bacteriorage · 23 days
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bacteriorage · 2 months
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Can you watch them while i go smoke
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bacteriorage · 4 months
tell me a worm fact please
earthworms don't survive if you cut them in half, but a lot of flatworms do! check THIS shit out:
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any and all sections you cut off this planarian will just become their own new complete worm!!!!!
it's actually kind of surprising just how diverse "worms" are. there's SO many worm-shaped animals out there in every kind of environment, and they keep re-evolving in unrelated lineages. it's an extremely efficient body plan... the high surface-area-to-volume ratio means you can be highly mobile and even absorb your oxygen/food directly from your environment without needing to spend a lot of that o2 and energy on yourself!
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bacteriorage · 5 months
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bacteriorage · 5 months
currently thinking about bacteriophages
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(yes those are all real photos of them)
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little alien robot guys that inject their dna into bacteria in order to hijack their replication systems to generate more phages until the bacteria fucking Explode and release them everywhere
theyre also highly specialized and efficient at doing their job, and if you had a lethal bacterial infection, scientists are working on a cure by injecting you with bacteriophages (sounds like a bad idea but trust me it works) who only target the harmful bacteria!
silly lil friends :)
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bacteriorage · 5 months
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bacteriorage · 6 months
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It is too big to be in my area of expertise, but I'm pretty sure it's a radiolarian shell/skeleton. They are made of silica and very cool. Not sure though!
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bacteriorage · 6 months
Rating: NOT bacteriophage
Viruses are in the range of 25-200nm long. Tardigrades are about 500,000nm long.
All bacteriophages are pretty much the same shape, which is not a conical shape. They have a capsid, sheath and fibres, none of which are conical.
Bacteriophages are not hollow, and do not have holes in.
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bacteriorage · 7 months
Appall and scorn ripped through scientists' social media networks Thursday as several egregiously bad AI-generated figures circulated from a peer-reviewed article recently published in a reputable journal. Those figures—which the authors acknowledge in the article's text were made by Midjourney—are all uninterpretable. They contain gibberish text and, most strikingly, one includes an image of a rat with grotesquely large and bizarre genitals, as well as a text label of "dck." On Thursday, the publisher of the review article, Frontiers, posted an "expression of concern," noting that it is aware of concerns regarding the published piece. "An investigation is currently being conducted and this notice will be updated accordingly after the investigation concludes," the publisher wrote. The article in question is titled "Cellular functions of spermatogonial stem cells in relation to JAK/STAT signaling pathway," which was authored by three researchers in China, including the corresponding author Dingjun Hao of Xi’an Honghui Hospital. It was published online Tuesday in the journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.
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bacteriorage · 7 months
Appall and scorn ripped through scientists' social media networks Thursday as several egregiously bad AI-generated figures circulated from a peer-reviewed article recently published in a reputable journal. Those figures—which the authors acknowledge in the article's text were made by Midjourney—are all uninterpretable. They contain gibberish text and, most strikingly, one includes an image of a rat with grotesquely large and bizarre genitals, as well as a text label of "dck." On Thursday, the publisher of the review article, Frontiers, posted an "expression of concern," noting that it is aware of concerns regarding the published piece. "An investigation is currently being conducted and this notice will be updated accordingly after the investigation concludes," the publisher wrote. The article in question is titled "Cellular functions of spermatogonial stem cells in relation to JAK/STAT signaling pathway," which was authored by three researchers in China, including the corresponding author Dingjun Hao of Xi’an Honghui Hospital. It was published online Tuesday in the journal Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology.
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bacteriorage · 8 months
"Culinary students will literally have a spaghetti due at 8" "Art students will literally turn in some shapes at the end of the week" Well I have 40 insects due next month. If you even care.
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bacteriorage · 8 months
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one of the best academic paper titles
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bacteriorage · 8 months
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bacteriorage · 8 months
"Blorbo from my shows" no. Blorbo from my BA. Blorbo from my major. Blorbo from my primary source document.
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bacteriorage · 9 months
Ok y’all brace yourselves cuz I just learned about a new animal
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Yes, that is an animal. Yes, scientists refer to it as the purple sock worm. No, that’s not it’s real name, silly, it’s real name is Xenoturbella!
When these deep-sea socks were first discovered, no one knew what the fuck they were looking at (and, really, can you blame them?). They have no eyes, brains, or digestive tracts. They are literally just a bag of wet slop. DNA analysis initially seemed to indicate that they were related to mollusks, until the scientists realized that DNA sample was from the clams they had recently eaten (yes, they can eat with no organs. We don’t know how.)
Scientists then analyzed the data again and tentatively placed them in the group that includes acorn worms, saying that their ancestors probably had eyes, brains, and organs, but simplified as a response to their deep sea ecosystems.
Later DNA testing has since shown that they are their own thing! Xenoturbella, along with another simple and problematic to place creature called acoelomorphs, belong to their own phylum called Xenacelomorpha! This places them as the sister group to all bilateral animals. So, they just never evolved brains, eyes, or organs. They are a glimpse at a very primitive form of animal that never bothered to change, because apparently what they do works. Rock on, purple sock worm.
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bacteriorage · 9 months
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bacteriorage · 10 months
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Glass gem from our allotment. This brilliant piece of First Nations bioengineering is available from Real Seeds in the UK. Ideally, saving and planting this heirloom seed for several generations will establish a strain suited to the UK’s growing conditions, and resilient to the changing climate more generally.
I had a lot of dreams for the allotment this year, but struggled with all my commitments. I get really hard on myself, as if it should be possible to get perfect grades in plantcraft, parenting, career, housekeeping and about 500 different hobbies - this is obviously bonkers of me. This poor neglected corn languished on the patio and wasn’t planted out until absurdly late in the year, and I blamed myself, put my dreams away and resigned myself to not having a single ear of glassy gemstone popping corn.
But the seasons shifted mild where I am, and this year I was forgiven. And given a great gift.
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