Your fifth most recent emoji is what your soulmate thinks about you
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The Rad Trio!
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made this during my live stream today
audio credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxULeLzgqxI
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sibling fights protecting their uncles sometimes end. ..something wrong?
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Yknow I’m sure the option to “select your favorite blood type: A, AB, B, C, D” question is just another weird gag but I like the notion that Gaster, supergenius multidimensional monster, is still really confused by human anatomy and has no idea how blood works
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PART 1: PACIFIC FUTURE Fallen down. Into the madness we go.
please reblog (ノ﹏ヽ)
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Yall im about to be gone for a week, i might be on sometimes but no promises :P
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Because I’ve lost control of my life
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((HERE IS THE 900 FOLLOWER CELEBRATION POST!!! In appreciation of so many of you guys following me and sticking around, here is a full/complete story/premise of my new Undertale au! This au also has the role switches based on spinswap, but the story itself and character developments were carefully put together by me and with help of a friend with some parts of it.))
((Questions are welcome, and things will get complicated in certain parts, or a little confusing if you don’t read my Fun TOTC Facts posts.))
((This au is also one of the aus that will be involved in the TOTC Epilogue/Undertale Story as well since a character from the au will be extremely important to the plot of the story.))
                There isn’t that many alternate Papyruses out there, is there?
                                          Maybe…that will change….
                                          Rendering, one moment…. 
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        Ah, Reverie Papyrus… His full name being Gaioharmr, or Imago for short. Imago is no ordinary skeleton, nor is he a monster skeleton of the Undertale underground… he is a Skeleton Demon, a Overworld Skeleton Demon to be more precise. But he is a corrupted Skeleton Demons, a disfigured soul. As the more Bilhelm walks the Undertale multi-verse, the more his imprint infects the multi-verse. All though the multi-verse is not strong enough to replicate Bilhelm himself, oh, it will settle for the easier bits… his species… Skeleton Demons….
                                            The more Bilhelm stays, 
             the more the multi-verse will fully be connected and linked to 
                                                    The Unknown…
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                  The story begins with a wandering, young skeleton demon. 
    This young skelly sprout was once told never to wander too far into the forest on the outskirts of his home, as there is a cavern that leads into the roots of the mysterious mountain known as Mt. Ebott. Which not even the humans dare wander to in there surface, as the tales go all the same, one would disappear within the territory of the mountain… 
    Much to everyone’s dismay, and the adventurous soul of this skelly sprout, this warning and the tales slipped from his mind as he explored to his soul’s content.
                   He ran, without a care in the world, then… he fell down…
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    To no one’s surprise, the skelly sprout lives, or in other words, survived the fall. All skeleton Demons have the most durable bones with no one other to compare. However, the real surprise here was that he landed on a bed of golden flowers… in a place deeper than his own home…. a place where others lived… a society of monsters… the very monsters that were said to have been casted away by the humans a century ago… oh… but the real REAL surprise here is that someone was near that has seen the fallen skelly sprout.
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   Was this… another skeleton demon? No… their soul was unfamiliar and different. Different from those who were back home… What could be gathered was that this other young skeleton means no harm… Another skeleton who may have been roughly the same or a year older than the skelly sprout.
    One thing was certainly however, this other skeleton means no harm… as he helped the skelly sprout up from the soft bed of flowers, he would ask the skelly sprout…
                                           “Where did you come from??
     The skelly sprout did not answer… his home… is what he would have said. But for some reason… those words did not form, he didn’t know why… So, the skeleton asked another question…
        “What is your name? If you don’t mind me asking that question!! Sorry if asking you a skele-ton of questions isn’t helping you since you fell and all…”
    The skelly sprout giggles weakly at the pun, but manages to muster a answer for the other skeleton…
                                                 "My name is Imago…“
     "That’s a pretty cool name!!! My name is Sans! My moms would freak out if they saw you!! We never had anyone fall down here. Welcome to the Underground!!!”
     Despite everything, despite being far from home… never to return… this other skeleton seemed to be the only presence of home. The skelly sprout never had close friends, nor did he have any siblings… So it felt nice for someone around his age range to actually help him and be so friendly to him.
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    It did not take long until the skelly sprout was taken into the other Skeletons home. The castle of the Queens of the Underground. To no prevail, the queens were indeed shocked to their cores to see their young prince bring in another skeleton. There were no other Skeletons that existed in the Underground except the prince and his biological father, who was the lead royal scientist and San’s caretaker. At first, they did not believe the prince that this skelly sprout fallen from above. They thought that maybe there were other Skeleton monsters out there that they overlooked, and this monster tried to climb out from the Underground, and failed. 
    Seeing as the skelly sprout was indeed agreeing with the prince that what he was saying was true, Queen Undyne did not believe them and was getting rather frustrated. She assumed that this other skeleton was just another monster who was playing a trick on her son. Queen Alphys however, did not dismiss her son. She thought it was possible, so she called in Gaster to check the skelly sprout’s soul to prove this dispute.
    Dumbfounded, the queens and Gaster did not expect such a soul. As Imgo’s soul was not white, nor was it upside-down. It was right-side up with yellow and orange as his colors. The strange thing here is that his soul did not pump, as if it were not alive. This proves the dispute clearly, this skeleton is no monster. 
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    Oh… but that did not change the queens perception of the skelly sprout, as he was still a child… a very young child who was far, far away from home. There being no hope on the skelly sprout’s return to his home. The skelly was reluctant at first, he did not want to wear what the queens wanted him to wear to show he has any relation to the family. But the queens respected the skelly sprout’s delicious on this, as his own clothing was the only thing that came from his own home, along with the fact that if they are going to take him in, they must treat him as a son rather than property. It was only fair to let him wear what he wants and keep anything that reminds him of home. 
    Imago even let them call him by another name, as a thank you. They usually call him Papyrus, only using his real name in the more serious situations. 
    All in all, Imago was a part of the royal family of the Underground, now being the queens’ second son and prince’s brother. Unfortunately… Gaster has a difference perception of the skelly sprout, as he say him as something to study, research, experiment on. The skelly sprout did not like Gaster, with all his being, he did not like him one bit. When the queens noticed what Gaster was trying to do to Imago, Alphys ordered Gaster to cease his profession procedures as a scientist when in the presence of the skelly sprout, only act in the procedures as a caretaker when around the skelly sprout. 
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    Once the two Skeletons began to grow slightly older, their magic became more apparent. All monsters have magic. Since Sans was made by Gaster, his magic was rather strong on its own with little effort…. however… Imago’s magic was… different… it may have been stronger than any other monster’s, even the prince’s. As his magic did not stay in one category of magic,  it was very interchangeable since Skeleton Demon magic is diverse, perfect/signature Skeleton Demon magic for the individual skeleton demon can only be discovered if they kept using their magic to find that perfecter/signature category to use most. Yet… due to Imago not having any other skeleton demon help properly teach, practice, and discover his magics, Imago simply went on to use whatever magic that he may muster to see what the outcomes and results occur himself. All the monsters, the queens, and sans were astonished and in joy of what Imago can do. Never did it ever cross their minds that his magic variety would pose as a threat, that is… until Gaster saw this as both an opportunity and a threat.
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     Gaster brought up the perspective that Imago’s magic could potentially be dangerous to the royal family and the Underground. The queens were not entirely convinced, especially Undyne, as she found that her son’s magic to have more benefits to the kingdom than anything. It took a long royal conference to finally convince her, but she finally allowed Gaster to make something that would essentially lower Imgo’s magic and “protect” the Underground.
    As expected, Imago and Sans were not happy with this decision. Without any delay, Gaster took Imago away and into the lab. It was only a matter of weeks until Gaster finally make the “solution to the problem”… gloves… but these gloves were made with fabric material that came far from the Underground… fabric that eases magic to be weaker than the original state of the wearer’s magic. To make sure Imago could not take them off, he enforced gold cuffs to his wrists and the gloves, rendering it impossible to simply take off the gloves. Imago was devastated… like something that was a part of him was painfully ripped away from him. From here, Imago’s hatred grew more towards Gaster.
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    To little to no prevail, Sans was thrilled to see Imago come back after such period of time. Upon seeing the gloves and Imago’s emotions however, Sans knew that his magic was no longer able to be in easily accessible use. Along with the fact that having your own magic taken from you is among the worse things that can happen to anyone in the Underground. Sans had empathy, he felt hurt from his brother’s loss and pain. But… that did not stop Sans from figuring out a way to make his own brother happy during this time of need. Even though Imago could not use most of his magic, he knew there was some magic he could still use, that being his very whimsical leaps that can send him flying high and down with grace. So, the prince took it upon himself to kind the best shoes in the kingdom, and once he did, he gifted them to Imago. This gift meant the world to Imago, not only do they feel comfortable for landings, but they were from his most beloved and trusted person, his brother. He cherished them with all his soul, and from that day would always do so.
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    Oh… When it all seemed calm and peaceful… Something came up… it was all sudden…
   Gaster had the idea, a train of thought, that since his creation, his son, had more apparent magic it was finally time to put that magic to the test. He wanted to see what his creation was capable of, push him to his limits. He took sans from the castle for the day, the queens didn’t have to allow it since Sans is his biological father, so Imago didn’t know where his brother had gone for the day.
   Sans was painstakingly pushed on and on to use his magic, pushed to use all of his magic to see the power of it all. He was powerful, but not powerful enough… he was pushed beyond his limit to finally show the power his father was looking for…. but… it took so much out of his the prince’s soul…so much that it made the prince fall ill afterwards. 
    It was easy to lie to the queens, his excuse being that Sans was already sick and that’s why he took him to his lab early that same day. Imago… Imago instinctively knew Gaster was lying. ALL Skeleton Demons can see through all souls, and Gaster’s soul was rotten… he was lying… he did this to his brother. 
    Oh, how Imago’s hatred grew more and more and more and more and more….
     It was then when Imago decided to sneak out into the lab, his hatred grew into destructive behavior as he bashed and destroyed the lab machinery and equipment with his bare bones. That us until he found something… books…. these books didn’t seem to be from the Underground however… they were different… The way they were crafter, so perfectly, the writing was more professional than any other writer of the Underground. A book on Skeleton Demons, they’re myths histories, and inner workings. With the book was also research from Gaster, confirming how Imago was a Skeleton Demon and what he gathered from him all these years. Upon reading he book and the research… Imago finds our on his own that he could have been able to save his own brother, cure him of his sickness. Oh how he wanted those gloves off now, he wanted them off, but… he couldn’t get them off… he just cries into them in defeat. But that hatred… His Hatred… it grew monstrous… his instincts were to kill Gaster…
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    The next day… it was the royal feasting. A gathering of the kingdom where everyone eats together in a harmonious celebration. Imago was not hungry however…. he had his sights on another game… The queens, Imago, gaster, and the royal gaurds were sat at their own table that faced the other tables that the kingdom’s people sat upon. After a speech from the queens, and when everyone is settled with their own pick of drinks and food, Imago waited. Gaster only got a single cup of tea… when Gaster left his tea unattended for a moment, Imago took the opportunity to taint the tea with poison. After a few minutes of Gaster’s first sip of the tea, the poison eventually kicked in, killing Gaster slowly and painfully. Alphys tried room come to Gaster’s aid, but he dies anyway… as she did not know what was wrong until he finally dies and dusts. Imago watched it all, not in horror, but in terrifying and twisted satisfactory and joy. No one noticed Imago reacting this way.
    Queen Undyne was furious, this was no accident. It was murder, a assassination to her… everyone in the castle were frightened, but also outraged from this incident. They all knew… they knew that upon killing the head royal scientist, the prince would die… as Gaster was the only one that knew how to cure his own creation… This realization then came to Imago. He didn’t want to accept this… but it eventually sunk in when he realized his brother isn’t getting better… after months of still being ill… the prince was only getting worse… he was dying… slowly.
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                           The Final Day… Their Final Day… His Final Day…
    Imago, being a Skeleton Demon, knew that his brother wasn’t going to make it… Skeleton Demons knew when souls were going to die… Imago knew that today was going to be the day that his brother will be the taking his final breaths… It was only a matter of time. But… Imago could not bare the loss of his brother, not now, not today, not the next, and… not ever. Since Imago was not raised long enough in his own home, he would have been more accepting that his brother was soon passing away… but having been raised in a home that was not his own…. Death was not accepted… He didn’t want his brother to go… and he was ready to risk his life in keeping him alive… 
   But having he guilt that he killed Gaster, and it being his fault that he killed the only person that could have helped his brother in the first place… it weighed him down. He did not regret killing gaster, but indirectly killing his brother is what ate him up from the inside out… it was his fault that Sans didn’t get better… while he plans to save his brother, he also plans to justify himself…
    Imago picked up his dying brother from his bed, and began making his way out of the castle. The queens were at the lab, desperately trying to help assist on creating a cure for their son. So they would not be able to witness nor stop what was going to happen next…
   Once those castle doors opened, revealing only the skeleton demon holding his brother in his arms at the top steps into the castle, it caught the attention of every monster of the kingdom….
                                            It was that Imago wanted…
                               Then… he opened his jaws, and confessed.
                  “I Killed W. D. Gaster. I poisoned the royal lead scientist, our caretaker… I am the reason why your prince will not be able to live tomorrow… I am the reason         why he is not healthy and well today… Do as you must, as all of you are the                                       only ones to put my actions to judgement…”
    Everyone of the kingdom… we’re outraged… they were all filled with hatred for Imago…. he did this, he did that…… it was all his fault…. he is not monster… he is an abomination from hell… a demon from the heavens…. a demon of death….
    Imago accepted all the insults and words, as he began to walk down those steps and into the raging, violent crowd. He didn’t care what he did to him, as long as they let him walk to his location, and let him carry his dying brother in his arms. 
    As he walked, he simply looks down at his brother has he walked into the crowd, which the crowd was now brutally beating Imago as he continued to walk and watch as his resting brother gave raspy breaths. One of these brutal blows ended up damaging and knocking Imago’s head back away from the sight of his brother. He was a deep claw slash to the skull… his blood…. he bled sunflowers and Goldflowers…despite letting them all reduce imago to low health….he could not die….but his soul slowly shatters……. his head straightens up and back to his brother… Imago could no longer see his brother, but he could still feel that he was still holding him… as long as he hasn’t dusted yet… until he gets to the final location… everything will be just fine…. just perfect… he had been in the Underground long enough to remember where the location was without having to see… he knew he was still going the right way…
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    They Reached it… they finally reached it… the crowd was gone… it was only Him and his brother…. the flowerbed… the same flowerbed where they first met… the flowerbed where the sky of the surface can peak through….
    Imago gracefully fell to his knees with Sans in his arms… it was finally time… this was it… 
    Sans slowly and weakly opened his eyes, to see the sky that peaked through e Underground, the flowers…. and then up to his brother… Imago couldn’t see it, but sans smiled at Imago before he began to turn to dust. Imago can feel the Sans begin to dust… his gloved hands began to tremble and his sockets produced tears… he doesn’t want him to go…. no… his fingertips..his claws… now that he was older… his claws were sharp enough to tear open the tips of the glove… so, he gripped what was sans tightly enough that it tore the gloves… then Imago gave it his all into using his magic to save his brother… it almost seemed too late… as sans complete dusted and Imago could no longer feel his brother in his arms. But… he sensed that his soul was still there, it was working… he kept using his magic, but the strain… the strain on his own soul that was shattering… it was going to give in… so Imago gave it his all to make sure his brother’s soul did not dust…
    Upon doing so… Sans’ soul remained to be alive… but Imago’s soul bursted… his body, his bones… became a lifeless shell…inanimate… 
    Soon after that, the queens and the new lead scientist found Imago after what they have heard… despite what Imago has done, he was still their son… however, the queens did not notice Sans’ soul… the lead scientist takes it before it could be discovered… 
                                   The Queens lost two children that day… 
    They would have prepared two different types of funerals, but they only could                                                            prepare one…  
                                        as Imago’s remains disappeared…
                  They assumed he dusted too… but that is far from the truth…
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Doodles of Insane Blueberry
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Sorry- @back-at-her-stupid :p
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* whomst’d’ve'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies’s'y'es
[Ko-fi] [Patreon]
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something wholesome i had to draw
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i drew this in 2016 and totally forgot about it
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Some silly doodles!
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Gaster!Frisk by @yugogeer012
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