badassladybug · 2 years
Art commissions coming soon!
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badassladybug · 3 years
Is Maya’s last name REALLY Allison? ;)
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badassladybug · 3 years
Bc the sound was blocked on my tiktok, here you go!
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badassladybug · 3 years
Bc the sound was blocked on my tiktok, here you go!
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badassladybug · 3 years
Below this post in my content is my OC’s backstory. I really hope you enjoy!
If you’re confused about the development of Akida’s story, she’s basically corrupted by William’s twisted ideology therefore goes from being a cop to a criminal to a corrupt god. If my account can get enough attention I can share more in depth about those characters and the universe created around them! Forgive me if it was short-..I mean it is a summary lol.
Thank you!
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badassladybug · 3 years
Hi!! I thought maybe it’d be nice if I shared my OC’s backstory after one of my oc comments from tiktok got a lot of likes! So.. enjoy!
Story and OC by: badassladybug
Tiktok: @badass_ladybug
“Dearest, Akida”
Akida got the university assignment, she was more than ready. She’d been under her father’s watchful eye since she was sixteen. There was word that a suspect of recent murders went to Highland University, under a false identity.
After weeks of going undercover, her roommate didn’t speak to her often. Nor did she know her name. Till Akida walked into her room when she was gone, suspicious of her recent behavior. There she’d found someone tied up, with wounds in their neck. Shortly after this discovery her roommate walked in on her, it was then every inch of her skin was crawling as she pointed her gun at her.
She got on the floor. “You caught me Akida, congratulations”. Akida stepped on her chest as she got out handcuffs, it was then her roommate took her knife out of her pocket and jabbed it into Akida’s leg. Akida had fallen back, trying to hold back the pain she felt as her gun dropped from out of reach.
“My name is Maya Alison”. She looked at Akida. She tried to reach for her gun but Maya kicked her in the face. “You have two options sweets, ethier I can cut you open and run away before the units come. Or you can come with me and leave your life behind”.
She had no chance of survival if she’d say no. The very faint sound of sirens could be heard. Akida hesitated, but without a choice she nodded. Maya then bandaged her up, they were off. Sneaking out from the roof.
After hours Akida found herself at an apartment complex, Maya invited her in. “You can stay with us, I trust you. You seem weary of your limits” Maya grinned. Akida had no idea of what was to come till they walked in. She was instantly nervous.
A tall slender man had sat in a chair by the window, he had brown messy hair and purple sparkling eyes. He seemed to be in his forties, he smiled. “Hello, Akida”. He turned around.
Her heart sank as her stomach twisted. “William Allison.. you’re the one who shot down my brother..” She clenched her fists, she’d been told by Maya to leave her gun or she’d be killed on the spot.
Maya stepped back, and put her hand on Akida’s shoulder. “Get used to it Akida”.
Akida studied William, his grin was one of a human whose skin had been stripped of his scruples. She shivered. She looked over to see another man with dirty blonde hair. “Don’t mind him, I’m Henry!” He’d smile cheerfully.
It been months with her staying with them. William’s behavior had gotten stranger around Akida. He’d study her, frequently. Till one day Maya and Henry had to go run errands.
It was about twenty minutes after they left. William snuck up on Akida as she was reading a book. Clunk. She found herself waking up, tied to a chair with “Chains?” She thought as she looked up to see William sitting in front of her. “Sleep well Akida? I put one of my pills in your water” he held up a bottle.
“What?! Wait, so you drugged me? Why?! I swear to god you better let me go” she tried to get out of the chains. He shook his head. “Awh, my dearest Akida..how naïve you are.. I want to teach you a lesson”. He held up his knife. “Listen..” he hushed her before she could say anything.
“Do you know why I do what I do? Why we do what we do?”. Akida shook her head. “I’ll help you understand..”. “See, we all have our reasons. Weather it was betrayal or we got bored of just hunting animals..”. “For me, it made me realize I was capable of getting what I want”. “So time in jail?-“ Akida glared. He laughed “I’ve never been caught, people are lazy. They give up after awhile”. “You’ll understand soon enough, you’ll need these” he’d set the bottle on the ground.
“I was hurt a lot…I saw things nobody else did”. Akida winced has his knife found its way to her arm. “Pain makes you stronger, it makes you realize things, the death of your brother only pushed you harder I see..”. Blood dripped from her arm as she looked at him with terror in her eyes. He proceed to slightly cut her neck, then her legs. The pills seemed to have made her hyper aware, it hurt like hell.
The things he’d continue to do to her were unbearable, but he eventually made her shut up. To hide the evidence he made her wear sweatshirts or long sleeves, promising she’d understand as he told her stories. What was worry some is he meant well.
Maya would always cameback to Akida passed out on the couch. She just thought she was always tired. Till one night a month or so later...
Akida had woken up from a grueling nightmare. She walked into the bathroom and look in the mirror, noticing her hair, the brown tips had faded to a dark purple. She often started to have trouble sleeping.
She looked in the mirror confused. Her mind was racing.. probably from the nightmare. Maya had knocked, “Akida are you okay in there?”. There was silence, she leaned against the wall in tears. Maya got worried after no response, she walked in.
“Are you alright?” Maya saw the fresh cuts and scars. “Akida?!” Maya sat in front of her. “What happened?!”.
Maya noticed the hair, but brushed it off as dye. “What are all these cuts?”. She looked up at Maya, with a pleading look. “William..” she passed out, her arms unfolded and the bottle fell from her hands.
By morning Akida woke up to her hair completely purple and the screaming and fighting between William and Maya.
Eventually as time went on Akida began to understand the point William was trying to make, but she hated him for it.
Aside from that she began to have breakdowns. A few months after the incident she gained a reputation of her own. Her identity was revealed to the police when he came across her father. The police were crushed.. depressed by the fact even one of their best, were dragged down by corruption.
She’d eventually went on to be engaged to Maya as they continued. Years later she clicked, stopped taking the pills, made new ‘friends’ that nobody else seemed to see and met the rest of Maya’s family. She met Elizabeth and Chris who were brother and sister who were adopted by William. Her ‘friends’ names were Adeline, Lox, Lester, Elelix and Petra. They were her demons. Lox was the demon of hatred, Elelix was the gatekeeper of her mind, Petra was a bitch, Adeline was the demon of innocence, and Lester was the demon of lust. Terrance, Maya’s brother eventually expanded on William’s idea. She eventually made it her own.
She long waited to be free of the hell that was built up in her head.
Her eyes had changed overtime, then eventually her skin. Her desires swallowed her whole. The cycle of denial had broken. All of the things she did in that time, all of the pent up feelings, she told them all what she’d been thinking about. The adrenaline rush she always felt.
Needless to say, William was proud. Everyone else was heartbroken. Eventually Akida killed herself after losing her mind. Maya and everyone else broke apart.
It wasn’t till a few months later, Maya and everyone else were sitting in the living room of their new house, doing their own thing. The silence was eerie every time they didn’t talk.
A faint whisper could be heard. “Help me”. Various whispers were heard in the course of a hour. Till the image of Akida and her long pointy horns had faintly shown. Everyone was in disbelief after figuring it out.
Eventually Akida’s image solidified, appearing in the floor of the living room. “Akida..?” Maya stood up, getting ready to hug Akida. Her demons had also physically comeback, but simply were restrained in her mind.
Akida looked up, slightly delirious, she was. She was in an emotional roller coaster. Maya looked at her confused. “I’ve seen the worst of it, I’m afraid I have to go.. I don’t belong here..” Maya slapped her in tears. “What do you mean you don’t belong here?! How long will it take you to see what I see?!”. “Forgive me..love..” Akida kissed her. Maya stormed out in tears. Lox opened what looked like a worm hole. “We have to go”. With a smile, she left them alone in the house.. all there was, was a silence..a painful one. Akida had done all she could to protect them, she knew what she had to do.
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badassladybug · 3 years
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“Time passes too quick..”
Yes..theres lore behind my art lol
Please don’t repost without permission!!! ❤️
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badassladybug · 3 years
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“Dearest Akida”
Please don’t repost without permission!
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badassladybug · 3 years
Hello tumblr! Meet my oc, “Akida” 😊
Please don’t repost without permission!
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