badaxefamily · 2 hours
Sea turtle launches attacks on a scuba diver cleaning his tank only to be foiled time and time again.
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badaxefamily · 7 hours
No in between. Reblog if you vote pleas
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badaxefamily · 7 hours
More people will think DMs out of nowhere are rude, than those who will think follows are rude. Tumblr is more like an open forum of the old days than Facebook.
So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????
I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.
Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?
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badaxefamily · 14 hours
Re: the post I just reblogged, for a long time I tried to be an "acceptable disabled person". I have been trying to unlearn that behavior, as it's detrimental to my health and wellbeing.
I'll carry my cane if I want to, and I won't make a show of using it "correctly" when I walk because I don't need it for walking, I need it for standing. Walking doesn't hurt that much but standing does. So I'll lean on things and sit wherever there's a place to do so.
I wear a KN95 everywhere because I don't want to waste time and energy with a cold, and also my sense of smell has gone crazy in recent years and I can smell people's perfume from a long way away and hate it. The mask helps with that.
The self checkout machines at the grocery store sometimes decide it's shouting day and make a ton of noise. I just pop in my neon orange earplugs and go about my business.
I don't have the resources to accommodate abled people, they're being used up accommodating myself.
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badaxefamily · 14 hours
"low support needs disabled people are often not believed to have a disability at all and therefore struggle to get accommodations."
"high support needs disabled people's accommodations are often seen as 'too much' and therefore are not met."
"neurodivergent people's needs are often dismissed because nothing is physically wrong with them."
"physically disabled people people often cannot physically access buildings and people refuse to do anything about it."
"invisibly disabled people are seen as lazy by society."
"visibly disabled people are ostracized from society."
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badaxefamily · 14 hours
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badaxefamily · 1 day
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badaxefamily · 2 days
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badaxefamily · 2 days
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… why does this dragon have armoured tits
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badaxefamily · 3 days
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badaxefamily · 3 days
whenever i threaten violence just remember i'm 4'11" and get excited about colors and sunlight and trees
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badaxefamily · 3 days
you know the drill sooo reblog pls.
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badaxefamily · 3 days
Depends on what you mean by snow. I don't have constant interference, but there are times when my brain isn't processing all the data. That isn't a visible thing, like dots, and it's not like parts of my vision are black. It's just not there, like the Nothing in Neverending Story. Does that count? I also have floaters and my vision will start to black out if I forgot my salt that day and stand up too fast but I don't think that's what's being referred to.
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badaxefamily · 3 days
I mean, BMI was made up by some guy (not a doctor) who was into eugenics so
im glad you've figured out the boob situationTM, but i must say that i was stopped in my fucking tracks when you mentioned both that you're 135 pounds and that youve had doctors say you need to loose weight. 135 pounds?!? if one ever needed a clearer example of how america's medical institutions are obsessed with weight over the actual health and vital signs of the patient, that'd be the perfect case, because what person weighing 135 pounds needs to LOSE WEIGHT? no one needs to loose weight as much as they just need to exercise for general health, but people at that weight especially don't need to. they fucking shouldn't.
what, are they working under the assumption that your muscles can't fuck you up further if you're just skin and bones instead? some goddamn doctors, man.
Mmm. It's unfortuantely not limited to the US healthcare system. I grew up in the UK, and I've got pretty strong memories of always being told to lose weight even when I was at my absolute lightest so I'd be at the "better" end of the BMI scale.
Because of this, back when I first moved to the US 10 years ago, I weighed about 120-ish lbs soaking wet, and the first doctor I saw looked at me over the top of her glasses, tsked, and told me that based on my BMI I should aim to be 5lbs lighter for optimal health and that "extra" 5lbs was why I had acid reflux.
(Spoiler alert: even when I rapidly dropped 30lbs last year due to a medical complication, I still had acid fucking reflux.)
I'm so, so thankful now that core providers of my healthcare team think BMI is bullshit because, holy fuck, it it bullshit.
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badaxefamily · 3 days
Those machines tell them how much your tatas WEIGH?? Aw man I coulda known that? I turned 40 recently so I had my first mammo based on age, and then I had another one because they usually find something wonky on a first scan and have you do another one to make sure everything's ok (it was). But neither time did they mention that I could know how much the girls weigh! I'm so disappointed.
Had a 'fun' new experience today in the form of my first ever mammogram because I found a lump on my chest a few weeks ago, and when you find a lump, you get that shit checked out.
Ironically, the lump I went to get investigated turned out to be nothing, likely just a cyst that made its way to the surface, but they did find something else on the scan that requires me to do a follow-up ultrasound in six months. The doctor stressed that it is most likely a fibroid, but given my family history of breast cancer and general weird health fuckery, they're being vigilant and keeping an eye on it.
The mammogram itself was fine. The technician doing it kept complimenting me on the "pliable" nature of my breast tissue and how easy it was to smoosh me into the machine. I was like thanks, I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome; my body is basically made of only slightly more reinforced laffy taffy.
She said, "That explains that," and then proceeded to smush my tits into a pancake. Apparently, they were the most compliant tits she's worked with. I said thank you because what else can you do in that situation. And then she asked me if I wanted to know how much they weighed, and I said boy, do I?!
So she started reading off the results and was like, "17.7 lbs," and I was like, gosh, no wonder they feel so heavy, and then she kept talking and said, "And the other one weighs..."
And that's when I realized she didn't mean total.
She meant one boob was 17.7lbs.
So in case you've ever wanted to know, my right boob weighs 17.7 lbs, and my left one weighs 17.3 lbs, bringing the grand weight hanging off my chest to an even 35 lbs.
The tech was like "gosh! That's a lot for someone of your size!" and I was like "ya fucking think?!"
For a frame of reference, I weigh 136 lbs total. One-quarter of my weight is tits.
I am one-quarter titty.
And I'm telling that to the next doctor who suggests I lose weight.
Anyway. Remember to do regular breast exams, and don't be afraid of mammograms. Yes, they're checking for cancer, but they also tell you fun things like how much your chest weighs and whether or not your boobs are compliant.
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badaxefamily · 3 days
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badaxefamily · 4 days
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You worry too much.
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