, even Selene who didn't even care about the tournament itself she just being much more interested in the arrival of new people from different places in the world.
  When the bell rang early, Selene found herself lined up on the rows of the staircase of Hogwarts. And of course, Harry, Hermione and Ron stood beside her as she watched Harry squeeze his way towards her and now she was stuck there. It could be worse. . .
  "Nearly six," said Ron, checking his watch and then staring down the drive that led to the front gates. "How d'you reckon they're coming? The train?"
  "I doubt it," said Hermione, standing on the furthest end to Selene.
  "How, then? Broomsticks?" Harry suggested from next to Selene, looking up at the starry sky.  "I don't think so . . . not from that far away. . . ." He muttered and Selene nearly snorted out loud.
  "A Portkey?" Ron suggested. "Or they could Apparate — maybe you're allowed to do it under seventeen wherever they come from?"
  "You can't Apparate inside the Hogwarts grounds, how often do I have to tell you?" said Hermione impatiently. They scanned the darkening grounds excitedly, but nothing was moving; everything was still, silent, and quite as usual. It was cold, Selene wished she was under the covers of her warm bed instead of out here. Waiting for people she would see later anyways for dinner or breakfast.
  And it's not like she'd be missed or looked for probably anyways.
  "You excited?" Selene blinked a few times, her head turning to the side to see Harry looking t her. She titled her head, gulping slightly as if she was confused by his question. "Are you excited for the tournament?"
   "Oh." Selene not only felt stupid that she didn't answer or understand immediately but also for a moment she didn't think he was talking to her. "Um, yeah."
  Harry curled his lips, nodding before looking back out the distance. He got a slap on the shoulder from Ron Weasley who stood next to him; giggling slightly, "Good going mate." Hermione shook her head with a disappointing tick from her tongue while Harry rolled his eyes and ignored him.
  "Aha! Unless I am very much mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches!" Dumbledore the Headmaster said. "Where?" said many students eagerly, all looking in different directions.
  "There!" yelled a sixth year, pointing over the forest. Something large, much larger than a broomstick — or, indeed, a hundred broomsticks — was hurtling across the deep blue sky toward the castle, growing larger all the time.
  "It's a dragon!" shrieked one of the first years, losing her head completely.
   "Don't be stupid. . . it's a flying house!" said Dennis Creevey. As the gigantic black shape skimmed over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and the lights shining from the castle windows hit it, they saw a gigantic, powder blue, horse-drawn carriage, the size of a large house, soaring toward them, pulled through the air by a dozen winged horses, all palominos, and each the size of an elephant.
  The front three rows of students drew backward as the carriage hurtled ever lower, coming in to land at a tremendous speed — then, with an almighty crash that made Neville jump backward onto a Slytherin fifth year's foot, the horses' hooves, larger than dinner plates, hit the ground. A second later, the carriage landed too, bouncing upon its vast wheels, while the golden horses tossed their enormous heads and rolled large, fiery red eyes. Selene just had time to see that the door of the carriage bore a coat of arms before it opened.
  A boy in pale blue robes jumped down from the carriage, bent forward, fumbled for a moment with something on the carriage floor, and unfolded a set of golden steps. He sprang back respectfully. Then Selene saw a shining, high-heeled black shoe emerging from the inside of the carriage — a shoe the size of a child's sled — followed, almost immediately, by the largest woman he had ever seen in his life.
  The size of the carriage, and of the horses, was immediately explained. A few people gasped. A large woman stood out, taller than Hagrid and that was saying something. She could only look at her, with pure curiosity and awe. As she stepped into the light flooding from the entrance hall, she was revealed to have a handsome, olive-skinned face; large, black, liquid-looking eyes; and a rather beaky nose. Her hair was drawn back in a shining knob at the base of her neck. She was dressed from head to foot in black satin, and many magnificent opals gleamed at her throat and on her thick fingers. Dumbledore started to clap; the students, following his lead, broke into applause too, many of them standing on tiptoe, the better to look at this woman.
  Her face relaxed into a gracious smile and she walked forward toward Dumbledore, extending a glittering hand. Dumbledore, though tall himself, had barely to bend to kiss it. "My dear Madame Maxime," he said. "Welcome to Hogwarts."
  "Dumbly-dorr," said Madame Maxime in a deep voice. "I 'ope I find you well?"
  "In excellent form, I thank you," said Dumbledore.
  "My pupils," said Madame Maxime, waving one of her enormous hands carelessly behind her. Selene, whose attention had been focused completely upon Madame Maxime, now noticed that about a dozen boys and girls, all, by the look of them, in their late teens, had emerged from the carriage and were now standing behind Madame Maxime. They were shivering, which was unsurprising, given that their robes seemed to be made of fine silk, and none of them were wearing cloaks.
  "'As Karkaroff arrived yet?" Madame Maxime asked.
  "He should be here any moment," said Dumbledore. "Would you like to wait here and greet him or would you prefer to step inside and warm up a trifle?"
 "Warm up, I think," said Madame Maxime. "But ze 'orses —"
  "Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher will be delighted to take care of them," said Dumbledore, "the moment he has returned from dealing with a slight situation that has arisen with some of his other — er — charges. My steeds require — er — forceful 'andling," said Madame Maxime, looking as though she doubted whether any Care of Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts could be up to the job. "Zey are very strong. . ."
  "I assure you that Hagrid will be well up to the job," said Dumbledore, smiling.
  "Very well," said Madame Maxime, bowing slightly. "Will you please inform zis 'Agrid zat ze 'orses drink only single-malt whiskey?"
  "It will be attended to," said Dumbledore, also bowing.
  "Come," said Madame Maxime imperiously to her students, and the Hogwarts crowd parted to allow her and her students to pass up the stone steps.
  "How big d'you reckon Durmstrang's horses are going to be?" Seamus Finnigan, a Gryffindor in Selene's year said, leaning around Lavender and Parvati to address Harry and Ron.
  "Well, if they're any bigger than this lot, even Hagrid won't be able to handle them," said Harry. Selene was listening in but pretended she wasn't but continued to look forward. "That's if he hasn't been attacked by his skrewts. Wonder what's up with them?"
  "Maybe they've escaped," said Ron hopefully.
  "Oh don't say that," said Hermione with a shudder, her dark brown skin emitting beautifully against the soft light. "Imagine that lot loose on the grounds. . ."
   Most people were gazing hopefully up at the sky as they waited for the Drumstrang to turn up. For a few minutes, the silence was broken only by Madame Maxime's huge horses snorting and stamping. But then — "Can you hear something?" said Ron suddenly.
  Selene listened; a loud and oddly eerie noise was drifting toward them from out of the darkness: a muffled rumbling and sucking sound, as though an immense vacuum cleaner were moving along a riverbed. . .
  "The lake!" yelled Lee Jordan, pointing down at it. "Look at the lake!" From their position at the top of the lawns overlooking the grounds, they had a clear view of the smooth black surface of the water — except that the surface was suddenly not smooth at all. Some disturbance was taking place deep in the center; great bubbles were forming on the surface, waves were now washing over the muddy banks — and then, out in the very middle of the lake, a whirlpool appeared, as if a giant plug had just been pulled out of the lake's floor. . . What seemed to be a long, black pole began to rise slowly out of the heart of the whirlpool. . .
  "It's a mast!" Harry shouted, speaking to Ron and Hermione but Selene overheard. Slowly, magnificently, the ship rose out of the water, gleaming in the moonlight. It had a strangely skeletal look about it, as though it were a resurrected wreck, and the dim, misty lights shimmering at its portholes looked like ghostly eyes.
  Finally, with a great sloshing noise, the ship emerged entirely, bobbing on the turbulent water, and began to glide toward the bank. A few moments later, they heard the splash of an anchor being thrown down in the shallows, and the thud of a plank being lowered onto the bank. People were disembarking; they could see their silhouettes passing the lights in the ship's portholes.
  As they drew nearer, walking up the lawns into the light streaming from the entrance hall, he saw that their bulk was really due to the fact that they were wearing cloaks of some kind of shaggy, matted fur. But the man who was leading them up to the castle was wearing furs of a different sort: sleek and silver, like his hair. "Dumbledore!" he called heartily as he walked up the slope. "How are you, my dear fellow, how are you?"
  "Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore replied. Karkaroff had a deep and dark voice; when he stepped into the light pouring from the front doors of the castle they saw that he was tall and thin like Dumbledore, but his white hair was short, and his goatee did not entirely hide his rather weak chin. When he reached Dumbledore, he shook hands with both of his own.
  "Dear old Hogwarts," he said, looking up at the castle and smiling; his teeth were rather yellow, and Selene noticed that his smile did not extend to his eyes, which remained cold and shrewd. "How good it is to be here, how good. . . Viktor, come along, into the warmth. . . you don't mind, Dumbledore? Viktor has a slight head cold. . ."
  Karkaroff beckoned forward one of his students. As the boy passed, Selene heard multiple people gasp. She didn't understand but when she heard Ron shakily whisper shout to Harry from beside her she began to understand. . .
  "Harry — it's Krum!"
   Boys and their fucking Quidditch. Selene rolled her eyes internally but when she turned to the side she saw Harry looking at her she blinked, before turning away and beginning to walk back into the castle.
   Harry Potter was going to be the absolute death of her.    She just knows it.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 ∖ h. potter.
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER FOUR. ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ liability — act one / goblet of fire
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tw: talks of bullying and negative body talk of themselves and from others.
             00. SELENE FREEMAN WAS OUT OF BREATH BY THE TIME SHE MADE IT TO THE HOGWARTS KITCHENS. Her eyes kept peering behind her, waiting for Draco Malfoy and his gang of followers to walk through behind her. Luckily, it seemed she had lost them and was safe for now.
   Draco Malfoy. The ban of her existence. He loved bullying and harassing kids, everyone in the school knew this but for some reason; he just loved going after Selene. And she frankly was terrified of him, scared of his words that stung deep in her chest and the teasing words he would throw her way every so often. It made her self-conscious, make herself look in the mirror every so often and notice how her limbs did seem to stick out and how it was plainly obvious her teeth were not perfectly straight like everyone else's or even the small pimples she would often find; gaining new ones every single morning.
   It was the only downside to Hogwarts. Having to deal with them.
  Her eyes scanned the area she stood in. Small house-elves rustled around the kitchen, hands filled with bowls, kitchen utensils or cooked / uncooked food, and small aprons sat on their bodies; but none of them even looked up at her, seemingly either ignoring her presence or not even noticing she was stood there. Selene was grateful though they didn't bother her, that she was able to walk into the kitchen without them asking questions, being curious or even just talking to her. The last thing she wanted was a bunch of elves looking at her with some emotion Selene wouldn't be able to read as tears dripped down onto the kitchen tiled floor.
   She hated guilty looks, she hated people's questions such as 'are you okay' as if they give a shit about her and how she generally was going. Because in reality, when someone asks the simple question 'are you okay' they don't want an actual answer; they were just being polite and couldn't care less about you and how you were. Selene wasn't being harsh: she was just being truthful.
   Classes was to start in ten minutes. She had her first Defense Against The Dark Art's class with Professor Moody and she was not excited. Though she had heard good things about him, his classes and his teaching — Selene was in no mood to learn about Defense spells. Keyword is learn.
  The classes don't actually allow you to practise the spells — no, you have to wait until you're older to actually practice and learn real and interesting spells. She just knew it would be the same as last year, and the year before and the year before that; sitting there with a book in front of her, words being forced into her mind every lesson with little to no interaction with anything else other than reading and writing.
   Besides the large rant about how much Selene hates classes — particularly DADA — her eyes began to draw back behind her shoulder, checking the kitchen's entrance to make sure no one was there before dropping her bag onto the floor and moving herself to sit against a wall; leaning her head backwards as a large sigh left her lips.
  How did she end up like this? How did she end up so. . . scared? Scared to roam the halls without running into the Slytherins ( or a certain group of them ), without always looking behind her with a heavy heart when she would see the familiar blonde hair. She hated it, feeling scared and anxious— her heart dropping out of her chest when she would catch sight of Draco Malfoy looking at her in class or in the Great Hall; the glint of amusement or a large smirk painted on his lips when they would make eye contact. She just hated him.
  Why couldn't she just stand up for herself? Tell him to fuck off, push him away or just ignore him altogether? Why did she allow his words to affect her so much, why did she allow him to make her so scared and anxious of him that every time she even saw him she would nearly always tense up, turn silent and make a run for it?
   God, she was pathetic.
   The bell rang. Indicating first period to start and forcing kids to walk straight into hell— sorry classrooms with the devil as their teacher. Okay, Selene may be over-exaggerating a bit because it could be a lot worst but it was still school and she still had to go.
  So she did. Her brunette hair fell down as a seeming barrier around her face, her eyes staying down as she rushed into the already busy classroom; most people were already inside with their groups of friends, making sure to get good seats and seats with their friends. Selene sometimes wished she had at least one person to sit beside in classroom. But she didn't.
  She could hear their laughter, their cruel voices echoing into her brain and like a trigger, she began to tense up; her feet scurrying quicker to a seat and quickly dropping herself down onto an empty seat. Her hands moving into her bag to distract herself by making herself comfortable and getting ready for the class. And at the same time, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley had walked through the classroom door.
  "I've heard so many good things about this class Harry," Ron nudged the emerald boy's side with a small smirk, red hair covering his forehead and some of his eyesight from how long it is. Harry nodded, smiling at his best mate before moving his eyes to look out in front of him. His eyes fell on none other than Selene Freeman whose head hung low, eyes peering into her DADA Year Four book they had to buy for the year as part of their book list.
   "Come on, I see three empty seats there." Harry pushed past Ron and Hermione, wanting to take the empty seat beside Selene. His two Gryffindor friends followed him though the Potter's eyes stayed on the brunette who had no clue of him and his plan.
  He needed to sit next to her, it wasn't a want, it was a need. He could not disappoint Sirius and the simple task he had been given by him. If he could sit next to Selene then his life would become so much easier; he would be able to actually talk to her, maybe find out some things about her and maybe in the end; become her friend just as Sirius had asked him to. If there was one thing Harry Potter hated, it was letting people down.
  And he wasn't planning on experiencing the guilt in his stomach when he did disappoint someone.
  The Hufflepuff girl jumped in her seat, her bones seemingly jumping out of place before moving back into position when a shoulder came into contact with her own. Her brown eyes snapped to who's shoulder had touched her to only find an awkwardly smiling emerald eye boy looking back at her; his bag dropped onto the wooden table and his glasses slightly wonky. "Hey, Selene. Mind if I sit?"
  Blinking with slightly squinted eyes as she peered at him; eyes flicking up to his forehead where laid the famous lightning-bolt scar as his hands moved his hair out the way before looking back at him, gulping when they made eye contact once more.
  She didn't really want him there. Simple as that. She wanted to be alone, just like every year where the seat beside her would always be empty and she wouldn't have to worry about any distractions. But now, she had Potter sitting beside her ( a pretty yet awkward smile on his thin lips, eyes gleaming with the hope she was and would ever be confused about— ) and his two best friends, Ron and Hermione sitting behind her. She wouldn't be alone anymore. She hated not being alone.
  "Er sure," she grinned awkwardly, moving her hair behind her face with one hand as she moved her body to face the front of the classroom. "Seems though you answered your own question for yourself though. . ." Selene awkwardly winced internally at her 'come-back'. Get it together, that isn't even funny what are you doing—
  Hermione Granger giggled slightly, edging Selene's eyes behind her to look at the dark-skinned girl; her brown lips curled into an amused smile as she leaned back in her seat, her book and quills already laid down on her desk. "Hi Selene," her eyes glimmered with amusement yet again, looking at the brunette, "I'm Hermione."
   Selene was stunned for a moment. "I know." Really Selene? Nice going— "I mean—" she coughed as a small blush covered her cheeks, "— I've just seen you around a-and know your name from being in the same year for four years. . . But it's okay if you don't know my name I don't expect you to know mine I'm just trying to say—"
   "It's okay Selene," Hermione smiled with a small chuckle. "And I know you're name, remember— we sat together on the train ride here and like you said, been in the same year for the past four years."
   Selene blushed from embarrassment even more so, her head ducking down slightly as she nodded and turned back around to the front. Suddenly hating and despising the fact she had to sit with these people as she just embarrassed herself infront of them. And for the first time in forever, Selene Freeman was grateful the Professor had finally turned up to class and began to speak; allowing her to move in her seat until she was nearly laying flat in it in hopes neither of the three Gryffindors would try and talk to her.
   The last thing she needed was for Harry Potter to think she was weird. But then again, he probably already thought she was and was sitting here because there were no other seats in the classroom—
   "You can put those away," Moody growled as he stumped over to his desks. "Those books. You won't need them."
  They returned the books to their bags, including Selene who furrowed her eyebrows while Ron looking excited. Moody took out a register, shook his long mane of grizzled grey hair out of his twisted and scarred face, and began to call out names, his normal eye moving steadily down the list while his magical eye swiveled around, fixing upon each student as he or she answered.
  "Right then," he said, when the last person had declared themselves present, "I've had a letter from Professor Lupin about this class. Seems you've had a pretty thorough grounding in tackling Dark creatures — you've covered boggarts, Red Caps, hinkypunks, grindylows, Kappas, and werewolves, is that right?"
  There was a general murmur of assent. "But you're behind — very behind — on dealing with curses," said Moody. "So I'm here to bring you up to scratch on what wizards can do to each other. I've got one year to teach you how to deal with Dark —"
  "What, aren't you staying?" Ron blurted out suddenly. Moody's magical eye spun around to stare at Ron; Ron looked extremely apprehensive, but after a moment Moody smiled— though the smile sent tingles down Selene's neck— and not in a good way.
  "You'll be Arthur Weasley's son, eh?" Moody said. "Your father got me out of a very tight corner a few days ago. . .  Yeah, I'm staying just the one year. Special favor to Dumbledore. . .  One year, and then back to my quiet retirement." He gave a harsh laugh, and then clapped his gnarled hands together. "So — straight into it. Curses. They come in many strengths and forms. Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm supposed to teach you countercurses and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you what illegal Dark curses look like until you're in the sixth year. You're not supposed to be old enough to deal with it till then. But Professor Dumbledore's got a higher opinion of your nerves, he reckons you can cope, and I say, the sooner you know what you're up against, the better. How are you supposed to defend yourself against something you've never seen? A wizard who's about to put an illegal curse on you isn't going to tell you what he's about to do. He's not going to do it nice and polite to your face. You need to be prepared. You need to be alert and watchful. You need to put that away, Miss Brown, when I'm talking!"
  Lavender Brown, a Gryffindor in the same year as Selene, jumped and blushed. She had been showing Parvati her completed horoscope under the desk from near the back of the classroom. Apparently Moody's magical eye could see through solid wood, as well as out of the back of his head.
  "So . . . do any of you know which curses are most heavily punished by wizarding law?" Several hands rose tentatively into the air, including Ron's and Hermione's. Moody pointed at Ron, though his magical eye was still fixed on Lavender.
  "Er," said Ron tentatively, "my dad told me about one. . . Is it called the Imperius Curse, or something?" Selene tensed up, eyes widening. Harry noticed this and furrowed his dark eyebrows, glancing at her from the side. She didn't look him in the eye, nor gave him any attention to his obvious curiosity as to why she was suddenly slightly intrigued into the class.
 "Ah, yes," said Moody appreciatively. "Your father would know that one. Gave the Ministry a lot of trouble at one time, the Imperius Curse." Moody got heavily to his mismatched feet, opened his desk drawer, and took out a glass jar. Three large black spiders were scuttling around inside it.
  Moody reached into the jar, caught one of the spiders, and held it in the palm of his hand so that they could all see it. He then pointed his wand at it and muttered, "Imperio!" The spider leapt from Moody's hand on a fine thread of silk and began to swing backward and forward as though on a trapeze. It stretched out its legs rigidly, then did a back flip, breaking the thread and landing on the desk, where it began to cartwheel in circles. Moody jerked his wand, and the spider rose onto two of its hind legs and went into what was unmistakably a tap dance. Everyone was laughing — everyone except Moody and Selene.
  She hated it. Absolutely despised it. She felt sick to her stomach as she stared at the poor insect, being tortured while others laughed at it. Others were entertained at the creature being forced against its will. And yet again, Harry looked at her; eyes furrowing yet again at her behaviour and it seemed, yet again, she was ignoring his eyes and obvious confusion.
   Couldn't he just keep his eyes to himself?!
  "Think it's funny, do you?" Moody growled. "You'd like it, would you, if I did it to you?" The laughter died away almost instantly. "Total control," said Moody quietly as the spider balled itself up and began to roll over and over. "I could make it jump out of the window, drown itself, throw itself down one of your throats . . . Years back, there were a lot of witches and wizards being controlled by the Imperius Curse. Some job for the Ministry, trying to sort out who was being forced to act, and who was acting of their own free will. The Imperius Curse can be fought, and I'll be teaching you how, but it takes real strength of character, and not everyone's got it. Better avoid being hit with it if you can. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" he barked, and everyone jumped.
  Moody picked up the somersaulting spider and threw it back into the jar. "Anyone else know one? Another illegal curse?" Hermione's hand flew into the air again and so did Neville's.
 "Yes?" said Moody, his magical eye rolling right over to fix on Neville. "There's one — the Cruciatus Curse," said Neville in a small but distinct voice. Moody was looking very intently at Neville, this time with both eyes.
  "Your name's Longbottom?" he said, his magical eye swooping down to check the register again. Neville nodded nervously, but Moody made no further inquiries. Turning back to the class at large, he reached into the jar for the next spider and placed it upon the desktop, where it remained motionless, apparently too scared to move.
  "The Cruciatus Curse," said Moody. "Needs to be a bit bigger for you to get the idea," he said, pointing his wand at the spider. "Engorgio!" The spider swelled. It was now larger than a tarantula. Moody raised his wand again, pointed it at the spider, and muttered, "Crucio!" At once, the spider's legs bent in upon its body; it rolled over and began to twitch horribly, rocking from side to side. No sound came from it, but Selene was sure that if it could have given voice, it would have been screaming. Moody did not remove his wand, and the spider started to shudder and jerk more violently —
 "Stop it!" Hermione said shrilly.
  Selene felt a tear fall down her cheek. God, she was pathetic, why is she crying, why is she affected by this, why is she so disgusted and hurt at the mere act of torture towards a creature? She knew why though. And she hated it.
Harry looked at Selene then moved to Hermione. She was looking, not at the spider, but at Neville, and Harry, following her gaze, saw that Neville's hands were clenched upon the desk in front of him, his knuckles white, his eyes wide and horrified. And when Harry moved back to Selene he saw the way her body was leaned backwards, her eyes fluttering closed as she took a sharp breath.
  She could feel his eyes on her and she hated it. She didn't want him asking questions, she didn't want him to care or act like he cared. She didn't want his attention, his questions or soft words. She wanted out this classroom.
  Moody raised his wand. The spider's legs relaxed, but it continued to twitch. "Reducio," Moody muttered, and the spider shrank back to its proper size. He put it back into the jar. "Pain," said Moody softly. "You don't need thumbscrews or knives to torture someone if you can perform the Cruciatus Curse. . . That one was very popular once too. Right . . . anyone know any others?"
 It was dead silent. The looks on everyone's faces, everyone was terrified, disgusted or confused. Even Malfoy; though, Selene when she made eye contact with him for a split moment he turned his frown into a tight smirk, grinning at her sending shivers down her spine. She didn't want to deal with him, she didn't want the teasing— he was going to tease her, he saw how sad she looked, how her eyes were teared up— she couldn't do it, she couldn't deal with his teasing. Not today. Not now.
  Hermione's hand shook slightly as, for the third time, she raised it into the air. "Yes?" said Moody, looking at her. "Avada Kedavra," Hermione whispered. Several people looked uneasily around at her. Selene's heart dropped out of her chest. She was going to throw up. She felt like she was at least.
  "Ah," said Moody, another slight smile twisting his lopsided mouth. "Yes, the last and worst. Avada Kedavra . . . the Killing Curse." He put his hand into the glass jar, and almost as though it knew what was coming, the third spider scuttled frantically around the bottom of the jar, trying to evade Moody's fingers, but he trapped it, and placed it upon the desktop. It started to scuttle frantically across the wooden surface. Moody raised his wand, and Harry felt a sudden thrill of foreboding. "Avada Kedavra!" Moody roared.  
  There was a flash of blinding green light and a rushing sound, as though a vast, invisible something was soaring through the air — instantaneously the spider rolled over onto its back, unmarked, but unmistakably dead. Several of the students stifled cries; Ron had thrown himself backward and almost toppled off his seat as the spider skidded toward him. Selene didn't move, she just tensed and looked down. Refusing to let more tears escape her, refusing to allow herself to be seen as weak.
  Moody swept the dead spider off the desk onto the floor. "Not nice," he said calmly. "Not pleasant. And there's no countercurse. There's no blocking it. Only one known person has ever survived it, and he's sitting right in front of me."
  Selene's eyes wandered slowly to the boy Moody was looking at; finding an anxious, scared and non-moving Potter boy sitting absolutely stiff and still in his seat; confused on what just happened. His eyes though told a different story to his body; filled with flashes of his thoughts, angry seas that were tamed before this class and a towering tsunami of depression waving over his emerald eyes.
 Harry James Potter had dark secrets: and Selene Freeman had the dangerous urge tugging on her heart and soul to figure them out. Though, she first needed to sort out her own issues first— Ah what was she kidding, she was fine.
  Completely and utterly fine.
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babyinbluee · 2 years
𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 ∖ h. potter.
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ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ  ❥ ──── ♯ CHAPTER THREE. ㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ᠎᠎ㅤㅤㅤ liability — act one / goblet of fire
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             00. SELENE HAS A CAT.
   You didn't know that? Well, now you do. And that cat was fluffy as dandelions with white hair that was as soft as silk; small black dots scatted around its face with deep ocean blue eyes always peering up at Selene whenever she was around.
   The cat's name was Dora. Yes, as in Dora the Explora. Lexi Young had named her when she was younger and when Selene had to get some type of animal/pet for school. She brought it home at the age of ten ( nearly eleven ) to the orphanage but their carer who 'looked after them' ( funny joke ) told Selene that no pets were allowed in the orphanage or house.
   Selene had to comply, as sad as she was, she didn't want to upset the carer anymore than she already was — as she seemed to always have an issue with Selene. But, Selene managed to create an agreement with the old woman that if she was allowed to keep the cat in her room until school began and from there she would keep the cat there.
  The women agreed but it also meant extra chores Selene needed to do and if the cat left the room and was seen at all she would be killed.
   Yeah, as you can see the old women loved animals.
   And luckily it worked out; when Selene got to Hogwarts she instantly went to her head of house for Hufflepuff, explaining her situation about her cat and then was sent to McGonagall who happily took in the cat and promised to keep it safe and well while Selene was away from the Summer Break.
   Dora was an independent little soul as McGonagall called her, which was amazing as Selene then didn't have to worry about Dora becoming sad because her owner wasn't around at all times. Like her, Dora liked being alone; though, maybe just like Selene, Dora also wished for a friend but was too scared to interact with someone and always over-thinking that maybe they are just using her or, or doing it out of pity and that it's better for everyone if she was just alone—
   Too dark?
   "Ahh Miss Freeman, I assume you are looking for Dora?" Selene nodded softly, tugging down on her sleeves on her arms from her jumper as she stood at the door of McGonagall's office. The teacher stood up from where she originally sat behind her desk, smiling softly as she began to walk towards the back of her office where a wooden door could be seen.
   "She was very good this summer Selene," the Professor came walking out the door with a small fluffy familiar cat walking behind her, "I think she missed you though."
   Selene smiled widely, kneeling down onto the floor and opening her arms up slightly as Dora began to walk towards her. Dora, the moment she saw her owner, seemed to speed up, walking into Selene's chest and instantly Selene's arms wrapped around the cat's body softly; picking her up and cradling her in Selene's chest.
   "thank you again, for looking after her," Selene smiled softly, one hand holding the cat's body and the other running softly through Dora's furr. McGonagall nodded, smiling, "Of course Selene, anytime. And quickly before you go, here's your timetable for the year."
   With one hand Selene quickly grabbed the paper out the head of Gryffindor's hand with one ore 'thank you' before walking out. Her hands quickly scanned the timetable, not really having any emotion towards her timetable. She knew she'd just sit in the back of the classroom anyways, taking notes and listening so it didn't matter to her who she was sharing it with.
    Someone was calling her name and she didn't know why. She spun around, eyes looking around to try and find the person who had called her. And she found them, a red tie hanging loosely around their neck, emerald eyes shining behind their crooked glasses and a flustered expression on their face.
   Why had Harry Potter called her name?
   "Selene," he said again, not as loud nor urgently this time as he got closer to her and realised she was not moving; that she wasn't going to run away from him like she did last night.
   She titled her head, both hands holding her cat against her chest which Harry only now realised she was holding. Selene only stood there, feet glued to the ground and her eyes stuck on him; watching him get closer and closer until he was only meters away from her.
   "Selene. . ."
    "That is my name," she finally mustered to say, slightly confused and annoyed? that he had stopped her in the middle of an empty corridor. His eyes widened and his cheeks blew out as he gulped, seemingly lost all train of thought as he faced her.
   "Er. . . I didn't know you had a cat," he smiled slightly, tilting his head slightly as he flicked his eyes from the cat in her hand to her eyes. Selene only blinked back, looking down at the cat in her arms before slowly moving her eyes back to meet his.
   Harry swore he could have melted. "Well, now I guess you do. . ." Harry rubbed his hand on his neck, cheeks flushing and eyes not being able to stay in one spot for too long.
   "Brilliant," he breathed out, wincing internally at his slightly high-pitched voice. Why was he so awkward? It was only Selene Freeman, nothing special about her. . . Expect for the way she looked at him and the way her pretty brunette hair fell around her face—
    "If that's all. . . I best be going. . ." Harry watched her awkwardly smile at him, taking small steps backwards before turning fully around; walking fast-paced with her head hung low.
  And all while Harry watched her go, he could only think of how the fucking hell he was supposed to become her friend when he couldn't even talk to her normally.
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         00. SELENE FREEMAN WISHED TO GET FAR AWAY FROM HARRY POTTER AS SHE COULD, BUT YET, LUCK SEEMED TO NOT BE ON HER SIDE AS HER FIRST LESSON OF THE YEAR HAPPENED TO BE SHARED WITH THE GRYFFINDORS. Selene did what she always did and stand near the back of the class, or at least alone as she found working alone better than having to rely on someone else. Because then at least if she screwed up something, it was her fault only.
   The moment she found herself sitting in the Herbology classroom she felt a pair of eyes on her, and those pair of eyes happen to be the boy she was trying to ignore or more or less, not interact with. When she met his eyes he didn't look elsewhere for a while, keeping his eyes with hers for just a moment before blushing and looking away.
  She could only furrow her eyebrows slightly and turn back to the teacher.
  "Bubotubers," Professor Sprout told the class briskly. "They need squeezing. You will collect the pus —"
  "The what?" said Seamus Finnigan, sounding revolted. Selene shook her head slightly as she tried to hide a small smile from the immature joke Seamus made.
   "Pus, Finnigan, pus," said Professor Sprout, "and it's extremely valuable, so don't waste it. You will collect the pus, I say, in these bottles. Wear your dragon-hide gloves; it can do funny things to the skin when undiluted, bubotuber pus."
   Squeezing the bubotubers was disgusting, but oddly satisfying. As each swelling was popped, a large amount of thick yellowish-green liquid burst forth, which smelled strongly of petrol. They caught it in the bottles as Professor Sprout had indicated, and by the end of the lesson had collected several pints and Selene was ready to go back to her dorm, take a shower and a nap even though it wasn't even lunchtime yet.
    "This'll keep Madam Pomfrey happy," said Professor Sprout, stoppering the last bottle with a cork. "An excellent remedy for the more stubborn forms of acne, bubotuber pus. Should stop students resorting to desperate measures to rid themselves of pimples."
   "Like poor Eloise Midgen," said Hannah Abbott, a Hufflepuff, in a hushed voice from near Selene's side. "She tried to curse hers off."
   "Silly girl," said Professor Sprout, shaking her head. "But Madam Pomfrey fixed her nose back on in the end."
   Selene frowned, finding herself slightly uncomfortable with the way people were giggling at the thought of Eloise making a mistake to only try and fix something she probably doesn't like about herself.
   A booming bell echoed from the castle across the wet grounds, signalling the end of the lesson, and the class separated; the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors heading down the sloping lawn toward Hagrid's small wooden cabin, which stood on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
  The hour went reasonably fast and Selene found herself mixed within a crowd of Ravenclaws and Huffelpuffs in her year walking towards the Great Hall for lunch when suddenly a loud BANG! was heard and the group quickly rushed towards the loud noise. Selene pushed herself towards a wall, leaning against it and allowing her to get a good view of what was occurring.
  Professor Moody's wand was out and it was pointing right at a pure white ferret, which was shivering on the stone-flagged floor. There was a terrified silence in the entrance hall and Selene could only look at the scene in confusion. Nobody but Moody was moving a muscle.
  Moody turned to look at Harry Potter who Selene had now only realised seemed to be at the front of this mess ( but was she really surprised? no. ), looking completely shocked and confused. Moody's normal eye was looking at Harry; the other one was pointing into the back of his head.
   "Did he get you?" Moody growled. His voice was low and gravelly.
   "No," said Harry, "missed."
    Missed? What the hell—
   "LEAVE IT!" Moody shouted.
   "Leave — what?" Harry said, bewildered.
   "Not you — him!" Moody growled, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at Crabbe, a Slytherin in their year, who had just frozen, about to pick up the white ferret. It seemed that Moody's rolling eye was magical and could see out of the back of his head.
   Moody started to limp toward Crabbe, Goyle, and the ferret, which gave a terrified squeak and took off, streaking toward the dungeons. "I don't think so!" roared Moody, pointing his wand at the ferret again — it flew ten feet into the air, fell with a smack to the floor, and then bounced upward once more. Selene gasped.
   "I don't like people who attack when their opponent's back's turned," growled Moody as the ferret bounced higher and higher, squealing in pain. "Stinking, cowardly, scummy thing to do. . . ."
   The ferret flew through the air, its legs and tail flailing helplessly. "Never — do — that — again —" said Moody, speaking each word as the ferret hit the stone floor and bounced upward again. Selene wanted to intervene, finding it utterly disgusting that no one was doing anything
   "Professor Moody!" said a shocked voice. Professor McGonagall was coming down the marble staircase with her arms full of books.
   "Hello, Professor McGonagall," said Moody calmly, bouncing the ferret still higher.
   "What — what are you doing?" said Professor McGonagall, her eyes following the bouncing ferret's progress through the air.
   "Teaching," said Moody simply.
   "Teach — Moody, is that a student?" shrieked Professor McGonagall, the books spilling out of her arms.
   "Yep," said Moody.
  Oh, that makes sense. . . Selene felt like an idiot. And she probably looked like one at the way she was originally so concerned for the ferret.
   "No!" cried Professor McGonagall, running down the stairs and pulling out her wand; a moment later, with a loud snapping noise, Draco Malfoy had reappeared, lying in a heap on the floor with his sleek blond hair all over his now brilliantly pink face. He got to his feet, wincing.
  Yep, Selene now was happy she didn't intervene.
   "Moody, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment!" said Professor McGonagall weakly. "Surely Professor Dumbledore told you that?"
   "He might've mentioned it, yeah," said Moody, scratching his chin unconcernedly, "but I thought a good sharp shock —"
  "We give detentions, Moody! Or speak to the offender's Head of House!"
  "I'll do that, then," said Moody, staring at Malfoy with great dislike. Malfoy, whose pale eyes were still watering with pain and humiliation, looked up at Moody and muttered something in which the words "my father" were distinguishable.
   "Oh yeah?" said Moody quietly, limping forward a few steps, the dull clunk of his wooden leg echoing around the hall. "Well, I know your father of old, boy. . . . You tell him Moody's keeping a close eye on his son . . . you tell him that from me. . . . Now, your Head of House'll be Snape, will it?"  
  "Yes," said Malfoy resentfully.
   "Another old friend," growled Moody. "I've been looking forward to a chat with old Snape. . . . Come on, you. . . ." And he seized Malfoy's upper arm and marched him off toward the dungeons. Professor McGonagall stared anxiously after them for a few moments, then waved her wand at her fallen books, causing them to soar up into the air and back into her arms.
  Selene Freeman only stood still, still shocked at what she had just seen. Though, while she stood there for a moment trying to re-gain an understanding of where she was and what she was actually doing she overheard a very excited boy shout out loud;
  "Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret . . ."
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